MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 513: The Flying Monkey King

"Okay, let's ignore those people! I wanted to pull you over to fight the boss!" Zhang Yang laughed, and pointed at the Flying Monkey King in front of him, "That's it!"

"Huh? Profound Spirit-level boss!" The two women exclaimed at the same time.

After entering the Realm of Chaos, although they have seen many big bosses, even the phantom-level black dragon Zhang Yang was lucky enough to kill one of them, but most of them are purple-gold-level bosses, and Xuanling-level bosses have not been seen. How many!

"Siyu, can you stand it?" Han Yingxue said worriedly.

After all, her healing ability has been forcibly weakened by one-third by the system now, and Zhang Yang also lacks the blood recovery skill of fury recovery, the higher the upper limit of health, the more buggy it is. Their equipment hasn't been improved much, and it's really hard to feel that there is no chance of winning with a lineup of three to fight the top boss of this map. [

Zhang Yang smirked, gave her an ambiguous look, and said, "Don't you know my strengths and weaknesses, so you can't stand it?"

How could Han Yingxue not understand the meaning of Zhang Yang's words, not to mention that she already has a physical relationship with Zhang Yang, she is a witch who charms the world, how could she be afraid of her lover, she winked like water, and said: "Husband, I seem to want to I want it!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help shivering. Last night he was almost squeezed dry by the two women, and now he still has lingering fears. He broke out in a cold sweat when he heard words like "I want to," and "I want to."

"Sister, anemia warrior, what are you two chattering about!" Wei Yan'er said impatiently, she was playing rock-paper-scissors with Fei Ling, and she lost every time, which made the little girl extremely depressed.

"It's okay, let's cool off, kid!" Zhang Yang pulled out his sword and shield, jumped onto the flying snake, and said, "We're going to start the boss! Be careful to spread out, the boss's summoning thunder will hit all of you, little girl, stay away from me! "

"Tch, you smell bad all over, this lady doesn't want to get close to you!" Wei Yan'er snorted.

As expected of the most innocent little girl, Fei Ling quickly argued for Zhang Yang: "Brother doesn't stink at all! You are not allowed to insult brother!"

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and said: "Xiao Feiling don't pay attention to her, this little girl likes to be mischievous when she's still young!"


Wei Yan'er was so angry that she screamed, but seeing that Zhang Yang had already patted Xiaobai and rushed up to open the boss, she had no choice but to vent her anger on the boss.

"Squeak! Squeak!" The Flying Monkey King discovered Zhang Yang's intrusion, and immediately swung his stick to sweep it out. A gust of wind blew out, and the surrounding air was stirred up into whirlpools, showing the power of the boss's stick. !


Zhang Yang held up his shield to meet each other, and the shield and stick hit each other. There was a loud bang. His whole body and the flying snake on his body were forced down from the air by the boss, and hit the ground heavily, shaking the flying snake two times. Eyes staring straight at the stars!


Although the boss will not intentionally use auxiliary attacks, but because he is born with a strength far superior to the player, every hit is accompanied by violent power, which has the effect of auxiliary attacks unintentionally! At the beginning, the player was also inspired to develop the "heresy" of assisting attacks because he was repeatedly beaten by the boss, and finally carried forward.

Zhang Yang quickly swung his sword to fight back, he was a tank, so he had to react quickly, especially when the hatred was just beginning to build up! Otherwise, when this girl Wei Yan'er goes crazy, she doesn't care about hatred or not, she just wants to have a good time, and it's no wonder that she doesn't get beaten to death by the boss! -

There are 39!

He naturally started with broken armor, the boss's armor value was as high as 5200 points, if Wei Yan'er didn't have armor, at least half of Wei Yan'er's attack power would be wasted even with a two-handed weapon!

The little girl is used to cooperating with Zhang Yang, and she cooperated with him to put on the broken armor first, and in just two or three seconds, she put on five layers of broken armor. In fact, the boss only has 2600 armor left, and for the one with Hawkeye As far as Zhang Yang is concerned, the boss has already been "naked and naked"-[


Zhang Yang swung his sword, causing nearly 7000 points of damage to the boss, which surprised Han Yingxue and Wei Yan'er. Although I heard him talk about the God of War inheritance before, but that was only heard by the ears, which is not as shocking as seeing it with the eyes!

Wei Yan'er screamed strangely, and said: "Anemia warrior, I can only do 8000 points of damage when I chop it with an axe, you bully people!"

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "I just have a passive skill that increases damage by 50%. Look at Fei Ling, she's amazing!"

While speaking, Fei Ling slammed the flames and splashed a spark on the boss's body, causing 21052 points of damage!

Wei Yan'er burst into tears. In the team, although her attack output is not the first, but because she is holding a two-handed weapon, in terms of the value of a single attack, it is within reach! But Xiao Feiling threw a few fireballs casually and it cost 20,000 to 20,000, which made her lose her temper at all!

"Wow, it turns out that being perverted is so powerful! Anemia warrior quickly help me get an inheritance job, I want to be perverted too!"

This girl!

Zhang Yangyu shook his head and said, "I happen to have a vampire inheritance fragment on me, you can take it! Or, there is also a flame monk's inheritance!"

Wei Yan'er immediately became dissatisfied, and said: "Anemia warrior, you are too stingy, and the b-level inheritance is also kind enough to give away! She is also your sister-in-law, and others say that half of her sister-in-law belongs to her brother-in-law, so she is also your woman." Oh, how can you be so stingy with your own woman, if you can't get an S-level inheritance, you have to give a S-level inheritance anyway!"

The little girl's words are amazing and endless!

Zhang Yang was sweating profusely, while Han Yingxue was trembling with laughter, only Wei Yan'er was still acting cute, not knowing what shocking words she said, which would make Zhang Yang's face tangle up.

"You're fighting the boss, be serious!" Zhang Yang had no choice but to lift the boss out to suppress him.


Right at this time, the boss also hit Zhang Yang's head with a stick, and a golden light overflowed from the iron stick, showing that this stick was not an ordinary attack.

A stick to the sky! -


Zhang Yang's parry skill is still cooling down, so he can only raise his shield to take this attack! In the case that the grid file cannot be activated, actually raising the shield to protect oneself will not reduce the damage received, but it can effectively protect the face, so as not to be smashed by the boss, which looks too miserable at first. Second, it is more likely to damage the mouth or throat, resulting in inability to take "medicine"!

Han Yingxue quickly threw various healing spells on Zhang Yang, patted her plump breasts, and said, "Siyu, it's fortunate that you now have 20% more passive damage immunity, otherwise I really can't afford your blood." quantity!"

Zhang Yang nodded, the healing profession was weakened, but the strength of the boss was not reduced at all, which naturally made the healing very tight! If he hadn't obtained the God of War inheritance, which gave him an additional 20% passive immunity, Han Yingxue would be useless even if he was exhausted!

Of course, if it wasn't because he got the God of War inheritance, the healing wouldn't be weakened, and the rage recovery wouldn't be removed either! However, the inheritance will always be obtained by the player, it's just that the time is sooner or later.

The attack of the Flying Monkey King was like a violent storm, the iron rod was waving, the strong wind roared, and the aftermath rippled. The strong wind was like a nine-level hurricane, causing the surrounding trees to bow their heads and bend their backs. Even the waterfall next to it seemed unable to bear it , the water flow was deflected by two or three feet by the strong wind! [

"Anemia warrior, don't you have the ability to tame wild beasts? Capture this boss as a pet, no, not as a pet, but as an apprentice! Then name it Sun Xingzhe, hehe, you will become Tang Monk , um, Xiaobai is Xiaobailong, it really looks alike!" Wei Yan'er didn't know what her head was made of, and all of a sudden, random thoughts popped up.

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and said, "If I were Tang Seng, then one of you would be Zhu Bajie, and the other would be Monk Sha! Hehe, little girl, do you want to be Zhu Bajie?"

"Okay, okay!" Wei Yan'er didn't care at all, and said with a look of longing, "I really want to be a lazy person who just eats, drinks, and sleeps all day long!"

Zhang Yang's head was full of black lines, and he said, "Aren't you like this now?"

Wei Yan'er was embarrassed, blushed and stopped talking.

Zhang Yang chuckled and said, "Besides, if I want to become a Tang monk, some people will definitely die in a hurry!"

"Cut!" Han Yingxue took her seat automatically, "Don't think that a woman can't live without a man!"

"Oh——, the Flying Monkey King seemed to feel a huge humiliation from Meng Wen because of the carelessness of the three of them, he suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry, a pair of golden eyes actually burned with flames, and then "shot" out Two laser-like rays swept straight at Zhang Yang.

The light did not cause any damage, but a casting progress bar appeared under the boss's portrait, and the 2-second casting time was only a matter of seconds.

Sharp eyes! A hit after the spell is cast will cause 300% damage!

Zhang Yang quickly blasted out a frost strike! -



The boss took the damage from Frost Strike, but resisted the freezing effect attached to the skill! The spell casting of the boss is still in progress!

Fei Ling quickly slid down from the air, suddenly turned into a human form, and swung the spear in his hand!

Battle Dragon Spear! -


It's a pity that the probability of the Dragon Spear triggering a "coma" is too low, and even if it is triggered, it depends on whether the boss buys it or not. After all, the opposite is a Xuanling-level boss, the supreme existence on this map!

I have no choice but to eat hard!

Han Yingxue has so much experience in treatment. Seeing that Zhang Yang and Fei Ling's interruptions had all failed, she immediately raised her slender hand and added the holy shield to Zhang Yang.

Because this skill does not restore blood volume, it is not weakened as a healing spell, and it can still absorb attacks equivalent to 200% of the caster's spell damage! Han Yingxue's spell damage is currently 6687, and this holy shield can absorb more than 13,000 damage!

However, although the effect of this skill has not been weakened, the cooling time has been increased to 1 minute, which is still a weakening in disguise!

Zhang Yang saw that he still had more than 70,000 health points, so he didn't activate the shield wall. With the blessing of the holy shield, he would have enough residual blood to deal with the boss's next attack if he insisted on the boss. attack.

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