"Zhan Yu!" Anthem of Death was furious, and he pulled out the ax from his waist and the shield behind his back, pointed at Zhang Yang and said, "How dare you insult me!"

Ha, this man has changed his ancestral country loan for himself. If he is the second uncle, is he insulting him?

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, kill him!" said a mage named Prince Nagoya. He obviously didn't have a good relationship with the hymn of death. He pointed at Zhang Yang with the staff in his hand, and started to chant attack spells.


Zhang Yang chuckled, and said, "Fei Ling, let's kill that little Japanese first!"

Fei Ling didn't know what Little Japan meant, but when he saw Zhang Yang pointing at the Prince of Nagoya, he nodded immediately, jumped into the dragon eagle form and flew into the air, and began to chant to the mage flame.


The battle was already on the verge of breaking out, but Prince Nagoya took the lead and immediately ignited the powder keg, and the 20 people attacked Zhang Yang almost at the same time.

Although the flying pet is convenient, it has a fatal shortcoming, that is, its size is too large, and the enemy can easily lock the target and launch an attack! Holding the God of War Transformation in his hand, Zhang Yang was not afraid at all. He first added a God of War shield to himself, gaining an additional 20% passive immunity, and then jumped off Xiaobai's body and charged towards Prince Nagoya.


Zhang Yang hammered over with a stick, and knocked his head on the opponent's neck. Not only did he lose almost two-fifths of the opponent's blood volume, but he also beat the mage until his neck was crooked. Step back, the spell that is being chanted will be interrupted immediately!

As soon as Zhang Yang shot with a stick, Zhang Yang's anger value soared to 120 points, and he was full of anger. He laughed, and then blasted out a devastating blow.


"Ah!" Prince Nagoya only had time to let out a scream, and went directly to the cemetery to report. Although Zhang Yang fired two attacks, the flat cut and the skill did not share the common cooling time, and they were fired almost at the same time, so that Prince Nagoya didn't even have the reaction to open the ice barrier or use the flash spell!


Seeing the horrific damage caused by Zhang Yang's blow, everyone on the other side was shocked. Several people even rubbed their eyes, as if they couldn't believe what they saw!

Nima! Is this the damage a shield warrior should be doing?

But after all, these people are all masters from a large area, and the surprise is only a momentary thing. The spells that should be chanted are still chanting, and those who should move are still moving. But because they had locked their targets on the Flying Snake earlier, most of their attacks were aimed at Xiao Bai who was in the air.

Because Zhang Yang caused the lore, Feiling's flames could only be interrupted, and instead launched a jet of anger, forming a sea of ​​flames below.

But players are not monsters, they will stand stupidly in the fire and make people burn in vain, and immediately run away. But it was just such a running time that gave Zhang Yang another chance to attack. He jumped bravely and rushed into the opponent's healing group, knocking all five of them into a coma!




-95032! [


The four injuries jumped at the same time, and one of them was a critical strike, which directly sent the holy knight to the cemetery! It's a pity that the opponent's position is still a little loose. Although the heroic jump covered five people, the attack range of the sweep was smaller, and only four people were hit!

This was astonishing enough. The remaining three healers all had less than 10,000 points of residual blood, and they all backed away quickly, chanting spells for treatment.

However, Fei Ling no longer had any enemies within the attack range of the jet of anger, so he naturally stopped wasting time on maintaining guidance, and flew down from the air, transforming into a human form before landing. When the figure fell beside Zhang Yang, Exactly 1 second of cooldown for the skill was over, and the spear was immediately picked out, and stabbed at a priest.


With a make-up, the priest died instantly! Feiling gained power, and the skill Fire Dragon Spear came out again, another "-18067" damage figure jumped up, and the third healer also went to the cemetery to report!

In almost a flash, the opponent had already killed four people in a row!

Hymn of Death was angry and shocked, and said: "Pika, you control that follower!"

"Okay!" A thief said, stretched out both palms and pressed Fei Lingxu, a beam of light gushed out, hit Fei Ling's body and immediately formed a spherical light shield, covering the little girl in it!

Fei Ling roared angrily, and kept poking at the mask, but she couldn't do anything with it, so anxious that she shouted: "Brother, I'm trapped!"

This skill should be similar to "Exile", although it can temporarily control Feiling, it also makes the little girl immune to damage! Zhang Yang comforted him, "Fei Ling doesn't have to worry, my brother can deal with these jumping clowns alone!"






The hymn of death and their attack finally came out, but hitting Zhang Yang's body can cause about 5000 damage at most, most of them are only one or two thousand, and the dual-wielding type like thieves can't even break the defense do it!

No way, Zhang Yang now has 2400 points of armor, 40% passive immunity, and 2606 points of damage absorption! He is currently the only player with an inheritance profession, and he is the most powerful S-level inheritance. If there is no way to crush other non-inheritance professional players, then it is unreasonable!

In fact, Zhang Yang doesn't care much about attack damage, but is more worried about being affected by control skills! But he obviously felt that after possessing the inheritance of the God of War, his resistance to various control skills has greatly increased. At least so far, no control skills can take effect on him!

This should also be the suppression of inherited occupations on non-inherited occupations!

Moreover, even if he is temporarily under control, Zhang Yang still has Warrior's Fury, Death Warrior's Heart and [Self] automatic potion to remove it, which is enough for him to kill all directions!

-45228! [


The Thunderbolt Hammer is like the golden cudgel in the hand of the monkey grandson who is making trouble in the Heavenly Palace. It will hurt you if you touch it, and you will die if you touch it!

At present, even if a non-tank profession is riding a gold-level combat mount, it only has a blood volume of over 80,000. If it takes frost strike, sweep, and destruction blow, which can cause 200% melee attack damage, it will easily be 4 More than 10,000 blood loss, a critical strike is basically a second word!

And even Broken Armor, a skill that was originally only used to reduce the armor value, now has an additional damage of about 10,000. It has become a very powerful filling and venting skill, which can also cause terrifying damage.

"Stop him!" Under the organization of the hymn of death, the opponent's four tanks surrounded Zhang Yang, preventing him from breaking through the encirclement before bombarding the output and healing professions. Although under Zhang Yang's berserk attack, even the tank profession would have headaches, but it was better than others!

Zhang Yang laughed out loud, and Hades stared and threw it on the head of the hymn of death.

He made another move, and Hercules suddenly fell from the sky, beating violently at the hymn of death. It's also because the Psalm of Death's character wasn't strong enough, and Hercules' first hit gave him the special effect of God's gaze. Zhang Yang stomped on it again, and the thunderbolt blasted out, killing him in seconds!

Hymn of Death is definitely the best equipped among the opponent's four major tanks, but somehow he was given a second by a level 88 silver-level puppet, how can this be accepted! Moreover, because Hymn of Death died so quickly, the others didn't even see the negative effects in him!

But the more they didn't know the situation, the more uncertain they felt, and the more panicked they became, the three tanks couldn't help but took a step back, their faces turning pale.

Zhang Yang is very cool, he has not even used the God of War transformation to kill the opponent, if he transforms again, it will kill everything in seconds!

When inheritance occupations are against non-inheritance occupations, this advantage is too great! Although Zhang Yang didn't use the transformation technique, the 50% damage increase and the extra 20% damage reduction are not for display, and they have widened the distance between him and non-inherited occupations!

He took the opportunity to rush out of the blockade, dancing with his long stick, like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, although he had only his own strength, but he killed the other party in a complete defeat, and he was completely tortured!

The thief Pickup who was still guiding spells and controlling Feiling saw Zhang Yang rushing out aggressively, so frightened, he quickly interrupted the passage spell, and forcibly entered a stealth state with his disappearance skill, so as to avoid Zhang Yang's edge for a while, and didn't dare to beat him at all. Wipe it!

Fei Ling got out of trouble, and immediately joined forces with Zhang Yang, the two of them were like killing gods, whoever they hit, they had to die, they really didn't have any temper at all!

After killing the eight opponents, Zhang Yang's blood volume was also hit below 30,000 points. He unhurriedly activated All-or-nothing, and then activated the shield wall, and the blood volume immediately surged up! Why put all your eggs in one basket in the first place? Because this skill can temporarily increase his upper limit of health by 30%, and the shield wall also recovers blood according to the percentage under the special effect of the titan's breastplate. Naturally, the higher the upper limit of health, the more blood he will get this time!

Seeing that the blood volume that was finally knocked out increased rapidly, the only 12 people left in the Japanese and Korean area burst into tears! I thought that without the restoration of rage, no matter how Zhang Yang could endure the fight, he only had one tube of blood.

But he didn't expect that he actually had a titan breastplate, which could recover blood even by opening a shield wall!

Fortunately, they didn't know that Zhang Yang still possesses the Light of the God of War, which can restore his blood to full in an instant, otherwise he would lose the courage to continue fighting!

After another minute or so, the 12 surviving opponents dropped down to 5! The five people looked at each other in blank dismay, they all rode their mounts and ran away, divided into five different directions, not giving Zhang Yang a chance to catch them all!

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and mounted a flying snake to chase after him. With the high speed of the flying mount, he easily caught up with the three of them one after another, and killed one of them, but the two escaped in the end.

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