MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 590: Vampire Earl Fila

In "Miracle", monsters suppressed by level have a 10% chance to cause only 10% damage, a 20% chance to only cause 20% damage, a 30% chance to only cause 30% damage, and a 40% chance to only cause 50% damage.

In other words, the player has no chance to hit more than 50% of the normal attack damage! Like Zhang Yang's attack just now, it only caused 20% damage.

On the other hand, when a level-suppressed monster attacks the player, it has a 10% chance of inflicting 5 times damage, a 20% chance of inflicting 4 times damage, a 30% chance of inflicting 3 times damage, and a 40% chance of inflicting 2 times damage. !

Therefore, the leapfrog challenge is by no means an easy task, especially when playing against B!

Like Zhang Yang Dragon King Anubas back then, if it wasn't because of Feiling's explosion, even if Zhang Yang could suddenly gather 10,000 level 100 players, it would be just a side dish for B, there is no possibility of it! [

If you want to leapfrog to beat B, especially those who are at a perverted level like the Black Dragon King, you must use enough taboo scrolls, and throw them one by one regardless of the cost! In other words, now that he has the God of War transformation, he finally has the capital to rival the Black Dragon King, but because of b's abnormal blood volume, it is still unknown whether he can knock down b within two hours, and it depends on the strength of the output. Wait until the transformation is over, it will be an instant second!


The vampire waved one hand, splashing blood on Zhang Yang's body, and a red damage number floated above his head.


"Hey, is this a mob or a b!" Meng couldn't help but exclaim.

"The level suppression is too strong, the monster hits 3 times the damage!" Baifa No. 1 Middle School has a lot of research on various data in the game, "If it hits 5 times the damage, it will be even more powerful!"

Han Yingxue and Dream Sweetheart quickly deployed healing spells and cast them on Zhang Yang, quickly boosting Zhang Yang's blood volume.

Although the elite monster suppressed the team in terms of levels, causing the team's firepower to drop sharply, but the ants killed the elephant more than 40 seconds later, the vampire still fell at the feet of everyone, bursting out a few pieces. Netherweave cloth and some silver coins.

"This little monster is really tiring from beating it!" Narcissus Blossom looked at the vampire mobs that were constantly patrolling in every corner of the manor, and said with a big head.


The team rushed into the manor, although there was level suppression, the mobs were not too difficult. After all, the strength of this team was too strong, even after being greatly weakened, it was still inexplicably strong. After spending three or four hours, They also rushed into the depths of the manor, and found Fila, the vampire count B who was going to kill on this trip, in a back garden.

Vampire Count Fila (Phantom-level leader, Undead)

Level: 145

HP: 43.5 million

Armor value: 9410

Melee attack power: 53216-61216


Claws: Every time the attack hits the target, 10% of the damage can be converted into its own health.

Healing: Vampires have a super self-healing ability, recovering 10,000 health points every 3 seconds. [

Bat sucking blood: Incarnate into several small bats, each with 500,000 health points, the number of players involved in the battle is 2. Each player will be attacked by 2 bats that suck blood. This attack will not cause damage during the duration, but at the end, as long as one bat is not killed, the player will immediately lose blood and die. Pull restores 1% of health. Bats suck blood for 30 seconds.

Bat Flight: Turn into a bat and can fly in the air.

Note: Lord Fera, the vampire count, is said to be one of the oldest vampires, possessing the original power of vampires.

Seeing the description of the skill of bats sucking blood, everyone couldn't help frowning!

To blow out 1 million HP in 30 seconds, everyone's damage per second is required to reach 33,000! Not to mention the level suppression, even if they were equal level monsters, it would be impossible for them to have such a high damage per second, and it would be the top if they survived 7,000 or 8,000! Of course, everyone can get together and use group damage skills, but each monster's blood volume of 500,000 is enough to make people dizzy!

"Yangzi, why is b so perverted?" Fatty Han was dumbfounded, watching the task was about to be completed, but at this moment, he found that the last big b couldn't be killed at all. Isn't this aggrieved to death!

Phantom-level b, how can it be so easy to deal with!

Zhang Yang shook his head and said: "B is level 145, that is to say, when designing it, it was considered that at least level 115 players should go, and they must get a mysterious spirit weapon! Under such standards, 30 seconds Bombing out 500,000 HP of each monster is not too much!"

To put it simply, the game company does not want players to leapfrog the challenge, so that the high-level B will be exhausted in advance, and the life of the game will be shortened!

" you still fight?" Fatty Han asked weakly.

"Of course we fight, didn't you think it was Phantom-level b? If we beat him, we can get the first kill of wild b again!" Zhang Yang laughed loudly, "When b uses bats to suck blood, we will all get together and use bats to kill him!" Group damage skills, it is still possible to blast these monsters!"

"Let's kill once first!" Zhang Yang swung the hammer, activated the God of War transformation, and added the God of War shield to himself. With the two wings of light behind him, he immediately flew out like a god. First, a Shattered Spear blasted out.


After the God of War transformation, Zhang Yang has a damage bonus of 575%, which can theoretically cause more than 90,000 average damage, but due to level suppression, this attack only caused 50% damage. Although the damage figure was still terrifying, it made Zhang Yang very dissatisfied!

"Hahaha, there are some living guys who dare to break into my territory. Could it be that some so-called dragon slayer warriors and righteous teachers want to kill me to become famous?" , full of aristocratic demeanor, even more handsome, with slender fingers like jade.

He turned into a huge bat to meet Zhang Yang, swung out his right hand, and five shrunken nails immediately came out one after another, shaped like a dagger, emitting a bloody light, which was hideous and terrifying.

"B is so handsome!"

"Well, what a mature man's charm!"

"If you ride a white horse, you will be Prince Charming!"

Han Yingxue, Narcissus Blossoms, and Dream Sweetheart started talking gossipingly.

Wei Yan'er stared at b for a while, then suddenly said: "I know why b didn't ride the white horse anymore, because he sucked up the blood and ate the white horse! Hahaha!" After finishing speaking, she couldn't stop laughing. The little girl's smile is so low, she smiled for a while and saw that no one around her was laughing, she couldn't help wrinkling her pretty nose, and said: "You guys are so boring!"

-104291! [


With one blow, Zhang Yang dealt more than 100,000 points of terrifying damage, and due to the claw lo effect, he also recovered more than 10,000 HP!

"Damn, Zhang Yang has more than 10,000 points of armor in the transformation state, and 40% passive immunity, and he was hit with such a high damage by B! If there is no transformation effect, it is not a hit It's only a second!" Meng Buhui exclaimed.

Indeed, even if Zhang Yang activates the stamina halo, his blood volume is only 118720. Without the 20% extra passive immunity provided by the God of War shield, even if he is full of blood, he will be killed in seconds!

"B should trigger 3 times the damage!" Zhang Yang sighed, the higher the monster's attack, the more powerful the armor and damage absorption effect, and only the skill that avoids damage by a percentage is still powerful! Moreover, this only triggers 3 times damage suppression, if b hits 4 times or even 5 times damage suppression, it will be even more terrifying!

As soon as he took over b, everyone immediately launched a siege, pouring their attacks on b's head one after another.

Compared to the healing abilities of Han Yingxue and Dream Sweetheart at this time, b's attack power is so strong that it is boundless. With one blow, the damage is at least more than 60,000, and the maximum can reach about 180,000! The two women don't need to think about overtreatment at this time, because under such a violent bombardment by B, this is simply impossible to happen!

Fortunately, the stronger b's attack power is, the stronger the power of the block will be. One-third of b's attacks are exempted, which greatly increases Zhang Yang's survivability!

On average, b's basic attack is about 100,000 per hit, and the actual damage per second is just over 30,000 after deducting a block every 6 seconds. And the healing abilities of Han Yingxue and Dream Sweetheart have been greatly weakened, and the combined blood recovery per second is only around 10,000.

In other words, Zhang Yang would lose about 23,000 health points every second!

God of War has increased the upper limit of health by 40 times. Zhang Yang now has 4,748,800 health points. With such a long blood bar, even being able to eat level 10 healing potions is a drop in the bucket! At this time, the most powerful skill is the special effect of the titan's breastplate. After opening the shield wall, it can restore 10% of the life value every second!

Although the effect is weakened now, there is still 50% of the recovery amount, and the Titan Barrier extends the shield wall duration by 5 seconds, and he can recover 75% of the HP every 150 seconds, which means that every 150 seconds Zhang Yang can get The recovery of 3.56 million blood volume, less than 240,000 health points per second, just made up for the lack of healing of Han Yingxue and Dream Sweetheart!

Therefore, from, Zhang Yang can withstand b!

Of course, this is only based on the fact that b's attack conforms to a linear distribution. If b's personality explodes, and he hits 5 times the damage every time... Moreover, Zhang Yang's God of War shield can last for 10 minutes, and then it will be reduced by 20 % passive injury avoidance!

Of course, Zhang Yang also has a 30-minute use of the God of War Light, which can barely make up for the 20% loss of passive damage immunity. ro! .

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