MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 522: Vampire Inheritance

However, the last two skill books are worth looking forward to.

Wei Yan'er spread her hands, took out the first skill book, and posted it on the team channel. It was called "Vampire's Touch", and it was a skill that did not limit learning occupations.

Everyone voted, but this skill was acquired by the little girl. After she learned it, she immediately posted the skill description.

[Vampire's Touch]: Apply a vampire's touch to the target for 30 minutes. During this period, 5% of the damage dealt by the caster to the target will heal members of the party (up to 5 people). At a time, the caster can only apply Vampiric Touch to one target, and the healing effect of Vampiric Touch will not cause additional hatred. Range: 30 meters. Cooldown: 60 seconds.

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing, and said: "If I knew this skill was like this, I should have learned it, or I learned it for Ice Cube, it's too wasteful for a little girl!" [

Wei Yan'er was so angry that he yelled and said, "Anemia fighter, he also has a strong output, okay?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "Where is the strength? Just like your poor chest, you can't tell it at all!"

"Damn it!" Wei Yan'er stomped her feet, and said, "He just hasn't started to develop yet. My mother's breasts are big, just like my aunt's. If you don't believe me, you can ask my cousin! Hehe, she has excellent genetics, and she will definitely be able to develop breasts in the future." You have to be as powerful as your cousin, just wait to be surprised!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing, covering their mouths and laughing.

Zhang Yang nodded solemnly and said, "Little girl, throw away those unrealistic fantasies and accept the reality!"

"Bah, bad silver!" Wei Yan'er angrily ignored him, picked up another skill book, and posted it on the team channel.

[Skill Book: Madness of the Destroyer]

Use: Teaches you Destroyer's Madness.

Occupation required: unlimited

Requires level: 100

"Huh? Another skill book that doesn't restrict occupations?" Everyone was surprised. After entering the realm of chaos, many skills can be learned by all occupations, making the occupational boundaries a bit blurred.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "This skill is helpful for inheritance occupations below the first level. You are all aiming at at least B-level inheritance, so this skill is useful now! Feel free to vote!"

"Siyu, what exactly is this skill?" Han Yingxue was a curious person.

Zhang Yang smiled slightly and said, "Which one of you has learned it, just post the skill description!"

In the end, this skill book was actually taken by Wei Yan'er. The little girl was so proud that she gave Zhang Yang a big roll of her eyes. After learning the skill book, she posted the skill description again.

[Destroyer's madness]: After opening, the attack power increases by 50%, lasting for 2 hours. Cooldown: 72 hours. This skill shares a cooldown with Legacy Transformation.

"Only s, , b, and four levels of inheritance have transformation effects, and the madness of this Destroyer is used to make up for the disadvantage of low-level inheritance!" Zhang Yang explained.

Fatty Han had already obtained the items needed for the mission. After dividing up the three middle-level halo stones, everyone tore apart the teleportation symbols and returned to Morning Town, expressing that they would never do such thankless things again. !

There is actually no benefit to killing the boss by leapfrogging the level other than getting the first kill. In the first place, it may not be able to be destroyed, and even if it is destroyed, it will take a long time for the equipment to be used! Of course, the most important thing is that it is too difficult to fight. It is good luck for them to be able to knock down the vampire count Fila. Ordinarily, against a suppressed boss at a higher level, the spell's chance of taking effect may only be 10%, but Zhang Yang's Gaze of the God of the Underworld was only resisted once three times. [

But this first kill still gave everyone in the team an extra lucky value. Zhang Yang's current lucky value has reached 23 points, which is quite a terrifying value.

Fatty Han didn't get the vampire inheritance right away. He still had a few small tasks to run, but he was only a few steps away from completing them.

Seeing this, Xingguangjian also ignored the big ambitions he had made before, and salivated to show off and help him get a battle contract. The requirements are not high, as long as B-level is enough!

Zhang Yang couldn't help but have black lines all over his head, not to mention S-level inheritance, there are only 6 in the whole server, and super-level inheritance is also called recessive inheritance, it is also difficult to obtain, even he doesn't know how to obtain any one of the super-level inheritance way!

Then, the only thing left is the b-level inheritance!

In fact, the most exposed and well-known ones in the previous life were all kinds of b-level inheritances. But it is impossible to say that B-level inheritance is easy to obtain! Although the b-level inheritance is not unique, the acquisition of any piece of inheritance is unique. For example, if the first person gets a piece of inheritance in Luo Ning Town, then it will never be possible for the second person to appear in Luo Ning Town. A block of inheritance fragments!

In other words, there is no way to let the following players continuously obtain the same inheritance through the previous person's experience! Otherwise, is there any point in the existence of inheritance below level b?

Facing Starlight's stupid puppy-like eyes, Zhang Yang had no choice but to tell him how to obtain the King Kong King's inheritance. I believe that with this guy's strength, it can be done easily - of course, except for beating the terrifying King Kong King !

Zhang Yang even doubted that even though he now has the God of War transformation, due to level suppression, it is likely that he will still be able to deliver food to King Kong Ape King! If you want to get a stable inheritance, it is safer to reach level 120!

Originally, if it weren't for the "foresight", it might take two or three months to get the first piece of inheritance, plus a lot of previous tasks, when it is time to fight the big boss, the player must at least It is also above level 110, so you can almost pass the threshold of boss level suppression!

After defeating the vampire Earl Fila, Fatty Han's remaining inheritance tasks were not difficult. In less than two days, he announced excitedly that he had obtained the inheritance of vampires!

Immediately, he posted a series of skills given by the vampire inheritance, making everyone except Zhang Yang salivate.

[Bloodthirsty Hunger (Passive)]: Increases your damage by 40%.

[Toughness of the Immortal]: Incarnation of the immortal, providing 5% additional passive immunity, and recovering 1% of the life value every 10 seconds, lasting for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 60 minutes.

[Vampire Transformation]: Transform into a vampire, with HP increased to 20 times, armor value increased to 3 times, 70% chance to be immune to magic damage, and attack power increased to 3 times. In the state of vampire transformation, you will get 1 point of vampire energy every 10 seconds, some special skills require vampire energy. Vampiric transformation lasts up to 2 hours. Cooldown: 72 hours.

[Bat Transformation]: Decompose itself, transform into 10 vampire bats, attach to the enemy's body to suck blood, recover 1% of HP per second. Vampire bats can fly, but their vitality is very fragile and they are easily killed. When out of bat form, you regain the extra health gained from vampire bats. During the duration of bat transformation, 1 point of vampire source energy will be consumed per second, and bat transformation will end when the vampire source energy is exhausted or all vampire bats are killed. Cooldown: 30 minutes.

At present, Fatty Han has only acquired the skills inherited from four vampires, which is much inferior to the inheritance of God of War, but it is enough to make Fatty Han a stinky fart! As soon as this coquette came back, he took Starlight Limit, Mengbuhui and others to the arena, and then turned on the vampire transformation to torture those people!

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing and laughing, the transformation skill that can only be used once in three days, this guy actually used it in a duel in the arena, I really don't know what to say!

But even without the vampire transformation, just a bloodthirsty hunger can completely change Fatty Han's output strength - because of the boss's high armor, a 40% increase in attack power will definitely increase the player's damage by more than 40%!

Therefore, Fatty Han was kicked into the wasteland reclamation group by Zhang Yang and asked him to accompany Baifa No. 1 Middle School to reclaim the Dragon Throat Fortress.

Dragonmaw Fortress is a level 100 copy. Only the last few bosses have reached level 110. There is no level suppression. 12 bosses, and then three days later, relying on the vampire-turned-hardtop No. 13 boss, which is extremely equipment-eating, successfully brought the team to the No. 14 boss.

For this reason, many female players in the meeting admire Fatty Han and wink at him. It's a pity that Fatty Han is now under the supervision of others, and he has to report even when he leaves the house. Facing a group of beauties who flirt in his arms, he can only cheat mentally and molested a few words in the game. [

Before you know it, the summer vacation has passed quietly, and it's time to start school again.

Wei Yan'er is a freshman in college, so when she went to school for the first time, she naturally had to make a big splash. Zhang Yang even specially bought a new van, which was used to transport the little girl's boxes full of toys, clothes and perfume, and Sun Xinyu was even more so. Asked for leave to see off.

Zhang Yang said that she was not going out of the city, province, or abroad. Zhousu University is in the city, and it is less than 20 kilometers away from the villa. Is it worth it?

As a result, the little girl said something very flamboyant: "It's hard to guard against day and night, and it's hard to guard against house thieves!" The little girl was worried about Han Yingxue, a witch, who always wanted to use her things. Before the words were finished, the two She saw Han Yingxue coming out of the little girl's room, with a lot of bags in her hand, and sneaking back to her room!


Send Wei Yan'er to the university, because the van he bought is only used to transport things, and Zhang Yang didn't spend much money on it. This low-end car was laughed at by many people as soon as it entered the university. Naturally, Zhang Yang didn't care. He had just graduated from this university a year ago, and when he revisited his hometown this time, he already felt that things were right and people were wrong.

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