"Baga! King Musashi and King Shura both shouted angrily. They thought they could stop Zhang Yang, but they didn't expect that it was just their wishful thinking. The first-class sake could live for so long before, and it was not their effective way to stop Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang was blocked, but Zhang Yang didn't have this idea at all!

You see, how easy it is to kill, just hit it with a stick, and you don't need to hit it a second time!

And with the unremitting efforts of these two people, Zhang Yang also lost Li Duowan's HP, which is already considered a high output, but compared with Zhang Yang's upper limit of health, it is so depressing that it makes people collapse!

Rokovic suddenly lost his main hatred, and immediately set his sights on those output and healers. The general waved his hammer and shouted: "Indigenous, you just hid behind and shot very well, didn't you?" Alright, this general will let you have a good time!" He slightly bent his knees, his strong body suddenly rose through the air, and fell into the output camp of Japanese players like a parachutist, swinging the warhammer in his hand, bang Bang bang, suddenly a large group of people stumbled. Each attack of this boss has a shock-like effect. If the strength value is not as good as the boss, then it will only be knocked back frequently.

And at this stage in front of the ears, who is more powerful than a mysterious spirit-level boss[

Rokovic struck again, and after two waves of attacks, a large number of players were blown out of blood and died!

Once he lost the boss held by the tank, he became a hungry tiger in the flock, and could only be slaughtered by the boss!

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, cooperated with the boss, and danced like the wind with the sky-thundering hammer in his hand, sweeping, oscillating waves, and thundering heavy blows, and it was also a big piece with a dozen! With the support of God of War Transformation, Zhang Yang's single-target attack power has actually far surpassed the boss, with a normal attack of 100,000 damage and a skill attack of more than 200,000. This kind of damage is even beyond the reach of a phantom-level boss.

A look of shock appeared on Rokovic's face. Said: "No wonder the empress admires you so much, I can't imagine that you have such a strong strength! However, in my opinion, your strength is not stable. It seems that you have stimulated your potential with certain and secret methods, not Can be owned for a long time!

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and said, "Although you can't own it for a long time, it's enough to kill these 'natives'!" With a loud shout, he said, "The ignorant natives dare to attack the great Baiyu Emperor and the great Empress Serena's expedition vanguard. I will announce that all the natives will be executed!" All the [Japanese] Japanese players around It's your face twitching, and being called by this np as aboriginal on the left and aboriginal on the right is full of smoke, but you still have no way to compete with an np, otherwise you will become a big fool and aboriginal?


Looking at the disgusting expressions of those [Japanese] players as if they had eaten flies, Zhang Yang couldn't stop laughing, as the light wings vibrated, the warhammer swept away, as long as the non-tank profession was hit by him, it would definitely be a second word . And even if it is a tank, Zhang Yang only needs to play Sweep, Destroy Strike, and Frost Strike. It's still a spike without discussion!

Under the combined attack of the boss and Zhang Yang, the number of players on the [Japan] side dropped sharply! But there are still countless people at the city gate. The p army is pouring out, and I don't know when it will be able to attack!

Comparison of the number of people on both sides--Siege side: Sakura Dance Turbulent Flow Guild, number of people: 25239; Defender side: Desert Dust Guild, number of people: 1!

It took less than an hour to fight, and our side actually lost nearly 5,000 people! If the death rate is maintained like this, let alone seizing the territory, everyone will die in an hour! Tianyu Naliang was about to explode with anger, and quickly mobilized new troops to hold the boss. Never let a big killer wreak havoc in your back garden!

As for the other big killer, he has nothing to do with it!

Ordinarily, players are not like bosses, they basically have all skills! As long as at most! Four people, each of them take turns to use a control skill, then they can definitely control a player to death from the beginning to the end, without any temper at all!

But it is a pity that inherited players have a huge pressure on non-inherited players, which is also reflected in the resistance of control skills. Now almost every district has inherited players, although s-level, high-level , B-level inheritance has not appeared in other regions. But there are super inheritances that can transform, and the masters have all discussed with inheritance players. Generally speaking, inheritance players have a high resistance to non-inheritance players' control skills!

And once the inheritance transformation is turned on, the chance will be close to 100%

Sofa, lol.

Sofa? ?

Therefore, Tianyu Naliang couldn't think of any good countermeasures!

Zhang Yang's blood volume after transformation was too high, and his armor and magic defense were astonishingly terrifying. It is impossible to kill at the speed of fire! Now that he can't even control or delay it, he can only let him kill and kill. Harvest the head mercilessly!

"Baga! Tianyu Naliang couldn't help cursing secretly, the two bastards, King Musashi and King Shura, are too useless. I swore before that as long as I turned on the inheritance transformation, I could easily defeat ten thousand with one enemy, but now the two Teaming up with a company is not qualified to block Zhang Yang, but the opponent is defeated by one enemy! [

"King Musashi and King Shura, don't worry about Zhanyu anymore, go and help break the city gate!" Tian Yu Naliang finally made the most reasonable arrangement.

Both King Musashi and King Shura blushed, and the two major inheritance players could only eat farts behind Zhang Yang, how embarrassing they were! They hurriedly slapped their mounts, broke through the air, rushed towards the direction of the city gate, launched the secret technique of inheritance, and vented their depression to the NPC below.

Although these two people looked like two idiots in front of Zhang Yang, in front of ordinary NPCs, super inheritance showed great power, especially when these two people were still in the state of inheritance transformation!

King Musashi activated the strongest skill under his hurricane inheritance, and his whole body turned into a hurricane, howling and rolling in the np army! Every NPC involved in it will suffer 20,000 points of damage, and then be thrown into the sky and fall heavily. If there is no "slow fall." type of skill, it will also suffer one fall damage, the value is as high as 10,000 point!

As long as ordinary np soldiers are touched by the hurricane of King Musashi's incarnation, they will definitely die instantly. Even elite-level npps are frequently danced to the sky by King Musashi, basically losing their combat effectiveness!

And King Shura also transformed into a bone skeleton with a height of more than seven meters, whoever was killed by him. p, will be transformed into a skeleton soldier immediately to help him slaughter the np army in turn, which is also quite buggy!

Seeing this scene from a distance, Zhang Yang couldn't help sighing, the inheritance transformation is really abnormal!

Of course, transformations like King Musashi and King Shura won't last long, and each and the inheritance that can transform will last! It is enough to get a little corresponding "origin qi." The transformation of King Shura and King Musashi requires the support of origin qi. When the origin qi is used up, the duration of the skill is over, and there are still many Long cooling time.

This is the same as the vampire bat skill inherited by vampires.

The battle has been going on for about ten minutes now, and the source qi gained per second has reached the upper limit of 100 points of source qi, so it would be a waste to not use it anymore!

Zhang Yang also flicked his wings of light, and landed on the gate of the city with a bang. Pressing his left hand on the ground, a golden light spread out immediately!

God of War Crack!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Immediately, the ground trembled, several streaks of golden light pierced the ground, shooting upwards like sharp arrows, and the damage figure of "-32110" did not jump up in all covered areas!

Zhang Yang snorted coldly, the one-second cooldown of the skill was over, and he pressed it with his left hand again, and it was another War God Crack Strike!

Come again! Come again!

He accumulated it all at once! Four points of God of War original energy, you can continuously release the God of War's crack attack! And God of War's Cracking Strike is chaos attribute damage, and will not be reduced by armor and magic resistance at all. Non-tank occupations can almost go back to the main city to recuperate as long as they get three hits!

Sweep! Shake your nose! Thunder strike!

Zhang Yang doesn't just use God of War's Crack Strike, Sweep and Critical Strike can deal powerful damage, how can such a powerful skill be wasted!

Death, has revealed his true fangs!



Under the double blow of the boss and Zhang Yang, the number of guild members in Sakura Dance Flurry is decreasing sharply!

This is not a good phenomenon!

Many Japanese players with brains frowned. The np army in the castle seems to be endless, but the flying army that went to assault the hall of the territory was exhausted. The puppets, the territory guards and a dragon eagle were wiped out!

Impossible to advance, there are two big killers in the rear, and the entire assault army is wiped out. How should this battle be fought?

But do they have a way out?

Even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames ahead, they have to jump and rush into it with their eyes closed! Otherwise, I don't know how many [Japanese] players would point their noses and call them trash! The 30,000-strong army failed to take down the castle defended by one man!


Bottles of potions and potions were poured down, these [Japanese] Japanese players seemed to have been injected with blood and aphrodisiacs, and they finally got rid of the long-term impotence and became erect, and they excitedly mobilized A desperate attack. At this time, who still thinks about saving money, it's no wonder that Qian Da doesn't blame him when he goes back!

The so-called mourning soldiers must win, although this is just a kind of momentum, but under the stimulation of such momentum, the combat effectiveness of [Japanese] Japanese players has indeed increased a lot, and they were killed abruptly. The p army is retreating steadily, and it is about to break through the city gate!

With a long roar, Zhang Yang rose into the air and stood at the gate of the city like a god.

He had slaughtered all directions before, and he had already planted the domineering of the enemy. Just seeing Zhang Yang standing there, he killed all the [Japanese] players to stop! But this is only a momentary thing, "Kill!" These people burst into a loud voice, and continued to kill Zhang Yang.

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