MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 540 The Influence of Battle

The Japanese and Korean regions launched an attack on the two territories of Gumu in the desert at the same time, but both armies were wiped out!

This news was immediately spread on the official forums, and some people were skeptical about it at first, but it is an iron fact that the two territories in China have not been lost! Therefore, what everyone is puzzled about is how the Desert Dust did it!

Holding the territory for three hours without losing it and completely annihilating the enemy and defending the territory are two completely different things!

Furthermore, there is news that Mourning Town is the Chinese area, with Zhang Yuren facing South Korea's 30,000 people, it is barely acceptable to be able to wipe out all of them! But the battle at Winster Castle was too ridiculous, and 30,000 people were settled by one person?

Oh pimples, are you sure this isn't a bad joke? [

Is there anything crazier than this? Killed 30,000 troops by one person? Could it be that the magic cannon there is limited to medicine?

However, when Zhang Yang released the complete battle video recorded, all doubting voices on the forum disappeared! Everyone was lamenting that the people in Japan and South Korea were so unlucky that they bumped into the vanguard of the White Jade Empire, and they also had a super awesome bo!

Of course, what surprises the players even more is that the publicized God of War has changed!

Unexpectedly, without any treatment, one person can kill 30,000 people without any temper! What a pervert!

How proud! How mighty! How overbearing!

Who doesn't want to play games like this? Such a blast?

All of a sudden, looking for an inheritance profession suddenly became a hot topic among all players. Everyone dreamed of being able to be like Zhang Yang, who would be able to kill all directions with an inheritance transformation, invincible! Of course, people with insight naturally know that Zhang Yang was also the first to get the honor of getting a high-level inheritance. When there are more inheritance occupations in the future, Zhang Yang will no longer be as hostile as in the video!

But most players are blind, they only want to see the prestige of Dugu seeking defeat, but they don't think rationally. All in all, the players who didn't take the inheritance profession seriously at the beginning are frantically looking for the inheritance fragments at this moment, without official publicity!

In addition, when a player uploaded the video of the doomsday disaster ravaging Korean players to the official forum, all the players collectively lost their voices for 3 minutes again!

In just a few seconds, nearly 30,000 troops were wiped out. This... is even more perverted than inheritance transformation!

In the short term, there are only two words that are hotly discussed by players: inheritance and taboo scrolls!

Of course, players from the Japanese and Korean regions have also become the target of ridicule by players from the other seven regions. The two armies have all collapsed, and the 60,000 expeditionary army has suddenly become the target of thousands of ordinary players from the two countries! The presidents of u guild and Sakura Mai Luanliu, King Goryeo and Tianyu Naliang, have become synonymous with shame!

The high-level players who borrowed from the past naturally returned to the original guild in despair, while the players who originally belonged to the two major guilds expressed their disdain to go back! These two super guilds that once dominated in Zhang Yang's previous life are facing the fate of collapse and disbandment. Zhang Yang's butterfly wings are no longer fanning hurricanes, but cosmic storms!

Seeing the power of taboo magic, the taboo scroll has become a deterrent existence like a nuclear weapon. This thing not only has a huge range of attack, but also has a terrifyingly high damage. Unless it has millions of blood volume after inheritance and transformation like Zhang Yang, otherwise If so, which one can be hard to eat?

Baifa No. 1 Middle School and Narcissus Flowers are busy recalling the original guild members, and some high-level players who borrowed from them saw how rich the desert Guyan's inventory was, and many of them simply refused to leave the guild warehouse. Zhang Yang set it so that all members can take a side view, but deposits and withdrawals are limited to limited senior members of the guild. The old, knife-level purple gold artifacts and mysterious spirit artifacts that Zhang Yang's team captured a few days ago are all there. To motivate members to upgrade their fighting spirit.

Regarding this, Zhang Yang turned his eyes and closed his eyes. High-level players are a rare asset in the game, and it hasn’t been long since the guild has been upgraded to the fourth-level guild. There is just a part of the recruitment quota, so don’t worry about crowding out the original members. s position! Of course, the most important thing for Desert Guyan is character. If the character is not strong enough, then no matter how high the level is, no matter how good the level is, it is useless.

After this battle, the momentum of Zhang Yang and Desert Dust naturally became more prosperous. Players in the Chinese region adore Zhang Yang more than others, while players in the Japanese and Korean regions naturally hate him to the bone. Even players in other regions know that there are Such a strong man with such a super awesome guild!

Zhang Yang didn't blame Sun Xinyu for using the taboo scroll, anyway, he also planned to shock the mountain and let the world know that they have such a nuclear weapon in the Desert Dust, so don't take it easy!

In fact, the defensive battle of Mourning Town is already a sure thing, but Desert Dust used a taboo scroll. What does this mean? I'm sure they still have a second, third, and third. Zhang, that's why he used it so unsparingly! [

There are not a few people who have this kind of thinking, and this is what Zhang Yang hopes. He is not a war madman, and he doesn't want to pk people and fight with groups all day long.

Of course, Fatty Han is very heartbroken. The taboo scroll passed through the battle of Mourning Town, its power was limited and exaggerated, and the price has already been fired up to tens of millions of gold! Sun Xinyu threw ten to twenty million gold coins into the water, how could Fatty Han not be so worried that he didn't eat well for a few days and lost a whole lot of weight!

Territory competition has come to an end temporarily, after all the territory competition order is not so easy to issue! And the people in Japan and South Korea also know that before there are a large number of inheritance transformation players, they have no way to limit their publicity, and recklessness is not the solution to the problem!

Moreover, in order to conquer the territory, one must obtain two territory orders at a time, forcing Da Mo Guyan to disperse his troops, otherwise the chances of winning are still slim!

The top guilds in the eight regions continued to focus on the death mode of Dragonmaw Fortress. After Hei your old mother broke through the difficult mode, other top guilds also reported successes one after another, and joined the ranks of the death mode competition one after another!

At present, Hei your mother is temporarily ranked first with the advantage of 515, followed by dozens of guilds that have reached Shanzhan or Yinzhan. The first five bosses of Dragonmaw Fortress are relatively simple, but the sixth'. SS is a watershed, stuck in the progress of Hei your old mother, several days have passed, and there is no report of defeating No. 6 Bo.

Zhang Yang is not in a hurry at all, the difficulty of Dragonmaw Fortress in death mode is very high, the middle five bosses can probably be stuck in the major guilds for a month, and the last five super difficult bosses can't be defeated in two months!

The current focus is to sweep the wild bos as much as possible and accumulate equipment so that we can have the capital to go to the difficult Dragonmaw Fortress!

Zhang Yang has already obtained the Yuanjian Iron and the Magic Yin-Yang Fruit, so of course there is no reason not to look for the last quest item, Miracle Light. Because the task is difficult enough, you will definitely need to play high-level BO, and you can also get some top-quality equipment by the way, why not do it?

He rode the Thunderhawk and flew like lightning all the way to the Xikoluo Mountains, and went to the Bright Canyon to find the way to obtain the miracle light.

Compared with the Snowscale Flying Snake, the Xuanling-level Thunder Fu not only flies faster, but also has better stamina. After flying Zhang Yang for so many miles, he can't breathe. He must have asked Zhang Yang for a rest with his cute big eyes.

Guangming Canyon is a very magical place. There will never be night here. Even if the sun sets, the rocks in this valley will emit dazzling light, as if they have absorbed enough sunlight during the day and then reflected it back at night.

This valley is very steep, pierced by sharp stones, the flying mount is not allowed to fly freely, and can only fly at a height of less than ten meters from the ground. Fortunately, there are no monsters in this valley. Even if you fly low, you don't have to be afraid of attracting a group of monsters to chase you down.

After Zhang Yang flew for a while, he descended at a three-way intersection, because he saw a red-skinned orc struggling to crawl forward with three sharp arrows stuck in his back. He had probably been crawling like this for a long time, and behind him A long trail of blood was left behind.

[Aldo] (common, humanoid)

Grade: 115

HP: 8617800

The orc's blood volume is slowly decreasing, and it will return to zero in about a minute, and then he dies.

There is also a yellow exclamation mark on the orc's head, indicating that this is a mission that will be issued. p, and there is a task that will be released in this place. p, Zhang Yang naturally can't miss it, it is very likely that it is related to Miracle Light.

"Human" Aldo raised his head, and when he saw Zhang Yang, his almost slack eyes suddenly froze, and he said in a trembling voice, "Help me..., do me a favor! Give this letter to the boss of our red-skinned orcs." Chief Rogok Hellscream!"

"Ding! Aldo has issued a mission to you: send a message to Rogok Hellscream, do you accept it?"

accept! [

"Ah!" Aldo trembled for a while, with a relieved expression, he turned his head and hung up.

[Send a message to Rogok Hellscream] (task difficulty: level)

Mission description: You met a dying red-skinned orc on the road. As a sympathetic adventurer, you decided to help him fulfill his last request, and handed the letter to Rogok Hellscream from the orc. Judging from the direction in which he was crawling, you think he wants to go west.

Completion: Deliver the letter to Rogok, who trembles in hell. , Zhang Yang jumped on Lei Ying again, and flew towards the west along the Sanchakou.

After flying the knife for about a few minutes, a huge camp appeared in front of Zhang Yang. This was an orc-style building. There were many pointed spears inserted upside down in each room, which could play a very good defensive role.

At the entrance of the camp, there was a group of 120-level elite orc soldiers guarding there. As soon as they saw Zhang Yang's figure, they rushed over and surrounded him. One of the orcs said: "Human, report your background! "(to be continued)! .

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