MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 545: The Night Phoenix Comeback

Hearing his nonsense, Ye Fenghuang's face turned livid, and she yelled out from embarrassment, "Shut up!"

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and suddenly said solemnly: "Then you won't have the time to chat to admire my heroic appearance of fighting monsters, will you?"

"You—" Heiye Phoenix was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, teasing this bastard, accusing her of talking about this bastard, she was really pissed off! This sexy girl found that the aristocratic etiquette she had always maintained was vulnerable in front of this bastard. Seeing his hippie smiling face, she couldn't help but get angry, and wanted to rush over and ravage her!

She took a deep breath, tried to calm down, and pretended to be indifferent: "Zhan Yu, today I will beat you into a pig's head!" She smiled proudly, and said, "I have already turned on the recording function in the game, you The image of the fiasco will be enjoyed by everyone, and let everyone see that the so-called world's number one tank is nothing more than that!"

So confident! [

Zhang Yang suddenly frowned, and said, "Are you the one doing the super inheritance mission in the European area?"

Black Night Phoenix let out a sigh, but did not deny it, but admitted it, saying: "That's right, I just got the inheritance of the blood angel, and I can transform into a blood angel! And you, if I remember correctly, came from Wen Si After the Battle of Te Castle, it has only been less than two days, and your inheritance transformation is still cooling down! Zhan Yu, you bullied me too much last time, today I will beat you up!"

Oh, what a gentle girl!

Fei Ling stepped forward and said: "Despicable, if you have the ability, you can have a fair fight with brother!"

The night phoenix stopped talking nonsense, and directly turned on the blood angel transformation. Immediately, a blood-red luster surged on her body, and two long wings suddenly spread out from her back, each wing was three meters long , but it was blurred, directly submerged in the cave walls on both sides!


With a flutter of her wings, her fiery figure suddenly floated into the air, hovering proudly in mid-air!

Zhang Yang's eyes tightened involuntarily!

The super inheritance obtained by King Musashi and King Shura does not have the ability to fly at all. Even Fatty Han's b-level vampire inheritance can only fly directly after entering the vampire transformation and turning on the vampire bat skill for a short time!

And this requires origin qi! And has a very long cooling time!

But Zhang Yang can fly freely without restriction under the God of War Transformation. Although he has the disadvantage of not being able to ride a mount, he is more flexible!

He originally thought that flying by himself was a patent of s-level inheritance, but obviously, the night phoenix proved that the super-inheritance also has this ability! Because the night phoenix has just entered the transformation state, and the source energy value is 0 points, so she can fly now, which is obviously an additional special effect of the transformation state!

Riding in the mine, that is to say, in terms of speed, ten publicity is not the opponent of the night phoenix!

Heiye Phoenix was beaten badly by Zhang Yang last time, and this time when he got the chance, he naturally had to vent his anger! Anyway, the transformation lasted as long as two hours, she had plenty of time to play with Zhang Yang slowly!

"Zhan Yu, look at the attributes of my blood angel after transformation!" She intentionally frightened Zhang Yang, and actually posted her character data on the "Shuo" channel!

[Player: Night Phoenix]

Level: 102

HP: 1878920

Armor Value: 1008[

Attack power: main hand: 27580-35580 (28 seconds attack speed, 11280 second damage), deputy: 24196-32196 (25 second attack speed, 11280 second damage)

Although this attack power is still not comparable to Zhang Yang's God of War transformation, it is terrifying enough! Besides, because the thief uses a one-handed weapon, it is normal that the attack limit is not high, but the second damage of the main and auxiliary weapons is almost catching up with Zhang Yang's God of War transformation!

But Zhang Yang used a level 120 Xuanling level weapon, and based on his visual inspection, the opponent should only be using a level 100 purple gold weapon, and there is an extremely huge room for damage improvement, which shows the bug of dual wielding weapons!

Of course, one-handed weapons are more affected by armor because of their fast attack speed, but only one book of "Eagle Eye" can solve the problem! Since the other party can mobilize the top players in the entire European region to work for her, and can take out two taboo sleeves in one go, it shouldn't be too difficult to get a "Hawkeye" skill book!

However, after all, the super-level inheritance is no better than the S-level inheritance, with 30 times the life value increase, and because the output profession cannot take the shield, without the shield as the largest supply point of physical strength, the blood volume of the night phoenix has not reached a daunting level!

But such a dark night phoenix is ​​still not something Zhang Yang can beat!

However, Zhang Yang is not without the hope of making a comeback!

——The god of the underworld stares!

As long as the skill is not resisted and the effect can be achieved, even if the night phoenix has 10 million health, it will be forcibly deducted to 1 point, and it can be done with a random hit!

The key is whether he can hit the target, and even if he hits the target, can he live long enough to play special effects! After all, there is only a 10% chance of triggering. Theoretically, he needs to launch 10 attacks to trigger the special effect. Even with Fei Ling, Thunder Eagle, and even summoned puppets, it may take three to four seconds to launch 10 attacks!

And the player is not a monster, and if something is wrong, the night phoenix can use the disappearing skill to avoid it. Anyway, the gaze of the god of death can only last for 5 seconds. of!

Only one chance!

Zhang Yang looked at the other party with a smile, and said, "I've always been curious, how did you find me?"

"Want to know?" The black phoenix raised its snow-white chin proudly, hummed softly, and said, "I won't tell you! It will make you depressed to death!"

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, suddenly he jumped out, charged towards the opponent, the gaze of Hades was activated at the right time, swiped, and a black skull immediately sank into the body of the night phoenix, and then popped out from the top of her head, looking abnormal fear.

He stretched out his hand again, and the puppet Hercules had already soared down from the sky, its huge figure completely filled the passage, and even broke a hole in the ceiling of the cave! Fei Ling and Thunder Eagle activated group damage skills at the same time - what they have to do is to trigger the special effect of God's Gaze, so what they are after is only the attack frequency rather than the amount of damage. The anger spray and the purple lightning bombardment are both attacks per second Once, twice the frequency of a single attack every two seconds!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Before the night phoenix could clearly see what kind of negative effect it had, it had already been attacked several times! At first she sneered and didn't take it seriously, because the amount of blood she dropped was really not enough to worry about, but when she saw the skill description of Hades Gaze, her face suddenly changed!

And at this moment, Fei Ling's jet of anger just triggered the special effect of Hades' gaze!

Immediately, the black skull submerged from the top of the night phoenix, opened its huge black mouth and swallowed the black phoenix in one gulp, the black light surged, and the night phoenix suddenly only had 1 residual blood left!

"Ah—" The black phoenix was furious and startled. It never occurred to Zhang Yang to have such a powerful weapon!

Zhang Yang laughed out loud, and swiped the sky-thundering hammer at the other party's head. This is not the time to feel pity and cherish jade! [

"Bastard!" Heiye Phoenix let out a snarl, and swiped the ground, blood surged from her body, and her blood volume unexpectedly returned to full value all of a sudden! But there is also a negative effect on him - the elegy of the blood angel.

[Blood Angel's Elegy]: Burn the power of the blood angel, immediately restore 100% of the HP, but will also suffer from the weakening effect of reducing the attack power by 30% and reducing the HP by 30%, which lasts for 2 minutes.

This is equivalent to the light of the god of war, but the gap between the s-level inheritance and the super-level inheritance is reflected. Using the light of the god of war does not have the debilitating effect of 2 minutes!

Zhang Yang sighed!

Although the opponent's attack power has been reduced by 30%, and the blood volume has dropped to the million level, it is still not something he can shake. bearable.

The hero didn't suffer from the immediate loss, and ran away!


Zhang Yang activated the earth escape technique, and his body immediately sank into the hard rock, disappearing instantly.

"Ah!" Even though the night phoenix flew over quickly, it was still one step too late, and the two long swords were slashed but missed. She was more angry and roared to the sky! This was supposed to be her revenge battle, but when she turned on the super inheritance transformation, she was almost given a second by Zhang Yang!

And that cunning man actually slipped away when he saw that the situation was not good!

She glanced around, but saw Zhang Yang's Purple Lightning Thunder Eagle fluttering away. The night phoenix's anger suddenly became a little bit more vented, and it immediately chased after it. The two daggers danced like a dragon, and after a few efforts, it cut the mysterious spirit-level pet into a bald eagle, and died!

No, I must not let that bastard just run away like this!

The night phoenix took out a small crystal ball from her backpack, and when she thought about it, several rays of light suddenly shot out from the ball, forming a three-dimensional projected map in front of her, with two light spots , one is a stationary green dot and the other is a slowly moving downward red dot.

If Zhang Yang saw this scene, he would immediately be sure that this was the "secret weapon" that Night Phoenix could find him twice!

"Bastard, you can't escape!" Night Phoenix bit his bright red lips and said, "There are still nearly two hours, I will definitely find you and give you a lesson that you will never forget!"


Zhang Yang left in a hurry, and only had time to bring Fei Ling into the space of followers. Whether it was summoning or unsummoning a cavalry, it needed to be read and chanted, so he had to leave the Purple Lightning Thunderhawk to the Night Phoenix. It's a feast of eagle meat.

Fortunately, the Purple Lightning Thunder Eagle is a riding pet, no matter how abused it is, it will not resist, and if it treats its followers like this, it may not take two times to be rebelled by the followers!

Alas, it will be difficult to mix in the future!

While walking underground, Zhang Yang thought with emotion, inheritance transformation has a huge deterrent effect on any player! Even if Zhang Yang has an s-level inheritance, unless he can keep the inheritance transformation for a long time, once he uses it up, it will be a big headache for the upper b-level inheritance transformation players!

Fortunately, there are not many inheritances above level, and most players will also use inheritance transformations to deal with bosses. There are not many players like Night Phoenix who use inheritance transformations to kill people.

After walking through the ground for about five or six minutes, Zhang Yang finally passed through the thick stone layer and came to the space below. This was still a corner of the cave. As soon as Zhang Yang appeared, he was attacked by a blood spider. He quickly summoned Fei Ling, and the two of them worked together to knock the big spider upside down.

Zhang Yang didn't rush to fight monsters. Although he didn't know how the Night Phoenix found him, since the other party could find him twice, there would be a third and fourth time!

Inheritance transformation will last for 2 hours, Zhang Yang can only walk around when he sees the other party during this time!

Although not reconciled, there is no other way! Think about it two days ago after Zhang Yang turned on the God of War, he can defeat ten thousand enemies with one enemy. It is also normal that he can't beat the night phoenix transformed by the super inheritance! Conversely, it would be abnormal if he was able to kill super-inheritance-transformation players without inheritance-transformation—of course, the skill of staring at the god of the underworld cannot be counted among them.

But he was not willing to just run away in such a desperate way. The environment in the cave was complicated and the roads were intricate. Zhang Yang didn't believe that the opponent's props would be unlimited, and he could always monitor his position!

And as long as it drags on for two hours, whoever hides and who chases after that time will have to change!

Zhang Yang played hide-and-seek with the Night Phoenix in this mine. He holds the Shadow of the Void in his hand. After reloading and ready to go, he can use it twice in a short period of time. In addition, he has two Windwalk cards. The magic scroll, in terms of escape, it is probably not the second person in the game!

After half an hour of chasing hide and seek, the night phoenix finally caught up with Zhang Yang, but this woman's face and body were covered with lumps of green liquid, obviously she had been "fucked" by blood spiders quite a few times, and was far away. When Zhang Yang saw it, he immediately laughed out loud, making the black phoenix tremble with anger.

Zhang Yang activated the Shadow of the Void, and the whole person immediately escaped into a different space, and through the intricate passages of the mine, he quickly hid in a place where the night phoenix couldn't see.

Sure enough, the night phoenix's tracking "instrument" does not have a limit on the number of times it can be used. When she lost Zhang Yang and took out the small ball to use it again, there were no rays of light gushing out, which made her angry. Stamped again and again.

half an hour and a half...

As expected of a thief player, Night Phoenix is ​​amazingly patient. He almost caught Zhang Yang a few times, but after Zhang Yang cruelly used up a piece of "Windwalk", he still managed to escape!

When the time went to 2 hours, the bloody light wings behind the night phoenix disappeared immediately, and the transformation of the blood angel's inheritance was over!

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