MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter five hundred and sixty first flames red fire

After killing Snow, the four of them came to the second floor of the cabin.

Because the first boss has already been annotated, saying that it is one of the three generals under Blackbeard Teach, so obviously Zhang Yang and the others have to kill the other two generals to see Blackbeard Teach's real body!

The monsters on the second floor are still the elite pirates of all races, but there is a new monster: the pirate parrot.

【Pirate Parrot】(Elite, Beast)

Level: 125[

HP: 1.25 million Armor: 1300

Attack power: 7381-11381

Skill: [Dive]: Dive down from the air at high speed, causing physical damage equivalent to 150% of melee attack to the target, and causing the target to fall, and it takes 1 second to stand up again.

[Psitrot Fever]: Infect the target with a virus, reduce the damage caused by 10%, and every 3 seconds, there is a 10% chance of being unable to attack due to feverish confusion, lasting 15 seconds.

Note: Parrots are a symbol of pirates. Can a pirate ship without a parrot be considered a real pirate?

The annoying thing about these parrots is that they come in batches of three or four at a time because they are small enough to attack at the same time! Moreover, these parrots are definitely agile, and their movements are extremely fast. At least with Zhang Yang's current agility value, it is impossible to keep up with the speed of these monsters, making it impossible to launch auxiliary attacks at all.

Fortunately, the team was strong enough, and the number of three to four animals was within the range that Zhang Yang could bear. The team still had a thrilling fight all the way through, and it took more than three hours to reach the bottom of this floor. I saw the No. 2 boss Chi Huo!

This is an unusually strong middle-aged man, dressed in straight clothes, with a high neckline, and a very stinky look, as if he is not a vicious pirate, but a general!

["Raging Flame" Chihuo] (Purple-gold rank leader, humanoid creature)

Level: 130

HP: 13 million Armor: 3540

Attack power: 17739-21739 (physical attack determination, but fire damage)

Skill: [Summon Parrot]: It is said that Chihuo was a parrot merchant before becoming a pirate, and he has the magical ability to communicate with parrots. Summons the same number of Pirate Parrots as there are players in the hate list.

[Flame Incarnation]: Incarnate into flames, increase the fire damage caused by 20%, and be immune to fire damage or control skills, have a 50% reduction in physical attacks, but increase the damage received by 100% when receiving frost attacks.

[Flame Flow]: When the red fire enters the flame incarnation, fiery magma will flow continuously on its body, causing 10,000 points of fire damage to all enemy targets it touches each time.

Note: One of the three generals under Blackbeard Tiki, a person with the ability to control flames, has the ability to control flames.

Zhang Yang was both surprised and delighted. When he saw the boss's ability of the flame incarnation, he knew that when the boss fell, he would probably give them a piece of the flame heritage!

What kind of treasure is this?

Forget about the gold utensils given by the lion kings in front, they are not worth a lot of money. But starting from the 12 zodiac mountains, every time a mountain is laid down, a few pieces of purple gold artifacts plus a purple gold level ground riding pet will be given away! This alone has already made Zhang Yang and the others make a lot of money, which is very exciting! [

And the boss here is even more generous, actually sending B-level inheritance fragments!

B-level inheritance! That is an awesome inheritance that any top guild would want to fight for, and there is a big show here!

Treasure! It really is a treasure!

Even if the task ended abruptly at this point, Zhang Yang still felt that he was making a lot of money, making money to the limit!

Now that the system is so generous, it's as if a goddess you've admired for n years has agreed to your courtship, so do you still need to pretend to be a gentleman? superior!

Zhang Yang gave a loud shout and charged towards the boss.

"That guy Snow is really useless!" Boss snorted coldly, his body suddenly ignited raging flames, and he had already entered the state of flame incarnation, and he swung a fist to meet the Devouring Sword. Like Snow, he was also a man who dared to use A powerful character with flesh and blood against sharp weapons! But when the fist was swung out, the raging flames formed a shield-like shield, protecting the boss' fist.


The fire fist and the sword blade collided, Zhang Yang was immediately pushed back a few steps by the boss's power, but Chi Huo took advantage of the victory to pursue and hit Zhang Yang with another fire fist.

As the battle unfolded, Wei Yan'er and Han Yingxue also took up their duties.

But Narcissus is embarrassing. When fighting Snow, she has a fire damage bonus, but when facing Red Fire, she can only stare blankly. Only followers can provide some output, and she is playing soy sauce on the side .

In contrast, Fei Ling's fire attack method is also useless, but the little girl can transform back into a human form. A long spear stabs her and can also form a normal attack. Although the damage is still sharply reduced, it is better than nothing. The daffodils that can't be dried are much stronger.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The boss's body was continuously splashed with billowing magma, forming a sea of ​​flames under his feet. The damage of 10,000 points per second was still very terrifying. Even Zhang Yang didn't dare to stand on the boss and let the boss burn like this, so he hurriedly pulled the boss to fight. Keep moving.

Fortunately, it takes some time for these magmas to form a scale that can burn people. Zhang Yang only needs to move his position every 10 seconds. But the fighting time can't be dragged on for too long, otherwise the cabin will be covered with magma, and there will be no safe place to stay.

Narcissus Blossom is completely useless, Zhang Yang, Wei Yan'er, and Fei Ling are also half useless, and the only one who can guarantee basic damage is Lei Ying!

Not long after the battle, the boss let out a roar and said, "My little birds, come out and meet the guests!"

Swipe, and suddenly four elite pirate parrots appeared out of thin air, and after a short pause, they rushed towards Han Yingxue.

No way, monsters like this that spawned suddenly during the battle, because there is no tank to pull and output to fight, this is naturally the first trouble to find a cure.

However, the four of them were so overwhelmed by the boss's line that they almost foamed at the mouth to pay respects to the boss.

Zhang Yang rushed into one of the parrots with a quick charge, stepped on both feet, and launched a thunderous blow, slowing down the four parrots at the same time. After 3 seconds, the sweeping cooldown was completed, and he shook his sword, and a piece of more than 50,000 damage jumped up. , Stabilized the hatred.

The daffodil blossoms finally came into play, and Fei Ling also entered the dragon eagle form and launched a group attack. Everyone has temporarily locked the attack target on these mobs. If they don't kill them in time, firstly, the healing will be wasted, and secondly, if they get together with the second wave, it may become the last thing that crushes the camel. a straw. [

Fortunately, these annoying parrots didn't have the powerful attributes of being immune to fire and halving physical attack. After a strong attack by the four of them, these parrots soon died screaming and dropped feathers all over the floor.

Although the damage avoidance and damage reduction ability of the boss is extremely annoying, making the team's firepower very weak, but as a purple-gold boss, the red fire's damage ability has not reached the level that makes the team collapse, and the magma in the boss room has not yet been paved. Halfway through, Chi Huo's HP had dropped by 50%.

However, the flame incarnation of the boss still gave everyone a strong shock!

Zhang Yang's and Wei Yan'er's swords and axes struck the boss's body, as if they had been smashed into a mass of magma, so soft that there was almost no point of force! Every time the attack is swung, the boss's body will break open like a water bag, splashing out a large cloud of magma, and falling to the ground steaming hot!

Wei Yan'er was a little moved, and said: "It's really interesting, the boss seems to be a magma man!"

"The boss will probably drop the flame inheritance fragments, you have to think about it, otherwise after I give the inheritance fragments to others, you can only cry!"

"Tch, I'm not a child, will I still cry?" Wei Yan'er wrinkled her pretty nose and said, but for a moment she really couldn't decide whether to want this inheritance or not.

Zhang Yang didn't insist that Sun Xinyu, Han Yingxue and the others go and get the S-level inheritance and the first-level inheritance. Needless to say, there are only 6 s-level inheritances in the entire server, and although the s-level inheritances are not unique, their rarity is no less than that of giant pandas!

As far as he knows, among the major guilds in China in the previous life, only the super-large guilds such as Huangtian, Yinuohongyan, and Guangguang have players with super-inheritance. Moreover, only Huangtian's guild had two super-inherited players, which made Huangtian's No. 1 guild's ranking unshakable at that time!

It's a pity that Sun Xinyu has always been a loner in her previous life. Although she is the only S-level inheritance player in China, she has never joined any guild. Otherwise, the guild she joined would definitely challenge Huang Tian!

Taking this into consideration, Zhang Yang felt that if the team members could get the b-level inheritance, they had reached the baseline! In the case of super-level inheritance, it can be encountered but not sought. It is luck to get it, and it is a bit difficult to force it. After all, now that everyone knows the brilliance of high-level inheritance, whoever gets the fragments of high-level inheritance will be willing to sell it?

After ping-pong-pong hacking, when the magma from the boss covered two-thirds of the floor of the cabin, the four of them finally chopped up the red fire, and a few purple gold and gold wares burst out as usual. Because they are not top-level bosses, these purple gold artifacts naturally do not have the special effect of reducing the use level, so they were directly stuffed into Zhang Yang's backpack, and the flame inheritance fragments appeared as expected!

B-level inheritance!

At this time, even Han Yingxue was a little shocked, and said: "This is really a treasure land of geomantic omen! Just these two inheritance fragments are priceless!"

Because the inheritance fragments will echo each other, as long as you get one, it is basically equivalent to collecting a set, the difference is only in the time of day. Two purple-gold-level bosses gave away two B-level inheritances. This gift is not light!

Zhang Yang nodded, and became even more puzzled, because he had never heard of such an island in his last life! ! .

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