Zhang Yang activated the God of War Transformation, basically there is no need for Han Yingxue to increase blood. The shield wall every two and a half minutes comes with 75% of the blood volume, which is enough for him to survive the boss's bombardment with ease!

It's a pity, after all, the Titan Tank Armor only has level 80 purple gold weapons, and the effect will be halved when he reaches level 100. When he reaches level 110, the special effect will drop sharply! Otherwise, this titan breastplate is not a counterfeit product, but a real artifact!

But the boss is not so easy to deal with. The light and shadow avatar reduces the physical damage by half, which makes Zhang Yang and Wei Yan'er very big-headed. File", you can dodge any attack - except for skills that cannot be dodged, such as beheading.

Moreover, the cooling time of this speed of light movement is also extremely short, only 10 seconds!

Sometimes the luck of the boss is good enough, one move at the speed of light can even dodge three or four attacks, making Zhang Yang and them all very big heads! [

Fortunately, the publicity under God of War Transformation is also perverted enough, there will be no survival problems at all against the boss, and it is only a matter of how long it takes to knock down the boss.

"You scum will never defeat me!"

"I am the enemy!"

"Let me crush your bones!"

The boss's blood volume gradually decreased as he continued to roar, and after nearly 20 minutes, Wright's life was about to come to an end.

"Haha, this is a big boss, it will definitely drop good things!" Wei Yan'er's obsession with money is out of control, and he almost went directly to dig the bottom of the boss.

I don't know if this little girl will search her husband's pocket for money all day after she gets married?

Zhang Yang had a whim, and was very curious about it. He really wanted to travel back in time and see it 10 years later!

"No! No! Impossible!" Wright was struggling, and the frequency of light speed movement was further increased, and it could be used once every five seconds at most, making most of the attacks in vain!

Zhang Yang snorted angrily, turned on recklessly, and beheaded with anger!


Kill, Fage, dodge! Reckless, within 10 seconds, a target with less than 20% HP must be dealt a critical strike!

It's a pity that the boss has 50% physical attack reduction under the avatar of light and shadow. Although the beheading hits a critical strike, it only deals half of the damage, which is equivalent to no critical strike.

But this is not something the boss can bear, 420,000 damage is more than 1% of the blood volume for the boss! He originally only had about 2% health, but this time, Wright's health dropped to 1%!

Gods and ghosts dance wildly!

The little girl was not willing to let Zhang Yang focus on her beauty, and blasted out her big move.

It's just that after entering the realm of chaos, both the player's and the boss's blood volume have been greatly improved. 100,000 points of damage was a large number before, but now... I didn't see Zhang Yang's beheading and critical strikes. Wan's base damage?

But the advantage of this skill is that it deals chaotic attribute damage, and will not be affected by level suppression, armor, magic resistance, etc., and actually caused 100,000 points of damage to the boss!

The little girl followed up with another beheading, and Wright's last trace of blood was immediately emptied, and with a scream, he fell to the ground, bursting out a lot of spoils. [

Zhang Yang didn't waste any time, and said: "Little girl, put away the things first, let's fight up and see what happened to the boss at the same time!"

He has changed the team allocation mode to free loot.

Naturally, Wei Yan'er had no objection to this, and happily went about her job of picking "trash".

The team rushed to the fourth cabin, and Zhang Yang activated the God of War Transformation at this time, so there was no scruples. He ran rampant all the way, and pulled a large number of pirates together. The special effect of copying skills, the firepower is as fierce as landslides and tsunamis, quickly turning waves of monsters into corpses, and gaining a lot of experience points.

Wei Yan'er was also in the team, posting the previous trophies one by one, and said: "The boss has produced two mysterious spirit weapons, three purple gold weapons, two skill books, and one inheritance fragment. You want to see them first. which one?"

While waving the Devouring Sword, Zhang Yang said, "Forget about the purple gold weapon. You can't afford to wait for level 130 ones. You should read the mysterious spirit weapon first, and then the skill book. As for the inheritance fragments, they are probably B-level inheritances. You don't even want them." , Save it too!"

"Choosy!" Wei Yan'er shrugged her shoulders pretendingly, and said, "Who made this lady gentle and easy to talk, just satisfy your pickiness!"

She fiddled with the backpack for a while, and posted the first piece of equipment. This is a pink cloth armor kua, which is very unique in shape and design, but if the "cuirass" is a skirt or robe type, then this kui will not be seen.

[Hanako of Wright's first love] (mysterious spirit weapon, cloth armor)

Armor: 32

Physical strength: 1926

Intelligence: 905

Spirit: 393

Equip: Increases your maximum health by 3800.

Equip: Increases your maximum mana by 1800.

Equip: Increases the damage or healing you deal by 35%.

Unidentified Requires Level: 130

Special addition: reduce the usage requirements by level 20.

NOTE: There's nothing Wright can't steal!

The first-class equipment attributes not only add blood volume and mana value, but also increase the damage a lot, and can also reduce the use requirements of level 20. From the attribute point of view, this cloth armor is already perfect!

But this stupid equipment name made Han Yingxue and Narcissus Blossom frown!

"Cousin, Sister Narcissus, which one of you wants this pan?" asked the little girl. [

The two women are a little hesitant. In terms of attributes, this piece of equipment is naturally picky, but seeing the name of the equipment makes people inexplicably entangled! This is not only second-hand goods, but also second-hand goods stolen by a wretched middle-aged man. Who knows if there are any dirty things left by Wright on them.

Zhang Yang laughed, and said, "You two roll, whoever loses will get this piece of equipment!"

Both women nodded. After the toss, the daffodils bloomed a little smaller, and they put away the flower cup, a little reluctantly.

This must be seen by other players, and they can't be so angry that they vomit blood! Isn’t it just a bad name? What’s the point of this? It doesn’t matter if you wear it on your body. This is a level 130 mysterious weapon, and you can wear it at level 110. It is definitely the strongest equipment at level 110!

Wei Yan'er posted the second piece of equipment, saying: "This is mine, anemia fighters are not allowed to snatch it from me!"

[Light Prism Guardian T Leg Armor] (Mysterious Spirit Weapon, Armor)

Armor: 160

Physical strength: 2012

Strength: 931

Agility: 340

Equip: Increases your maximum health by 4000.

Equip: Increases the damage or healing you deal by 35%.

Equip: Absorbs 384 damage when attacked.

Unidentified Requires Level: 130

Special addition: reduce the usage requirements by level 20.

High-end equipment has both offense and defense. From the perspective of attributes, it can no longer be said to be pure defense equipment or output equipment, but it can only be said to be the best!

The kua on Zhang Yang's body is also a mysterious spirit weapon. Although the level 120 black iron leg armor is 10 levels lower than the light prismatic guardian's leg armor, there is not much difference in attributes. Therefore, he didn't compete with the little girl, and he nodded as he agreed.

Wei Yan'er smiled sweetly, and said: "That's about the same, I'll help you speak nice words in front of my cousin in the future, and make her be more gentle!"

"It's worth it!" Zhang Yang laughed loudly.

Han Yingxue suddenly became unhappy, and said, "Aren't I usually gentle?"

"There is also a skill book!" Wei Yan'er waved a book with a red cover, and threw it at Zhang Yang, "Anemia Warrior, this is yours!"

[Skill Book: Strengthen Thunder Blow]

Use: Teaches you how to Enhance Thunder Bash.

Requires: Thunder Bash Requires Level: 100

Thunder Smite is the exclusive skill of shield warriors, Wei Yan'er can't learn it, so she threw the skill book to Zhang Yang openly.

Zhang Yang immediately took this skill book and learned it. He didn't get this skill in his last life, so he also wanted to know what this skill is useful for.

[Enhanced Thunder Blow (Passive)]: Strengthen your Thunder Blow skill, increase the deceleration effect to 90%, increase the duration to 10 seconds, but the target will recover 10% of the movement speed every second. During this period, the target still has a 1% chance of being affected by the effect of "Broken Tendon" every second, and cannot move completely for 5 seconds.

Praise, this skill is so useful!

Because it has strengthened the Thunder Smite, so he doesn't need to spend extra anger and skill cooldown time, as long as he releases the Thunder Smash as usual, the enhanced effect will be added automatically, very powerful!

"What's the other skill book?" Han Yingxue asked the little girl enviously.

"Well, unfortunately, it's not your cousin!" Wei Yan'er shook her head, took out another skill book from her backpack, and said, "This is Sister Narcissus's!"

Narcissus Blossom took over the skill book from the little girl, which is also a strengthened skill book, she learned it immediately, and then posted the description of this skill in the team.

[Enhanced Pyroblast (Passive)]: When your Pyroblast deals damage, you can also get an additional effect that increases the casting speed of the next spell by 50% for 3 seconds.

Pyroblast has a 10-second cooldown, which means that every 10 seconds can increase the casting speed of the next spell by 50%. Although this cannot be said to be against the sky, Pyroblast is the most commonly used output skill of fire mages, which is equivalent to giving away an enhancement for nothing, which of course is not for nothing!

Although Wright is a Xuanling-level boss, the inheritance of light and shadow he dropped is still a B-level inheritance, and has not broken through to the first level. Even so, Zhang Yang, Han Yingxue, and Narcissus Blossoms were amazed. Wei Yan'er was still not satisfied, and she kept clamoring why she couldn't pass it on to her!

After distributing the spoils, the team almost wiped out all the mobs on the fourth floor of the cabin, before arriving in front of the final boss, Blackbeard Tiki.

The bearded man was scratching his head and scratching his head, studying the treasure map over and over again, spreading it out on the table for a while, and holding it up in the air for a while. He probably hasn't figured out the secret of the treasure map yet, and his face is full of assholes. All trembling anxiously.

[Tiqi, the leader of the Blackbeard Pirates] (the leader of the mysterious spirit level, a humanoid creature)

Level: 130

HP: 130 million Armor: 5560

Attack power: 40204-52204 (determined by physical attack, but causes shadow damage)

Skill: [Shock]: Shake the ground, causing 50,000 points of physical damage to all targets within 40 meters.

[Dark Body]: Incarnation of darkness, shadow damage increased by 50%, and immune to shadow damage and shadow control skills, 50% reduction to physical attacks, but damage increased by 100% when receiving sacred attacks.

[Dark Devouring]: Swallow all targets within 40 meters into the body and start to digest. Players must kill Tiqi’s phantom clone within 30 seconds. If successful, they can escape, and Tiqi will lose 100,000 health points. Odd to recover 1% of HP.

[Black Arrow]: Randomly strike a long-range target, causing 40,000 shadow damage. Range: 3-40 meters.

Note: The captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, rampant in the waters of the Comoros is an enemy, synonymous with cruelty. Tiki is a dark fruit user with the special ability to manipulate darkness.

"More than 100 million blood volume!" All four of them were a bit big-headed.

Because the boss has the ability to devour darkness, there is a chance to restore 1% of the health, which is a super high blood volume of 1.3 million! I don't know how difficult that phantom clone is, if it's too outrageous, then this boss is immortal!

And Zhang Yang's God of War Transformation still has a duration of 36 minutes.

With the support of God of War, Zhang Yang's theoretical damage per second reached about 100,000. However, because the boss's dark body can reduce physical damage by 50%, his damage per second will drop to 50,000, and it will take 43 minutes to blast the boss's 130 million HP.

However, as long as the god's gaze can work successfully, and the boss's blood volume drops to 20%, his damage can be greatly increased in the beheading stage, so there is still a chance to kill the boss within 36 minutes! The question is whether other people can play a role in helping or counteracting, because they don't know how powerful the Dark Devouring is!

Moreover, if the frequency of the boss's shock attack was too high, Han Yingxue would not be able to increase the blood volume of the crowd at all. Only Zhang Yang could survive without relying on treatment under the effect of the shield wall returning blood.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and said: "After you get a shock, back away immediately. Don't fight the boss until your blood volume is fully recovered. If the cooling time of this shock is very short, don't go on it!"

Shocking 50,000 points of damage, even with Zhang Yang's blood volume of more than 130,000, he can't eat a few without changing his body!

The super boss is killed by the number of people! ! .

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