MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 568 Devouring the Sword, Shocking the World

Zhang Yang personally manipulated the magic cannon, whistling, glaring white lights shot out from the cannon, falling into the dense crowd of monsters. Where the white light surged past, all the Fage Horror Beasts would be wiped out, not even a scum left!

This magic cannon is really powerful when dealing with monsters!

It's a pity that even if it's not a territorial battle, the magic cannon can only be used more than 10 times a day. After upgrading to the fourth-level city defense, the number of magic cannons that can be placed on the city wall has finally increased to four, and a total of 40 cannons can be used every day. gun.

Although the number is still not enough, Zhang Yang comforted himself and said that if he was asked to shoot 40 shots a day, he would definitely die from bleeding.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Wei Yan'er was jealous, and hurriedly yelled at Zhang Yang for a shot. [

Zhang Yang laughed, and said, "Girls, what kind of guns are you playing!"

Wei Yan'er didn't understand the hidden meaning in Zhang Yang's words, excitedly took over the right to fire the magic cannon, and fired the cannons at the place where the monsters were dense, and in a flash, countless monsters were killed Hit to kill!

The little girl got excited and quickly used up all the remaining 35 shots. As if she hadn't finished, she hummed: "It's really useless, it's not enough after just firing so many shots!"

Han Yingxue giggled immediately, and glanced at Zhang Yang, which was quite meaningful.

After being ravaged by the magic cannon, almost tens of thousands of monsters were blasted to pieces! It's a pity, compared to the number of monsters reaching a million, the number of tens of thousands is really not enough. In addition, the monsters killed by the magic cannon will not drop any loot, that is to say, killing is very fun , but it's completely useless.


The monsters have already reached the bottom of the city wall. These hound-like terrifying beasts have powerful leaps and powers. With a single jump, they can jump to half the height of the city wall. If they can borrow strength from the city wall, they can jump again. Leap up the walls in one go!

However, there are already players on the top of the city wall. After the monsters approached, they naturally opened fire. There were heavy-armored and thick-skinned tanks in front of them. If a monster jumped up, they would directly bombard them with shields. Melee occupation as an auxiliary.

And the long-distance professions stood behind, pouring out their physical damage skills to the bottom of the city wall without caring where the monsters were, they could smash a large area with their eyes closed!

The battle is temporarily limited to a stalemate, but these Zege horror beasts are not just breaking through to the top of the city wall without thinking, many horror beasts are using their hard teeth to destroy the city walls and gates, trying to bite a new passage Come!

Although the blood bar of the fourth-level city defense is very thick, and the armor and magic defense are also high, it can't stand tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of crazy bites, and the blood volume suddenly drops suddenly, which makes Zhang Yang feel heartache.

You know, it costs money to repair the imperial city defense! The more damage it does, the more money it will cost!

And if it is completely destroyed, it must be rebuilt! Repairing and rebuilding are two completely different things! If say, patch a broken one. Dig the walls need! If it is 40,000, it will take 2 million to rebuild a new city wall!

And in the battle, the law repaired the city defense, even if Zhang Yang was willing to spend a lot of money, he had to do it after the battle was over!

"Oh, if only that taboo scroll hadn't been used!" Han Yingxue said regretfully.

Zhang Yang and the others immediately turned their attention to Wei Yan'er, looking at the little girl inexplicably and shyly, and said innocently: "What are you looking at me for? It was Sister Sun who used the "Doomsday Disaster", not Miss Ben!"

"Without your instigation, would Ice Cube do this?" Zhang Yang pointed out.

"Can such hypothetical things be used as evidence?" Wei Yan'er curled her lips and said, "It's called wanting to add a crime, so why bother, I don't bother to talk to you!"

"President Zhanyu, the city wall is about to be broken!" Xue Qianxun walked over from not far away, with a worried look on her face. No one thought that there were so many monsters. They thought they could drag the monsters outside the city wall for a long time by taking advantage of the terrain, but they didn't expect that the city defense would be breached so soon! [

"Yeah, get ready to go shopping! Zhang Yang's hand is on the hilt of the sword. Only in close combat can he have a chance to pick up the insect shells. Otherwise, every dead monster in this melee scene has been attacked by many people." Attacks, many people have the right to pick up loot, of course, the players who are close to the monsters are the fastest! 80%, 60%, 30%."


The blood volume of the city wall is getting less and less, but after falling in, holes have appeared on the defense line that can accommodate monsters to freely enter and exit, as if a dam burst and monsters rushed in from these holes.

"Kill! Kill! There are players holding weapons and guarding there. As soon as they see monsters coming in, they rush out one after another, ping-pong-pong-pong, the weapon swings, and when the claws are hit, blood is flying, screaming again and again, and the sound of fighting is loud God made.

Zhang Yang jumped onto Lei Ying and said, "It's time for us to dispatch!"

Among the ten members of the team, Sun Xinyu was temporarily absent, and Gu Jialuo took her place. The team all flew up and killed the group of monsters.

The city wall was broken, and Rokovic couldn't sit still anymore, and commanded the Wanbaiyu Imperial Army to join the chaos. Although most of this NP army is ordinary-level soldiers, it can still be regarded as a support army. At any rate, it is better to be able to provide meat shields and the like, than to have no NP help in other regions.

Especially Rokovic, who is an authentic Xuanling-level boss, whose attack power is comparable to that of Zhang Yang who has turned on the God of War Transformation. The monster caused heavy damage, and it was able to knock the monster back more than ten meters.

"Let's go, let's follow the boss!" Zhang Yang laughed, and patted Lei Ying to the vicinity of Rokovic, picking and killing the monsters with blood left behind by the boss. This is the cheapness of picking a ready-made one. The monster is basically a second word.

Because sweeping does not have a penetrating attack effect, hitting 10 monsters is no different from hitting 100 monsters, and can only attack so many monsters at the same time. But the shock wave is different, an arc-shaped shock wave gushes out, and all monsters within the attack range must be hit!

And how dense the monsters are at this time, suddenly a large number of dense damage numbers jump wildly, and the number of each jump is 5000! Moreover, the copying skill of the Devouring Sword was triggered without any suspense, and it was triggered continuously like a domino effect!

Although the basic damage of the oscillating wave is only in the early 5000s, the special effect of the copying skill is unbearable. During repeated frenzied triggering, it actually cleared all the monsters within 100 meters, and then stopped spreading!

If you are in the same team as Zhang Yang, you can see the damage caused by each jump of the shock wave, and clearly see how those monsters died. The others could only see Zhang Yang swinging his sword, and then the blood volume of all the monsters plummeted, and they fell down within a few seconds!

This is..." What a magical skill!

Everyone couldn't help looking at Zhang Yang, with envy and deep fear in their eyes! ---This master is too ruthless, killing monsters is more fierce than boss!

Zhang Yang shrugged, this is just a special effect of the Devouring Sword, but its prototype is a level 60 golden weapon. Even if he made public the attributes of the Xuanming Sword combination, if a level 100 player uses a level 60 gold weapon, not to mention the disadvantage of the weapon's instant damage, even this special effect will basically not be triggered! Before level 80, there was a 2% chance of triggering special effects, but after level 80, it was only 1%, at level 90, it was 0.5%, and at level 100, it was 0.25%, or even lower!

Others don't have such a magical weapon as the Devouring Sword, which can devour the weapon's special effects and upgrade with the release of the seal!

Therefore, other people will only have poor eyesight!

but! "The big tree attracts the wind! After today's battle, maybe there are jealous people who go to the official website to complain that Zhang Yang is too bugg. If the system is hacked at the special effect of the Devouring Sword because of this, it will be a big loss!

"Hahaha, this weapon of the anemia warrior is quite powerful!" Wei Yan'er hurriedly patted the Pterodactyl to pick up the insect shells. Although the elite monsters only drop silver-level monsters, they can also be exchanged for silver weapons. No need, but it can be sold for money, right?

"It's a pity that it's bound, otherwise I can borrow it to play!" Wei Yan'er said again without regret.

"If I lent it to you, it's probably because Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou, and he has gone back!" Zhang Yang said with a smile. [

"Hmph, anemic soldier, don't ruin my reputation!" The little girl said sternly, causing everyone to laugh.

Under Rokovic's strength and ostentatious violence, the monsters that rushed through the city wall were not quickly wiped out, not only dropped a lot of worm shells, but the rich experience points made everyone's experience bar skyrocket!

Zhang Yang couldn't help sighing, sure enough, playing online games is a level!

Now this is the sacred place to level up. Based on the continuous death rate of monsters, it only takes one day for most people to upgrade to a level! But such a good thing can only be enjoyed by a few high-level players. When this epic battle started in the previous life, Zhang Yang was still playing soy sauce in the 20th-level area!

Of course, in the last life, there was no perversion like Zhang Yang, and he worked hard for a long time to start this epic mission under the Prophet. Therefore, compared to the previous life, the number of players who have reached level 100 is now even less!

Although this also means that the pressure on defense is greater, but there are fewer people to share experience points, which makes everyone very happy, wishing that this battle can continue until their level exceeds the level of monsters by 20. Until you can't get experience points.

Yan'er has sharp eyes, and with the sense of smell of a professional treasure hunter, she immediately spotted the appearance of the boss in the first place!

(to be continued)

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