MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 572: The Shock of the Sword Light

But the more bosses, the more benefits you can get. Capitalists will take risks for 100% or 200% profits. In contrast, players will lose some repair costs if they die, but what if they get a boss? If you drop it, it's a big profit!

Therefore, after being stunned for a moment, the players burst out with a stronger fighting spirit, fearlessly facing hundreds of bosses.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Yang felt a little dazed, and he couldn't help shaking his head. Sure enough, those who know are afraid. They don't know the power of the boss, so they have nothing to fear. Their hearts have already been filled with huge benefits. Can do rational thinking!

But... that's not bad!

Doesn't every war happen because of greed? Greed, like survival, can make people unleash their fighting power! [

Hundreds of bosses bombarded together, the lethality is definitely at the nuclear level, after each wave of attack, hundreds of thousands of players will die! There is no way, Zego Mammoth's group damage ability is too terrifying, it can attack thousands of people with one foot, and these 800 giants have filled the entire island, and their lethality is incredible!

"Go to the sea! Go to the sea! Try to spread out the formation, don't stand together! The sea can reduce the monster's attack power by at least half!" Zhang Yang flew high into the sky, shouted loudly, and asked all the players in the meeting to repeat the same if.

Although the voices of one or two people were not loud, 40,000 people shouted, especially after a few times, the voices were uniform, and the shouts resounded through the sky, not weaker than the monster's momentum!

In the melee, it is very easy for people to follow the command of a certain voice, and suddenly many people ran into the sea, breaking up the formation of monsters little by little!

Zhang Yang smiled slightly and said, "Let's go, let's find the scattered bosses!"

Han Yingxue and the others naturally responded in unison. While the player line was still strong, they naturally wanted to kill some bosses. This would not only reduce the pressure of waiting to defend the city, but also bring in a lot of money! The previous bosses they fought only dropped silver and gold worm shells. Based on this, the purple gold bosses would only drop purple gold worm shells.

But the official has already said that the highest can only be exchanged for purple gold artifacts! Then, it is obviously impossible for the mysterious spirit-level boss to drop the mysterious spirit insect shell, but directly produce the mysterious spirit weapon!

Therefore, Zhang Yang took Damo Guyan and a group of twenty-seven players with flying mounts into the air, looking for the single master Ze Ge.

"Over there!" Sun Xinyu pointed at the extreme west of the island with her sharp eyes. There was a master Ze Ge who was very out of touch with the main force. It turned out that he was pulled out by some players to kill alone, but Therefore, the equipment and level did not meet the standards, but was slaughtered by the boss.


Zhang Yang hurriedly drove the Thunder Eagle to fly over. This Xuanling boss is returning to the team. If he returns to the main team, it will be difficult to pull him out alone.

call out!

Lei Ying flashed a blue light, like a lightning bolt, quickly appeared in front of the boss carrying Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang immediately blasted out a Broken Spear, the Devouring Sword pierced the sky, and sank into the boss's body, a smear of gray-brown blood splashed out, causing more than 26,000 damage to the boss's head.

But almost at the same instant, another shadow of an ax flew by, submerging into the boss's body. Although Zhang Yang didn't see the damage of this blow, he obviously didn't exceed Zhang Yang, because the boss didn't turn his head back, and rushed towards Zhang Yang directly!

Zhang Yang looked intently, and saw Jian Zhimang, the president of the Radiance Guild, slapping his mount and flying towards him. Obviously, the other party also found this piece of fat.

At this time, the overall situation should be the most important thing, and it is not suitable to fight in the same room! Zhang Yang made a decisive decision and said: "Brother Jian, let's fight the boss together! We will use the total amount of damage output to determine the priority selection for the next loot! If it is an even number, it will naturally be divided equally. If it is an odd number, then the side with the higher damage output can win Take one more!"

"Okay!" Jian Zhimang is naturally not an idiot, knowing that there should be no internal fighting for a boss at this time. Besides, there is a team of nearly 30 people behind him, which is no weaker than the lineup of Desert Guyan, and he is still very confident in terms of damage output.

The personnel of the two sides were dispersed, each occupying half of the country, and immediately began to export. [

Although no one said it clearly, there was already a sense of rivalry, and neither side wanted to lag behind in damage output! Everyone is fighting for breath, especially the members of the Radiance Guild, who have been lurking in the shadow of Desert Dust. Even if they win such a contest, they can't prove anything, but they all hold back their energy and want to deal more damage in terms of damage. Suppress Desert Dust severely!

It is normal for tanks to pull monsters, heal and increase blood, and others are responsible for output.

But not long after the fight started, Jian Zhimang felt something was wrong—not enough anger!

This is something he has never encountered before!

He was also taken aback, but immediately realized that he had never been beaten by a boss before!

There are two ways for fighters to get rage. One is the damage caused by normal attacks. The higher the damage, the more rage they get. The second is to be beaten, the worse you are beaten, the more anger you will get.

Successful parrying can also increase anger, but the premise is that you have to be attacked. In addition, Blood Rage can also generate rage, but it has a 1-minute cooldown and cannot be used as a regular source of rage.

And because tanks can only use one-handed weapons, and their equipment is mainly defensive equipment, their attack power is 30% or even 50% less than that of berserkers and mages with the same equipment level. As a tank, at most 30% of the rage is obtained from damage, and most of the rage comes from being beaten.

——After all, there is only one God of War inheritance, and Zhang Yang may be the only tank that can use two-handed weapons!

Jian Zhimang hadn't been beaten by the boss once, so he could only gain anger through normal attacks. His weapons are not bad either, a level 100 purple gold axe can gain 30-40 points of rage with a single swing.

The ax attacks once every 28 seconds. This time can almost release 3 skills, but a devastating blow costs 45 points of anger! Thunder Blow and Broken Armor are enough, but at most two can be released, and the third one can't be released!

Wasting the cooling time of public skills means that there is less hatred, and the boss will not look at you! Such a vicious circle, the hatred value will only get lower and lower, and the hatred gap between the current target of the boss and the boss is getting bigger and bigger!

Jian Zhimang is in a hurry, the output profession is competing, and he is actually competing!

Tank than what? Of course, it is more stable than who pulls the hatred! He quickly threw out a taunt that didn't require any anger points. Ordinarily, a majestic boss at the Xuanling level shouldn't be able to take taunts, but the world is absolutely certain.

How violent is the attack power of the Xuanling-level boss, causing more than 23,000 damage to Jian Zhimang in one blow, which immediately caused Jian Zhimang's anger value to explode!

He didn't dare to slack off in the slightest, and hurriedly used his hatred skills against the boss desperately, striving to completely stabilize the position of hatred first.

The principle of ridicule is to copy 99% of the hatred of the monster's current attack target, and force the monster to attack itself for 2 seconds.

If Jian Zhimang wanted to hold back the hatred, he had to make up and surpass the 1% hatred within 2 seconds, otherwise, the boss would still turn back to find Zhang Yang once the taunt was over.

Seeing how desperate he was, Zhang Yang couldn't help smiling, simply took off his shield, and started bombarding the boss purely as an exporter - who said that tanks don't have a heart for outputting! It's just that there was no chance before, and there happened to be a free sandbag willing to take the beating in his place, so why not do it?

For Zhang Yang, he is not interested in competing with anyone for the title of the number one tank in China - he is already sitting on the king's seat at this time, looking down at the people behind him completely, Jian Zhimang is only thinking about it. He wanted to compare with Zhang Yang, but Zhang Yang didn't have this mentality at all.

Trying to catch up with others, trying to prove that you are better than others, this is inherently an underdog mentality.

The 2-second taunting effect ended, and Jian Zhimang was relieved to see that the boss hadn't turned back to look for Zhang Yang. But when he saw that Zhang Yang's hatred was only a little bit lower than his in the hatred list, and he might surpass him at any time, he felt a chill in his heart. How dare he relax in the slightest, and tried his best to maximize the hatred value! [

He even felt that this was the most stable time since he entered the game!

There is an indicator in the game called hatred per second (tps), which is relative to damage per second (ps). ps is a measure of the level of output occupations, and tps is used to judge the quality of a tank. Of course, a tank with high tps is not necessarily a good tank, but a good tank will never have low tps.

Jian Zhimang found that his tps had reached 18,000!

This is a very, very remarkable stat! This means that he can hold back the aggro of a profession with a ps output of 18,000, without letting others rush past the boss!

Jian Zhimang was a little complacent. One must know that his equipment had a limit of 12,000 tps at a normal level, but under the stimulation of Zhang Yang, his hatred ability increased by 50%! Sure enough, only with pressure can we use motivation!

However, this Zhan Yu is really not an ordinary person!

Jian Zhimang looked at Zhang Yang who had been biting him tightly in the hatred list, and was only one-thousandth away from Zhang Yang, and couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart! You know, Zhang Yang is not being beaten like he was before, but the hatred value can still bite him tightly. If the two are upside down, he will never be able to do this!

It is worthy of the reputation of having the first tank in China!

"However, I will definitely surpass you!" Jian Zhimang said secretly in his heart. However, his gaze froze suddenly, and he suddenly discovered that Zhang Yang was not equipped with a shield!

What a concept!

The ps of a tank is only 50%-70% of the output class of the same equipment level. Only by relying on the hatred skill can a higher tps be obtained, which can hold the hatred. And what is a tank, to put it bluntly, is a shield, which is the symbol of a tank!

All skills and attacks can only gain additional hatred when a shield is equipped. In other words, without a shield, the tank is not a tank, but an output job!

However, Zhang Yang, as an output professional, can still keep biting his hatred tightly. Doesn't this mean that as long as Zhang Yang wears a shield, the hatred value can surpass him at any time!

This... I have been complacent for a long time, and the emotional people have no intention of competing with him at all, it is entirely because he is entertaining himself!

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but lose his mind, and his skills suddenly slowed down by half a beat.

Although Zhang Yang is outputting, he is very unhappy! Even without a shield slamming, his damage per second has reached about 25,000, and the tps of 18,000 with the sword's glow makes him hit hand-to-hand and foot-bound!

It's not that Jian Zhimang is not good enough, on the contrary, the opponent's ability to pull hatred can definitely be listed as the top ten tanks in China, but Zhang Yang has obtained the inheritance of the God of War, and he has gained a 50% increase in attack power in the air, plus the little girl's savage The 12% increase in strength provided by the force halo, and the weapon used is a two-handed mysterious weapon of level 120. In terms of output ability, even Wei Yan'er has to bow down. Currently, tanks without strong inheritance are impossible to hold his hatred!

Zhang Yang has already restrained himself very much, otherwise, if he had dealt full damage, the boss would have looked back at him long ago!

But Jian Zhimang's rhythm suddenly became chaotic, making Zhang Yang, who was used to his output frequency, hit a skill ahead of time. He was fighting against the line of hatred, but suddenly he used an extra skill, which immediately made his hatred surpass that of Jian Zhimang.

The boss turned around immediately, swung a huge leg and attacked Zhang Yang.

"Depend on!"

Zhang Yang said something in his heart, quickly equipped the shield with lightning speed, and raised it high in front of him.


Jian Zhimang just woke up like a dream, and gave Zhang Yang an apologetic smile, shocked in his heart. Hey, a tank can still have such a powerful output, do you still need to worry about aggro, it is the most powerful output job!

"You use...a two-handed weapon!" Originally, Jian Zhimang shouldn't have discovered this unusually obvious problem until now, but he was preconceived. He would never have thought that tanks could use two-handed weapons. He only thought that Zhang Yang's sword was just a shape It's just bigger, but now he finally realized that Zhang Yang couldn't have such a high output with a one-handed sword.

"Hmm!" Zhang Yang said while facing the boss. In fact, in the state of holding the shield, he can also counter-injury and shield slam with multiple blocks, and the firepower is even stronger. Moreover, since he is the one who pulls the boss, he naturally no longer needs to be intimidated. With all his strength, his damage will immediately soar!

Jian Zhimang couldn't help being shocked!

It turned out that Zhang Yang wasn't at his best just now! But he also realized it immediately, and said: "Your inheritance can use two-handed weapons, and, moreover, it has increased a lot of damage?"

"Yes, passively increase the damage by 50%!" Zhang Yang didn't hide anything. It didn't take long for the player to study all the powerful inheritances. He wasn't afraid of being known by the other party. Anyway, it wasn't a big secret.

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