Although they successfully killed a boss, the army of monsters that appeared from the portal has increased and decreased! And the speed at which players kill monsters is far less than the increase in monster reinforcements. Therefore, the player's advantage is being weakened step by step, until it is completely lost, and finally suppressed by monsters, and then collapsed!

The mountains and plains are full of monsters, and the player's resurrection speed is not as fast as the death speed! Many people had just come back from running corpses, because the original gathering point had been washed away by monsters, and they were in the pile of monsters as soon as they were resurrected, and they were torn to pieces by monsters in an instant, and they went to the cemetery to report again!

Especially Zege Mammoth, as long as you step on this thing, the newly revived players only have 20% of their health. How can they stand up to such a devastation, they will die in large areas!

The defeat is like a mountain, it is a foregone conclusion!

"What should we do now?" When everyone looked at the crowd of monsters, especially the hundreds of bosses, their scalps were numb and they felt a sense of strength. [

"Fight all the way and retreat all the way, destroy one or one!" Zhang Yang said, "This can only be filled with human lives. The number of monsters must be controlled until the monsters stop spawning, and it is time for us to sound the horn of counterattack!"

"It's easy to say!"

It's nothing more than mobs, a dozen people rush up and die together if they can. But what about the boss? The Mammoth Boss is a more perverted killer than the Magic Cannon. Although Zege Master is a Xuanling Boss, its true role is to help. As long as it is next to Zege Mammoth, every time it passes In 1 minute, a mob will be caught and killed with sharp claws, and it will heal the mammoth boss, making the mammoth boss an undead body, and he will kill indiscriminately!

Like the previous master Ze Ge who would leave the main force, it should be said that Zhang Yang and the others picked a piece of shit luck!


The army of monsters rushed across the Sea of ​​Desolation unstoppably, leaving countless corpses along the way, including monsters and players!

But after leaving the Ten Desolate Sea, this huge army was suddenly divided into eight, and they marched in eight different directions. Although each army is still strong, it is several times weaker than the previous terror!

"Each main city will be attacked by 100 purple-level bosses and 10 mysterious spirit bosses!"

"Terrifying lineup!"

"Especially those masters of Zege will also increase blood, one increase is 20%, cooperate with the mammoth boss, one tank will heal one, the enemy is defeated!"

"It's so hard to fight. You can't even get close to the boss. If you step on it, a lot of people will die!"

Players talked a lot, even though the monsters divided their troops, each troop is still daunting!

"Unfortunately, I won't be able to get the level 4 reward!" Zhang Yang couldn't help sighing, it's only a matter of time before the monster army arrives at the city, if there is no way to stop all the monsters in the Ten Desolate Sea, it means that the best result is nothing but a city without a place. Lost, only level 3 rewards.

"My God, you still want to get rewards!" Han Yingxue raised her hand with her hand, "Man, wake up, stop dreaming about the seventy-two concubines of the Sixth Palace of the Three Palaces, and guard your temple for three points." Half way!"

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and said: "Anyway, it is a good thing for us to divide the monsters, and it is much easier to deal with than when there is no division!"

Especially Zege Mammoth, when it reaches a certain scale, its destructive power is huge. This is not an enhancement of 11, but an exponential level! So when 800 mammoths gather together, it can be said that gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!

But once the troops are divided, the advantage of the monster army has been weakened a lot. Although the attack power is still strong, it is no longer as desperate as before.

Blocking and killing all the way, the players only set up defenses on one route, using their superior strength to fight against the tide of ancient creatures.

It has to be said that this army of monsters is indeed powerful. Even if it is divided into only one-eighth of the original number, it is still stronger than before, crushing the players all the way forward! Because monsters also have a steady stream of follow-ups, fighting a war of attrition is also a fear for the current monsters! [

A few hours later, the Eighth Route Army approached the city, approaching the eight main cities.

At this time, players can only divide their troops. Because there are free teleportation arrays between the main cities, all players can quickly return to their respective main cities for defense.

Only a very small number of NPCs in the main city joined the battle. It is said that there was a rebellion somewhere, and the army was pulled out to suppress it. It will take a few days to come back! No matter how far-fetched this reason is, in short, the system is to allow players to rely on their own strength to win this battle, or in other words, must persist for a certain period of time, waiting for the return of the main city army!

The monster army did not stop, and immediately launched a fierce attack on the main city!

Fortunately, the magic cannons can still operate freely, and the main city is different from the territory. The number of the magic cannons is in units of hundreds! This kind of lethality is undoubtedly terrifying. It immediately caused heavy damage to the group of monsters, and also attracted Shuzege cockroaches to attack the magic cannons from the air.

Players naturally have to try their best to protect these big killers that can cause heavy damage to monsters. The tragic battle is staged again, and the sky is dark and the sky is dark, ghosts are crying and gods are howling!

"Server notice: Bama City (African Region) has been captured by ancient creatures!"


"Server notice: Helu City (Japan and South Korea area) has been captured by ancient creatures!"


I don't know how long the battle has been going on, the server keeps swiping the screen announcements, announcing the names of the main cities that have been captured by monsters one after another! The number of main cities lost in Japan and South Korea ranks first in terms of volume, reaching five! And the North American region was also broken, losing its first main city. Currently, the only ones that can keep the main city intact are the Chinese region and the European region!

"Server notice: The ancient creatures have come out in full force, heroes, persistence is victory!"

Finally, the system sent a good news. From this moment on, the number of monsters will no longer be replenished, and if one is killed, the number of monsters will actually decrease by one!

Stimulated by this great news, the players all increased their confidence and fought hard against the monsters. But although the number of monsters will not be replenished, the number outside the main city is still dizzying. Moreover, the two big killers, the Mammoth Boss and Zege Master, are alive and well, and players have nothing to do with them. !

"Server notice: England City (Europe) has been captured by ancient creatures!"

With the server's screen swiping, the European region could not keep its golden status, and fell to the first main city. Now, only the Chinese region is still unbroken!

At this time, Zhang Yang did not retain his strength any more, and the God of War turned on, and he roamed freely above the main city, swaying the devouring sword, lovingly harvesting the heads of the monsters, and even took the risk of separating several mammoth kings and Zege masters with hatred. Fadan pulled out and killed, greatly reducing the pressure on the defense.

He wasn't confined to Baiyu City, but he was teleported to where the eight main cities were in need! At this time, the fate of all players in China is closely related. These eight main cities are equivalent to eight levels. If you keep one more city, you can get this level! The first three are profitable, and the last five are loss-making. No one wants to lose, everyone wants to make money!

Fatty Han and other players in the Chinese region who have inherited transformations have also activated their ultimate skills, struggling to resist the attack of the monster madman! It's a pity, because it hasn't been long since everyone entered the realm of chaos, and there are not many guilds who have taboo scrolls!

Moreover, even taboo scrolls are divided into single kill type, auxiliary type, group damage type, etc. Not every taboo scroll is suitable for the current situation!

"Server notice: Ono City (Japan and South Korea) has been captured by ancient creatures!"

Although the loss of another main city in Japan and South Korea is a very happy thing for players in the Chinese region, but because the pressure from the monsters is too great, few players have seen the server's refresh screen, and they are just desperately waiting there. Kill monsters! [

kill kill kill!

Judging whether a main city is captured by monsters does not depend on how many monsters invade the main city, but whether the palaces of each main city are destroyed by monsters! Because in the past, each main city was the capital of a kingdom, and there was a royal palace. Although it has been unified by Serena, each royal palace is still the hub of the main city.


Under the berserk attack of the Mammoth Boss, the city wall of the main city finally shattered, and the vast army of monsters rushed into the city, and the battle entered the stage of street fighting.

Almost every one or two hours, a main city will fall. In the worst area of ​​Japan and South Korea, there is only one main city left. At present, all players who have reached level 50 enter the defense in that main city. This is their only remaining As a fig leaf, the last trace of dignity must be preserved no matter what.

And the one with the best record is the China region, which still maintains a main city, but in several main cities, the monsters have already pushed to the gate of the palace, and the situation is precarious! The results in the European region are also good, but they lost a main city and hold the second place.

"Server announcement: The Baiyu Empire's army is returning to the court, and there are still 3 hours before the reinforcements to the main city!"

"Server announcement: The army of Helucheng Kingdom is returning to the city, and there are still 3 hours before the main city will be reinforced!"


Players finally ushered in the dawn of victory, as long as they persist for another 3 hours, they will win! You must know that the real defensive power of the main city is the existence of god-level bosses, and the kings of each main city are also at the level of heavenly saints, which is enough to suppress the terrifying boss lineup of monsters.

One hour!

two hours!

three hours!

During the difficult defense, the player with the flying mount suddenly shouted: "Reinforcements are coming! Reinforcements are coming!" He couldn't help crying with joy!

Zhang Yang was in Baiyu City at this time, Lei Ying soared into the sky, he looked into the distance, and saw a large army approaching quickly on the distant horizon, with golden griffin flags fluttering in the wind, they were the battle flags of the Baiyu Empire! ! .

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