MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter five hundred and eighty fifth: cut down

The remaining one minute just gave the team valuable recuperation time. They could tie bandages or wait for the skills to cool down. Magical professions could recover a lot of mana.

After 3 minutes expired, all the corpses of the Son of Frost melted into water and merged together, reappearing the huge body of Maronkos.

Everything is back on track and the previous rhythm continues.

"One Sword Allure is getting married!" Fatty Han said suddenly, "It is said that Huang Tian has bought a lot of fireworks and is setting them off at Yelv City!"

Get married with a single sword? With Luo Xinyan? [

Zhang Yang couldn't help but look weird, not because he couldn't let Luo Xinyan go, but because he was a little surprised by the decision to make a sword. One Sword Allure knew that Luo Xinyan used to be Liu Wei's mistress—in fact, the two hooked up at that time, which made One Sword Allure fall out with Liu Wei. He actually decided to marry Luo Xinyan, could it be that he really had a bad relationship?

"Who is his wife?" Everyone was a little curious, after all, One Sword Allure is also a celebrity in China, recognized as the second strongest tank after Zhang Yang.

"My wife's classmate!" When Fatty Han said about my wife, his face was radiant, and his spirit seemed to have improved a lot.

"However, will Liu Wei bear this tone?" The falling out between Yijian Qingcheng and Liu Wei caused a big disturbance on the forum at the beginning, and there are not a few people who know the grievances between the two.

"So what if you can't bear it, can you still bite people?" Xing Guangxian curled his lips.

Because of publicity, everyone disliked Liu Wei, and even hated him extremely.

Meng Buhui sneered and said: "Obviously, you don't know what a powerful person can do!"

"Will it be bad?" Narcissus blossomed as a woman, but still hoped to see the finale of the full moon.

"It's hard to say!" Meng Buhui shook his head, "When the power of the family reaches a certain level, it will have entanglements with all kinds of forces. The power is definitely beyond your imagination! The most unbearable thing for a man is wearing a cuckold, I guess Liu Wei Absolutely will not let it go!"

"Anyway, it's up to us, hurry up and fight the boss!" Baifa Yizhong stood up and ended the topic.

"Ha, you can chat with the boss if you keep fighting!"

Under the pressure of huge levels, the team's firepower is really unflattering. Fortunately, Zhang Yang's strong group damage ability enables the team to kill all the Frost Sons without any injuries. Otherwise, so many elite monsters alone would be able to Crushed the team!

An hour later, the boss lost only 42% of his HP, which is still a long way from victory.

Tragically, the second Hades gaze was resisted!

In fact, when this skill is used against bosses, especially high-level bosses, the probability of failure is very, very high, but when it happens in such a critical battle, everyone does not sigh again and again, and Fatty Han even partnered with Xingguang to say that it is not publicity. He didn't wash his hands after he was supposed to go to bed, which caused a major problem with his character. In the future, he must help the old lady to cross the road when he goes to the street. Anyway, he has a lot of money now and is not afraid of being scammed.

Fortunately, there is also Fatty Han's inheritance and transformation as plan b, and everyone is not desperate and continues to output.

Another hour later, the boss's health dropped to 25%, but Zhang Yang's God of War transformation was over!

"Fatty, transform!" Zhang Yang yelled 10 seconds before the God of War Transformation ended.

"Received!" Fatty Han quickly activated the vampire transformation. In an instant, a pair of gray-brown bat-like wings spread out from his back, and two long and sharp fangs protruded from his mouth. The skin all over his body quickly shriveled. , like a mummy. [

"Wow, Fatty is really crazy!" Wei Yan'er laughed loudly.

"Transformation! It's transformation!" Fatty Han didn't mind being called fat, but he absolutely couldn't allow people to doubt his gender. He continued to draw his bow and volley while arguing with Wei Yan'er.

3, 2, 1!

At the moment when the God of War Transformation ended, Zhang Yang activated the Shadow of the Void, entered a different space and escaped from the hatred, and then appeared again immediately.

Fatty Han is now the strongest point of fire in the team besides Zhang Yang, and he naturally occupies the second hatred position. Once Zhang Yang leaves the hatred, he will naturally become the main hatred of the boss.

"Mortals, damned mortals, I want to destroy you!" The Frost Lord clapped his big hands and pressed towards Fatty Han-


Fatty Han's head immediately floated a huge damage figure, and he was so startled that he quickly shouted: "Wow, the damage of this boss is much more severe than the boss in the death mode of Dragonmaw Fortress!"

"Nonsense, one is a level 110 Zijin boss and the other is a level 150 phantom boss, can they be compared?"

"Hahaha, weak mortal!" The boss raised his palm again and hit Fatty Han-


A bigger damage figure jumped from Fatty Han's head!

"Fatty man, are you made of water? How did you deal such high damage to the boss!"

Fatty Han burst into tears. Although his armor value has tripled under the vampire transformation, he is a leather armor. He only has 420 armor points, but after three times it is only 1260 points. Even a 100-level gold shield No armor can compare!

And the damage-free ability is only 5%. This kind of defense ability is actually not much different from when there is no inheritance. The only thing that can be relied on is the super high blood volume after transformation. With the addition of the stamina halo, it reached 1736000 .

He is completely using high blood volume to take the boss's damage hard. As long as he can't die once or twice, then if the treatment is strong, his blood volume can be raised! He doesn't have the ability to avoid damage with a short cooldown like a block. Whether he can withstand the boss and how long he can last depends entirely on the treatment.

All of a sudden, the pressure on the team's healers reached an unprecedented height. Thirteen healers tried their best to increase their blood, but they couldn't keep up with the boss's attack rhythm. Fatty Han's highest blood volume kept decreasing, from 1.7 million to 1.5 million, Ten thousand……

Once it falls to 400,000, it is possible to be instantly killed by the boss with one blow!

At this time, the stare of the god of death finally cooled down again, Zhang Yang begged his grandpa to tell his grandma in his heart, and punched out at the boss.

Phew, a black skull formed above the boss's head!

No resistance!

Everyone immediately cheered in unison, and finally saw a glimmer of hope to pass the test! -[

1500000! -


Huge damage figures jumped up on the boss's head, and the blood volume dropped like crazy!

"Shut up, every time I see this scene, I will make Fatty's blood boil!" Fatty Han is shooting super cool, and he also has a 300% attack power bonus after transforming, and the damage of each arrow is close to 70,000. The statistics quickly widened the gap with the third Wei Yan'er.

After 4 seconds, the special effect of Hades Gaze was completely consumed, and the boss only had 14% HP!

The question now is very simple, it depends on how long the fat man can stand on top!

Zhang Yang activated recklessness, poured a firepower potion with a variation of 10, and killed him! -


Halo, unlucky, it only caused 20% damage!

"Hey, it's really unfulfilling to fight a level-suppressed boss, and the damage is only a little bit!" He shook his head and sighed.

"Yeah, the number of injuries is only a few thousand, and sometimes it's only a few hundred. It really makes me want to cry!" Meng Buhui also shook his head.

"However, this boss is not particularly powerful, at least the group damage skills are very weak!" Zhang Yang concluded.

Xing Guangxian rolled his eyes and said, "Boss, this isn't that great! You and Fat Brother both turned on Inheritance Transformation, and you were almost beaten to the bum by the boss, what else do you want to do!"

Zhang Yang still shook his head, and said: "The group of injuries is more serious, we can't hide at all, we can only rely on healing to force them, or rely on the number of people to rush forward and pile up! How can we kill the boss with less than 50 people! "

"Haha, according to this, Lao Meng's inheritance is the same as Fat Brother's, was it shrunk and castrated?" Fatty Han was happy, and finally someone could "collaborate" with him.

"Uh, it should be more difficult than your mission boss!" Zhang Yang said.

Just seeing that their equipment has been improved so much, and they have added an inheritance class, but they are more difficult to fight than the Vampire King, we can be sure that the difficulty of the Frost Lord is definitely higher than that of the Vampire King!

If the dream doesn't come back, it's just a sigh. After doing it for a long time, it's a little bit better than a dead fat man. I really can't afford to be hurt!

After the boss's blood volume dropped to 20%, everyone had their own killing skills available. Although the level suppression still existed, Maronkos' blood volume dropped much faster, and soon fell to 10%.

But Fatty Han's situation is not optimistic, his blood volume has also dropped to 600,000, no matter how hard the treatment is to increase the blood, he can't pull it up!

"Fatty man, turned into a bat!" Zhang Yang said.

Once Fatty Han's blood volume drops to 400,000, he may be hit by the boss with 5 times the suppression damage in seconds!

"Okay!" Fatty Han agreed, and his fat body suddenly split, turning into ten little bats and pounced on the boss, and began to suck the boss's life value to restore blood volume.

"What!" Maronkos yelled angrily, stretching out his hands and slapping his body endlessly. Every time he made a move, a little bat fell from it.

But it takes two seconds for the boss to attack once, which bought enough time for the little bats. It wasn't until 20 seconds later that the boss took care of 10 little bats, and Fatty Han also reappeared from mid-air, and his blood volume had recovered It's 100%!

After all, bat transformation is a blood-recovering ultimatum inherited by vampires, and it can only be used once every 30 minutes. Of course, it is very powerful!

8%, 6%, 4%!

This time, the death of the boss became irreversible, and after another ten minutes, the frost giant crashed to the ground, bursting out with spoils all over the place.

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