Everyone can only scold Liu Wei for his inferior and despicable methods, but if scolding can solve the problem, what is the criminal law for?

Zhang Yang left these things behind for the time being. The Thunder Eagle retracted its wings and landed on the ground. This ruin has undergone some repairs. Although it cannot be said to be completely new, at least the broken roof has been filled.

And this undead princess is standing on a high platform, her clothes are fluttering, as if she will leave by the wind at any time, full of agility and elegance.

"Adventurer, have you heard about him?" Helena immediately showed a nervous expression when she saw Zhang Yang.

"Yes!" Zhang Yang stepped forward and told all the news about Bonko Roland. [

Helena took a deep breath, and a majestic aura burst out of her body immediately, bang bang bang, smashing the surrounding bricks into pieces. She looked up to the sky and let out a long cry, her expression extremely excited, and said: "So that's the case! So that's the case! I... I'm going to save him!"

Very good, this is what Zhang Yang hoped for.

"Ding! You have completed the mission: to inquire about the news and get 3 million experience points."

"Your Highness, please allow me to continue serving you and rescue Duke Roland together!" Zhang Yang said.

"Quite!" Helena said with the air of a superior.

"Ding! Princess Helena has issued a mission to you: Rescue Bonkoroland, do you accept it?"


[Rescue Bonkoroland] (Mission Difficulty: S Level)

Mission description: You decide to break into Anga Castle with Princess Helena to rescue Bonkorolan. Soldiers, please be careful, Countess Amantha controls the entire castle, what you have to face is a terrifying army!

Completion degree: Rescue Bonkorolan 01

Helena didn't have a flying mount, so naturally she could only hitch a ride with Zhang Yang. Fortunately, Lei Ying is also at the Xuanling level, otherwise, if he was stepped on by a high-level boss and replaced by another lower-level riding pet, he would have been trembling with fear, unable to fly in panic.

Because I can't take Helena back to Morning Town with the teleportation talisman, if I fly to Morning Town and then teleport to Winster Castle, it's better to fly directly to Anga Castle from here to get closer.

Soon the two of them entered the Gulatu Icefield, flying all the way was a matter of course, but this is the base camp of the Japanese and Korean regions, and they will definitely meet a few players from the Japanese and Korean regions on the way. Although not everyone recognized Zhang Yang, but Helena was too ostentatious. The words "Xuanling-level leader" were like a bright moon in the dark.

Not long after, teams of Japanese and Korean players rushed over, as if they were sharks smelling blood, each of them looked excited-you must know that this map is too big, how hard it is to find a mysterious boss Difficult, but at this time there is actually a boss at the Xuanling level who took the initiative to send to the door, there is no reason not to be excited!

But Lei Ying's speed is too fast, let alone the ground mounts can't keep up, even the flying mounts can only hang far behind, watching helplessly as the gap between the two sides widens little by little.

Another half hour later, Lei Ying arrived above Anjia Castle. This time, Zhang Yang didn't care about the opponent's no-fly rules, and flew directly over the castle, swooping towards the mausoleum.

"Bold!" The four castle guards rushed over immediately, waving their weapons and attacking Zhang Yang and Helena.

"Seeking death!" Helena snorted coldly, her phoenix eyes flashed with murderous intent, and a sword light flashed across the four guards with incredible speed. The sword energy receded vigorously.

It's a pity that Helena didn't cause a lore, but just performed at a normal level, causing more than 80,000 damage to the four guards. [

"Kill!" The castle guards were loyal to their duties. Although they were shaken back, they immediately killed them again.

Helena showed her demeanor as a mysterious boss, not a shrunken second-tier boss like the vampire king. She swung her sword, not only causing more than 80,000 group damage, but also forced the monster back , the sword energy is almost 50 meters away, no matter what profession hits her, she will be depressed to death!

Although it is still inevitable that she will be hit by the attack, the amount of damage is nothing compared to her nearly 40 million health bar! Moreover, she also has the ability of undead recovery, which can restore 1% of the life value every 30 seconds, and return to the full blood state in one jump.

"Spot the intruder!"

"There are assassins!"

Shouting and yelling came one after another, and more castle soldiers were rushing over.

Zhang Yang is also happy to play here for a while, so that the players from Japan and South Korea can gather together, just in time to kill Helena! Although Helena's blood volume has not yet reached the level of solution, but with him at the side to hold back, it will definitely make the players in Japan and South Korea suffer a lot!

Soon, the Japanese and Korean players on flying mounts also rushed over, and when they saw Helena fighting with the elite guards of the castle, they were all overjoyed, and said: "Very good, the boss has been held hostage by np, we It's easier to kill!"

One by one scrambling to be the first, they flew down from mid-air one after another, ignoring the rule that flying was not allowed in the castle.

Myriad Shadow Slash!

Helena swung a sword, the sword energy was like a landslide and tsunami, not only caused heavy damage to the players in Japan and South Korea, but also knocked them back a distance of several meters, fully showing the power of her mysterious boss.

After all, on the 100-130 level map, the Xuanling level boss is a well-deserved overlord!

Helena's figure was as fast as a leopard, and she rushed in front of a castle guard with one stride.

78642! -

82442! -



A series of seven damage figures of around 80,000 jumped up, directly killing the half-blooded elite guard!

This can't help but make the scalps of the players in Japan and South Korea go numb for a while. With such a terrifying attack power, I'm afraid... If you don't activate the inheritance transformation, no one can stand it!

"Stubborn!" Helena screamed, in her eyes, all those who attacked her were here to stop her from rescuing Bonko! And the reason why this princess turned into an undead was precisely because of her persistent love for Bang Ke, which was more serious than hurting Helena herself, and it was tantamount to classifying herself as one of Helena's mortal enemies!

Myriad Shadow Slash! Myriad Shadow Slash! Myriad Shadow Slash!

The reason why big bosses are scary is that their big moves have almost no cooldown time, so they can use them however they want! Helena danced with her sword energy, and almost every 2 seconds would hit a Wanying Slash. This lethality made Zhang Yang beyond compare! [

"That person is Zhan Yu!" Finally, someone recognized Zhang Yang.

"That's right, it's him, even if it turns into ashes, I can still recognize his face!"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Immediately, the crowd was furious, and Zhang Yang could definitely be equated with the devil in the minds of Japanese and Korean players.

Some people were irritable and rushed forward by patting their mounts, but were involved in Helena's hatred list, and were immediately severely injured by Myriad Shadow Slash, losing at least half of their HP in one fell swoop, and quickly backed away in fright come back!

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, raised his right hand high, and then retracted four fingers, leaving only one middle finger pointing straight to the sky.

Such a naked provocation, how can it not make the players in Japan and South Korea furious, and they started to curse there one after another. However, when it comes to the art of language, which country's language can be compared with Chinese, only a few words like "fuck" are turned upside down.

"Zhan Yu, don't be arrogant!" Finally, someone couldn't help but jumped out, his whole body swelled rapidly as soon as he appeared, his muscles bulged and petrified, like a movable human statue! He yelled: "I'm going to take the boss away, you guys cut that bastard Zhan Yu!"

"It's the main tank Altok of the Cangwu Club!" Someone recognized this person, and was immediately pleasantly surprised, "He has a super-rock inheritance, and he is most suitable for a tank-type boss!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Altok transformed into a rock just like a giant rock, and the ground trembled endlessly as he ran.

Zhang Yang knows more about b-level and s-level inheritance than the first-level and s-level inheritance, because he did not mix up to the first-line level in the previous life, and he played against more b-level and level inheritance players. This rock inheritance is very similar to the petrification inheritance, but the difference is that players of the rock inheritance will receive 50% extra damage when receiving spell attacks, so it can only be listed as a super inheritance.

After Wanying Slash, Altok was knocked back several steps, but he was not as far away as the others, and the damage he received was only over 40,000. Compared with his blood volume of over 900,000 after transformation, It is completely within the acceptable range!

"Ahaha!" Altok beat his chest a few times, making a loud bang bang bang, and you could even see the sparks flashing. He strode forward again, and threw a Shattered Spear towards Helena.

But the battle has been going on for a while, and Helena's hatred can't be drawn by just a Broken Spear. The Undead Princess is still chasing the castle guards and killing them.

Zhang Yang smiled coldly and said, "Fei Ling, go and attack that big rock!"

"Understood, brother!" Xiao Feiling was as aggressive as Wei Yan'er, and was already eager to try. Hearing Zhang Yang's words, he immediately evolved into a dragon eagle form, and began to chant flames to Altok.

Under Zhang Yang's control, Lei Ying also aimed at Altok, and the lightning ball was already in preparation!

After Altok entered the rock transformation, it would be difficult for Zhang Yang to beat the opponent if he did not activate the inheritance transformation. However, although the physical defense of the rock inheritance is strong, the vulnerability to spell damage is a fatal weakness. With powerful spell damage ability, letting them deal with Altok can get twice the result with half the effort!

Moreover, since the attack range of Helena Ten Thousand Shadows Slash is as high as 50 meters, which healer would dare to rush into the attack range of the boss to heal Altok? Healers with thin skin and little blood may die before reading a spell!

Under the attacks of Fei Ling and Thunder Eagle, even Altok who had activated the rock inheritance couldn't last long!

"I'll help you!" Another person jumped out, but it was a cloth armor professional in white robes. He also started the inheritance transformation, and a phantom exactly like him suddenly appeared behind him, patting his mount and rushing towards him. Altok raised his staff, and the two figures began to chant powerful healing at the same time.

This is... mirror image inheritance! Inheritance transformation is to summon a mirror image clone that is exactly the same as oneself, with 10 times more health, 100% armor increase, and 10% chance of immunity to magic, but there is no damage increase, because this has been counted to the mirror image.

Although this inheritance transformation does not grant damage or healing bonuses, the super inheritance uniform will give 35% passive damage or healing bonuses, which is equivalent to 27 healers healing Altok at the same time. Moreover, at this stage, if you can get the inheritance that can be transformed, even if it is a level, it should be the backbone of the major guilds. The rate of volume decline!

Although Altok's blood bar was still declining, his speed had dropped significantly, which was enough to last for a while.

After losing a few skills, Altokla felt the hatred of Helena, and hurriedly backed away, trying to separate the boss from Zhang Yang as soon as possible. But the boss will be limited by the hatred system, and Zhang Yang will not, he only needs to follow the boss's footsteps, and everyone can only stare blankly.

Zhang Yang also focused on Altok. Although the opponent's physical defense ability is very strong, he only needs the last skill - Destroy Strike, which reduces the healing effect by 75%.

Originally, Altok lost more blood than healed back, but he could barely support it. Now he was affected by the 75% reduction in healing effect, which made it even more exhausting. His health quickly dropped to 80%, 60%, 40%, and he couldn’t pull it back. stand up.

The others saw that the situation was not good, and the healers rushed forward recklessly, but under Helena's Myriad Shadows Slash, no one could survive more than 5 seconds, and two hits would be a death sentence!

To fight this boss, it is necessary to form a relay treatment. Stand at 30 meters for a healer plus the person in front, and stand at 60 meters for another healer and the person in front, so that you can last a little longer. But the people here are fighting on their own, no one is organizing at all, the only thing they can do is to be easily defeated by the boss.

Although Altok has turned on the inheritance transformation, but the super inheritance has only increased the blood volume by 10 times, and the life value of millions can't last much time under the combined attack of boss, Zhang Yang, Fei Ling, and Thunder Eagle. The healing effect of Destroy Strike was cut into a pile of rocks in less than a minute and died.

In fact, it doesn't matter if there is an Altokra boss or not. Helena's Myriad Shadow Slash hits a large area. I don't know how many players and castle guards have been killed in such a short time. All Japanese and Korean players are complaining!

That's cheating!

This is how people fight, it is 70,000 to 80,000 group damage at every turn, and it is death if they go up!

If he didn't, would he just watch Zhang Yang, the devil, come and go on his own territory?

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