MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 606 Black Hearted Goblin

"Master, who put all these messy things?" Zhang Yang asked.

Karimodo sighed and said:'. According to legend, our place is a place bestowed by gods, and we have all the food bestowed by God, so we don't have to worry about starving at all! But..., a group of frenzied lunatics want to mine the sacred treasure in the mountains, and they have stronger power! But everyone lived and worked in peace and contentment, how could they risk offending the gods to help them! "[]

The old man shook his head, looked angrily, and continued:'. So, they researched a lot of dirty tricks, and poisoned the food given to us by the gods, that is, the previously mentioned Shanjuqing'an, dark glue, gutter oil and the like! "Force" us to mine rocks before giving us the antidote! "

"Master, do you have an antidote, please save Alice!" Zhang Yang said quickly.

"The little girl is greedy and eats too much food. Ordinary antidote alone can't work anymore. You must use a special powerful antidote! And the powerful antidote can only be exchanged for the sacred stone guarded by those vicious monsters in the mountain, otherwise Those lunatics won't give it!"[

Now the goal is very clear, either to dig some sacred stone to exchange for a powerful antidote, or to directly kill the door and seize it with violence!

The second method is simple and direct. I just don’t know if the system will be so cheap for them.

The three of Zhang Yang asked Karimodo clearly about those'. madman. "I bid farewell to the old man at the place where I lived, left the village and continued to move forward. This weird world does not allow the use of mounts to fly. Whether it is a thunder eagle or a winged tiger, they can only run on the ground. Wei Yan'er couldn't help laughing out loud at the twisting and twisting appearance.

After going all the way for about half an hour, the strange house that Karimodo mentioned appeared in front of the three of them.

This is a huge mechanical house, and the entire building is made up of gears, which are still rotating constantly, making annoying mechanical sounds. At the gate of this building, there are naturally a few green goblins guarding the gate, all of them clinging to very simple weapons.

(Elite. Humanoid)

Grade: 110

HP: 1.1 million

Armor value: 1200

Melee attack power: 9742-11742


: The poisonous Shanjuqing'an is applied on the weapon. After hitting the target, there is a 50% chance to poison the target and cause 10,000 points of natural damage to the target.

Note: The black-hearted goblins are the most greedy tribe in the Sound and Fantasy Secret Realm. They want to get the sacred treasure and earn the greatest wealth in the world.

The three of Zhang Yang couldn't help feeling sorry, because these black-hearted goblins seemed to them to be in the status of green names, that is to say, it was impossible to obtain a powerful antidote for Alice by killing them.

"Hey, lazy humans. Hurry up and go mining, if you still want to get the antidote alive!" A black-hearted goblin saw the three of Zhang Yang and immediately jumped over and said, raising his head and neck high.

Zhang Yang blocked Wei Yan'er who was about to lose his temper. Said: "We need a strong antidote, what do we need in exchange?"

"A powerful antidote? Hey, you need a god stone to exchange for it!." The black-hearted goblins all laughed, "Which of you idiots actually ate too much food in one go? Humans are indeed idiots." ! . "

"Hey, hurry up, the poisoned person who needs a powerful antidote can't be delayed, otherwise, let's dig a grave for him first!"

"Time is money. Humans! [

"Ten sacred stones can be exchanged for a bottle of antidote, and one less piece will not work!"

Amidst the goblin's laughter, the three of Zhang Yang left the gear house and headed towards the distant mountains.

"These stinky goblins, when I come back, I have to smash their bones, how dare they poison me! "Wei Yan'er waved her small fist and said angrily.

After entering the mountains, the three of Zhang Yang ran all over the mountains. Karimodo said that the so-called sacred stones are guarded by vicious monsters. Then as long as you find the monster, it is equivalent to getting the ‘. God Stone" things became very simple.

The sound of the beast "groaning" sounded, and a huge monster also appeared in front of the three of Zhang Yang. It was pitch black and shaped like a tiger, but its tail was raised high like a scorpion. The tip of the tail was like a sword, flashing faintly. the cold glow.

(Elite, Beast)

Grade: 112

HP: 1.12 million

Armor value: 1200

Melee attack power: 4756-11756


: Pounce on the target. Make the target fall, interrupt the spell currently being chanted, and be stunned for 3 seconds.

: Attack the target with a scorpion, poison the target and suffer 15000 points of nature damage.

Note: One of the most vicious monsters in the fantasy world, after the large-scale poisoning by the black-hearted goblins, all those that survived were mutated. It has strong toxicity.

As soon as the monster appeared, it bit Wei Yan'er, and bit it down with one bite. Immediately, it caused over ten thousand damage to the little girl, and it caused Wei Yan'er's anger to rise by more than 50 points.

"Wow, you smelly anemic soldier. Hurry up and pull the monsters!" Wei Yan'er yelled quickly.

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and said: "It's not bad if some monster beats you, I'm not afraid of losing your anger!" "Np hateful anemic soldier, curse you with diarrhea every day!

Zhang Yang was just teasing the little girl, anyway, with Han Yingxue adding blood, the elite monsters couldn't do anything to her. He summoned Fei Ling, a taunt pulled the monster's hatred, and throwing a few skills on it completely stabilized the hatred.

The scorpion tiger frequently slammed at Zhang Yang, but the highest damage it caused was only 676 points, and many attacks couldn't even do 1 point of compulsory damage. Compared with Wei Yan'er, the attack power is more than 10,000 Well, this gap can't be measured in miles!

"The stinky anemia fighter is really thick-skinned, it doesn't hurt to bite on it!" Wei Yan'er said unwillingly,'. But the damage is still so high, it's really unreasonable! "

"Ha, when you get the dark inheritance, you won't be much inferior to me!" Zhang Yang said.

"I'm so pissed off, the boss can't be defeated, and I don't know how long we'll have to wait!" Wei Yan'er sighed. [

Han Yingxue is also frowning. This inheritance level is too high and there are also disadvantages, that is, it is difficult to get started, especially the big "chalk" boss is too difficult to handle, so she, Wei Yan'er and Sun Xinyu have been stuck at the big "chalk" boss that is nearing the end .

Wei Yan'er's defensive ability is far from comparable to Zhang Yang's, but the attack power is not limited, and with the help of followers and pets, he cleaned up this lacertard in two or three strokes, and burst out A few tiger hairs came out, Wei Yan'er was so angry that he yelled "stingy".

After killing the monster, the three found a shiny golden stone next to a big rock behind the monster, which must be the so-called divine stone.

Item description: This is a magical ore, and the weapons it casts have extremely powerful destructive power.

Very good, the first piece started.

The three continued to move forward, and encountered various monsters along the way, such as leopards, manta pythons, wolf apes, etc., all of which grew up eating poisonous food, and each of them had strong toxicity. However, there are only a few monsters near the god ore, and the others are soy sauce, just to cause a little trouble for Zhang Yang and the others, and give some experience points by the way.

It took more than two hours to do this, and it was considered that the ten god ores were collected, and the three of them turned back to the "gear house." They exchanged for a powerful antidote from the black-hearted goblin.

"Hey, you three humans are quite capable, and you can actually collect so many god stones!" A black-hearted goblin took away the god ore that Zhang Yang handed over, and casually gave them a half-filled black Youyou liquid. "Haha, with a few more divine stones, Lord Sous's light energy gun can be successfully made!"

Zhang Yang and the others hurried back to the original village, because this was a time-limited task, and the length of time to complete it would affect the final task reward.

Back at Calimodo's home, Zhang Yang took out a strong antidote and poured it into Alice, "The little girl's livid face soon turned rosy, and after only ten seconds, she opened her eyes, her expression was astonishing." A little dazed.

"Alice, we came out to look for you at the request of your parents!" Zhang Yang quickly introduced himself.

Alice jumped up from the bed, bowed to the three of Zhang Yang, and said, "Big Brother, Big Sister, and Little Sister, thank you for saving me! "

"Little sister? "Wei Yan'er is currently very sensitive to the word 'small', and immediately looked down at her breasts that had not improved much after more than half a year, and then at her small, protruding breasts, and couldn't help but start grinding her teeth.

"Alice, let's go home!

"Yes, big brother, big sister, little sister! Alice said softly, but Wei Yan'er gritted her teeth again.

"Ding! You have completed the task: the method of healing, and you have obtained 20 million experience points! . "

"Wow, a lot of experience points!" Han Yingxue couldn't help being speechless. They had never given so much experience points in the main missions they had completed before, and the system was really generous this time.

"So it's a hidden mission, and the rewards are naturally much higher than ordinary missions!" Zhang Yang nodded, also very satisfied. Right now is the critical period to hit level 120, what is most needed is experience points, as long as the team members can reach level 120, level suppression can be eliminated, and going to the phantom boss at level 150 will increase the chance of winning by at least 50%. If you get one S-level and one-level inheritance, you will be able to secure victory in the finals of the World Team League!

"Grandpa, thank you for taking care of me these days!" Alice bowed to Calimodo again.

"Child, don't be so greedy in the future!" Karimodo laughed.

"Understood, grandpa!"

Zhang Yang smiled helplessly, and said to Wei Yan'er: "This is for you too!"

Wei Yan'er snorted immediately, and said: "I'm not a child, how can I be greedy!" While still looking at her chest angrily, this was the pain she was struggling with.

"Soldiers from the outside world, can I beg you for one thing?" Just as the four of them were about to walk out of the hut, the old man Kalimodo said suddenly.

(to be continued)

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