"You are a poisonous guy!" Zhang Yang said with emotion.

"Transformation without inheritance, can you do it silly?" Han Yingxue said without worry.

——Yesterday they went to fight the boss of Wei Yan'er's inheritance mission again, but they were flattened to pieces without exception, so Zhang Yang's inheritance transformation is still cooling down.

"I can't?" Zhang Yang shook his finger at Han Yingxue and said, "Never say such stupid things to men!"

"Then hurry up, this is a level 120 mysterious boss, we can equip the dropped equipment immediately!" [

According to the chaos field, the equipment dropped by the big boss on each map can reduce the use requirement by 20, and the mysterious spirit weapon dropped by the goblin boss can be used at level 100. However, now that the mainstream players have reached level 110, the best equipment is of course a level 130 mysterious weapon!

But how can there be so many Xuanling bosses for players to kill, and they can laugh when they meet a level 120 Xuanling boss!

Zhang Yang danced the Wuqi Miejian, and said: "Let's go, kill quickly and still be in time for lunch!"

He strode towards Sous in a big stride, but the scope of the Xuanling boss's warning is so wide, he only took a few steps forward, and Sous had already stopped what he was doing, turned his head and looked at him. Zhang Yang stared at him immediately, and shouted, "Guards—guards—"

Called a few times and saw that no subordinates showed up, the boss couldn't help roaring angrily, went into battle in person, straddled two short thin legs and rushed towards Zhang Yang, a dark rubber bomb was thrown over from a distance, and it slapped Zhang Yang 35,528 points of damage exploded on his body, and at the same time made Zhang Yang vomit.

"Hahaha, become my mine slave!" The boss strode over, with a large wrench already in his hand, and swung it viciously at Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang hurriedly used Warrior's Fury to get rid of the vomiting state, held his shield high, and saved the boss's attack with a block. He also handed over a sword, which cut more than 30,000 damage on the boss, and quickly began to wear broken armor, weakening the boss. The defense of the boss.

Wei Yan'er ran into the boss with a charge, opened and closed the big ax in her hand, and slashed at the boss. She also gave priority to cooperating with Zhang Yang's Armor Breaking skill. After completing the five pieces, the boss's armor dropped by 50%.

When she started the battle, she had poured a piercing potion with a variation of 10, which increased the "broken armor" effect by 20%, and the armor value of the boss was as high as 70%!

Small monsters, even elite monsters, only have a thousand points of armor, Zhang Yang can't even get broken armor, and Wei Yan'er naturally doesn't know how to take piercing potions, it's a waste. And during the boss battle, she was not stingy, one sip was the piercing potion with the highest mutation level!

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing, and said: "Little girl, you really don't want to save me, and start with mutation 10!"

Wei Yan'er laughed triumphantly, and said, "Didn't this make you more enthusiastic about rubbing medicine!"

"Mine slaves, all of you will be my mine slaves!" The boss kept knocking a big wrench on Zhang Yang's body while yelling aggressively.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but said to Han Yingxue: "It's good for a little girl to be a miner. If you go, you must have a breast reduction operation first, otherwise you won't be able to bend your waist!"

"Fuck you, I'm not a monster!" Han Yingxue narcissistically held up two round mountain peaks, "How can this girl have such a perfect figure!"

"Sister, don't fart anymore. You are called a cow's milk. After thirty, you will start to sag. You should listen to the anemia fighter and shrink!" Wei Yan'er said maliciously.

"Haha!" Han Yingxue laughed loudly and said, "Even if this girl is willing to shrink her breasts, will anyone agree?"

Of course not!

While cutting the boss, Zhang Yang said in his heart, what man doesn't like a girl with big breasts? Haven't you seen that the current female stars only need to show their career lines and squeeze out a little groove to become popular? A few women with no acting skills even showed off their breasts and became popular, which shows that men these days are pursuing big breasts. [

"Humans, taste the power of my great invention of gutter oil!" The boss suddenly roared, his body was like a water pump, and jet black water arrows were sprayed out, splashing the area within 30 meters It's all a greasy-

3528! -

10000! -


Zhang Yang, Han Yingxue, and Wei Yan'er took damage from gutter oil once every three seconds at the same time, but because Fei Ling and Lei Ying were air units, the effect of this skill did not cause any damage to them.

"Hey, where are your two followers, quickly summon them to increase the damage!" Zhang Yang said quickly.

Both Han Yingxue and Wei Yan'er suddenly realized that they summoned their followers. Wei Yan'er's follower, Marotta, was fine. As soon as she found out that the little girl was fighting with someone, she raised her bow and arrow and launched an attack, but Messick, a big flirt, rushed to Han Yingxue, saying: " My queen, I miss you so much!"

"Go away, go and kill the enemy for this girl!"

"Queen, please punish me!" Messick, who is definitely masochistic, threw herself at Han Yingxue's feet, hugged her feet with her hands, and put her face on her legs. Rumble on.

"Bastard, let me go!" Han Yingxue repeatedly stomped on Messick's face, but the big flirt was so sweet that it made people shiver.

"Damn!" Zhang Yang wanted to fight the boss and couldn't move freely, so he hurriedly said to Fei Ling, "Hit that wretched man with a fireball!"

"Yes, brother!" Fei Ling nodded, immediately changed his target, and shot towards Da Sao Bao with a flame.

"Ouch!" A puff of black smoke suddenly ignited from the top of the Dasao bag, causing him to get up from the ground in pain, but was kicked out by Han Yingxue, and stumbled into the boss's battle group.

There's no other way, this big show bag will play this trick every time it appears, which makes Han Yingxue very reluctant to let him out.

The boss's skills are extremely disgusting, the dark gum explosion frequently makes people vomit, and the gutter oil is even more annoying. Not only will it jump and hurt every three seconds, but as long as it moves, there is a 50% chance of falling.

Because every time the boss threw gutter oil, Zhang Yang would pull the boss to a "clean" place, reducing Han Yingxue's pressure on treatment. But in the process of moving, it will fall frequently, which makes people extremely uncomfortable!

"Hahaha, give up resisting, you won't be able to defeat the great goblin!" Sous laughed, wearing special non-slip shoes on his feet, which will not be affected by the slipping effect, "Accept you as slaves fate!"

"Chicken Feather!" Zhang Yang slashed at the boss with the Devouring Sword.

Fortunately, the boss's group injury method is just a deep fry with gutter oil and dark glue. Gutter oil only needs to be publicized to pull the boss out of the oil area, but dark glue frying is more disgusting, and it is impossible to escape if locked by the boss!

But they only have 7 targets including their followers and riding pets. Among them, only Zhang Yang, Wei Yan'er, and Messik are melee, which is enough to spread out a considerable distance from each other, so there is no need to worry about being bombed by the boss. .

Han Yingxue's healing ability is not for nothing. Her high-end equipment and excellent awareness make her able to maintain the lifeline of the team with ease.

Because there is no level suppression, the team's firepower will not be weakened in any way. On the contrary, because of the addition of piercing potions, the team's firepower is even higher than the theoretical value! But in 7 minutes, the boss's blood volume was reduced by 10%! [

"Damn miners, you have angered me!" Sous yelled, blood vessels bursting on his green skin, his eyes were red and red, and he looked very ferocious!

The boss is berserk!

In an instant, the attack power of the boss soared, and the wrench danced wildly, making Zhang Yang feel sore!

"Go!" Zhang Yang waved his back and cast the stare of the underworld.

Suddenly, a black skull immediately floated above the boss's head, grinning ferociously with its big black mouth.

"What!" South instinctively felt that something was wrong, which made him feel a huge sense of crisis!

But it was too late, Zhang Yang, Wei Yan'er and the others rushed to bombard, the special effect of Hades' gaze was triggered frequently, and the damage number of "-360000" continuously jumped from the boss's head.

Kill! -


Zhang Yang's slashing shot with full anger caused a damage figure that was even more awesome than the special effect of the god's gaze!

"Wow, anemia fighter, you've been beaten!" Wei Yan'er said in a fussy voice.

Zhang Yang looked at the battle record and said with a smile, "The lucky strike was triggered!"

A lucky strike is 3 times the damage, but it is a pity that it is not launched during the reckless period, otherwise the critical strike will be 6 times the damage, and the damage will be close to the million level!

During the duration of the stare of the god of death, even Han Yingxue took the time to give the boss a corrosive pain. As a result, the special effect only jumped 9 times, and the boss died with a groan—mainly because Zhang Yang's beheading was too powerful , the boss has only 10% health left, so it is naturally impossible to finish 10 special effect damage.

"Wow Kaka, we finally got rid of this black-hearted den!" Wei Yan'er was complacent, and kept kicking the boss's body, looking as if she hadn't let go of her hatred, "I want you to give me a slap in the face of this lady!" Poison! I tell you to poison this lady!"

Zhang Yang first found a key from the boss's booty, went to the side, opened all the cages, released the villagers, and asked them to go back to the village first.

"Little girl, touch the corpse quickly, or your right will be confiscated in the future!"

Wei Yan'er went to pick up the boss's spoils in a fit of spirit, and quickly listed their gains this time: a dark blue cloak, a pair of pink cloth shoes, a dark green helmet, and an intermediate skill stone.

To the surprise of the three of them, these three pieces of equipment were all mysterious spirit weapons!

First up is the cloak.

[Madness of the Destroyer] (Mysterious Spirit Tool, Cloak)

Stamina: 445

Strength: 210

Agility: 91

Equip: Increases your maximum health by 890.

Equip: Increases the damage or healing you deal by 35%.

Equip: Absorbs 179 damage when attacked.

Equipment: When you use Armor Breaking skill, you can cause 2 layers of effect on the target.


Required level: 120

Special addition: Reduce the usage level by 20 levels.

Wei Yan'er shook her head, and said: "Anemic warrior, the cloak on me is already a mysterious spirit weapon, so I can only make it cheaper for you!"

Zhang Yang smiled slightly, took the cloak casually and threw it into the backpack, which will be equipped after going back to identify it. He also currently has a cloak, breastplate and necklace as a Titan suit, which just has the effect of a three-piece suit and adds 10,000 health points. However, if the cloak is replaced, the effect of this suit will be lost, and even the necklace needs to be replaced urgently.

However, the Titan breastplate is still very "durable." The shield can absorb 300,000 damage, which is not discounted, and it is still very powerful at present! That is, the special effect of the shield wall returning blood will probably be reduced to waste when he reaches level 120.

Next is the pair of cloth shoes.

[Linglong soft boots] (mysterious spirit weapon, cloth armor)

Armor: 32

Stamina: 889

Intelligence: 420

Spirit: 181

Equip: Increases your maximum mana by 840.

Equip: Increases the damage or healing you deal by 35%.

Equip: Absorbs 358 damage when attacked.


Required level: 120

Special addition: reduce the usage requirements by level 20.

There was only one commoner among the three, and the ownership of the exquisite soft boots naturally belonged to Han Yingxue without a doubt. But the Snow Demon Girl immediately put her boots on Zhang Yang's side, her meaning was self-evident: to help her identify.

Alas, she is all her own, so she paid some appraisal fee and accepted it!

The last helmet was a follower's special equipment, the leather armor, which belonged to Wei Yan'er's follower, Marotta. But the follower's special equipment does not have the special effect of reducing the level by 20, so only Wei Yan'er can upgrade the follower to 120 level first.

Zhang Yang's stamina aura has been increased to level 7, and he can only use high-level aura stones if he wants to improve it. This middle-level aura stone was given to Wei Yan'er, and she also raised her power aura to level 7, and her power value increased by 14%, which is quite impressive.

After the task was completed, the three of them immediately rushed back to the village to hand in the task. As soon as they entered the village, they were welcomed by the crowd. Hundreds of villagers surrounded them all at once, expressing their praise and gratitude to them. Some villagers came from other villages, they were miners rescued by the three of them in the goblin camp.

"Ding! You have completed the task: rescue the villagers who were taken away, and you have gained 20 million experience points!"

"Ding! You have completed the quest chain of the Fantasy Secret Realm and gained 2 points of luck!"

"Ding! Since Alice still had 3198 health points when she was rescued, you can continue to stay in the fantasy world for 6 hours, 23 minutes and 48 seconds!"

A series of systems sounded in the ears of the three of Zhang Yang, but the last one was a little strange to the three of them. Could it be considered a reward to stay here for a little longer?

"Heroes, you wiped out those lunatics, and now the food here has become clean again, please enjoy the gift of the gods to the fullest!" The villagers moved stones from the roadside, picked off leaves, and scooped them up. A can of river water was brought and placed in front of the three of Zhang Yang.

These are all edible, either pastries or jerky, but once Wei Yan'er was bitten by a snake, how would she dare to eat any more, and she couldn't help taking a step back.

Zhang Yang's heart moved, but he picked up a "leaf" and chewed it.

"Ding! You have gained 10,000 experience points!"

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