MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 612: The First Step to Obtaining the Phoenix's Favor

As soon as the boss hung up, Wei Yan'er quickly picked up her quest items, and immediately giggled happily.

"Hey, Yan'er is going to have a first-level inheritance!" Meng Buhui and the others are very envious. They don't have the patience for a higher-level inheritance. When they see a B-level inheritance that can be obtained, they can't help but take it. As a result, they can only look at others now. I'm so hungry.

"Haha, please call me Wonder Woman Xiao Yan'er from now on!"

Everyone laughed, Zhang Yang lowered his body and picked up all the spoils dropped by the boss.

The boss is not generous, there are only four pieces of equipment dropped in total, but all the bosses in the field drop top-quality items, it is impossible to get such items from the dungeon boss! The two phantom weapons are currently the best equipment. If you want to obtain phantom weapons from the dungeon, you need a level 170 dungeon, and there is no need to drop the level 20 requirement! [

No way, everyone can create a dungeon, and the refresh time is short, if the dropped equipment is not controlled, then everyone will have top-quality equipment! And everyone has top-grade equipment, is this still called top-grade equipment?

The two mysterious spirit weapons must have been directly looked at, and everyone put their eyes on the two magic spirit weapons.

"It's better to be your own boss, everything that comes out is your own!" Fatty Han said with emotion, he remembered the last time he helped a furious beauty beat Hajiris, but in the end he only got an alchemy formula—although that formula The value is too high to estimate!

Zhang Yang laughed, and posted the attribute link of the first piece of equipment to the team.

This is a dark blue collar, if it is put on the head and neck, it can protect the whole head and neck airtight.

【Amos' Nose Ring】(Phantasm, Necklace)

Stamina: 1167

Strength: 396

Agility: 396

Equip: Increases your maximum health by 2330.

Equip: Increases the damage or healing you deal by 56%.

Equip: Absorbs 340 damage when attacked.

Equip: Your Basic Attacks have a 7% chance to increase the damage of your next ability by 20%.


Requires level: 150

Special addition: reduce the usage requirements by level 20.

Note: Amos is a tauren warrior, and his legend is enough to write a big book!

...Nose ring, everyone is aversion to the cold, but the attributes of this equipment make everyone envious. After all, this is a phantom weapon, and it can be equipped at level 130, which is not far from their level!

"Let's vote!" Zhang Yang nodded, there is nothing to say, everyone votes, it depends on luck. [

This piece of equipment is the best in the physics department. Whether it is a fighter, a thief, a hunter or a knight, it can be regarded as the same kind of equipment after getting it.

In the end, Zhang Yang beat Wei Yan'er's 96 points with 97 points, and successfully got this piece of equipment into his pocket.

"Hehehe, the nose ring used by the tauren is stinky, and I am not a fan of it!" Wei Yan'er lost by a small margin, so she could only pout her mouth to comfort herself.

Everyone couldn't help showing a smile, and turned their attention to the second magic weapon.

This is an exquisite leather jacket, engraved with various patterns on it, forming mysterious magic circles, releasing rays of light like bright clouds out of thin air, the fairy light is bright, very shocking to the eyeballs!

[Pluto Rune Breastplate] (Phantom Spirit Weapon, Leather Armor)

Armor: 192

Magic Resistance: 192

Stamina: 4668

Strength: 680

Agility: 1586

Equip: Increases your maximum health by 9330.

Equip: Increases the damage or healing you deal by 56%.

Equip: Absorbs 679 damage when attacked.

Use: Forms an anti-magic shield that reflects all magic (including healing spells) for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 4 hours.


Requires level: 150

Special addition: reduce the usage requirements by level 20.

"Wow, this is simply the nemesis of mages!" Narcissus Blossom was the first to shout. With magic resistance, it can also form a shield that reflects magic, which is clearly designed for mages and cursed priests!

"Well, once the anti-magic shield is activated, the legal system can only stare blankly!"

It's a pity that this piece of equipment that absolutely destroys the balance of 1vs1 cannot be used in the team league. This is also an adjustment made by the system: PK in the wild is rarely one-on-one, and it is usually a group fight. Although the special effects of this equipment are awesome, it is not unsolvable.

Four leather armor professions including Baifa No. 1 High School and Sun Xinyu made their moves one after another, and even Wei Yan'er was so jealous that he wanted to join in! No way, although this is leather armor, its armor value is higher than the armor of the mysterious spirit weapon. It is definitely at the steel plate level! Not to mention adding so much physical strength and agility, the only shortcoming is that the strength is lower. [

In the end, this piece of equipment was taken by Meng Buhui, which made the second generation of officials laugh non-stop.

In addition to these four pieces of equipment, the boss naturally has other additional drops: a skill book, a skill point spar, and three intermediate chaos beads.

Intermediate Chaos Orbs can increase the player's backpack space by 20 grids!

No one would think that their backpack was too big, so everyone shot to share the three Chaos Orbs. Zhang Yang was lucky enough to snatch one, and the space in his backpack reached 210 grids after use.

The skill point spar is even more precious, and after a lot of throwing points, Sun Xinyu took it into his pocket.

The final skill book is called "Angel's Mercy", and the required occupations are holy priest and holy knight, which is obviously a nanny skill.

There were no holy knights in the team, and this skill book was a competition between Han Yingxue and Dream Sweetheart. In the end, the Snow Demon woman's character broke out, and she won the skill book, and posted the skill description after learning it.

[Angel's Mercy (Level 1)]: Make team members (up to 10) get a shield, which lasts for 30 seconds or disappears after absorbing damage equivalent to 500% of your spell damage. During the duration of the shield, the target can still Restores 1% of HP in seconds. The shield can be applied to 2 additional targets per skill level. Range: 30 meters. Cooldown: 10 minutes.

After reading the description of this skill, everyone has only one thought - it's too powerful!

Yes, this skill is really powerful! Not only can it absorb a huge amount of damage, but it can also recover 1% of its health every second! Although 1% is not much, but what if it is in the state of inheritance transformation? Moreover, this shield can be issued in groups, one plus is 10 people, and if it reaches level 10, the number will rise to 28 people, which is extremely terrifying!


Everyone was very happy. Han Yingxue acquired this skill, and the team's survivability would naturally be greatly improved. Is there anything better than this?

After the boss is defeated, the team will naturally disband, and everyone will go about their own business.

Wei Yan'er is naturally going to finish the follow-up link of the inheritance task, and it is estimated that it will take a day or two to get the dark inheritance, while Zhang Yang takes Fatty Han to Qingsen Moss, where the hunter profession who has won the favor of the Phoenix hides. The task trigger location.

Because there are only 10 of them, without the inheritance transformation, it is impossible to handle the big boss of the S-level inheritance mission, so they can only continue to act three days later, kill the inheritance mission bosses of Sun Xinyu and Han Yingxue, and add two more S-level bosses to the team inherited!

"Yangzi, why did you drag me so far away so mysteriously?" Fatty Han was dragged all the way by Zhang Yang, and finally couldn't help asking.

Zhang Yang laughed, and said: "I have read the official information, there is an np here who will release a hunter's hidden mission, and will give very good things! Anyway, our inheritance transformation is cooling down, so let's take advantage of this time do it!"

"Say it earlier!" Fatty Han gave Zhang Yang an elbow, and the two were walking side by side in a small village.

This is a very old village. The residents in the village are pure human beings, and their clothes are quite different from those in other places, probably because they have been isolated from the world for too long.

"Oh, I really want to eat a barbecue made of Merlot goat!" In front of a thatched hut, an old man was muttering loudly, so Zhang Yang and Fatty Han who had just walked over could hear clearly clearly.

"Damn old man, I'm dreaming again. Merlot goats can only be found in the deepest part of the mountain. Even the best hunters dare not go in, so don't even think about it. Just eat what you have!" An old woman said from the house He came out, stuffed the old man with two steamed buns, and walked back into the house.

[Old Hunter Kanos] (Normal, Humanoid)

Level: 130

HP: 36400

Note: Kanos was an excellent hunter when he was young. Although he is old now, he still has rich hunting experience.

Zhang Yang smiled slightly and said, "Old man, we are going to hunt in the mountains. Where is the Merlot goat you mentioned? If we catch it, we will share it with you!"

"Haha, Merlot goats are not the kind of docile sheep you imagined! Although these goats don't eat meat, they are fierce beasts. Even fierce tigers dare not hunt them! Young people, don't go in vain. Send to death!" Kan Oss persuaded Zhang Yang and Fatty Han with a serious face.

"What if we can succeed?" Zhang Yang laughed.

"Hey, then I will give you the bows and arrows that have been treasured for decades!" Kanos said immediately.

"Ding! Kanos issued a mission to you: hunt Merlot goats, do you accept?"

Of course I accepted, this is the pre-step to start the hidden mission.

[Hunting Merlot Goats] (Task Difficulty: Level B)

Mission description: You make a bet with Kanos that you can hunt one of the most ferocious monsters in the deep forest, the Merlot goat! Warrior, you have to be mentally prepared, not everyone can deal with the Merlot goat! Don't ruin your life just because of a whim.

Completion: Hunting the Merlot Goat 01

Quest Reward: Kanos' Antique Bow

[Antique Bow of Kanos] (Purple Gold Ware, Bow)

Attack Power: 3618-4618

Attack interval: 33 seconds

Damage per second: 1248

Four-level set hole 1

Four-level set hole 2

Equip: Increases your damage done by 5%.

Requires level: 130

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