MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 622 One Sword Allure VS Death Arbiter

"Hit it!"

Unable to bear the provocation of the death arbiter, the thirteen members of Desert Guyan surrounded them angrily, each with their weapons drawn.

"Wow, a pair of thirteen, how courageous!"

"Death in the hands of players will lose experience points!"

"He has such good equipment, it would be a huge loss to lose any of them!" [

"It's called boldness!"

The onlookers started discussions, but the applause was always reserved for the brave, and naturally it was on the side of the arbiter of death, which made Liu Wei and those in the Mythical Guild very happy.

Zhang Yang smiled coldly. Although the other party seemed to be a pair of 13, they seemed full of courage, but the highest level among the 13 was only 110, and the lowest was only 102. The equipment on their bodies was only purple gold equipment, and some were even gold equipment. end.

After all, no matter how strong a guild is, only those at the top have the most high-end equipment! You know, even Zhang Yang still has three purple gold wares on his body, two of which are level 80 antiques.

Take the lead in equipment by one rank! Note that it is a rank, not a level, and the gap is not even a star! Generally, a player with a level 110 purple gold weapon has more than 70,000 health points. If he uses a two-handed weapon, the level damage is only about 18,000 (with 38 seconds of attack speed)!

And a player with a level 110 mysterious spirit weapon will have 150,000 to 160,000 HP, and if he holds a two-handed weapon, the flat attack damage will reach 36,000 (the same 38-second attack speed).

What's more, he still has a b-level inheritance. Even if he doesn't turn on the inheritance transformation, he still has a very strong advantage over ordinary players. At present, although inheritance players are springing up like mushrooms after rain, they are not so cheap as to have one share. In fact, among the players who have entered the realm of chaos, one out of ten players has an inheritance. It is rare.

Of course, dare to single out thirteen people alone. This in itself is also a manifestation of strength and self-confidence, which is undeniable!

While Zhang Yang was thinking, the battle had already begun.

This is not an arena, there is a system that gives you a five-minute countdown, so you can hit it right away, how can there be so much preparation time! Just like when you meet a hostile player in the wild, do you have to say hello to him first, saying that I am going to attack, are you ready?

The Arbiter of Death is truly extraordinary. Swinging an ax is quite powerful, at most three attacks can definitely kill a person!

But it's useless to just attack fiercely. After all, 13 people shoot down in a volley, and half of his health will be lost no matter what. But this guy also has considerable attainments in auxiliary attacks, and his movements are very methodical, such as sweeping T-legs, T-legs, left and right uppercuts, hitting more than a dozen opponents staggering and rolling, it is impossible to form an effective attack. To attack is to use the opponent as a human wall. Come to avoid the attack of law destruction!

"It's amazing, he killed three people in just half a minute!"

"Halo, even Zhan Yu, can he do this?"

"Stupid, don't you know that Zhan Yu once fought back 30,000 horses in the Japanese and Korean districts by himself, and also killed the puppies in the Japanese and Korean districts by himself in Anjia Castle?"

"That's different. The npboss helped both battles, and he also turned on the inheritance transformation! The death arbiter didn't turn on the inheritance transformation!"

"Nonsense, Zhan Yu opened the inheritance transformation, don't people in Japan and South Korea open it?"

"I think the Arbiter of Death is stronger!"

"It's definitely the battle defense that is stronger!" [

There was a lot of discussion, although there were still more people who held the opinion that the publicity is more powerful, but after one battle, the reputation of the death arbiter will definitely skyrocket, and his name will definitely be included in the list of the top masters in China!

8... 6... 3!

As the number dwindled, the Death Arbiters played more and more leisurely. In the end, the three opponents were grinded to death with the broken armor skills almost like pure abuse! Although arrogant, the onlookers applauded loudly, this is the battle they want to see!

Although PK does not have to drop equipment when it dies, but 5 of the 13 people lost their equipment when they died, and Liu Wei sent someone to pick it up. Neatly arranged in a row - counting the original ones, there are a total of twenty-seven pieces of equipment placed there.

This is the face of slapping Desert Guyan naked!

Zhang Yang's eyes turned cold, and he was about to join the game. But a black shadow flashed by, and a big golden-winged eagle had landed in front of Liu Wei. On the big eagle sits a player in full armor, with a hatchet on his waist and a shield behind his back. The character information on his head clearly shows that he is recognized as the second tank in China, with a single sword!

"Liu Wei!" Yijian Qingcheng and Liu Wei have a deep hatred of cutting off their children and grandchildren. With serious eyes, he drew an ax from his waist and pointed at each other, "We should settle the grievances between us!"

"Haha, who am I supposed to be? It turns out to be a dead eunuch!" Liu Wei said mercilessly, "I heard that you were cut off from a man's lifeblood, and your wife was raped a hundred times! I'm really surprised, You still have the face to live on, every time you see your wife, don't you always think of her being smashed by dozens of men, and, as a husband, you can only see with your eyes, alas!"

"Liu Wei——" Yijian Qingcheng screamed, patted his mount, and rushed towards Liu Wei.


The death arbiter appeared in time, and swung his giant axe first to blast away the figure of Yijian Qingcheng, making Yijian Qingcheng's attack come to an end.

"If you want to kill me, you have to beat my subordinates first!" Liu Wei laughed loudly, "I forgot to tell you, your wife is very sloppy when she is in bed, and every time I go in, I get caught and want to cum! You If you can’t satisfy her now, just wait until your head is full of green hats! Oh, yes, you’ve already worn all your green hats, so it’s almost time to wear one more and one less!”

Compared to the arbiter of death, Liu Wei is extremely unpopular. Hearing his vicious words, most of the onlookers booed him enormously.

Yijian Qingcheng took a deep breath, looked at the arbiter of death, showing a cautious look. He had just arrived, and when he saw Liu Wei, the nemesis, he rushed over, and he didn't know the strength of the death arbiter.

But a master only needs to make one shot, and Yijian Qingcheng intuitively thinks that the opponent is a master, a very, very powerful master, and he cannot be underestimated at all!

"I heard that you are called the second tank besides Zhan Yu, and also known as the second warrior! Hehe, I am not interested in the title of tank, but the strongest fighter must be mine! Turtle, let me get rid of you as the second fighter first, and then destroy Zhan Yu's false first fighter, and step on your bones to fulfill my reputation as the strongest fighter!"

The death arbiter said lightly, his tone full of confidence, as if this should be a matter of course.

After all, Yijian Qingcheng is the president of a large guild. Although he has a deep hatred with Liu Wei, he still focuses on the overall situation. The strength of a guild depends on everyone in the guild, but there must be a banner figure, a soul figure!

Like the lonely smoke in the desert, there is publicity, the angry beauty has Chihiro Xue, the light has the light of a sword, and Huangtian is his sword that can conquer the city!

Banner characters cannot fail easily, otherwise the confidence of the entire guild will be shaken!

Taking out the shield with a backhanded sword, he swung the hatchet and said, "Don't talk too much, you won't have anything to look for when you lose!"

"Hahaha, it's up to you? Not qualified enough!" [

The Arbiter of Death has also summoned his mount, a mechanical four-winged tiger!

Hey, Zhang Yang couldn't help calling secretly that this guy is really lucky!

This four-winged mechanical tiger is a product of engineering majors, but the drawings are too difficult to drop, and the things made are bound, that is to say, they can only be used by engineering players themselves! This mechanical tiger is a flying pet, Xuanling level, it is the best at level 120!

And the golden-winged eagle with a sword that can beat the city is only at the purple-gold level, and it is missing a rank out of thin air! More importantly, One Sword Allure is only level 118!

Regardless of the fact that level 118 is only two levels lower than level 120, it means that the equipment that a death arbiter can wear can be 10 levels higher than that of One Sword Allure, learn one more inheritance skill, and the difference between riding a pet is even bigger!

In terms of attribute comparison, One Sword Allure is definitely at a disadvantage.

"Sword Allure, let me end your glory!" The death arbiter patted the mechanical tiger and flew out, raised the big ax high with both hands, and slammed at "One Sword Allure".


The two of them collided for the first time, and in a flash of sparks, Yijian Qingcheng was blasted by the opponent's stronger force, causing them to slide back three or four meters away!

"Haha, that's all!" The death arbiter rushed forward again, swung his big axe, and slashed forward with another axe.

"Don't be too happy!" Yijian Qingcheng snorted coldly, patted his mount for a while, flew around to avoid the opponent's menacing blow, and took the opportunity to counterattack with an axe.


The death arbiter immediately freed his left hand, and punched the giant eagle with a heavy force. The heavy force made the giant eagle bang and retreat, and easily resolved the attack of the sword.

"This game is tailor-made just for me!" The death arbitrator laughed, "I am the champion of two consecutive national martial arts competitions. Although I can't convert it into attack power here, it can play a huge supporting role. One-on-one, no one is my opponent!"

Laughing loudly, he jumped out again and launched a storm-like attack on Yijian Qingcheng.

But although Yijian Qingcheng has no background in "martial arts", it may be recognized as the second tank in China. How can this strength be overstated! Besides, shield warriors were born to restrain berserk warriors professionally, and the two tried their best, and they fought to the brim!

"Use the transformation skill, otherwise you can't be my opponent!" The death arbiter grinned, "I'm going to get serious next time!"

"You are not qualified enough!"

One Sword Allure said coldly, both of them are testing each other's hole cards

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