MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 628: Alternative Attack

Team Xianxian took a 1:0 lead, and it was Han Yingxue's turn to play next.

The Snow Demon Girl kissed Zhang Yang's lips, and said, "Honey, I'll be right back!"

Damn, I was molested by this witch in public!

Coincidentally, Han Yingxue's opponent was a mage, but only at level 118. She was an elemental master, an elf woman with extraordinary equipment, and her follower was a huntress, who took the double attack route.

Han Yingxue summoned Da Sao Bao, but before Messick could get angry, she kicked him away and said, "Defeat the two people on the opposite side, and let them be your pussy!" [

"My queen, I am loyal to you. Any other woman is like dirt in my eyes!" Messique said impassionedly, but his eyes were already on the element master and her followers. Looking around, he suddenly pulled out his spear and rushed forward, shouting, "With me, Messick, no one can hurt my queen, the two witches, and lie down on the bed quickly"...Kneel Die on earth! "

Da Sao Bao rushed forward with a full color gall, and only at this time would he charge forward fearfully, putting life and death behind the lust.

The master of the elements would not target a follower. She and her followers both locked on Han Yingxue at the same time and started to attack.

Han Yingxue had already given herself the protection of the cow god in advance, and after giving the elemental supporter a corrosive pain, she began to smear herself with blood.

If you hit yours, I will add mine, just like others.

The element master sneered.

Before the healer is weakened, the healer with the same equipment can indeed withstand the firepower of other professions to heal. As long as the blue bar is not empty, the blood bar will never be empty! But after that, the treatment weakened half of nearly one-third of the blood gain ability, and the recovery speed was not as good as the firepower of the output profession!

Moreover, she also has a follower assisting in the attack. Although this follower only has the initial silver-level rank, the agility growth value is as high as 11 stars. Now it is mainly purple gold weapons, and there are a few mysterious spirit weapons. The firepower can reach almost 40% of her own!

With such a strong output, how many seconds can the opponent last?

98%, 96%, 94%ps, 92%, 90%, 88%... 87%, 100%, 86%, 100%, 83%, 100%...

But after fighting for a while, the element master realized something was wrong! Under what circumstances, his blood volume was steadily falling under the damage of the opponent's corrosive pain, although it was very slow. It's real, but the opponent's milk power is too strong, she only hit a part of it, and the opponent's healing spell is fully used up again immediately, and she can't beat it at all!

Wei Yan'er laughed so hard that she fell forward and backward, and said: "Haha, it's a dream to kill my cousin! Even with the healing effect of Destroy Strike reduction on me, my cousin can beat herself up, let alone a mage!" ! A cousin with an S-level inheritance is simply a big cow that can't be milked!"

The biggest nemesis of healing is the berserk warrior with high attack and healing reduction effect! Destroy Strike, if the equipment of both sides is not too different. A healer can be chopped down with a few slaps.

If even a little girl can't kill Han Yingxue, then apart from Zhang Yang, a pervert with higher attack power and more healing effects, Han Yingxue can almost suck to death in a 1v1 situation! Anyone!

how so! how so!

Tooth, the vegetarian master wants to cry! No matter how hard she and her followers tried to output, there was still no way to bring down Han Yingxue's blood volume to 70%. Can cast healing spells.

But the counterspell does not have a cooling time, once the effect is over, you can only watch the cow god fill up the blood volume again and again.

Playing with Han Yingxue. Definitely a torture!

Because she is very good at herself, she doesn't know how to play auxiliary attack, extreme distance, and counter-deception at all. What she has to do is very simple, that is, poison the opponent with corrosive poison, and then spray blood on herself... until the opponent is killed ot poisoned! [

Theoretically, a person like her who can't move can easily be destroyed by the auxiliary attack of the Berserker with high strength attributes. Acts as a meat shield.

not to mention. She also has the skill of holy shield. As long as the shield is not broken, her spellcasting will not be interrupted or repulsed, which can effectively resist auxiliary attacks.

This is one-sided for Nye.

Han Yingxue doesn't know PK skills at all, but relying on the efficient healing ability and various recovery methods brought by the top inheritance, she forcibly grinds the element master to death! 2:0!

After losing two games in a row, the Moriah team's morale plummeted. A hearty victory is urgently needed to inspire fighting spirit.

It's a pity that what they met in the third game was the most powerful player of the Xianxian team, Yi Zhangyang!

The player sent by the Morea team is still a female player. A hunter, level 118. A wind fox pet, a healing follower.

This huntress is called Coquettish Little Wildcat, an elf, and she is very tall. Although the characters in the game are not necessarily what they look like in reality, their demeanor and demeanor are a true reflection of the character's heart. When the battle started, she walked around the field while attacking, and said lightly: "Big handsome guy, Does playing here prove you're a man? Why don't you come down to my room and we'll have a good fight! Hmm." You're so strong, I want to stuff my cock with your dick! "

Zhang Yang was sweating wildly, while chasing the opponent, forcing her into a dead corner, he ignored her provocative words at all.

The coquettish little wild cat moves very smoothly, using pets as obstacles, repeatedly slowing down Zhang Yang's pace, her teasing is non-stop, the topic never leaves between her legs, her words are so explicit that she can almost write a pornographic novel up.

It's not that Zhang Yang didn't meet opponents who talked a lot of trash in the team league in his last life, but he really never met someone who used pornographic words as a means of attack! This woman has no sense of shame at all, ah, ah, Yiyi, anyway, how can she make a man angry, she just says what she says, and even uses the interval between attacks to twist her hips, puff her chest, and pat her butt. If it weren't for the equipment that can bring attribute bonuses, I believe she would Strip naked to increase the intensity of the temptation.

"Hey, we can still have a threesome, I don't mind getting you another girl, or you find another man to fuck me! Well let me tell you, I'd rather do it with three guys at the same time, on It feels great to fill up all the way up and down!"

This bitch is very talented, she can speak pornographic words all over the sky, and at the same time, she can not give up the slightest attack, which has to be admired.

This is broadcast live in the game, and everyone can watch their battle scenes in 360 degrees from the perspective of God and hear every word they say. Seeing that Coquettish Little Wild Cat is so coquettish, some people certainly scoffed at it, but some people were delighted to hear it, wishing to replace Zhang Yang in the next game and have a good time with this bastard.

How big the arena can be, the opponent is not a high-level person, and the coquettish little wild cat can also avoid the pressure of the opponent by moving flexibly, running around the whole field, but when it meets Zhang Yang, a master of masters , then there is only one way to retreat from the midfield all the way to the wall.

In fact, even if Zhang Yang doesn't get close to Coquettish Little Wild Cat, just the continuous attacks of the dragon eagle flying in mid-air makes her very uncomfortable. Currently, the damage of a flying flame is as high as 46,000. Even if Coquettish Little Wild Cat has A healer follower that keeps healing. Can it be compared with Feiling's damage?

Because of this, Zhang Yang didn't force her too much, lest this girl do something amazing and make some farce!

Because Coquettish Little Wildcat had to fight while walking, the damage it caused was quite limited. Coupled with Zhang Yang's current high defense, the blood loss of both sides was not at the same level at all!

"Armor-piercing arrow!" The coquettish little wild cat also knew that Zhang Yangchun's heart would not be stunned to death, and he would be killed by the dragon eagle in the sky! With her eyes fixed, she bent her bow and volleyed. A sharp arrow turned into black light and went straight to Zhang Yang. -2812!

The arrow directly hit Zhang Yang's neck, a stream of blood gushed out immediately, and a negative effect was added to Zhang Yang's body.

[Armor-piercing Arrow]: All the defensive power provided by the armor will temporarily act, lasting for 10 seconds.

Very awesome skills! [

Although it can only last for 10 seconds, it can't play a big role when fighting the boss, but it can play a very, very big role in pk! The defensive power provided by the armor has a magical effect, which means that both the armor value and the damage absorption attribute are abolished!

This is completely a magical skill for killing tanks!

Coquettish Little Wildcat naturally wanted to take advantage of this time to make a lore. As soon as he stood still, he immediately volleyed.


Zhang Yang can currently play a defensive role. Only the shield warrior's passive skill to reduce boron damage was left, and the opponent hit up to 40,000 damage with one arrow! Of course, this is also the skill with the highest attack bonus for Coquettish Pussycat!


Another arrow shot "chalk", this time because it was a normal attack, the damage caused was greatly reduced.

If you think that this woman can only speak dirty words and underestimate her, I am afraid that you will be instantly killed when you encounter this armor-piercing arrow!

Zhang Yang finally entered the opponent's old rice, and rushed over with a swipe. A dazzling shadow swung from the Devouring Sword in his hand, and it slashed at the coquettish little wild cat.

He was attacked again and again. Coupled with the automatic increase of 2 points of anger per second in the combat state, it has already reached 120 points of full anger. First he hit a destructive blow, and then followed up with a flat slash with a slight difference, so that he can still maintain a state of full anger—"On the other hand, if he hits a flat slash first, because the rage is already full, it is a waste of this time." If he hits the average amount of rage that can be brought, and then hits another skill, then his rage will only be 75 points!

Some small details are the difference between a master and an ordinary player.


Enough! -105293!


However, these two attacks hit the coquettish little wild cat, and there were two words of transfer jumping up one after another. On the contrary, her wind fox pet's blood volume plummeted, and she was bombarded and killed from the full blood state in an instant!

To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. )

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