MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 632 Semi-final Chapter Directory

In the semi-finals, Team Xianxian vs Team Hell, Team Hongyan vs Team Tata Steel.

This time in the China region, the face is really too long. The two top teams have both reached the semi-finals. This has to make everyone amazed!

In fact, this is not surprising. The Hongyan team won the runner-up in the World Team League Finals in the previous life, and the Xianxian team has three S-level players, Zhang Yang, Sun Xinyu, and Han Yingxue. Naturally, the strength will only be stronger. !

All players in the Chinese region are waiting eagerly, hoping to see the two teams in the Chinese region meet in the final. Of course, more players from other districts are looking forward to the two teams collapsing into the sand and kneeling in the semi-finals.

The Hell team that Zhang Yang and the others are going to fight tonight is exactly the team that Night Phoenix belongs to. This girl played in the semi-finals yesterday, relying on the powerful improvement brought by the super inheritance to defeat the opponent, and helped the Hell team get two crucial points. Every time they were 2:4 behind, they tied the score to 3:4, successfully dragged the game into the team competition, and relied on the outstanding performance of the team battle to complete the reversal! [

Before the semi-finals started, this noble black phoenix came quietly and had a "meeting" with Sun Xinyu and Han Yingxue.

When Sun and Han learned that she was really the princess of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the future grand duchess, they couldn't help but look weird! Who would have thought of this, the majestic princess of a country not only plays s-m, but also does not hesitate to post back, this is too subverting people's worldview.

The three women's long talk lasted for more than an hour, and finally the black phoenix left with a satisfied smile, which made Zhang Yang very surprised, and said, "Could you two have sold me?"

"Haha, probably only this weird princess whose eyes are blinded by lard will fall in love with you! Hey. It's really strange, you are not so handsome, how can you hook up a princess in a blink of an eye! "Han Yingxue pinched Zhang Yang's face and said.

"Hey, hey, if you say that again, be careful that I divorce you and let that princess replace you!"

"Ha, let me tell you some good news, Frigidity and I helped you accept a princess as your lover!"

Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes and said, "I asked her to talk to you. I just hope you reject her! Damn, you guys are fine, you really have to sell me!"

Han Yingxue rolled her eyes at him, and said, "We have an appointment with her, and we can only come to China once a year. The time starts next year! During this period, you belong to her completely!"

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and couldn't help pointing at Han and Sun and said, "You guys are really ruthless!"

That black phoenix is ​​no ordinary person. She is the future heir of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. She has a sensitive identity. If she goes abroad, she will definitely make a big splash, because she represents a country! Under such a premise, her travel will be strictly restricted. Under the control of the national parliament, how can you say that if you come to China, you will come to China!

Taking a step back, even if she really came to China on behalf of Luxembourg, there must be a lot of entourage, plus three layers of reporters inside and outside, can she sneak out to meet her lover?

The time dragged on for two or three years, and as a princess, she had to find someone to marry anyway, so this absurd thing was exposed.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but admire. In this regard, women's handling methods are indeed better than men's.

That noble girl had obviously become determined after eating the weights, persuasion was useless, the so-called obstruction is worse than sparseness, she pretended to agree to her heart, but in fact she had no loss at all.

"By the way, she asked us to tell you that even though she belongs to 'you', she will not show mercy in the competition tonight!" Han Yingxue had already bent over with a smile.

She didn't show mercy to Zhang Yang, but she didn't care. With the strength of their team, they really had no opponents to fear, but a big problem was solved, and Zhang Yang was in a good mood. Each of the two big hands picked up one person, he smiled, hugged the two girls and walked towards the bed.

"That black-haired phoenix came at a really bad time, let's continue! By the way, who was at the bottom just now?"


At 7 o'clock in the evening, the first semi-final was played by the Red Face team and the Tata Steel team. [

Contrary to Zhang Yang's expectations, Team Tata Steel is unexpectedly strong!

The flirtatious little waist has actually obtained the inheritance of the hunter's S-class-Phantom Shooter! It is not clear what skills this inheritance is for. However, in the two games against the Hongyan team, Fengfeng Xiaoman revealed some characteristics of this inheritance.

First, the super long range - she can shoot from 40 meters away! In the first game, she killed Xue Qianxun by eating a range kite!

Second, there are no blind spots!

It has been said many times that what hunters are most afraid of is being pushed in front of them, which will make them lose 99% of their attack power! However, in the second game, even though Blood Rose sneaked to her side, she saw her arrows shoot straight into the sky, and then the arrows turned and flew back, shooting Blood Rose into a hedgehog !

Coupled with the 50% damage increase of the s-level inheritance Gu family, the attack power of the charming waist is terrifying, and the opponent can be killed with a few efforts!

In the first round, the Red Face team had good luck. They encountered several professional rivalries, and fell behind 3:4 in the 1v1 unit. They were still dragged into the final team battle, but they still lost 3:5 in the end. But in the second round, the Women's Army was defeated professionally in the platoon. In the 1v1 unit, they were defeated 2:5, and they couldn't even delay the team battle!

In the end, the Tata Steel team eliminated the Hongyan team 2:0 and entered the final first.

Zhang Yang and the others didn't have time to be surprised by the strength of Team Tata Steel, and the next thing was their battle with Team Hell for the final ticket to the final!

It can be said that the hell team has a deep old grudge with Zhang Yang and the others, because if it weren't for their existence, Han Yingxue's inheritance of the cow god would have been theirs! Ironically, in the first game, Han Yingxue's opponent happened to be the hell priest.

The so-called jealousy of enemies, Hell Priest launched a fierce attack at the beginning of the game, moving, running, and shooting range, showing extremely awesome pk skills. But Han Yingxue didn't care about him, she started adding blood to herself as soon as she threw out a Poison of Corrosion, at least keeping her blood volume above 90%. Only then will the Light of Retribution be used to attack.

The battle between the two nannies was obviously protracted, and no matter how exciting the battle was, it would be tiresome, not to mention Han Yingxue's unskilled operations.

Moreover, the Hell Priest, as the number one master in the European region, naturally completed the s-level professional task at level 30, obtained the Heart of Light that reduces the consumption of healing spells by 75%, and has the capital to fight a protracted war!

Even though the time in the game passes much faster than in reality, the battle between the two lasted for a full 4 hours in real time. Only then did the hell priest's blue bar be used up first, ending this lingering and lengthy battle.

There is a statistic that can well illustrate the torture of this battle for players: At the beginning of the game, a total of 1.1 billion players were watching the game, but by the time the game was decided, this number had dropped to 12 million!

Don't say that people outside the stadium are tired of watching. Even Zhang Yang and the others had to wait a long time, and even the commentators had already shut their mouths, because there was nothing to explain in the face of the same blood increase.

The only one who was happy was probably Han Yingxue. For her, it took her 12 hours to finish off her opponent. Naturally, this was something to be excited about.

Fortunately, there is only such a nanny on Zhang Yang's side. The next battle went very fast. Zhang Yang met the Hell Knight, and he chopped down the opponent in two or three strokes. He was very lucky not to meet the black phoenix, otherwise, this noble lady might have a fever in her head. The faces of hundreds of millions of viewers raised their buttocks and begged him to slap them.

In the first game, Team Xianxian scored 1 point 5:2!

When Zhang Yang handed in the list of players for the second game, he was quickly invited by the organizing committee of the competition. Ask him and the captain of Team Hell to re-arrange the order of the players. The reason: Han Yingxue met the Priest of Hell by coincidence...

Obviously, the organizing committee does not want to have such a long and tortured battle again.

After changing the order of players four times in a row, they finally avoided the rematch between the two nurses, and the second game officially started. [

This time Zhang Yang and the others did not line up well. Mengbuhui, Baifayizhong and Narcissus Blossoms all encountered professional opponents, and they were also masters at the level of the night phoenix. They were all narrow defeats. The 1v1 unit battle became 4:3, Zhang Yang and the others entered the team battle with a slight advantage.

In fact, if the game is dragged into a team battle, 4:3 or 3:4 is the so-called, anyway, if you score two points in the team battle, you win!

However, 1v1 may still be targeted. But during the team battle, among the five members of the Xianxian team, Zhang Yang, Sun Xinyu, and Han Yingxue were all S-level inheritance owners, Wei Yan'er was a first-level inheritance, and the inheritance of Meng Buhui was a bit inferior, but it was still a B-level inheritance!

On the other hand, in the Hell team, only Hell Mage and Night Phoenix have a first-level inheritance, and the other three have B-level inheritance. This comparison of strength is far worse, just like an elephant wrestling with a tiger. Although the tiger is also very fierce, how can it match the brute force of the elephant?

2:0, Team Xianxian easily eliminated Team Hell, and will compete with Team Tata Steel for the final crown.

"The opponent's strength is not weak!" Before the battle, the seven Zhang Yang studied the roster of the Tata Steel team in the room. With the concerted efforts of the players in China, the specific information about the ten members of the Tata Steel team was unearthed bit by bit. Although it is impossible to find out what inherited skills each person has, the inherited name and level are not difficult to know.

The other party has two level inheritance players, four b level inheritance players, three players have not yet obtained the inheritance, and the last amorous waistline is the S level inheritance!

Zhang Yang took a deep breath, and said: "Small waist is the exclusive inheritance of S-level hunters-Phantom Hunter! I don't know what skills this inheritance has, but you should have discovered it when you watched the battle before. She has no blind spots. Moreover, the range has reached 40 meters!"

"Even in the 1v1 unit, we may not be able to earn enough 3 points to enter the final team battle!" Baifa Yizhong made the worst prediction, "Overall, our strength is superior, but if we two An S-level inheritance player met their B-level inheritance player, and the last S-level lost to Fengfeng Xiaoman, and it is not impossible for us to lose all the other four 1v1 games!"

In fact, who can reach the finals, which one is not a master? Even if there is a gap, it will not be one-sided, especially in the final championship and runner-up battle!

If the inheritance levels of the two parties are similar, then professional mutual restraint will play a huge role! If you are unlucky and get targeted again and again, it is not impossible to lose in a row! In particular, the opponent also has an S-level successor player, Zhang Yang, Sun Xinyu, and Han Yingxue, the three S-level successors, cannot guarantee that they will win all three rounds!

But once the game can be dragged into a team battle, the Xianxian team with 3 s-level inherited players is definitely an enemy at this stage!

Zhang Yang smiled, and said, "Then I hope the Snow Demon Girl won't meet the flamboyant waist!"

Because this lineup is to be submitted before the game, so there is no way to design the opponent, try to figure out the psychology of the opponent, it is all about luck, if you encounter a professional rivalry, you will make money!

"Don't worry, Miss Ben hasn't lost yet!" Wei Yan'er patted her flat chest, "Wrap it on Miss Ben, don't care what S-rank or rank he is, just smash it with three axes!"

"The best case scenario is when Sister Sun meets a flirtatious little waist, give her a soul purification and start sneaking, and win in 3 minutes!" Narcissus Huakai said.

The deterrent power of S-level players is too great, regardless of Han Yingxue's nanny, let's see how overbearing Zhang Yang and Sun Xinyu's attack power is now! A hunter with no blind spots... If you just fight PS, no one can beat her except Zhang Yang and Sun Xinyu!

What's more, Feng Xiaoman's waist has an ultra-long range of 40 meters, and the general melee will lose half of her HP before approaching her side!

"Well, in addition to the flamboyant waist, there are two other super inheritance players to pay attention to!" Zhang Yang tried hard to recall, although he didn't know much about these two inheritances, but he was better than others.

"The savage king, a super-inherited dual-swordsman, can hold one-handed swords in both hands, and when he wants to defend, he can hold a shield in his off-hand. When he wants to explode, he can replace the shield with another one-handed sword, which is equivalent to a combat thief. But because the rage acquisition mechanism and energy value are different, this means that when he is beaten, his explosive power is stronger!"

Zhang Yang pointed to the barbarian king on the list and said.

"If the shield warrior's skills are used alone, the Barbarian King's deputy will not be able to provide much damage if his deputy is replaced by a weapon. The key is that the inheritance of this dual swordsman is impossible, so let him hold a sword in his deputy. There will definitely be people who can use it. To the skills of the off-hand sword!"

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and said cautiously: "Except for me, the little girl and Bing Cube, if anyone else encounters him, try not to get close to him. With the support of super inheritance, his burst damage must be very terrifying! "

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