MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 634 Comprehensive Recovery Potion

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Destroy blow!

The Barbarian King immediately released a skill with a high damage bonus, because this skill only has an 8-second cooling time, and the shield wall can last for another 10 seconds. No waste. -3167!

This skill with a high damage bonus finally hit four-digit damage, but for Zhang Yang with nearly 350,000 HP, this is not important at all! []

In fact, the Barbarian King also has a double sword bombardment with a higher attack bonus. After the deputy is also equipped with a weapon, it can cause 200% of the attack of the main and deputy, and depending on the armor, it is quite powerful! But because of the long cooldown of 1 minute, hitting the shield wall is a waste. [

Because he was in an enemy state, the Barbarian King replaced the shield in his deputy with another sword to strengthen his attack.

Chop chop!

The savage king started to add broken armor to Zhang Yang. This is not a waste of public skills when fighting high-defense tanks. On the contrary, because the savage king uses a one-handed weapon, it is very affected by the armor value, reducing the target's armor. A has a very important meaning to him!

After completing the five pieces, Zhang Yang's armor value dropped to 3820, which is equivalent to increasing the opponent's single attack limit of 2820 points out of thin air, which is still very impressive.

The barbarian king's enemy skill lasted for 8 seconds, and before the golden light stopped flashing, he blasted out with a shock wave, knocking Zhang Yang into a coma.

Warrior's Fury!

Zhang Yang immediately removed the control skill, and quickly poured himself a bottle of primary free movement potion.

Brutal strike!


The barbaric king repeated Zhang Yang's previous routine, but he didn't expect that Zhang Yang's hands and feet were so fast, he actually completed the actions of looking for "medicine", taking it out, and pouring it in an instant, making all control skills ineffective in front of him !

He also has a 'Heroic Jump' control skill, but now he is immune to it.

"Brother, I've already knocked out half of his health, you're too far behind!" Fei Ling said from the other side.

Zhang Yang laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry. I will be able to resolve the battle soon!"

"Zhan Yu, you are so crazy!." The barbarian king roared angrily, and he became the target of Zhang Yang's competition with his followers. Think he is a fish on the chopping board, who can be slaughtered at will? This is absolutely unbearable!

Zhang Yang's sword was like the wind, and he competed with the opponent for output. This was a match with Xiao Feiling, so he didn't bother to use his control skills anymore. All he wanted was to kill the target.

God of War Strikes! -156314!

A terrifying damage figure jumped from the savage king's body. Almost killed him instantly, leaving less than 3000 points of residual blood!

The savage king was stunned, and after he slashed with two swords, he quickly put on his shield again. And poured a bottle of potion, and the health was miraculously restored to full value!

-45234! [


As the big killer move inherited by the dual swordsman, the double sword slash is still quite powerful. The two swords cut off more than 60,000 health points of Zhang Yang!

Um! This is a comprehensive recovery potion!

Zhang Yang frowned!

The full recovery potion can instantly restore the player's health, mana, rage, energy, and concentration to full, so it is called the full recovery potion, which is the most powerful in the game Potion, but it cannot be made by an alchemist.

The world-class big boss has a chance to drop this potion, and there is also a chance to get such a reward for refreshing the death mode dungeon clearance record, but the probability is quite low, after all, the effect is too powerful!

Since the barbarian king has this potion. What about the rest of their team?

These guys hid really deep enough, even if they lost in the previous game, they didn't use this potion! Of course, this is also related to the fact that they were never "forced" into a desperate situation, and they stayed in the finals, which had an unexpected effect!

However, even if they don't have a lot of this kind of potion, otherwise Famu King Kong wouldn't have used it in the first round! Ordinary level five healing potions can only restore 30,000 health points, which is far from this, if Famu King Kong had filled this potion in the first game. Then the loser should be the little girl!

It can only be said that the Tata Steel team is unlucky, because no matter what red bottle the Barbarian King drinks, the fate of defeat is already doomed, and it is only a matter of time! Drinking the full recovery potion when facing Zhang Yang is just a waste of time!

But I didn't know who I would face beforehand, so there was nothing I could do about it. I can only say that the Barbarian King is too restless, and this potion is not bound, so it can't be given to the next contestant? ?

Zhang Yang couldn't help calling luck!

In the case of similar strengths between the two sides, this bottle of potion will definitely affect the outcome! and. The better the equipment and the higher the blood volume of both sides, the greater the impact!

Although Zhang Yang has alchemy comprehension and has made a lot of mutated old fifth-level healing potions, he only adds 60,000 health points when he dies. Compared with their current blood volume of at least 150,000, it is really Not enough to see!

"Haha, I didn't expect that!" The Barbarian King laughed. He didn't have a destructive strike on him, so he restored his blood to full value. He roared angrily, swung his war blade and hit Zhang Yang, because Zhang Yang had a free movement potion, and any of his control skills were useless. It was in vain.

"Gou Yan is just panting!" Zhang Yang smiled contemptuously. He still has 300,000 HP, but the other party only has 220,000 HP! Compared with the damage output, the opponent is a one-handed weapon, and he is a two-handed weapon! Compared with defense, everyone wears shields, and he also has two phantom weapons, which have a higher defense power!

But Zhang Yang didn't push the opponent too hard, instead he instructed Fei Ling to slow down the attack speed, so that the Barbarian King could hold on. 』Water, if the opponent still has it!

Faced with Zhang Yang's sudden misfire, the barbarian king thought that he had changed back the shield to greatly increase his defense power, and instantly became stronger. He immediately laughed triumphantly, slashed out his sword frequently, and started a confrontation with Zhang Yang.

But the authorities were "confuse" and the onlookers were clear, and Xiaoman Yao immediately saw Zhang Yang's intentions. But once the match in the arena starts, people outside the arena cannot interfere with those inside. Whether it's the guild channel or the whisper channel, even incoming calls will be blocked!

She can only helplessly worry, because the Barbarian King does have a full recovery potion, and she, the barbaric king, and Bloody Calamity each have two full recovery potions, which means that they can fight against each other in the two rounds. In the competition, at least 3 points must be scored. Even if you fall behind in the ... unit, you are guaranteed to enter the team battle, and then turn the tide of the battle!

But Zhang Yang is too bad, he can win the victory, but he deliberately delays, making it clear that he will use up all the trump cards of the barbaric king!

Fengfeng Xiaoman thought about it, but showed a smile again: This is a double-edged sword, because Zhang Yang is not sure how many bottles of full recovery potions the barbarian king has. After filling another bottle, Zhang Yang will definitely procrastinate to see if there is a third bottle in minutes![

During this full 2 ​​minutes, if the barbarian king still can't make up his mind to show off a tube of blood, then he is too useless!

"Why didn't the anemic fighter take care of that black charcoal head? Wei Yan'er was puzzled. If the opponent didn't open the enemy's shield wall with his flamboyant firepower, Jiu Nei Nei would definitely be able to overwhelm his opponent.

"It's really strange!." Meng Buhui and others also expressed their incomprehension.

"Xin Yu said succinctly.

Meng Buhui and others looked at each other, expressing that they didn't understand. There is a saying that the person who knows you best is your enemy! Han Yingxue snorted immediately, and said, "Are you talking about the "potion" that Ah San took? Well, he did drink a bottle of "potion" just now, and his blood volume immediately increased."

... full back!

These days, no one has a lot of life-saving skills, so when they saw the barbarian king's health suddenly full, everyone didn't pay much attention to it and thought he used some skills, but after Han Yingxue replayed it, they realized something was wrong!

"The potion can directly restore all the life points?

"It's even more powerful than the mutant 10 red bottle made by Zhan Yu!"

"However, the number of such powerful potions will definitely not be many!."

"Silly Yu is deliberately procrastinating, tricking that Ah San to continue taking "drugs", and let him consume all the "drugs"!"

None of them are idiots, and they quickly figured out Zhang Yang's intentions.

Now, before the savage king could react, 1 minute later, his blood volume just dropped below 20%, and he entered the beheading stage, but Zhang Yang only had Yao's health! He lifted his spirits, cleared the negative effect of Destroy Strike with Warrior's Fury, and immediately poured another bottle of full recovery potion.

"Zhan Yu, you are dead!" The barbaric king laughed loudly. After Zhang Yang was stunned by a barbaric blow, he immediately replaced his shield with an off-hand sword. armor value.

Sure enough, there is a second bottle! Still, is there a third bottle?

Zhang Yang showed an indistinguishable smile at the corner of his mouth, Warrior's Fury released the control state, stepped on both feet, and the thunder strike was launched, immediately putting the barbarian king into the deceleration state of Gou oh, and he quickly run forward.

- He will consume more! In a few minutes, see if the Barbarian King has a third bottle of full recovery potion.

"Damn it!." Because the barbarian king just drank the comprehensive recovery potion, all the potions entered a 1-minute cooldown, so he could only walk with difficulty, and was even immobilized for a while!

Zhang Yang took the opportunity to run away and began to tie up the bandages.

10000 ·

10,000! After tying the bandage in 10 seconds, Zhang Yang recovered 100,000 health points by relying on the double first aid effect of the doctor's friend, and his health value reached 230,000, which is no less than that of the barbaric king!

The savage king is about to cry, but he took full recovery potion to restore full health, do you know how precious this full recovery potion is? With the glory of the Indian region and the money in the pocket, and the guild itself having two bottles of savings, they managed to get a total of 6 bottles!

But he drank two bottles, but the effect was similar to that of the other party's one bandage. Could this prevent him from crying so depressed?

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