After a few days of twists and turns, Narcissus Blossom finally obtained the inheritance of the soul destroyer she had dreamed of.

As a super inheritance, it is also the only high-level attacking inheritance of the high-level legal system at present in the Desert Guyan. The soul destroyer inheritance of Narcissus Blossom naturally aroused everyone's high interest, and when she posted her skills one by one , everyone was stunned.

[War of Soul]: Permanently increase your damage by 45%.

[Soul Piercing]: Attacks the target's soul, causing shadow damage equivalent to 300% of magic attack to the target, and stuns the target for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 1 minute.

[Soul Breaker Transformation]: Incarnate into a Soul Breaker, HP increased by 30 times, attack power increased by 400%, armor value increased by 400%, and a 30% chance of resisting spell attacks. During the transformation, you can gain 1 soul source gas per second, and some skills need soul source gas to activate. Duration: 2 hours. Cooldown: 72 hours. [

[Soul Eclipse]: Corrodes the souls of all targets within 100*100 meters around, and causes shadow damage equivalent to 8 times the intelligence value to each target. Consumption: 3 Soul Origin Qi.

[Soul Substitute]: Create a soul substitute that is exactly the same as your own body. The soul substitute will not cause any damage, but when the soul substitute is attacked, all damage will be converted into healing, and the same amount of health will be restored for you. Soul substitutes can exist for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 30 minutes.

[Soul Plunder]: Plunder the soul of the target, causing the target to lose self-control. It takes 10 points of soul energy to activate and lasts for 5 seconds. Every 2 additional soul ki can extend the duration by 1 second. Cooldown: 30 minutes.

In this way, Zhang Yang's regular team, except Dream Sweetheart, has inheritance, and at least it is B-level! If such a small team kills other regions, it will cause considerable chaos even if the inheritance transformation is not activated, but if the inheritance transformation is activated, the world will be turned upside down!

Dream science and technology conforms to "Re-heart". Sure enough, he kept his promise and started the personal qualifying match.

However, compared to the team league, this personal ranking village does not have any rewards. But isn't playing online games just to get a name? Too many players are still flocking to it, showing great enthusiasm for this newly opened individual competition.

The rules of the individual qualifying competition are that there are no rules, except for 1v1 only, contestants can use any skills and props. No matter how long the cooling time is, there is no limit!

Every time a game is won, the player will get a certain amount of points, and vice versa. You will lose some points. Each contestant will only meet players with similar points, so as to avoid the phenomenon of scoring points as much as possible.

Although there is only one individual qualifying competition, the ranking of this competition will form three lists: the regional overall strength list, the regional overall professional list, and the regional branch professional list.

The regional total strength list is the strength ranking of all masters in each region. Of course, only players who participate in individual qualifying matches will be included.

The regional overall professional list is also divided into six sub-lists: warrior, knight, hunter, thief, mage, and priest, and the occupational ranking for each participating player.

As for the regional branch occupation list, warriors and knights are subdivided into specific branches such as shield warriors, berserk warriors, holy knights, disciplinary knights, etc., and the masters of each professional branch are ranked.

To get a ranking on the list, players must first ensure that they participate in at least old games within ten days (game time). If there are less than 10 games, all games played within these ten days will be voided—because All personal rankings are refreshed every ten days, and the rankings are re-arranged according to the points of each person.

Not only that, players who have not played enough games will lose the old four points. until the score is 0.

All players can check their specific rankings in each list, but each list will only show the top 100 players. Therefore, the players who can make it to the list are naturally the most famous players in each region If there is no guild, or the guild is not strong, the players will definitely be snapped up by the big guilds!

The game's official release of these lists has played a role in attracting good jade.

The role of these lists is undoubtedly a huge influence!

In a few days, players met with players, and everyone didn't ask what equipment you have. Instead, what is your ranking? And this has become an important basis for each guild to recruit new members.

In fact, in addition to these three lists, there is a fourth list called the world's top master list. Only the top 20 players in each region can apply to participate. The other competition rules are the same. The ranking is also refreshed every ten days, and the top 100 players in the world are listed! [

Because there are a total of 8 regions, then there are! If more people participate in the competition, there must be more top 100 rankings in some regions. Some are less, and this has become a benchmark to measure the strength of the region. Countless players have broken their scalps and want to be among the top 100 in the world. This is the highest affirmation of personal strength!

Zhang Yang didn't plan to compete in the individual competition at the beginning, because he thought it was just a false name, so what if he won the first place? He himself is the president of the world's strongest guild, leads a world's strongest team, and owns two increasingly prosperous territories. He needs money, equipment, equipment, reputation and fame, and girls. What are you doing there?

Ten days later, all regional rankings were refreshed for the first time. But because many masters did not participate in the competition due to various reasons, a lot of unfamiliar masters emerged on the list, but the names of the top ten players are generally familiar to the players.

For example, one sword Qingcheng and Jian Zhimang among the top ten shield warriors, Wei Yan'er and the arbiter of death among the top ten violent warriors.

Especially Wei Yan'er, in addition to occupying the first place in the list of berserk fighters in the [China] country, he also occupied the first place in the fighter list in the [China] country, and the first place in the total strength list in the [China] country. First, that is a privilege that only the top experts in each region can enjoy!

The little girl is so popular, on the one hand, it is because Zhang Yang, Sun Xinyu and other super masters did not participate in the qualifying match, on the other hand, it is also because there is no restriction in this qualifying match, and you can open the inheritance and transform!

Moreover, every time you enter the arena, the system will automatically cool down all skills! In other words, every game can be played with inheritance and transformation! Of course, once out of the arena, the original cooldown time of the skill will continue to maintain such a long cooldown time.

The official explanation is this, since this is the strongest competition of personal strength, it is natural for players to show their strongest side! After 10 days, the world total strength list will be unlocked, and the top 20 players in each region can participate in the competition. After another day, the first ranking of the world total strength list was released. This time, the European region became the biggest winner!

Not only did they occupy the first place in the overall strength list, but they also occupied four positions in the top ten rankings. However, the crown of the world's overall strength list was won by the sexy little wild cat. Generally speaking, the European region has the strongest comprehensive strength, and the Indian region has the highest peak combat power.

And Japan and South Korea got the worst results, occupying only 5 positions in the top 100 rankings!

This is actually due to Zhang Yang occupying their portal territory for half a year, and the monster siege caused them to drop by 5 levels as a whole. The average level of players in Japan and South Korea is at least lower than that of players in other areas Level 10!

When this new list came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation all over the world!

Players in Europe and India were naturally encouraged and regarded it as a great victory. They continued to post provocations on the forum, insulting players in other regions, and the war of words became more and more serious. The personal qualifying match referred to has become the only basis for judging a master, the only standard for measuring the strength of a region!

Faced with such a situation, Zhang Yang, Sun Xinyu and other master Tathagata will soon become national sinners and national traitors if they do not fight again!

As a result, those masters from all regions who originally disdained to participate in the individual competition also joined the individual qualifying competition, making the gold content of the individual competition soar instantly, and almost all the masters were included.

Ten games are the basic number of games, but capable players can kill all the way up! Because every time you win, you can get a certain number of points, and as the points increase, the opponents you encounter will naturally become stronger.

On the contrary, the higher the points of the defeated opponent, the more points he can get. However, this is also a gradient. Once you reach the level of 3000 points, even if the opponent you defeat has a very high score, you will not get many points.

To sum it up in one sentence, the points you get at the beginning are less, more in the middle, and less in the end. Everyone has 1000 basic points when they enter the arena. For example, Wei Yan'er has already reached the first place in the [China] country with 4208 points. At this time, even if she beats the second-ranked player in the [China] country, she can get 4 or 5 points, but if she loses, she will lose at least 20 points!

Therefore, for the little girl, it is enough to play ten games every ten days.

Zhang Yang, Sun Xinyu, and Han Yingxue played 13 games in one day, and their points reached 2500. This was the fastest time for them to score points. Every time you enter the arena, once the inheritance transformation is turned on, and you meet players below the super inheritance, then winning is a matter of seconds!

Two days later, Zhang Yang and the others reached 3000 points, but from then on, the speed of gaining points became quite slow.

However, Zhang Yang didn't mean to take the number one spot in the [China] region, and let the little girl occupy this position. As long as he gets the top 20 ranking, he can enter the world's total strength list. [

After the third ten days, all the lists were refreshed again, Zhang Yang, Sun Xinyu, Han Yingxue and other s-level inheritance players easily entered the top 20 of the [China] country's total power list, ranking 18th, 11th, and 15th. But because they are the top 20 players in the newly promoted [China] country, they have to qualify for the world total strength list within the next ten days

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