[McLaren Atitios, the Great Han Kingdom] (Phantom-level leader, humanoid creature)

Level: Yes 4

Health: 1 billion

Armor value: 9410

Melee attack power: 70092-90092[


[Great Destruction]: Destroy all surrounding areas, and cause physical damage equivalent to 100% of melee attack to each enemy target.

[Heavy Hammer Slam]: Hit the target hard, causing the target to suffer physical damage equivalent to 150% of the melee attack, and causing the target to repel and reduce a large amount of hatred.

[Steady]: Recover 2% of HP every second, and this recovery will not be affected by any effects.

[Wrath of the King]: McLaren will become angrier if the battle lasts for more than 10 minutes, and his guards will arrive to help him destroy all enemies.

Note: Although the king of the Han Kingdom is getting old, never underestimate the ability of a king! When he was young, he was also a titan on the battlefield!

"Damn, Zhan Yu, this guy doesn't have 400 million HP, but 1 billion! Jian Zhimang exclaimed.

Zhang Yang laughed loudly and said: '. Then it will be done in 10 minutes!

He activated the God of War Transformation himself, and the Phoenix Pet also activated the Phoenix Transformation. The attack power of this one pet can definitely make any player feel ashamed!

"People from the Baiyu Empire?" McLaren swept the adventurer logo on Zhang Yang's chest, his slightly dizzy old eyes suddenly sparkled, "Which corner of the country is this that dares to call itself an empire?" ! ’,

Zhang Yang had already swooped in, the Devouring Sword swung, and slashed at the old king's head.

"A mere rat, dare to act presumptuously in front of this king! McLaren shouted angrily, stretched out his left hand, and grabbed the Devouring Sword, although the damage could not be avoided. Let him suffer up to 100,000 damage once , but he held the Devouring Sword firmly in his hand!

Just as Zhang Yang drew his sword, the boss let go of his hand suddenly, then swung his right arm, and the warhammer in his hand immediately hit Zhang Yang!



With a loud bang, although Zhang Yang was exempted from the attack, his whole body was bombarded by the huge force and flew upside down. Like a cannon, he blasted a huge hole out of a wall. The fog was so thick that he couldn't be seen at all!

Heavy hammer hit!

"Hahaha!", the old king laughed loudly, turned around and hit Sun Xinyu with a heavy hammer again.

Boom! [

Sun Xinyu was also directly blasted by the berserk force and hit a wall. But instead of smashing through the wall, he spurted a few mouthfuls of blood!

At this time, Zhang Yang also got out from the broken wall, and the light wings fluttered and flew towards the boss again. The boss's heavy hammer slams the big mallet only has the cooldown time of Sha Chung, and frequently knocks the besiegers into the air, showing an absolutely domineering side! But if his opponent is a non-transformation player, then the non-tank class will be instantly killed under the bombardment of a flat slash and a heavy hammer blow!

But now the upper limit of the blood volume of these 20 people is at least 4 million or more. If they can't cause instant kills, they will lose blood in turn.

The boss is equivalent to killing at least 80 million blood to cause Zhang Yang and them to suffer personal damage-this is even if they can't get a little recovery!

That's all. With the boss's maximum 80,000 damage per second, in 10 minutes, at most half of the health of everyone will be destroyed, and I will die first! But McLaren has the magical skill of tenacity, which restores blood by percentage, and can restore 20 million blood in 30 seconds!

Moreover, he also has the group damage skill of Great Destruction!

"Despicable sneak attack, let me die! McLaren shouted loudly, and hit the hammer in the void, and a shock wave rushed out, radiating in all directions, boom boom boom. The energy swept across the ground and suddenly They shattered one after another, turned into rubble and fell into the sky!

Within 100 meters of the boss, everyone will not suffer 70,000-90,000 basic damage.

Fortunately, the palace is big enough, and most people block it at the entrance. The guards and the Japanese and Korean players who came to support after hearing the news, apart from Zhang Yang and other 20 players, there were not many other players who received this attack.

"Perish in fear, this is the only end for you to commit rebellion! McLaren laughed wildly. Another hammer was thrown out of the void, launching another great destruction.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The gravel flew violently, and the originally magnificent palace was destroyed in a mess, and there were even underground springs gushing out in several places.

Under such devastation, Han Yingxue began to show off her power. After transforming, she completely became a milk god-level existence. The milk gushes out and flows continuously, easily maintaining the blood volume of everyone at an absolutely safe level.

after all. Everyone's health is at least 4 million, which is far from being able to kill the boss with three moves and two moves. This gives Han Yingxue a huge buffer space, and she can let the recovery and continuous healing spells play their best power!

In the face of a boss with violent range damage, people with low blood volume are basically death squads, so none of Zhang Yang's followers joined the battle. Except for their swordsmen, only Zhang Yang and Fatty Han's phoenix favored the phoenix transformation. output boss

Although there are only 22 output points, everyone's firepower is by no means overshadowed, especially Zhang Yang, whose theoretical damage per second has reached 200,000 after the God of War transformation. The person with the most boss attack time.

"Hurry up, more and more NPCs and Japanese and Korean players are rushing over, we have already lost some people, if the pressure is greater, we will collapse!" Xue Qianxun said in the form of shouting, they will Leaders have to lead their own teams, because they are not grouped together, so they can only use 'speaking', or 'speaking', to communicate.

"No problem, it will be done in another five minutes! Zhang Yang let out a clear whistle, and God of War struck and swept across, "-608922" a terrifying damage number jumped up, which is absolutely staggering!

"This king is going to tear you to pieces!" McLaren turned around sharply, Zhang Yang pulled his hatred towards him again, the boss raised his battle ax high, and struck Zhang Yang hard.

Zhang Yang swung out another flat slash, but just as he swung the Devouring Sword, his right hand became hot, and the Heavenly Dragon Strike was triggered! -


Even though the boss has a super high blood volume of 1 billion, the blood loss of tens of thousands still makes him roar in pain! And the dragon is dancing. It also caused the same amount of basic damage to all the elite soldiers in the palace, but because the level of these NPCs is too high, under the suppression of the level, the damage received is actually smaller than that of the boss! [

"Damn it! McLaren slammed a hammer angrily and knocked Zhang Yang into the air, but he didn't change the target of the attack and rushed after Zhang Yang.

Because the heavy hammer has the characteristic of reducing hatred, the main hatred will be changed every time the boss uses this move. But Zhang Yang's previous two hits caused too much damage, even if he was hit with a heavy hammer to reduce a lot of hatred. The total amount of hatred still did not fall to the second place!


Everyone present is not an experienced player. Even if you can't see the damage value caused by Zhang Yang, you can know how fierce his damage was just by looking at him being chased and killed by the boss after being knocked back by the boss. !

It has the only inheritance of s level. There is also a phoenix pet that can transform. Even though no one knew about it at the beginning, the personal platooning has been going on for such a long time, and Zhang Yang participated in many battles. Powerful, but there are always clues to follow! In addition, don't forget that Fatty Han has such a big mouth, I wish everyone in the world knew that he had a powerful Phoenix pet!

Such publicity, how can people surpass it!

One Sword Allure, Young Master Qingshan and others all sighed in their hearts, feeling waves of strength.

Even if McLaren has the tenacity skill to return blood, under the powerful firepower output. The blood volume quickly dropped to 80%, 50%, 20%!

Entering the beheading stage!

Everyone activated their killing skills one after another. Suddenly, the firepower of the team went up to a higher level, causing McLaren to scream again and again, launching the Great Destruction even more frequently!

Both Zhang Yang and Wei Yan'er activated recklessness, beheaded and blasted out in anger! -


This means, the damage is not much inferior to that of Tianlong Strike, after all, the attack played recklessly is guaranteed to be a critical strike! If Tianlong Strike is triggered again at this time, the damage will soar to 4 million!

"You lowly commoner. This king will cut your body into pieces and destroy your whole family!" McLaren roared angrily.

"Haha, it is reasonable to say that the king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die! But you are not my king, so I can only say that the king wants the minister to die, and the minister please die first! Zhang Yang teased the old king, and at the same time played Hades gazed.

Suddenly, a cloud of black air immediately formed a huge skull on McLaren's head, grinning ferociously! -

10000000! -10000000!

Staring at the god of the underworld is a unique skill that becomes stronger when it is strong. The boss has a blood volume of 1 billion, and this 1% is 10 million. When the special effects are frequently triggered by 22 firepower points, the blood volume drops quickly!

"No! No! The old king still has a lot of beauties in the harem to be pampered. How could he just hang up like this, and immediately let out a dying cry! The 10 blood deduction effects were all triggered in just 4 seconds, and the boss There are only 4% remaining blood left! The eyes of 20 people lit up at the same time. Because it is about time to harvest the spoils! McLaren is a phantom-level boss, so it will definitely drop phantom artifacts. Who Don’t want it? After all, it takes a month for the big boss in the field to be refreshed once. The production of phantoms is too small!




Everyone is ready to take action, everyone has their own team, and they all participated in the boss's skills. Anyone can pick up the spoils, it just depends on who is quick! op 0%!

With a scream, McLaren fell to the ground with a bang, bursting out a lot of spoils.

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