Zhang Yang returned to Rainbow Village again, and after completing the task, he gained 5 million experience points. Seeing that the experience bar moved forward a little, he couldn't help but lament how difficult it is to advance to a level now!

"Sure enough, I didn't misread you, you must be a pig! You must be a pig!" Shabu was completely boiling, holding Zhang Yang's hand excitedly, with tears in his pig's eyes. []

What it's like to be called a pig by a pig... it's a dumbfounding feeling.

Zhang Yang didn't want to argue with a pig about his clan, so he hurriedly asked, "Master Village Chief, you said something about sacred objects, what happened?"

"Hehe, this was originally our rainbow village's secret, so we can't tell it to outsiders! But your body is an insider's blood, and the blood of our wild boars flows, so you can't be regarded as an outsider!" Shabu laughed. Hehe said. [

"The reason why our seal is called Rainbow Village is because there is a purple gold cylinder, a treasure handed down from ancient times, which can be placed in the Qixuan Pool in our village, and a magical item called Rainbow Light can be produced continuously!

Shabu made an introduction to Zhang Yang without reservation, and continued: "After the rainbow light is diluted, it becomes rainbow crystal water, which can be sold to outsiders in exchange for the urgently needed items in our village! It can be said that, This is the foundation of our village's survival!"

"What does the village chief mean, that this treasure has been robbed?" Zhang Yang said.

"Yes!." Shabu sighed heavily,'. A few months ago, a mountain giant broke into our village and snatched the Purple Gold Column! And to produce Rainbow Light, neither the Zijin Cylinder nor the Seven Hyun Pond are indispensable! If we haven't got back the purple gold cylinder after three days, we won't have rainbow crystal water to exchange for the supplies we need! . "

"Although the wild boars are the sons of the gods, the mountain giants are too powerful. Although we organized several conquest groups, we were no match for that damned stone man! However, we don't need to defeat or kill the gods if we want to get back the sacred objects." To kill that mountain giant, you only need to lure it out of the cave where it lives. Then take the treasure away!"

"But that mountain giant is a pig, more sleepy than us, and rarely leaves the cave! Moreover, every time he goes out, he will block the entrance of the cave with a huge stone, and we can't move it out with our strength! .”

"Later, I finally figured out a way. Doesn't that mountain giant like strange things? Then we will make a strange thing to lure him out of the cave, as long as the distance is not too far. The stone man will not Seal the hole with stones, and then we can take the opportunity to sneak in and steal the treasure!"

"In the past, none of our warriors could kill the Scarlet Fire Harpy and the Bixuan King Kong Snake. We lacked the materials to make props to lure the Golem! Until your appearance—Zhanyu, the warrior of the wild boar, father of Kanas God has given us our savior 'my plan can finally be carried out!."

Shabu said proudly, quite complacently, proud of his IQ.

Zhang Yang was stunned, this...they have beaten the mountain giant several times, don't they know how to lure the monster away when they fight, and then directly steal the treasure? It really is a wild boar, they are all pig brains!

"Zhan Yu, the wild boar warrior, are you willing to steal the relic for us?" Shabu said seriously.

"Ding! Shabu Kanas has issued a mission to you: steal the holy relic. Do you accept it?"

Zhang Yang naturally accepted the task and said:'. Don't worry, Mr. Village Chief, I will definitely complete the task! . "

Shabu grinned and said, "Okay, I'll wait for your triumphant return, take this, this is the key to lure the stone man out of the cave!" Zhan Yu, you must be careful, and you must be fast! . "

"Ding! You got the item: beautiful bait!"

(quest item. consumable)

Use: Place it outside the mountain giant's cave, and the bait will automatically make a strange cry to lure the mountain giant to appear. At that time, you can take the opportunity to sneak into the cave and steal the treasure out! Please be quick, otherwise you will die if you are discovered by the mountain giant!

In other words, you don't need to fight monsters, just steal!

Zhang Yang left the village and summoned the Phoenix Pet to fly to the mountains again. All the way west. After crossing the two high mountains, he slowly lowered the figure of the fire phoenix, and a huge mountain giant could already be seen in front of him. [

However, this mountain giant didn't hide in the cave, nor did he lie down on the ground like a pig to sleep, but was in the midst of a fierce battle!

(Phantom level leader, elemental creature)

Level: 140

HP: 240 million

300 million

Armor value: 4410

Melee attack power: 70044-90044


: Shake the ground, causing 80,000 points of physical damage to all targets within 50 meters.

: Deal physical damage equal to 150% of melee attack to the target, and increase the damage the target receives by 20% for the next 10 seconds. This effect does not stack.

: Recovers 1% HP every blade second, and the recovery amount will not be affected by any effects.

Note that Hydesus is a very lazy mountain giant - the only thing he can attract is the shiny treasure!

Which guild is fighting the boss?

Looking into the distance, Zhang Yang saw that the boss was surrounded by players on the inner three floors and the outer three floors, but the strange thing was that these players were not only fighting the boss, but also attacking each other!

Mythical guild! Sengoku daimyo guild!

Needless to say, the Shinhwa Guild was founded by Zhang Yang's old enemy Liu Wei, and in the Sengoku daimyo guild, each player's name is followed by '1 Japan and South Korea'. "Three words! Judging from the name of the guild, it was founded by Sunda himself.

Both of these guilds should have obtained a certain inheritance token, and Hydesus is the boss of the mission Da Sunda, so they bumped into each other by chance!

It is impossible for the task boss to let him go!

Especially the highest level boss on each map, this level is a one-month refresh time of real time, who can afford it? Besides, the phantom spirit weapon is so valuable now, who would give it up? If no one is willing to give up, then only the underlings will see the truth! Bosses, mythological guilds, and Warring States daimyo guilds are now fighting for hegemony among the Three Kingdoms. They will not join forces with each other. They all have to withstand attacks from two sides at the same time, and maintain suppression of both sides at the same time. The situation is very complicated!

Zhang Yang looked at it for a while, and found that the members of the Mythological Guild didn't do their best when dealing with the boss!

Although he couldn't see the exact amount of damage caused by the attacks of the two guild members, as long as the boss has been killing people from the Sengoku daimyo guild, he can know that the myth guild has "joined forces" with the boss.

This kind of cooperation is not the initiative of the boss! Because the boss is limited by the hatred system, so as long as the attack on the boss is small or not at all, the boss will naturally fight someone with a higher hatred value-of course, Hydesus has a very powerful group damage skill, mythology It is impossible for the guild to lose nothing. [

The strength of the two guilds was not much different, but with the boss'. help. "The Mythical Guild naturally gained the upper hand slowly!

The Sengoku daimyo guild also noticed this phenomenon, and immediately stopped the bombardment of the boss, and instead attacked the members of the myth guild with all their strength. In this way, after all the high-hatred objects in the boss's hatred list are dead, the boss will start to run wild as he pleases!

Hydethus' war base step can do 80,000 points of base damage once, which is quite powerful! Now a level 120 player would only have 80,000 health points if he wore a set of purple gold equipment, and if he counted a gold-level riding pet, he would have at most 10,000 health points.

This is also the general level of combat power of large guilds. If you want a set of mysterious weapons..., each guild can come up with a lineup of 50 people and you can laugh!

If the boss is allowed to charge like this, the two guilds will have to be wiped out!

The situation on the field changed again. Several tanks and healers went up to the boss respectively and pulled Hydesus aside to prevent the boss from killing again! But the boss has blood recovery skills, if the output is insufficient, the boss' blood volume will not decrease, but will increase every 30 seconds!

Isn't this for nothing?

To fight against the outside world, you must first secure the inside, not to mention that the opponent's guild is not considered an "inside", but an enemy just like a monster!

This is too messy!

Zhang Yang shook his head, but that's good too, he can go to the boss hole to get the quest items out of the boss hole calmly and generously! He summoned Lei Ying, because the Fire Phoenix was too ostentatious, and would be recognized by others as soon as he rode out. Zhang Yang had other plans, and he didn't want to reveal his identity so soon.

Flying across the sky, Lei Ying flew Zhang Yang into a huge cave like a flying arrow. Because the personnel of the two guilds were all focused on the battlefield, who would have the time to notice Zhang Yang?

It would be different if he rode a fire phoenix, it would be like a ball of fireworks dancing in the sky, anyone would be attracted to it!

Although the cave was tall, it was not very deep, only about a hundred meters in size. Zhang Yang quickly found a gleaming cylinder in the cave, with a pointy top.

(quest item)

Item description: "Great for teeth picking!."

Depend on!

Zhang Yang quickly threw the things into his backpack, thinking of the mountain giant picking his teeth with this thing, he felt nauseated.

Fortunately, the task was completed, Zhang Yang walked to the entrance of the cave, condescendingly watched the battle below, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Cranes and clams compete, and the fisherman wins!

If Zhang Yang wants to kill Heidesus alone, he can't do it even with God of War Transformation. Unless rage recovery is not deleted. However, sometimes you don't need to do it yourself, just reach out at the right time!

Anyway, neither the Shinhwa guild nor Sunda himself has a good impression of Zhang Yang, and he has no burden at all to grab their boss.

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