MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 666 Death Shadow Radiation

This is a misunderstanding. I always think that when fighting a boss, the higher the health value, the safer it is. Of course, it is correct in the case of 99, but when encountering the curse of the black wizard, filling up the blood is just a waste of healing magic.

As long as the blood volume is raised to more than 100,000, the blood deduction of the curse will no longer be the biggest healing pressure for the team, and Han Yingxue and Dream Sweetheart will immediately become relatively more relaxed.

Of course, it's only relatively easy. The Boss' 100,000-shot Death Shadow Radiation is no joke, including followers and two pets, but there is someone who needs to be healed! But unless you are a follower with a mysterious spirit weapon, the output is too weak, and there is no cost performance at all, so it is better to put it away and not fight it.

They did exactly that. Apart from the ten members of the squad, there were only three blood-type followers left, and Sun and Xin's "Yu" assassin, An, was still outputting. The pet was put away, and compared to his future dragon pet, this black-spotted wolf is nothing but scum.

Without these milk-feeding points, the pressure of treatment suddenly eased. [

But the lightening of the pressure does not mean that you can relax your vigilance. It is still necessary to make up for the people whose blood volume drops below 100,000 as soon as possible, otherwise they will be swept away by the shadow of death, and it will be fatal.

Fortunately, the boss's skills are activated very regularly. The death shadow radiation hammer is activated once every second, not very frequently. As long as the time is counted, sometimes even if it is too late to increase blood, just throwing a holy shield can save the field.

Han Yingxue is already extremely talented in healing. After so many days of hard training, Dream Sweetheart has caught up in both consciousness and operation. She is no longer the "chest" that Fatty Han and Xingguang talked about. Brain." But "breast" and big brains.

Under the joint efforts of the two "women", the team has always been in danger and has never lost staff.

As a pet, Zhang Yang has an upper limit of 800,000 health points, but in order to reduce the pressure of treatment, his blood volume has been hovering around 10,000 at that time, and he is completely unaffected by the curse. But when encountering the boss Death Shadow Radiation and Shadow Arrows, the blood volume will drop to 10,000 to 20,000 in an instant, which is a dangerous ratio!

It depends on the level of the two treatments. Death Shadow Radiation has a long cooling time, but Shadow Arrow can fire once in two seconds. The two women must ensure that Zhang Yang's HP is reduced within two seconds Lifted enough to withstand the next Shadowbolt.

Quite dangerous!

It takes about 20 seconds for Zhang Yang's HP to rise from near the bottom to 200,000 against the boss's attack. From the current point of view, this is naturally more than enough, because it takes 30 seconds to fire one shot of Death Shadow Radiation.

But when the boss's HP drops to 20%, the activation frequency of the skills will be greatly increased. Once the activation frequency of Death Shadow Radiation exceeds 20 seconds, the two "women" will not be able to add up!

There is no way, the existence of the curse limits the upper limit of the player's HP to only 30% of the original value, and no matter how much it is added, it will be deducted instantly by the curse effect. Another disadvantage of this is that Zhang Yang's Ax of God of War is considered abolished. This skill requires that the percentage of his own blood volume be higher than the target. Now Zhang Yang's blood volume has been below 30% for a long time, so he can only shelve it.

What a troublesome boss!

Zhang Yang kept the guaranteed skills of Shield Wall, Desperation, and Light of War God, as well as the instant blood recovery of the enemy of the Warrior Medal and Helena's amulet. He has many ways to save his life now! Although Helena's amulet can only restore 300,000 HP at most, if it is too much, it will be instantly deducted by the curse. After such a long battle, he has already accumulated 10 life balls, which can be used at any time.

"I am the greatest black magician! I will rule the whole world! Anyone must surrender and kneel under my power!" Bruce shouted loudly, "I will use you guys who dare to offend the Lord of Darkness to sacrifice the flag first Bar!"

"Every boss has a dream!" Meng Buhui laughed.

"A monster that doesn't want to defeat Ultraman is not a good monster!"

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed, making the boss even more angry, his face was livid, and his eyes protruded like he wanted to breathe fire. At this moment, Bruce wants to have a big move that can instantly kill the audience.

Tank pull, healing boost, output professional fight, everything was in order, and the boss's blood volume began to drop slowly. It doesn't matter if it's high or billion, as long as the team doesn't reduce its staff, it can take Bruce down in about 40 minutes!

What's more, Zhang Yang is still pinching the stare of the god of death in his hand and has not used it!

After more than half an hour, the boss's blood volume finally fell to Z state and entered the beheading stage. [

Immediately, everyone activated their slashing skills and began to output crazily! However, no matter when fighting this boss, life-saving is the first priority. Except for Wei Yan'er, no one drinks the firepower potion, because only alive can have output!

But the little girl went crazy and didn't care about these things, she poured the firepower potion, opened it recklessly, and shot out full of anger.


A rather astonishing damage jumped from the boss's head, and the super high damage of nearly 10,000 yuan made the little girl beam with joy.

But what is extreme joy begets sorrow, and she deserves to be unlucky, just when the curse deduction effect was activated, pushing her blood volume down to 90,000!

And because it entered the beheading stage, the frequency of using the boss's skills also began to accelerate. With a wave of Bruce's staff, a shadow of death shot was thrown!

Han Yingxue and Dream Sweetheart haven't been able to keep up with the rhythm of the boss, and the little girl has just drank the fire potion to save herself, so she can only shout: "Cousin, help!"

Zhang Yang made a decisive decision, and added the sacrifice skill to Wei Yan'er at the very moment, and opened the shield wall at the same time!


The shadow of death radiated across, Wei Yan'er was naturally safe and sound, and because Zhang Yang activated the shield wall, he didn't suffer too much damage even after receiving two attacks. But the price is that he paid for a life-saving skill and a life-saving skill!

"You little girl can't make people feel at ease!" Zhang Yang lamented.

"Hee hee!" Wei Yan'er also knew that she was careless, and resorted to her usual tricks, maliciously showing off her cuteness in order to "fool" and "confuse" her to pass the test.

"In order for you to remember this lesson" you will be fined not to "touch" the boss's body for ten days! "

"Ah!" Wei Yan'er's face suddenly collapsed, and she lost her energy, "Smelly anemic soldier, I curse you for giving birth to a son who is a man with dysentery!"

"Damn girl, do you deserve a beating?" Han Yingxue was annoyed.

Only then did Wei Yan'er remember that her cousin had already been on Zhang Yang's "bed", so cursing his son was the same as cursing Han Yingxue? At this moment, the little girl suddenly became a grandma who didn't care about her uncle and didn't love her, so she had no choice but to continue acting cute and giggling.

As the boss's blood volume drops, Zhang Yang's God of War Ax can also exert its maximum power. Coupled with the increase in damage during the beheading stage, the damage per second is like a rocket going straight up.

"Pervert, Yangzi, play slower!" Fatty Han is now a four-in-one body. He, the riding pet, the baby hunter, and his followers can cause more and more damage due to Zhang Yang.

"The boss is the boss, just be convinced, fat brother!"

"Damn bugs, I want to kill you all!" Bruce became more and more crazy. Not only did the frequency of the Death Shadow Radiation soar, but even the curse of the black wizard also had special effects, which made it difficult for everyone in the team to maintain their HP. More than 30!

The battle has now entered the most dangerous stage, and the boss may crash everything at any time.

17...13...11! [

God stares!


Depend on! Everyone couldn't help scolding their mothers in their hearts, how could this attack have such a high chance of resistance?

Can only be forced to kill!

"Haha, you're all going to die! You're all going to die!" The boss had a hideous face, and he was beaten to the brink of death. How could this be tolerated? Naturally, he wanted to kill all the guys who dared to take risks on him and make him fat!


The shadow of death radiates!

At this time, the casting interval of Death Shadow Radiation had been shortened to 15 seconds, and after a few moments, the boss threw black air arrows all over the sky, causing everyone's blood volume to drop continuously.

Zhang Yang and Xingguangxian respectively activated self-sacrifice skills to buy breathing time for the team. 8 , 5, 3!

Everyone activated their life-saving skills, and the enemy effects of the accessories were "forced" out. Now it's all about output, either you die or I die!

This is also why the big boss in the field needs to be filled with people. In this situation, it is really difficult to fight without inheritance transformation! You can only die one batch after another, and use the number of people to pile up the boss. And Bruce can't be regarded as a big boss yet, the damage skill once every 15 seconds can only be said to be quite satisfactory, it is the curse of the black wizard that makes the boss more annoying.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's team is all the "elite" among the "elite", so they gritted their teeth and persisted.

twenty one!

"Remember, I will come back again!" Bruce's eyes were bloodshot, "The power of darkness is indestructible, and I will be resurrected again! When I return to the world, I will be the first to take your knife!"

"Yes yes yes, you walk slowly on the road to Huangquan, we will wait for you to come back for revenge, I won't send you off, goodbye!"


The boss fell off the ghost dragon, and after the ghost dragon made a low circle in the sky, it fluttered its wings and flew up, and ran away without a trace in an instant.

"It's a pity that such a handsome dragon has not been caught!" Wei Yan'er said regretfully.

"Sister Yan'er, it's not good to ride a bone dragon, your little butt will hurt!" The fat man is so cute, it's as difficult as going to heaven to let him be quiet for ten minutes!

"The idiot is obscene and fat, I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Wei Yan'er ran to "touch" the boss's body, hoping for the punishment that Zhang Yang forgot to give her. Sure enough, before Zhang Yang was fighting the boss with all his energy, all his attention was on his own blood volume, and he hadn't had time to change the distribution method, so the little girl was still in charge of picking the loot.

"Hahaha!" Wei Yan'er was triumphant, and swept the loot dropped by the boss into his backpack.

"Little girl, I let you take advantage of another loophole!" Zhang Yangnai shook his head.

"Hee hee!" Wei Yan'er counted the gold coins dropped by the boss, and after savoring it, she laid out the valuable spoils: a light silver armor helmet, a water blue A ring, a skill book with a red cover, and a skill point spar.

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