Battle of Online Games Yutianxia 672, Battle of Online Games Yutianxia text

This article is from 【%】   If he can kill a player who has turned on inheritance transformation in ten seconds, and it is still a b-level inheritance, then Zhang Yang can also kill 90% of the people present in such a short period of time (high quality The text is first published, all in %)! After all, the number of first-level inheritance and s-level inheritance is pitifully small, and those who are qualified to enter here are basically b-level inheritance players.

"Get rid of Zhan Yu first!" The players in the seven regions immediately reached a consensus.

Even if Zhang Yang hides the character information, it is useless. Experts know that there is only one person in the world who can hold a shield and hold a two-handed weapon at the same time. "Revealed" his identity.

Zhang Yang is unafraid. He activated the God of War Shield, which has a passive immunity of up to 40%, and has more than 40,000 armor, and has 40% resistance to spells. This is simply a humanoid weapon! As the only inheritance with only six "sex" in the world, the S-level will naturally not be made to make people laugh. The gap with other inheritances in the non-transformation state is not very big, but once the transformation is activated, then Immediately, he opened a large distance! [

The large troops from China have also arrived, so Zhang Yang can rest assured that he will entrust the task of defending the battle flag. It would be too wasteful if his powerful lethality is only used for defense!

Like a tiger in a flock, Zhang Yang launched a frenzied attack. A single sword sweep would cause at least 250,000 damage even with a flat cut. Coupled with the coordinated attack of Feiling and Fire Phoenix, the damage is so fierce that even players who have turned on the inheritance transformation Too much!

But although Zhang Yang's damage avoidance ability is strong, under the siege of a group of players who have turned on inheritance transformation, even if they only receive 20,000 to 30,000 damage each time, there are so many of them that can't stand them! Besides, although flying is prohibited here. But players can still glide in mid-air, and can form a "semi-dimensional" attack. At least a hundred players can bombard Zhang Yang at the same time!

It is also fortunate that he has a super high blood volume of 20 million. If another person has his defense, at most two or three rounds, he will definitely be shot to death!

brush! brush! brush!

Strips of milky white brilliance kept flashing across Zhang Yang's body, and the amount of HP dropped by Zhang Yang was also rising from time to time, although it still couldn't stop the downward trend (first release of high-quality text, all in%). But the speed of blood loss was greatly controlled and became extremely slow.

Han Yingxue's slender figure appeared behind Zhang Yang. Although her appearance was very ordinary in the game, at this moment, she was surrounded by the surge of sacred and mighty white light. However, there is a feeling of being elegant, compassionate and compassionate, which has a different charm.

She is a super nanny who opened the S-level inheritance and transformation, and added a guardian of the cow god to Zhang Yang, which increased Zhang Yang's ability when he was healed by 20%, plus she has a seventh-level life aura , can also increase the healing effect by 21%, making her already amazing milk power even more awesome with the addition of blood.

Although Zhang Yang ran rampant in the enemy camp. However, she carefully avoided the profession of warrior, and never received a devastating blow, so that Han Yingxue's healing spells could always exert the greatest effect. He has his own light wings, and his flight is extinct. Coupled with his excellent overall situation view and master-level auxiliary attack ability, he is able to do a job with ease.

After nearly a minute of frenzied attack, Zhang Yang's blood volume dropped from 20 million to over 9 million, and it seemed that he might be bombarded. But don't forget that the inheritance that can transform must have life-saving and blood-regenerating skills, usually with a few lives, and the blood volume of knocking down a tube is really not enough!

Those who can come here are naturally masters. Although they start to feel dizzy, they will not always be so confused. They all come to their senses and say one after another: "Hit that priest! Hit that priest! Go to some people and pull out the flag!"

When there are many people. Naturally, group damage skills are flying all over the sky!

However, although the other seven regions have reached a consensus to attack the China region first and prevent the China region from taking over the neutral region, the system rules do not allow alliances between regions, so once the group damage skill is released, all but this region outside of players. But different attacks!

In particular, the oe big move after inheritance and transformation is always covering an area with a radius of 30 meters, 40 meters or even 50 meters. The attack surface is particularly large. This use will definitely hurt "allies" in other regions. This makes the players in the seven major districts very depressed. You said that you don't need oe skills. It's a pity, the damage has dropped sharply! It can be used, but it will cause harm to temporary allies in other regions, and it has become a fight for the Chinese region, which is a dilemma!

But the players in the Chinese area are so-called. Anyway, the players in the seven major areas are enemies. Throw the group damage skills casually.

Although Han Yingxue was under intense fire, she hid in the protection of the crowd in the China area because she was a long-distance occupation. The melee occupations in the seven major areas did not dare to charge forward. This is going to be over after a round of volleys, and it can only be done by long-distance occupations.

But this has a very big weakness, that is, it can't use Destroy Strike, and it can't contain her healing ability.

Although Han Yingxue doesn't have super high armor and terrible injury protection, under the arrangement of Yugong Yishan, at any time, three shield warriors will sacrifice their skills and activate the self-sacrificing mask to help her survive the difficulties when she is in crisis.

Besides, she also has the Banshee's Howl. After it was turned on, those who beat her ran around in fear! [

Two minutes passed in an instant, and with a notification from the system, the neutral area had been occupied by the Chinese area, and 16 magic cannons fired automatically, bombarding the players in the seven major areas!

"Baifa, Hannibal, Jurassic, Ma Teng, and Xibianxue, you guard the battle flag according to the plan in advance, don't let anyone pull it up, and kill others within the range of the magic cannon!" Yugong Yishan commanded the Tao.

"Don't worry about Zhan Yu and that priest, it's useless to kill them, they have already taken down the graveyard, and they can be resurrected immediately! Go kill those with less blood, the fucking victory condition is not to take down the neutral area, but It's killing! Killing! Do you idiots understand!"

Commander-type players were shouting in every region. Zhang Yang and Han Yingxue suddenly felt the pressure eased, and realized that they were no longer the target of the fire, only a few sporadic sharp arrows, fireballs, and ice arrows were thrown at them.

But the death rate of other people has soared greatly. Even a tank like Yijian Qingcheng can't last long under the siege. All of a sudden, the players in China suffered heavy casualties. Of course, with the help of magic cannons, they killed a lot of enemies.

However, no matter how powerful the Magic Cannon was, it was no match for the cooperation of nearly 700 players from the Seven Regions. In such a short period of time, the players in the Seven Regions paid a total of 84 heads, while the China Region paid as many as 197!

From the data point of view, the China region is naturally a big loss and a special loss, but first of all, death here will not be punished in any way, neither will it lose experience points, nor will it drop equipment, and even the durability of the equipment will not It will be damaged, anyway, the cemetery is next to it, and it will be automatically resurrected every 30 seconds, which can be replenished very quickly.

Secondly, 80 of the headcounts paid by the seven regions were recorded in the account of the China region-the other 4 were accidentally injured and died by the oe spells of the players in the region. But the 197 heads in the China region are divided by the seven major regions. On average, there are more than 20 heads in one region. This difference is too big!

What's more, Sun Xinyu's assassination team also began to commit crimes in the cemetery in Japan and South Korea. The control chain formed by 19 thieves can knock out any player to death (high-quality text first, all in %)!

"It's really fun! It's so fun!" Wei Yan'er blushed with excitement, wielding her big ax like Zhao Zichang, who entered and exited Cao Ying seven times and seven times, fighting in and out of the enemy army. Her super dark inheritance also has a strong ability to avoid damage to physical and shadow attacks. Although she is not as resistant as Zhang Yang, her super high blood volume makes her not so easy to die.

The little girl's destructive power is not much inferior to Zhang Yang's - of course, this is only counting Zhang Yang's body, and Huo Fenghuang and Fei Ling are not counted among them. In the case of the trinity, there is currently no player who can compete with Zhang Yang in output, even Sun Xinyu has to bow his head.

She was so fierce, she naturally replaced Zhang Yang and Han Yingxue as the target of ridicule, and received a lot of fire from many people.

She doesn't have such perverted defensive ability as Zhang Yang, and she doesn't have a good sense to avoid the opponent's warrior class. She has the effect of reducing the healing effect of destroying blows. .

After the little girl was revived, she screamed and ran out with a big axe, the excitement on her face became even stronger.

For 99% of people, the purpose of fighting is to win and to clear the dungeon later, but Wei Yaner is different, she simply enjoys the joy of fighting, which is impossible to achieve in reality Free yourself.

Relying on the advantage of being close to the cemetery, Zhang Yang and the others managed to hold on, but it didn't mean that they were really strong enough to be 1v7, but that there was a lack of communication between the seven major districts, and they all rushed to kill each other. Especially when you come back after dying, the rhythm is completely "disordered".

A small wave to be continued, it is impossible to break a dam, but what if the small waves are combined into a huge wave?

The current situation in the seven major districts is like this, they are all fighting on their own, giving Zhang Yang and the others a great breathing space, and happily harvesting heads. There is no way to do this. There is no way to communicate with each other at a long distance except in the form of shouting. When the battle is so fierce, who would waste time listening to other people's shouting?

100, 200, 300!

The number of kills harvested in the China region is soaring rapidly. In contrast to other regions, the most powerful European region has only harvested 145 kills, while the Japanese and Korean regions at the bottom only have a pitiful 23 kills, because they At least one-third of the people were attacked as soon as they left the cemetery, and some people died before they even had time to turn on inheritance transformation! (to be continued)

Online Game Battle Yutianxia 672, Online Game Battle Yutianxia main text has been updated!

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