"Malindo!" Zhang Yang yelled, driving a phoenix down from the sky, and stopped in front of the magic apprentice, "You are also a human being, don't you want to see the earth being swallowed by darkness and everyone being controlled by demons?" scene?"

"What do you know, I'm here to save my sister!" Malindo hissed, a faint light flashed in his hand. This scumbag with a fighting power of only 5 holds the Supreme God Ring, but he has powerful concealment and self-protection capabilities. The fragile blood volume that can be killed in an instant with a single knife cannot be killed. If he is asked to use the Supreme God Ring again, Even without the help of the black knight, it would be difficult for Zhang Yang and the others to kill him. [Search for the latest updates here]

"You have plunged the entire land into darkness, and rescuing your sister at such a price will only make her miserable!" Zhang Yang continued to shout, "Don't tell me, do you want to become a devil in your sister's mind?"

"Tsk, Yangzi has become so dignified, he really has a talent for acting!" Fatty Han muttered softly.

Malindo was stunned, and the shining light in his hand immediately dimmed. [

Zhang Yang seized the opportunity, and the fire phoenix rushed to "-92122" A high damage number floated from above Malindo's head, killing this magic apprentice in seconds!


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, this Malindo is really hard to kill, if Zhang Yang hadn't distracted him with his words and made him prescribe the Supreme God Ring, he would have run away again!

"Ah!" With a scream, a black light burst out from Malindo's body immediately, and it turned into the same appearance as him, but with a ferocious expression, full of resentment, and ten fingertips as long as ten sharp knives!

(Elite. Undead)

Level: 155

HP: 4.65 million Armor: 6280

Melee attack power: 40070-50070

Ability:: Send a shock to the cone-shaped area directly in front of you

o. Deals physical damage equal to 100% of melee attack to each enemy target.

Note: What Malindo cares most about is his sister, even after death, because of the lingering resentment, she turns into a hun.

As soon as the resentment came out, he immediately rushed towards Zhang Yang with a stern roar, very fast.

"Malindo, I promise you, save your sister and let her live a safe life!" Zhang Yang raised his shield to meet him and said loudly.

"You lied to me! You lied to me again! I won't be fooled by you again!" Malindo roared angrily.

"Yangzi. Let's kill him again, anyway, this guy is not a good guy!" Fatty Han raised his bow and shot an arrow, causing serious damage to Malindo's resentment. Others also launched attacks one after another, hitting Resentment's blood volume close to the bottom in two or three hits.

"Stop!" Zhang Yang said loudly, stopping everyone before Malindo's grievance was about to die, "Malindo, you have seen it now, it is just a matter of effort for us to kill you! We sympathize with you and understand what happened to you The reason why you did this, although we don't agree with you. But we can save your sister!"

Malindo's resentment froze for a moment, he also knew that these people had the ability to kill him easily, so there was really no need to deceive himself at this time. He stopped attacking and looked at Zhang Yang. Li Xiao said: "You really know how to go to my sister!"


Malindo looked up to the sky and screamed, and said to Zhang Yang: "Okay, I believe in you! Please save my sister!" [

"Ding! Malindo's grudge has issued a mission to you: rescue my sister, do you accept it?"

After everyone took over the tasks one by one, Malindo's dark body gradually became brighter, and his hideous appearance quickly subsided. Re-transform into the image of a big boy who looks a little shy. He smiled slightly, and suddenly turned into a ball of light, his body dispersed in the air.

——He became an undead because he couldn't let go of his sister. At this time, the resentment disappeared, and naturally disappeared in the world.

"Ring! Ring! This is a magic weapon!" As soon as Malindo's grievance disappeared, Wei Yan'er hurriedly ran to the corpse to pick up things, and the target he was looking for was naturally the Supreme God Ring. And Malindo also dropped a loot. It was a vermilion ring, which was picked up by Wei Yan'er.

(quest item)

Item description: Forged in the sunset volcanic magma, it has the upper power to restrain evil!

The little girl was immediately dumbfounded, she couldn't use it!

"Ding! The Dark Lord Sauron found out that you have obtained the Supreme God Ring, and he has sent a huge army to take back the God Ring! Hurry back to Turkhan, the final decisive battle is about to break out!"

When Wei Yan'er picked up the Supreme God Ring, everyone immediately got a system prompt.

"Go, go back!"

Everyone patted their flying mounts and jumped into the air, rushing towards the Himmel Valley.

After more than two hours, they returned to the Hamel Valley and met General Turkhan again.

"You guys are really a group of warriors!" Seeing the Supreme God Ring handed over by Wei Yan'er, Tukuhan immediately showed a shocked expression and praised everyone.

"Ding! You have completed the task: take back the God Ring and gained 20 million experience points!"

Although no equipment rewards were given, the experience value of 20 million was considerable enough.

"The Lord of Darkness will definitely send a large number of troops to seize the Supreme God Ring!" Turkhan said in a deep voice, "Then, Sauron's lair must be defenseless! Brave adventurers, I represent all races on the earth , I ask you for help, I hope you will take this Supreme God Ring to Sauron's lair, kill the Dark Lord, and let him and his dark army go back to the abyss!"

"Ding! General Turkhan issued a mission to you: take the owl's head directly, do you accept it?"


"Ding! You got the item: Supreme God Ring!"

After everyone took over the task, Zhang Yang, as the captain, took over the Supreme God Ring from Tukuhan, and at this time, the Supreme God Ring finally showed the demeanor of a divine weapon.

(artifact, ring)

Stamina: 30876[

Strength: 3889

Agility: 3889

Intelligence: 3889

Spirit: 3889

Equip: Increases the damage or healing you deal by 15%.

Equip: Absorbs 3374 damage when attacked.

Use: Reduces some of the power of Dark Lord Sauron. Cooldown: 1 minute. "Range": 30 meters.

Requires level: 300

Special addition: Reduce the use requirement of level 300.

Note: It can only take effect in Sauron Castle, and it will disappear automatically after the death of the Dark Lord.

Artifact! A real artifact!

Even Zhang Yang had never seen a divine weapon before. This ring constantly exudes colorful brilliance, which is very eye-catching!

"Unfortunately, it can only be used in Sauron Castle!"

"And it's gone after the mission is over!"

Everyone was very sorry, while wearing the Supreme God Ring in turn, to get addicted to the divine weapon.

"Anemia warrior, this ring belongs to me!" Wei Yan'er got the ring and refused to return it, her face full of joy.

Fatty Han couldn't help but smirked, and said: "Sister Yan'er, you can't take the ring randomly. Do you want to be promoted from a sister-in-law to a concubine?"

"Wretched and fat, go to hell!" Han Yingxue kicked the fat man away.

Zhang Yang didn't think so, anyway, this god ring was just a prop, and he couldn't really own it. In terms of attributes, the most unnatural thing about this ring is that it adds too much blood. Zhang Yang only has 35498 points of physical strength without opening the physical strength aura, which is not much stronger than this ring!

As for strength, if not counting the aura of brute force, he already has 10319 points! This ring can greatly increase his stats, but it is not so strong that it is against the sky, and whoever wears it will strengthen the team, as long as he can hold the hatred.

Obviously, the little girl got this ring, which only greatly increased her health. In terms of attack power, she was at most on par with him, but the tank has an additional hatred bonus, so don't worry about being ot by the little girl.

Although the others wanted to enjoy the power of the artifact when fighting the boss, they couldn't match the cuteness of the little girl, so she had to go.

"Little girl, it's okay for you to take the ring, but don't forget to use the special effect of the ring! Although I don't know what it is for, but judging from the story xng, it must be the key to defeating the boss!" Zhang Yang exhorted, really scared At that time, the little girl was so excited that she even forgot her last name.

"Don't worry! Don't worry!" Wei Yan'er patted her chest to assure her, but Han Yingxue took the opportunity to touch her and spit out "It's still so flat", which immediately made the little girl burst into anger. That puffy look really made people worry about her Are you reliable?

Turkhan also gave Zhang Yang and the others a map, on which a trail was drawn to avoid Sauron's dark army.

"Warriors, please be sure to succeed! With our current army size, we are no match for the dark army at all! But we will give you as much time as possible, as long as the dark lord dies, all the dark army will return to the depths of the ground , the world will usher in peace again!" Turkhan said solemnly.

Zhang Yang and the others agreed, and summoned their flying mounts one after another to continue their journey.

According to Turkhan's description, there are air troops such as wyverns in the dark army, so although Zhang Yang they have flying mounts, they can't walk on the road, otherwise they will be attacked by wyverns. If it falls to the ground, it will be overwhelmed by the vast army!

"You said, since the monsters have flying units, why don't you just send Malindo to Sunset Volcano, how can there be so much nonsense?" Starlight couldn't help complaining.

"Do you need to understand the plot?"

"If the villains are that smart, how many novels do you know where the main characters don't survive a single day?"

"Anyway, it's easy to make sense. Doesn't the Supreme God Ring have a restraining effect on the dark forces? Probably when the wyvern gets close to the ring, his tusks cramp!"

"Then Malindo can rent a royal griffin!"

"...Are you finished yet?"

ps: I wish all the students who take the college entrance examination can achieve good results. ! .

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