As long as Zhang Yang can hold on, then the healer can manage the bloodline of the team well, and don't be reduced by Shadow War, the boss is only a matter of time!

However, regardless of the 300% or even 500% increase in damage after inheritance transformation, the second damage did not increase by 3 times or 5 times! There is an algorithmic problem here.

Take Zhang Yang as an example, his attack power without any bonus is 31612-39612, and then, the equipment provides a total of 100% damage bonus, and there is a 50% damage bonus from the inheritance of God of War, so the basic damage is ( 31612-39612)*250%, reaching 79030-99030.

After turning on the God of War transformation, it is not multiplied by 5 on the basis of the latter, but (31612-39612)*(250P0%), which is 237090-297090. If you drink the fire potion, it is also added first multiplied by 140% instead of directly by 140%.

In fact, after turning on the God of War transformation, Zhang Yang's second damage is only increased by 3 times! The better the equipment, the lower the percentage of damage per second brought by the transformation, because it has already reached an extremely high level! [

Therefore, the team's second injury has now increased from 500,000 to 1.1 million. In theory, it takes 53 minutes to blow up the boss.

These 53 minutes are enough to make the boss go berserk 53 times, and the team needs to be careful! Because, the boss is not just playing Zhang Yang, but Shadow War is a big one, and the shadow damage is about 1.7 million. Except for Wei Yan'er, a player with a dark heritage, who can see it, the others have considerable resistance to spells even in the transformed state Ability, but as long as you get hit by these b-level inheritance like Mengbuhui, you will lose a quarter of your HP, making the healers cry!

This is the **ss of the holy level. Even if it has not reached the world-class level, it is quite difficult to fight! After all, everyone is one or two levels short of equipment. If it weren't for the fact that everyone has advanced inheritance and transformation, coming here is equivalent to death.

But who let them have a s-level "milk" cow god, Han Yingxue's "milk" power is fully activated, the healing ability is really terrifying, coupled with the cooperation of Dream Sweetheart. Forcibly increasing the blood volume of the team, Sauron could only roar in vain.

Moreover, they also used a taboo scroll, theoretically every 30 seconds the boss will faint for 10 seconds, giving the team enough breathing time. It was not overwhelmed by the landslide and tsunami-like attack after the boss went berserk!

80%... 50%... 20%!

After entering the beheading stage, everyone's damage ability soared a lot. Especially Wei Yan'er, because she is a dark inheritance, she is naturally resistant to shadow damage, so she doesn't need to leave the cooling of the potion to the red bottle, but to pour the firepower potion and start killing .

The little girl put on the Supreme God Ring, and she has completely surpassed Zhang Yang in level cutting. Although due to the problem of skill bonuses, it is not as good as Zhang Yang in terms of damage limit, but in terms of second damage, it is only strong but not weak! After the potion of firepower was poured, her damage became even more powerful, and she was almost as powerful as a horse.

Since Sun Xinyu got Hawkeye, because she is also an S-level inheritance, she has not only evened the gap with Zhang Yang in terms of personal output ability, but also slightly surpassed it! after all. She has two weapons, and the 30% damage increase that comes with the phantom-level weapon alone gives her 4% more output than Zhang Yang!

However, don't forget that Zhang Yang also has Fenghuang Chong and Fei Ling, these two can start transformation, which is equivalent to the combination of Zhang Yang, Meng Wuhui and Baifa Yizhong. Which career can surpass it?

Therefore, in terms of individual output alone, Zhang Yang can only rank third now, but when it comes to overall damage, Zhang Yang is about to throw Sun Xinyu and Wei Yaner a few blocks away.

"Ah. You hateful anemic warrior, if you have the ability to take the big fire bird and Fei Ling away!" Wei Yan'er was not reconciled, and it was rare that he could bully Zhang Yang in terms of output, but he met the death of Huo Fenghuang and Fei Ling. Hit, I'm so mad!

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and said: "Little girl, don't be unconvinced, this is your life! As for you, it is your life to be a little girl!"

"Smelly anemia warrior, I'm going to bite you to death!" Wei Yan'er bared her small canine teeth and roared with her mouth bared.

"Mortals, mortals, are you really mortals?" Sauron couldn't take it anymore. Its blood volume had been beaten down to only 15%. In front of the guy, he can't last too much time.

"We are indeed mortals, but don't be condescending, you are just a broken god. With a dark god's one-eyed eye, do you think you can see through walls and peek at girls taking a bath and changing clothes?" Xingguang said awe-inspiringly He scolded.

At the level of a majestic demon god, even if it is only transformed by one eyeball, it still has a godhead! Would you peek at a woman taking a shower? Sauron yelled in anger, the activation frequency of Dark Death increased significantly, and black skulls flew all over the sky.

Fortunately, the activation frequency of Evil Berserk has not increased, otherwise, the team will really face the doomsday crisis!

"Cunning creatures, you tricked my army out, otherwise, with you weak creatures, how could you break in!" Sauron was furious, and kept roaring up to the sky, making the situation pale. [

"Haha, stinky boss, you can't even kill us weak creatures, aren't you weaker!" Fatty Han laughed.

"If you didn't have the Supreme God Ring in your hands, do you think you can last until now?" the Dark Lord snorted coldly.

"This is no nonsense, why don't you goug out that eyeball and fight with us?"

"Ignore the boss, kill the boss to reap the spoils!"

13%, 11%, 9%!

When the boss's blood volume drops to 10%, the frequency of Shadow War's activation will increase even more, but as long as it is not used in a berserk state, it will be so-called with everyone's current blood volume! Moreover, the taboo scroll is still in effect, the poor boss is imprisoned from time to time, and the fierceness is greatly weakened.

3%, 2%, 1%, boss is about to hand over his gun!

"Don't think you have won! I can never be terminated, you just let me sleep for ten thousand years! You remember, I will come back after ten thousand years! Next time, I will definitely rule This world!" Sauron said his last words, but in the end he screamed, his whole body shattered, leaving only a huge eyeball rolling on the ground, with a lot of trophies beside it.

"Ding! Congratulations to you for becoming the first team on the server to kill a holy leader in the field. Your glorious deeds will be recorded in the annals of history! As the captain, please name your team so that it will be recorded in the annals of history and let the world praise you!"

The moment Sauron died, Zhang Yang also received a prompt from the system. After he filled in the advertisement words, the server immediately began to flash red and flash the screen, and Zhang Yang and the others also received 1 point of luck and some prestige gold coins.

All of a sudden, Xue Qianxun and other major guild presidents sent messages to ask, especially Xue Qianxun, and asked him if he had any good earth sacred artifacts to sell to them. Of course, the purchase price was naturally Friendship price that can't be lowered!

Zhang Yang didn't have so much time to deal with them one by one, so he simply turned off the S language channel and focused on the boss's drop.

This is the first Earth Saint-level boss to be killed in the server. If there is no good thing, then I am really sorry to the people!

Wei Yan'er frantically put away all the spoils, and kept spitting out wow-wah-wah exclamations from her small mouth, which made everyone else feel itchy. Take a look at the good stuff!

The little girl sorted it out and listed the valuable things in different categories. Indeed, as the first Earth Saint-level boss to be killed, Sauron was very generous in terms of drops.

Boss produced a total of three earthly sacred artifacts, namely a dark golden staff, a triangular shield with shining stars, and a snake-shaped dagger that shone with cold light. In addition, in terms of miscellaneous items, there is also a skill point spar, three books, a dark token, and a lot of six-level gems.

Zhang Yang took out the identification scroll, identified the three earthly sacred artifacts on the spot, and then began to divide the dirt.

First of all, it is the dark gold staff.

[Dark King Cane] (Earth Hallows, Staff)

Magic attack power: 18481-24481

Six-level inlaid hole 1

Six-level set hole 2[

Equip: Increases the damage or healing you do by 40%.

Equip: Increases your critical strike chance by 8%.

Equipment: When you successfully cast a spell, there is a chance that you will be enveloped in darkness, immune to any attack.

Requires level: 170

Special addition: reduce the usage requirements by level 20.

This is the best of the legal system. Han Yingxue, Dream Sweetheart, and Narcissus Blossom all threw points unceremoniously, but this time Han Yingxue failed to defy the sky, and was instantly killed by Narcissus Blossom with 88 points. However, this stick has at least level 150 energy equipment, and the narcissus is still 9 levels short of blooming. This time is not long, and it is not short!

Next, is the shield. Because the shield can only be used by Zhang Yang and Xingguangjian, the guy Xingguangjian muttered there: "Add intelligence! Add intelligence! Add intelligence!"

As long as intelligence is added, it must be dedicated to knights.

Wei Yan'er shrugged her shoulders and spread her hands, saying: "Wretched light, you really lack IQ!"

[Dark Star Shield] (Earth Hallows, Shield)

Armor value: 13770

Stamina: 26449

Equip: Increases your maximum health by 52890.

Equip: Absorbs 5091 damage when attacked.

Equip: Make your Armor Smashing skill also reduce the target's magic resistance xn by 10% at the same time.

Requires level: 170

Special additional: 150

Starlight burst into tears. Although this shield is the best for him, he doesn't have the ability to break armor. If you give it to him, a special effect of the shield will be wasted. You can only watch Zhang Yang put the shield in his backpack up. ! .

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