MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 696: The Phantom of Andros

The big boss has the ability to recover blood, which seems to be the law!

"Call the wretched and fat people over here!" Han Yingxue said, just the boss's demonic tenacity can make the five of them stare blankly, not to mention the boss has a lot of younger brothers, this is no joke.

Zhang Yang took out the jade pendant of Andros, and said, "Try the power of this thing first! If you can't figure it out, then let's pull the fat man and the others over, and use inheritance to transform to beat the boss!"


Snapped! Zhang Yang crushed the jade pendant, a door of light suddenly appeared out of thin air, and a huge human-faced spider squeezed out of the door. But the embarrassing thing is that because Zhang Yang summoned in mid-air, the human-faced spider fell from mid-air and fell onto the round platform as soon as it appeared. [

This fall startled Bo Yaak and those elite monsters immediately, Bo Ya Ake roared immediately, and all the elite monsters also roared, and killed the human-faced spider on the west side of the altar one after another.

"Boya Ake, I'm going to tear you to pieces!" The human-faced spider roared, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye immediately radiated from his body, shaking all those elite monsters to their knees.

[Phantom of Andros] (Earth Sacred Leader, Summoner)

Level: 180

HP: 100 million Armor: 18470

Melee attack power: 149398-209398

Skill: [Spider Web Entanglement]: Make all nearby hostile targets entangled by spider silk and immobilize them for 5 seconds, and suffer 50,000 natural damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds.

[Purification]: Dispel Boya Ake's mind control.

Although this Andros brother is a god-level boss, it is obvious that his clone does not have such strength. The ranks of the Holy Land are also in line with the rank distribution of this map. It's just that Phantom's offensive xng skills are too weak, and it's just a cobweb entanglement, which really insults the identity of the boss. Fortunately, the purification skills are quite easy to use, as long as he does not die, the team will not be disturbed by mind control.

Moreover, Andros' body is larger than this altar, but now the phantom is only about 30 meters high, which is not an order of magnitude at all.

After all, Phantom's knockdown just now was not a special skill effect. All the monsters immediately got up again and rushed towards Andros' phantom.

Shhhhhh, several spider threads shot out from Andros's phantom, entangled the hundreds of monsters at the same time, almost comparable to the taboo scroll.

Zhang Yang shook his head. Said: "The phantom is just a phantom after all, the blood volume is really not enough compared to the boss, the damage per second is up to 80,000, it won't do much!"

He had already teamed up with Fatty Han and the others. At this time, he patted the Phoenix pet and landed on the altar, and with a swipe of his hand, activated the team summoning order. If he made a teleportation call in mid-air, it would be a hit if one of them didn't ride a flying mount. Maybe he will be thrown to death.

"Don't worry about mobs, Phantom still has a lot of HP, and has the ability to immobilize mobs, let's just fight the boss!" Zhang Yang said, and started the inheritance transformation at the same time. The boss is a big boss of the earth holy level. They suffer because they don't have a few earth sacred artifacts, and there are only ten people, so if they don't inherit and transform. The team's second injury can't even offset the boss's blood recovery.

The phantom of Andros was full of anger towards Bo Yaak. After imprisoning those mobs, he didn't chase them and start killing them. The feet kept poking back and forth at Bo Yaak, and although the damage caused was not enough for the boss's long blood volume, it made the boss's whole body full of blood holes. Dark green blood spurted wildly.

"Spider God?" Bo Yaak was stunned for a moment, and said, "Do you want to be an enemy of the great demon army?"

"You killed my daughter, and you still want to pretend to be disapproving?" Andros' phantom roared.

Boya Ake was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly smiled and said: "So you knew about it!" The demon looked at Zhang Yang and the others. There was a murderous look in his eyes, and he said: "It turned out to be you guys! Just in time, I sent it to my door, lest I have to look for you, everyone will die here today!" [

"You are the one who died!" Andros's phantom spun out several spider threads, re-fixing hundreds of mobs. Although the damage caused by the cobweb entanglement skill cannot be compared with the sword of the dead, 50,000 points of damage per 3 seconds is still quite powerful. The elite monster only has about 5 million HP, and it will die after eating 100 hits. It only takes 5 minutes.

It's a pity that Andros' phantom method is treated by Han Yingxue and Dream Sweetheart. Even though he has 100 million HP, he is still easily wiped out by a group of monsters.

Fortunately, after Zhang Yang and the others had accumulated a certain amount of Genesis Qi, they used group attack skills one after another. On the one hand, it can help Andros’s phantom kill mobs faster, allowing him to contribute more power. On the other hand, only after causing damage to monsters can he share experience points. Monsters that are completely bombarded by summons can get Less than experience points and loot.

There are hundreds of elite monsters here, and the experience value is huge!

Although Zhang Yang's damage was higher than that of Andros' phantom, the boss just stared at the phantom and completely dismissed Zhang Yang. Obviously, until the phantom of Andros dies, the boss will not care about other people on the hatred list!

This is also good, there is a big meat shield top bag, and it feels good that I don't have to be beaten!

But Zhang Yang didn't take off the shield, because he didn't know if Andros' phantom could last until the end of the battle. To be on the safe side, he'd better keep the first hatred as much as possible, so as not to attack Sun Xinyu or Wei Yan'er as soon as the phantom hits the boss.

God of War Crack! Cloud of Darkness! Blade flurry dance!

Every 30 seconds, everyone will get 3 points of origin qi, and they will throw area damage skills one after another, speeding up the death speed of the mob group! And these elite monsters are immobilized by spider silk one-third of the time, because they are not long-range attack types, once they are immobilized, they can only stare blankly, otherwise, the phantom of Andros is also easily besieged until death.

S-level inheritances like Zhang Yang and Sun Xinyu can cause more than 100,000 points of damage with a single area of ​​damage. Although Wei Yaner and Narcissus Blossoms are not close, they still have 80,000 points. A quarter of the blood volume will be lost!

And two phoenix pets and one red dragon pet also joined the siege of the elite monsters. These things are the main ones that can cause group damage with normal attacks. Who can stand the three together? Especially with the phantom of Andros holding back the main aggro, as long as you fight boldly with confidence.

In just one minute, hundreds of elite monsters were blasted to pieces, contributing super high experience points to Zhang Yang and the others! This one has an experience value of 5 million, ten people share that is 500,000 one, hundreds of them add up to 200-300 million experience points per person, which directly increases the experience bar a lot!

"Great, if there are a few more batches, Brother Fatty will be able to upgrade!" Fatty Han was so happy that his mouth crooked.

"Fatty, you are really slow to level up! You obviously have a pet as powerful as the Phoenix pet, but now it's only level 148, what a shame!"

"Sister sweetheart, you don't understand this, life is too short, how can you spend all your time on games, of course you have to do things that are good for your physical and mental health!"

"Brother Fat, could it be that you are a quick shooter who claims to be a little whirlwind on the hunger and can do things in less than a minute?"

"Hurry up, sister!"

"Andros, if you come here in real body, I am indeed no match for you, but a mere phantom clone is not enough to give me teeth! Haha, I will control a few more of your offspring to form a spider Great army, serve our demon army!" Boya Ake did not forget to stab Andros while fighting Andros.

"Devil, you are not qualified to let me do it myself!" Andros's phantom fought back not to be outdone, while dancing the eight spear legs vigorously. After the mobs died, his blood loss rate has been controlled, and the remaining 30 million blood volume is enough for him to last for a long time.

——The power of the boss is still mainly reflected in the group damage ability. No matter how fierce a single attack is, it cannot be strong enough to instantly kill the top tanks. Otherwise, what are the tanks doing? Therefore, on the contrary, the vast number of elite mobs pose a greater threat to Andros.

"Hahaha, Shisha, become my slave!" The boss yelled loudly, pointed at Wei Yan'er, a black thread sank into the little girl's head, and immediately asked her to change course, and waved back at Zhang Yang and the others. Butcher knife.

--mind control. [

"The power of light is great!" Andros' phantom also shouted loudly, stretched out its long legs, and shot a golden light across Wei Yan'er's body, and the little girl's control was immediately released.

"Wow, the stinky boss dares to control Miss Ben, see if I don't chop off your stinky head!" Wei Yan'er screamed strangely, and swung the big ax so that the wind howled, and every time the ax fell, the boss was seriously injured.

"Damn it, Andros, after I get rid of these little bugs, I will go to your spider kingdom and turn all face spiders into my slaves!"

"You have no chance! Today, you must die here!" Andros's phantom spit out spider webs to wrap around the boss's body. The damage is still pretty substantial.

"Then I'll kill you first!" Bo Yaak roared, and the shadow arrows were shot frequently, each of which caused nearly 200,000 damage. The phantom of Andros seems to have more than 30 million blood volume, which is very powerful. In fact, it can be hit by 150 shadow arrows, and it cannot be buffed by the player. It only lasted for five minutes before dying.

"Damn, the words are so awesome, why don't you just hit me!"! .

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