MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 703: Illusory Dragon Realm

"What new love!" Zhang Yang quickly shook his head, and said confidently, "It's just a newcomer with great potential, and because Fatty is temporarily busy, I took her to brush the dungeon, how could you say that she became a new love! "

"Anemia warrior, you need to know that our policy is to be lenient for confession and strict for resistance, do you understand?" Wei Yan'er added fuel to the fire. [Search for the latest updates here]

"It's lenient to confess, and you will be jailed; if you resist, you will go home for the New Year! Well, what 'chaos' are you making, little girl, what can I confess!" Being disturbed by Wei Yan'er, Zhang Yang was almost fooled.

"I heard that she is still a beautiful woman?" Han Yingxue asked again.

"It's not bad, but it's far worse than you!" Zhang Yang said quickly, in order to quell the jealousy, he could only lie. [

Although they knew that Zhang Yang was flattering him on purpose, Han Yingxue and Sun Xinyu still felt sweet when they heard their man's praise, and their expressions softened a lot, which made Wei Yan'er shrug, turned her head away, and sang: "I Always too soft-hearted, too soft-hearted..."

"Little girl, it's all about you!" Zhang Yang clenched his fists. This eccentric little girl is really difficult to deal with. She is a troublemaker. Both he and Han Yingxue were called by the school several times. It was just a little girl who was grilling on the lawn of the teaching building, or pulled out a professor's tire valve core.

"By the way, where are you going to take me to sell?" Everyone had already flown for a certain distance, but they still had no intention of landing, Zhang Yang couldn't help asking.

"Just like you, will anyone want it if you sell it?"

"That's not sure, maybe

嚩香%文学网% Some princesses from foreign countries just fell in love with me? "

"Smelly!" Han Yingxue twisted Zhang Yang and said. "The place we are going to is called Magic Dragon Realm!"

"What Illusory Dragon Realm?" Zhang Yang seemed to have heard the name before, but couldn't remember it for a while.

"Wow, the official website has published an announcement for a few days, and the stinky anemia fighters don't even know about it!"

"Hmph, he must have been flirting with that vixen, forgetting everything!"

"Hey, you're too jealous, aren't you?" Zhang Yang rubbed his nose.

"Dragonland is a randomly refreshed map, a bit like a dungeon. But there is no fixed refresh point, and each monster in Dragonland will not be refreshed repeatedly. As long as all the bosses die, they will be destroyed out of thin air. Disappear!" The daffodils were still blooming. He relieved Zhang Yang and explained the information about the Magic Dragon Realm.

As soon as she said that, Zhang Yang remembered that there was indeed a Magic Dragon Realm in the previous life. It's just that the refresh point is really not fixed. Sometimes it's under a tree in a forest, and sometimes it's in a lake. It's not easy to find it.

However, although the entrance to the Illusory Dragon Realm is difficult to find, if you can enter it. There will be great gains. It's a pity that Zhang Yang didn't find the entrance to the Illusory Dragon Realm in his previous life, so he decided to enter it to experience it.

"The fantasy dragon realm we discovered yesterday is called the kingdom of the undead, but the monsters are so powerful, and there are no tanks, so we only had to fight a short distance to get out!" Han Yingxue said.

"Hey, I really can't do it without me!" Zhang Yang made a pun, and when he spoke, he gave Sun Xinyu and

嚩香%文学网%Han Yingxue gave an ambiguous look. As a result, the two women rolled their eyes together.

No matter how far the road is, there will be an end, not to mention that this has not yet left the Magaia Forest. But it still took more than two hours before we arrived at the ground. Between two huge rocks, there was a light door similar to the entrance of a dungeon flashing.

Zhang Yang glanced at Han Yingxue. It is estimated that in such a remote place, only this road blind will encounter it when he gets lost. [

"Shouldn't you call Fatty Han and Meng Buhui together?" Zhang Yang said.

Wei Yan'er quickly shook her head like a rattle, and said, "This Illusory Dragon Realm can only enter five people!"

There are four types of Dragon Realm: small, medium, large and giant. Only 5 people can enter the small Dragon Realm at the same time, 25 people for the medium dragon realm, and 500 people for the large dragon realm. Giant is 10,000 people. The bigger the Magic Dragon Realm, the more monsters and bosses there are, but the competition will naturally be more intense.

After the little girl finished speaking, she slammed into the light gate, but only saw the light pattern fluctuate, but the little girl was pushed back!

"Hey, there's someone inside!" she shouted immediately.

"Such a remote place can be found by other people, it seems that the snow demon girl is not the only one who is blind!" Zhang Yang laughed.

"I just have a problem with my sense of direction!" Han Yingxue seriously rejected the title of road blind.

"Damn it, which bastards robbed us of the Illusory Dragon Realm!" Wei Yan'er yelled angrily, bumping into the entrance of the Illusory Dragon Realm again and again, but was not caught back.

"I knew I shouldn't have come out yesterday!"

"No way, who made us have no equipment

嚩香 durability, must go back to repair! "

The four girls all sighed, it would be fine if they just discovered this Magic Dragon Realm, if they were preempted, they would be the first. But obviously they went in once yesterday, and beat some monsters, but they didn't expect that the sky would change after sleeping overnight, which made them feel uncomfortable that their things were robbed.

"However, if you are going to die in the Dragon Realm, if you release your soul without treatment, it will be automatically resurrected in the cemetery outside. If you don't want to give up, you can guard here. As long as one person comes out, we will go in. Kill them all!" Zhang Yang said.

Everything in this field is robbed by strength, if you don't come first, it must be yours! Otherwise, how could there be so many competitions for field bosses that would lead to guild wars and even "chaotic" wars in large regions!

"Of course we must guard it. This Illusory Spiritual Realm belongs to us, and no one can steal it!" Wei Yan'er said angrily.

"Then wait slowly!" Zhang Yang lay on a rock, then waved to Sun Xinyu and Han Yingxue, and said, "You two beauties, here is a handsome guy, let's chat and talk about your ideals in life!"

While he was talking, he suddenly saw a player flying over on a firefly-like flying mount in the distance. That person obviously didn't expect that there were five people guarding such a remote place, and his face suddenly showed surprise. expression.

Zhang Yang couldn't help smiling, and said, "Someone died inside, who will go in and clear out the other four people inside?"

"Me, me, me, me!" Wei Yan'er immediately slammed into the Guangmen [嚩香%文学网%] without saying a word. Sure enough, the player who just came was resurrected in the cemetery after releasing his soul after death. This time, the little girl squeezed into the light gate without any hindrance, and disappeared instantly.

"You——" The player riding the firefly is called "Li Jidong." A holy knight, also because he is the only profession in the team that can save people, so after he dies, he can only release his soul and go out directly. Magic Dragon Realm.

"Come out! Also, hurry up and call the insiders out, don't fuck yourself!" Although Li Jidong had a one-on-four, he did not show timidity, but pointed to the character information on his finger , said, "See, the Crimson Flame Guild is not something you can afford!"

Of course, he was so arrogant because Zhang Yang and the others hid the information about the characters. Otherwise, give him a hundred guts, and he wouldn't dare to yell at the top 10 people in the world's personal strength rankings. [

"Will Yan'er be in danger?" Han Yingxue wasn't worried. This Li Jidong had level 146, so he should be the main force of the Crimson Flame Guild, so the other four should be of the same level, or even higher! The most likely ones are Guo Shishuang and Longliqi, two powerful fighters of the Feiyan Guild. They are both super-inherited, and their level is not much lower than Wei Yan'er. With two against one, Wei Yan'er is very dangerous!

"Little girl, you come out first, and I will go in instead!" Zhang Yang said in the team channel.

"Wow, anemia fighter, how dare you underestimate this lady!" Wei Yan'er yelled, but the little girl was not stupid, her being warlike didn't mean she liked to die in vain, and she quickly withdrew from the light gate.

嚩香%文章网%Li Jidong couldn’t hear Zhang Yang and their team chatting again, he just thought that the other party was scared, so he couldn’t help but let out a contemptuous laugh, patting his mount to go through the light gate, still regretting that the team There are two girls who are really good-looking. If it weren't for the phantom dragon realm, I would definitely go to strike up a conversation. With my status as the main holy knight of the Scarlet Flame Guild, I can at most take out a few mysterious spirit weapons. Let those two chicks throw themselves into their arms!

"Who told you to go there!" Zhang Yang snorted softly, and the Devouring Sword suddenly slashed across the sky, and the cold light pierced through the air. Li Jidong was immediately bombarded by the powerful force and retreated four or five steps, and a damage figure of more than 100,000 jumped above his head. Almost half of his blood volume was knocked out!

Wei Yan'er was getting angry, she raised her big ax and slashed at Li Jidong.

"Smelly mouth!" Sun Xinyu's figure flashed, and she appeared behind Li Jidong. With a flash of two long swords, three damage figures jumped up at the same time.

These three masters teamed up to attack, which one can stand up to it without inheriting the transformation? Li Jidong only had time to scream and fell to the ground. However, if he knew that he died under the combined attack of Zhang Yang, Sun Xinyu, and Wei Yan'er, he would probably feel very honored!

But at this moment, Li Jidong was furious, and hurriedly told the team what happened just now, and asked the other four people in the team to come out to avenge him! Otherwise, if Zhang Yang and the others blocked the door, Li Jidong would have no way to get in.

Fortunately, they didn't go too deep into the Magic Dragon Realm, and they had to turn back soon. But when they approached the exit, they all hesitated. What if the other party's trick is to lure the snake out of the hole? As soon as the four of them go out, all five of the other party will rush in. This Illusory Dragon Realm can only accommodate five people. If that's the case, even if their combat power is astonishing, it won't matter!

Just when they were hesitating, they saw a flash of light, and Zhang Yang had already entered it.

Guo Shishuang, shooting hunter, level 148! Longrich, Frost Mage, level 149!

Zhang Yang's eyes were fixed, and it really was these two fierce generals of the Scarlet Flame Guild!

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