MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Seven hundred and eleventh chapter blood reduction tactics

"Just you five little guys, dare to break into my territory, you really don't know how you died!" Darroch let out a sideways laugh, and pointed his staff at Zhang Yang, hitting one after another Remember the shadow arrow, the base damage of 200,000 in a single shot shows the power of the boss!

However, when meeting Zhang Yang who turned on God of War Transformation, he has 40% resistance to magic. In fact, each shadow arrow will only take 50,000 to 60,000 damage on average, and lose about 30,000 blood per second. too little! [Search for the latest updates here]

"Old ghost, you should fight faster!" Zhang Yang urged. If he was occupied, it would be so difficult for Wei Yan'er and the four daughters to get his health into 10%, or they might be killed by him first!

But the boss is too weak, it only hurts 30,000 points per second when he fights back and forth, it takes 19 minutes to blast his blood volume to 10%, I don't know how many times he was used by the boss to occupy it!

"Bugs, don't try to use your tongue. After I kill you, I will deliberately turn you into a knight and make you shut up forever!" The boss was furious and blasted a few more words at Zhang Yang. After the Shadow Bolt, he suddenly raised his staff high and shouted, "Shadow Wheel, destroy these intruders for me!" [


Immediately, nine huge black light wheels suddenly appeared on the side of the palace, like a windmill, forming a neat row and rolling towards the five Zhang Yang. However, since this is a dungeon style of play here, everything will not be done. There is a one-meter-wide gap between the light wheel and the light wheel. As long as you get in place in time, you can still avoid damage.

However, Zhang Yang and the others were worrying about losing blood. Seeing that the light wheel was coming, there was no reason to avoid it. They took the initiative to meet him hard, and they all suffered 300,000 basic shadow damage. Fire Phoenix and everyone's followers dodged under the master's control, because they would not be occupied, and only Fire Phoenix and Fei Ling had transformations. If you get the 300,000 shadow damage, you will basically die.

The black light wheel surged past and hit the other end of the palace, but immediately rolled back from that end, and continued to hit the crowd in a mighty manner.

"Haha, let's make it more lively!" Boss laughed, raised his staff again, and slapped, within 50 meters around him, black light clusters appeared one after another in a circular shape. The diameter is about two meters, and the distribution is very irregular.

——Shadow Trap!

"Oh!" Wei Yan'er cheered, and took the initiative to meet the traps.

From a tactical point of view, these traps must be absolutely avoided, because the base shadow damage of 400,000 can instantly kill any non-tank player who has not turned on the inheritance at this stage! But the dungeon boss will never solve it. There is enough space for players to move between traps. The difficulty lies in whether the shadow roller will step on it when it hits it!

But now Zhang Yang and the others were worried that their blood volume wasn't dropping fast enough, so they took the initiative to step on these traps, hurting and jumping wildly.

However, these traps will disappear automatically after stepping on them. Soon, none of the 40 shadow traps were left, and Wei Yan'er stepped on the most. But the little girl is a dark inheritance, born with a strong resistance to shadow damage, although she stepped on 14 shadow traps. But only suffered 1.68 million damage, so the little girl kept accusing the boss of not being strong enough!

"You lunatics!" The fighting style of this group of people actively looking for death made the boss stunned. I really want to cut open the heads of these guys to see what their brains are made of! But because of the programming, Darroch immediately replenished the shadow traps after they disappeared.

"I knew that I should cut off some blood before starting the inheritance transformation, but now it is difficult to lose blood, it is really dumbfounding!"

According to general understanding, the higher the blood volume, the better when fighting a boss. The healer can't even raise the team's blood line in time. How can anyone complain that the blood volume is too high? If it is heard by the masses who don't know what they really want. Either scolding them for pretending to be "forceful" or being stupid.

The boss threw the shadow trap a few times, suddenly yn laughed sideways, stared at Wei Yan'er at the two undead evil fires in his pupils, and slapped. The whole body turned into a ball of black light and entered the little girl's body.


A cross skull immediately appeared on top of Wei Yan'er's head, her eyes turned white, and she completely lost the ability to control herself.

"Hahaha, every time I see others killing each other, it always excites me!" The boss said through Wei Yan'er's mouth, while swinging a large axe, he slashed at Sun Xinyu who was closest to her.


o! [

Zhang Yang immediately knocked Wei Yan'er unconscious, and the four of them plus followers and Phoenix Pet launched a fierce attack on the little girl.

The only good thing is. After Wei Yan'er "betrayed" the [revolution], she also could not enjoy the aura of publicity's physical strength. 28% less stamina bonus. But everyone can't enjoy her brute force bonus, and the output has dropped a lot for nothing.

The output of the little girl is still fierce. Especially after transforming, if she is thrown into their team at Baifa No. 1 Middle School, it is very likely that she will kill two or three people! But now when she meets Zhang Yang and Sun Xinyu who are even more fierce, she can only suffer, and her blood volume is cut to 10% in less than half a minute!

"Stop beating, if you beat him again, you will die!" Wei Yan'er shouted hastily.


The boss also flew out of Wei Yan'er's body, a black light surged past and re-formed into a human form, and the battle returned to the normal way at the beginning.

Although Wei Yan'er was quickly [suppressed], it also caused a lot of trauma to Zhang Yang and the others. Now Zhang Yang still has 59% of his blood volume, Sun Xinyu's is 48%, Han Yingxue's is 45%, and Narcissus Hukai's is 43% %, not far from 10% HP.

Darroch rearranged the traps all over the floor, and while giggling, he threw Shadow Arrows at Zhang Yang.

Since Wei Yan'er's blood volume had already dropped below 10%, she naturally didn't dare to step on the shadow trap or eat the shadow roller, so she hurriedly moved around, fleeing in embarrassment between the halo and the trap. This little girl became addicted after hiding, she would be a golden rooster for a while, and then spread her wings, giggling smirkingly.

Without treatment to increase blood, no matter how much blood there is, it will be empty, not to mention that everyone is still actively looking for attacks to bear? Before the boss launched the second occupation, except for Zhang Yang who still had 19% of his health, everyone else's health dropped to 10%.

Zhang Yang also has no choice, his ability to avoid damage is too high, he can only take off the shield, so that 20% of passive damage immunity is invalid, and then it drops to 19%, otherwise it will be even higher!

Because only Zhang Yang's blood volume exceeded 10%, the second occupation was undoubtedly thrown to Zhang Yang!

"Siyu's attack is too high, try to control the kill!" Han Yingxue cast the recovery spell on the four girls one after another, holding the holy shield in her hand, ready to save people at any time! No way, Zhang Yang's attack power is too high, and Destroy Strike can reduce healing by 75%, so it's hard for her to get HP!

Fortunately, Zhang Yang only has 19% HP, so he can easily be knocked out of possession.

"Hahaha, anemia warrior, this lady has been waiting for this day for a long time!" Wei Yan'er rushed up with a whimper, and with a heavy swing of the big axe, he slashed a high wound on Zhang Yang's body. Because Zhang Yang took off his shield before, so that everyone can hurry up when cutting him.

"Little girl, does my brother have such a big hatred with you?" Although Zhang Yang couldn't control his behavior, he was not affected by what he said in the team channel.

"Big villain, this miss will destroy you on behalf of the moon!" Wei Yan'er did not forget to show off her cuteness while slashing wildly.

Sun Xinyu also used Shadow Step to jump over, and after using Vanish to forcibly enter Stealth, she knocked Zhang Yang into a coma, and then the output began. Their blood volume has dropped to 10%, and they can no longer be ravaged by Zhang Yang, otherwise it is very likely to be self-defeating and be wiped out by the boss through Zhang Yang's hand.

Fortunately, the players controlled by the boss will only maximize their attacks and rarely use control skills, but the anti-control skills have been activated in advance by Zhang Yang. The boss did not withdraw at all in the coma state, and could only watch helplessly. The sword and fireball smashed over.

Kidney Shot after the sneak attack, 10 seconds of control time is enough for the team's firepower to output 4 million damage. Before the Kidney Shot control is over in the last second, Zhang Yang has already fallen to 10% of his HP and is out of control.

Looking at these "disabled" people, the boss couldn't help laughing. While continuing to attack Zhang Yang, he said, "Bugs, you are about to play tricks!"

Snapped! [

After Zhang Yang forcibly ate a Shadow Arrow, he woke up from a coma, quickly re-equipped the shield, charged to meet the boss, and continued to slash wildly.

For the team, the battle really begins now!

Because there is no need and can no longer reduce the blood volume, everyone carefully dodges the traps on the ground and the shadow rollers that keep bumping back and forth. In such a situation, it is actually very difficult to not forget to output the boss!

People with lower levels may forget to output the boss while hiding.

And the system is probably out of this consideration, and did not give the boss a skill to recover blood, otherwise, if he hides and finds that the boss's blood volume is getting more and more, what a fart!

Han Yingxue didn't dare to be careless, and went back to her "nurse" old job, constantly adding blood to everyone. However, the team's blood volume seems to be below 10%, but after turning on inheritance transformation, Narcissus Hukai, who has the lowest blood volume among them, has 1.2 million health points. Big fault tolerance xng.

And Zhang Yang is even more terrifying, 10% has 4 million health points, even more than the average b-level inheritance players who have transformed, making Han Yingxue and the others called perverts!

Because no one has more than 10% HP, the boss's occupation skills are automatically disabled, and the battle is constantly dodging traps and shadow rollers. ! .

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