MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Seven hundred and thirteenth chapter temptation

After the things were divided, everyone used the teleportation talisman to leave the Magic Dragon Realm. This place will collapse automatically in a few days. I don't know how long it will take to refresh in another remote place, waiting for players to come to adventure.

After Zhang Yang returned to the main city, he first put the Crimson Refined Gauntlet on the sixth-level power gem, and after strengthening it, he can equip it directly when he reaches level 160. Now he is more than half of level 154, not far from level 160. []

Well, when the time comes, you can borrow the little girl's hammer to enjoy yourself.

Among the two materials for making intermediate firepower potions, he has a lot of flame mushrooms in his warehouse, and there are medicine picking beasts who are not afraid of his squandering at all. However, because the Red Flame Crystal has no other purpose other than making intermediate firepower potions, and now only Zhang Yang has this formula, the Red Flame Crystal is not sold at the auction house at all, and even if some players get it, they will resell it. I sold it to np for some small money.

Zhang Yang won 8 gold in the canteen [

The price for the group to buy is higher than the price to sell to. The 4 gold of p, the price of the group is twice as high, I believe everyone will not mind running a few steps to earn some big money. He didn't dare to charge too high a price, lest any profiteer smell it and rush to buy it.

But even so, because of its great reputation, every move of the commissary will attract attention. Knowing that the commissary has started to buy Chiyan Jinghua at "high prices", many profiteers have also started to accumulate small batches of purchases, but they dare not Entering too much, I'm afraid this is a trick!

After all, business never tires of cheating. Sometimes someone deliberately hypes up some worthless things. When the price goes up, he takes the opportunity to ship a large number of them, earning a high price difference, and making his peers suffer!

Zhang Yang took out a large pile of Flame Mushrooms from the bank, and stuffed some into his backpack according to the ratio of 3:1 to the essence of Red Flame, and put the rest back in the bank until he bought more Red Flame Essence. Take it out and use it again.

He just went to the alchemy shop to buy all the "medicine" bottles, and when he was about to have a good time, Cheng Xueyao suddenly sent him a message asking him to help him brush up the dungeon.

Anyway, Zhang Yang didn't refuse when he asked for "medicine". He drove Fire Phoenix to Cheng Xueyao's place. After the two entered the dungeon, Zhang Yang fell behind to collect "medicine", while Fire Phoenix and Fei Ling were in charge of fighting all the monsters.

They are currently brushing the rock hall at level 70, and Huo Fenghuang and Fei Ling can crush it casually, and Zhang Yang rubs the "medicine" behind without any pressure, without any delay.

"You must have many opponents now that you are so famous?" Cheng Xueyao asked casually.

Zhang Yang didn't take it seriously, nodded and said: "Yes, people are staring at the back all the time, so it doesn't make you worry at all!"

"Well, some people are really bad, the game is just a game, and it brings grievances to reality!

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Are you talking about the proud son of heaven?" He shook his head and said, "That man will take revenge for every wrongdoing, he is used to arrogance!\

,""How did you have an enmity with him?" Cheng Xueyao asked earnestly.

"When Shang Hai participated in the sword pointing to the sky competition, that guy used indiscriminate means to harm me!" Zhang Yang told the incident of Shang Hai's "prostitution." full of contempt.

"Oh, so that's the case!" Cheng Xueyao nodded, "Then you must hate him very much!"

Zhang Yang just smiled, the grievances between him and Liu Wei are not comprehensible to others, even if he was honestly told that Liu Wei "forced" him to die together once, it would only make people think that there is something wrong with his mind.

Cheng Xueyao silently picked up the item dropped by the boss, a moment of struggle flashed in her heart.

"This person definitely has more than just a simple grievance with Liu Wei! Damn guy, he keeps his mouth so tight. Does this girl have to use his trump card?"

"Should I tell him the truth, with his help, it will be quite easy to bring down the Liu family?"

"No! Dad and Mom just believed that people gave those materials to the lackeys of the Liu family, and that's why they were killed! I must not repeat the same mistakes, otherwise, Dad and Mom will die in vain, and their sacrifice will be meaningless!" , [

"He sent a private detective to look for me. Is it to bring down Liu Wei, or to work for Liu Wei? Although they seem to be rivals on the surface, the people who do business are all the same. Who knows if this guy will kill me for money? I'm betrayed! Cheng Xueyao, even if Cheng Xueyao sacrifices some "hue", you have to find out what is the relationship between him and Liu Wei!\

,"Zhang Yang didn't know what was going on in his secretary's mind. When he turned all the materials in his backpack into intermediate firepower potions, the dungeon happened to be wiped out. Low, coupled with the strength of Fenghuang Chong and Fei Ling, it is natural to be destroyed all the way.

After finishing the dungeon, Zhang Yang used the teleportation talisman to go back to Sauron Castle. The reason why he was willing to help Cheng Xueyao clear the dungeon was because there are not many low-level players who are willing to open up wasteland by themselves, and they often fail to form a dungeon team for a long time. With the brush, only the members of the guild will find the land reclamation team by themselves. Therefore, the equipment is uneven and lacks cooperation. Generally, they can play in the normal mode. If they are killed three or four times in the hard mode, the team will basically disband. .

Cheng Xueyao is very talented in games, that's why Zhang Yang is willing to take her to play dungeons. Of course, this is also the reason why people are beautiful. After all, it's good to look at, isn't it? Zhang Yang would definitely not respond to someone who was crooked.

The mutated mid-level firepower potion can reach the damage increase of the sister at most, which is quite impressive. The old second duration, 60 second cooldown, an average increase of 10%! For Zhang Yang who didn't start inheritance transformation, it's a big deal! The ps damage increase is equivalent to a 3.75% increase in second damage, which is also very amazing.

However, if inheritance transformation is enabled, this statistic will drop! Wei, it's not so obvious.

The mutated mid-level firepower potion is naturally reserved for their own use, and the others are sold in the canteen, but the use level of the mid-level firepower potion is as high as level 150, and the number of players who are qualified to drink it at this stage No more than two slaps.

For example, free action potions and enemy potions are for players to fight, and firepower potions are for fighting monsters. Whether it's the boss in the wild or in the dungeon, sometimes it's just a little bit of firepower that fails to handle the boss. This mid-level firepower potion will become very popular after mainstream players reach level 150.

Before leaving, Hua also added Cheng Xueyao to the main alliance of Desert Dust. He has recognized the potential of the other party. Such a talent will naturally be recruited into his own guild. Anyway, he has just been promoted to the fifth-level guild, and there are 10,000 more members. , is looking for excellent players to fill.

"Silly Yu, accompany me to pick ingredients! Without giving Zhang Yang a chance to object, Han Yingxue dragged him into the depths of the forest.

She has reached the full level of cooking, but to satisfy everyone's increasing blood volume, she needs to cook snacks with more blood volume. The snacks in the bakery are limited to extra-large cheese at level 120. When Zhang Yang and the others set foot on level 150 and put on the earthly sacred artifact, they need to eat two snacks to fill up a tube of blood, which is a waste of time .

Han Yingxue bought a cooking recipe at the auction house and learned a snack called "Chicken Burger". However, the ingredients are relatively precious and can only be found on level 150 maps. I can fight by myself.


Use: Restores 500,000 health and 200,000 mana within 15 seconds, only works when not in combat. If you eat a whole snack, then you can also gain 200 points of strength, agility, intelligence or spirit, depending on which attribute is the highest among your four attributes, and the effect lasts for 15 minutes .

Requires level: 150

The main ingredient of the chicken burger is 160-grade arrowtail chicken meat, followed by chili and flour. Flour can be bought directly in dim sum shops in the main city, but chicken nuggets have to be beaten by yourself. Peppers can be collected in low-level areas and can be purchased through auction houses, so the most important thing is to get chicken nuggets.

Han Yingxue got on the flamboyant phoenix pet, and the two quickly flew into a forest. The phoenix pet landed, and looked for arrow-tailed chickens in the forest in the form of 'go'.

Although there are many of these monsters, they are not clustered together. They are scattered here and there, and they need to be searched everywhere. Therefore, the two fought three or four times, and didn't get many chicken nuggets in an hour, but they were accompanied by a beloved person, and they couldn't talk at all.

After walking forward for a certain distance, they suddenly heard the sound of ping-pong-pong weapons clashing. The two looked at each other, both of them slowed down the speed of their mounts, and quietly walked forward for a certain distance. In the forest ahead, two pairs of men and horses were fighting.

Zhang Yang suddenly felt unimpressed, there were too many PK situations in online games, how could he have so much energy to meddle in other people's business. If the other party is fighting a boss, then he might even get involved, but for pk, he doesn't have the time to spare.

However, Zhang Yang soon raised the corner of his mouth. It turned out that the number of people in the two groups was very different.

It turned out that 13 people fought against 2 people, but the side with fewer people did not show any signs of decline. Instead, they fought back and forth. One was a shield warrior and the other was a holy knight, known as the armor duo. [

These two are both thick armor professions, and the ability of the holy knight alone is far superior to that of the holy priest, and the shield warrior has a large number of defensive methods and powerful ability to protect teammates. After this combination, it is quite difficult to kill !

Of course, behind the strong defense ability is the weak output ability, which is the price of having a tortoise-like defense. Therefore, the combination of these two professions is also called armor double bear, armor double waste.

Shi Luoye, shield warrior, 144th level.

Night raid on the widow's village, holy knight, level 143.

These two armored heroes are all members of the guild, and fortunately they can still mix up a good equipment. Of course, they are all dungeons, so they are all! The first-class mysterious spirit weapon is not top-notch, but it is also the mainstream equipment at present.

The most important thing is that the other party b doesn't look like a top-notch expert like Zhang Yang, and he doesn't even match the equipment level of those two, so he still hasn't been able to handle the mere two people.

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