MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 721 Revelation Chapter Four

Chapter 721 - Chapter Four of Revelation

Titan's Grip is very powerful, but Zhang Yang's defense is even more perverted. Although "chaos" and "chaos" damage can be regarded as armor, passive damage immunity and damage absorption still have to be taken, reducing the damage that could have caused nearly a million to 70 about ten thousand.

Although this damage is not low, compared to the difference in blood volume between the two, Captain America will suffer a lot!

What's more, this is not Zhang Yang's strongest attack!

Brutal strike! [

After Zhang Yang knocked Captain America into a "coma", he threw out the charge attack, and swung his sword in the air, and a stronger blow was brewing.

Although Captain America knows that Zhang Yang has such an ultimate move, he has already activated skills and used accessories to resolve Zhang Yang's vibrations and heroic jumps. At this time, he can only faint for 4 seconds. "Mysterious", meet Zhang Yang's emotional blow!


Zhang Yang slammed out the God of War's axe, finally causing shocking and terrifying damage! This kind of controllable outbreak is the most headache for opponents during pk!

"Bastard!" Captain America yelled angrily, swinging the heavy ax in his hand again and again, and fought fiercely with Zhang Yang. Although both of them had healing support behind them, the destructive blows all reduced the healing by 75 As a result, the amount of blood raised is obviously not enough to support the speed of blood loss.

Captain America is holding a "Titan Ripple" in his hand, and he can restore full health with only 8 points of Origin Qi, so he is not very worried. Although Destructive Strike will reduce the healing effect, his Warrior's Wrath will soon be cooled down. As long as he uses Warrior's Wrath to remove the negative effect first, he can immediately restore full health.

However, what Captain America has to face is not only Zhang Yang alone, but also Fei Ling, a follower who has also turned on the transformation. The attack of 30 will be resisted, but the attack after berserk is still amazing.

Fierce battles were happening everywhere, and the territory on the ground was kicked away for a while, provoked by weapons for a while, but it never fell into anyone's hands.

Captain America couldn't hold on any longer, his blood volume quickly dropped to 20 under the joint attack of Zhang Yang and Fei Ling, which is very dangerous, if Zhang Yang fired a reckless kill, it is very likely that he will be killed in one blow. Spike!

In front of fighters, especially berserk fighters, if the blood volume drops to 20, it means that 99 is already a dead man!

He quickly activated Warrior's Fury, cleared the negative effects on his body, and at the same time the Titan Ripple activated, a circle of golden light flashed across his body, and his blood volume instantly filled up! He shouted angrily: "Zhan Yu, don't bully me too much, even if you can kill me, you have to pay a considerable price!"

"You think too highly of yourself!" Zhang Yang let out a clear whistle, raised his left hand, and stared at the god of death.

This skill has a very high chance of resisting the boss, but it is accurate against players. A black skull immediately appeared on the head of Captain America.

"No—" Captain America saw the explanation of Hades Gaze clearly in an instant, and he was so frightened that he fluttered his wings and flew up, trying to delay the five-second skill duration!

But since Zhang Yang launched his ultimate move, how could he let the opponent slip away? The light wings also vibrated, chasing and beating the opponent's butt! It's also because Captain America's character is not strong enough, Zhang Yang triggered the special effect of God's gaze after only the third attack, and the black skull was swallowed immediately, leaving Captain America with only 1 point of blood left quantity!

Phoenix Pet took the opportunity to spit out a tongue of fire and ended the opponent!


Captain America's body fell down, but before it hit the ground, he actually came back to life, and fled to his own camp with 10 residual blood.

Haha, there is something! [

Zhang Yang's light wings flicked, the opponent lost his inheritance and transformation, how could he escape his pursuit, in just a blink of an eye, he had already rushed to the opponent's back, raised his sword and slashed down.


Captain America let out a scream and fell down again, but to Zhang Yang's surprise, this guy got up for the second time, still with 10 residual blood, but fell out of a small stone slab the size of a palm!

This is... the Resurrection Stele!

But the other party can still live once, this must be a broken page of the apocalypse!

Zhang Yang picked up the Resurrection Stele casually, raised his hand, and the Broken Spear blasted out. The poor Captain America screamed again and rushed to the street again! This time, he failed to get up again, but turned into a white light and went back to the main city.

"Zhan Yu, I will never let go—" His shout before dying came to an abrupt end.

Pa, a book burst out from his corpse, and Zhang Yang, who was quick-sighted and quick-handed, immediately picked it up!

Revelation Chapter 4 (Legendary Item, Unique)

Item description: slightly

Use: Glue this item to Revelation 3 or Revelation 5.

This Captain America is also a rich boy! The Resurrection Stele and a page of Revelation were revealed in one breath, which is too generous!

Zhang Yang is overjoyed, he has the third chapter of the Apocalypse in his hand, which happens to be glued together with this chapter! He immediately started to put the two pages of Revelation together, only to see a 10-second progress bar read, a holy white light surged, and the pages of the two chapters were perfectly stitched together.

Revelations 3-4 (Legendary Item, Unique)

Item description: Increases the damage done by all team members within 100 meters around the owner by 10, and the same effects are superimposed. If the owner is killed, he can choose to be resurrected directly on the spot, and has 20 health and magic points. This effect can only be triggered once every 9 hours, and similar effects can be superimposed. This item is guaranteed to drop if the bearer is killed by a player during the resurrection cooldown. This item can only be carried with you and cannot be destroyed.

Use: Glue this item to Revelation 2 or Revelation 5.

Strengthened! The damage increase has been increased from 5 to 10, and the blood volume after resurrection has also been increased from 10 to 20, and the cooling time has been reduced from 10 hours to 9 hours! Sun Xin's "Jade" has the eighth chapter, that is to say, there must be at least eight chapters. With reference to this kind of enhancement, after all eight pages are put together, there will be an 80% damage increase, 80% resurrection HP, and 3 hours of resurrection. cool down!

Moreover, according to Zhang Yang's estimate, the complete Apocalypse should also have certain special effects, not just superimposed special effects, otherwise it would not have the power of a legendary level!

Well, killing and seizing treasures is the kingly way. It is easy to get a chapter of Revelation, which is much easier than the boss! When you meet Captain America in the future, you must meet and kill him once to see if the other party has "get" new goodies!

If Captain America knew that Zhang Yang regarded him as a money-spreader, what would he think in his heart! However, he lost the Resurrection Stele and the fourth chapter of Revelation all at once, so he must be so depressed that he circled a corner at that moment, and he didn't have the heart to think about other things.

I don't know how the ice cube and the heart of destruction are doing!

Zhang Yang turned his head to look at the battlefield in the air, and saw that Sun Xinyu was still fighting fiercely with the Heart of Destruction. The control is in place, and now they still have about 60 HP, and I don't know if they have used the blood recovery skill! [


Zhang Yang was taken aback suddenly. It turned out that in his field of vision, a milky white beam of light rose above Sun Xinyu's head. It was so eye-catching that he could see it even if he was hundreds of kilometers away. ! Is this her opening a new skill?

He glanced around, and saw that there was another pillar of light shooting up into the sky on the battlefield. It was the Left Hand of the Apocalypse Knight, an S-level player from the Prgon Guild in Europe!

Could it be that after gluing two chapters of Apocalypse, he can find other players who have fragments of Apocalypse?

Isn't it, as long as you kill the left hand of God, you will know!

After making up his mind, Zhang Yang flapped his wings and flew towards God's left hand.

"Hmm!" God's left hand is a burly man in his 30s, with blue eyes and blond hair, and his equipment is shining brightly. Obviously, he is not ordinary. He holds a shield in his left hand and a hammer in his right hand, but it is a pity that he is not a two-handed weapon, which also makes his attack power very watery-of course, this water is relative to Zhang Yang.

But he is a combination of tank and healer. In theory, he has the most powerful defense and continuous ability. As long as he does not have the ability to recover blood, he can basically fight alone. From this point of view, he is even better than Zhang Yang!

——The real immortal Xiaoqiang!

Just imagine a combination of Shi Luo Ye and Ye Raiding the Widow's Village, that is the left hand of God! It's just that he has higher blood volume, thicker defense, and better healing!

1v1 can kill the left hand of the god, I am afraid that there are not many people in the entire server, especially after he has also activated the inheritance transformation!

However, Zhang Yang is not terrified, he has the magic skill of Destruction Strike, which is the most restrained healing, plus the attack power far exceeds that of God's Left Hand, it means you can increase more, or I can cut faster!

"Zhan Yu!" God's left hand flew up quickly, throwing off the original opponent, and confronted Zhang Yang in mid-air, "I don't have a territory order in my hand, what's the point of you fighting me?"

"I'm not interested in the Territory Order, but well, I'll accept the Apocalypse on you!"

"Hmm!" The face of the left hand of God changed, and he blurted out, "How do you know I have the Apocalypse?"

Zhang Yang wasn't sure at first, he just lied to him, but God's Left Hand didn't tell himself, which made Zhang Yang affirm his original judgment - the glued Apocalypse has the function of detecting other players who have fragments of Apocalypse!

He laughed and said, "Guess!"

"You—" God's left hand was furious, but he didn't attack out of embarrassment, but remained silent with a stern expression. As far as he is concerned, it is of no benefit to start a war with Zhang Yang. He is here to grab the land order, not to kill people!

And Zhang Yang's prestige is not unknown to him, with his attack power, Zhang Yang's blood volume will be wiped out... It is estimated that this battle for territory will be over soon!

According to the original intention of God's Left Hand, when the number of players on the scene reaches a certain level, he will grab the territory order. With his defense and healing, he can definitely hold on until the end of the battle! If Zhang Yang is entangled, he will have no chance to grab the land order, how can this work?


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