Zhang Yang remembered that when the Undead Invasion version of the previous life was released, he was only at level 50 and could only play soy sauce in various places. As for Ankers, one of the Seven Witch Kings of the Undead, he was not eligible to participate!

That's right, in the closing battle of the undead invasion, one of the seven undead witch kings and the god-level boss Ankers will have a close contact with the players!

Although there are god-level bosses in each main city, these are all plot characters. Even the god-level bosses belonging to the opposing main city cannot be "green monsters, let alone whether they can be defeated, even if they are defeated, it is just a waste of effort. Why bother?

But the top ten demon lords and the seven witch kings are all field bosses, who are absolute enemies under normal circumstances, a powerful party that can kill all players with a snot! Theoretically speaking, even if the players of the entire server are tied together to go to the god-level boss in the wild, it will still be 100% wiped out!

If you want a god-level boss, you must have a god-level outfit, but only the god-level boss will lose the god-level outfit. There is a paradox in this, and it will always be an endless loop. If there are no special circumstances, the god-level boss will never die! [

And like this undead invasion version, it is just a small stove for the players. As long as the players can complete the corresponding tasks and meet certain trigger conditions, they can invite the king-level bosses of the main cities to join the battle.

With the Heavenly Sacred Boss tanking the Godly Boss and the players continuously charging, there is still a very small chance of knocking down the Godly Boss in theory! At that time, it will drop the godly outfit. Of course, even if the god-level boss is in front, it will be quite, quite difficult to knock down the god-level boss!

Although Zhang Yang now has a million-level blood volume, it is basically a second to move in front of a god-level boss—unless he turns on inheritance transformation! But how many levels is the god-level boss? Under the level suppression, the player has no damage at all, just a mandatory damage of 1 point!

In front of the god-level boss, there is no difference between any player at this stage. It's ants!

Zhang Yang clearly remembered that in the last life's undead invasion, it was the first time that the players could be defeated! At that time, not only the territory of each region was occupied by the undead, but even the main city was left with only one, which shows the strength of Ankers!

Of course, the system will not let players have nothing to play. Every time, the NPC army will organize a counterattack, launching a general attack on Ankers who has occupied the Holy City time and time again! Every failure. The power of npc will be stronger until it surpasses Ankers and destroys it.

However, the stronger the npc is, the less players will gain. According to the official data, if Ankers is knocked down once. Then it will drop the suits of thirteen branches of the six major occupations! 13 pieces are dropped at one time, and the god-level suit is the only one, let alone get a set, if you only get one, you will be the most glorious in "Miracle"!

If you fail once and then fall to Anchor, the number of suit drops will drop to the old ones. After two failures, it will be 7 pieces, after three failures, it will be 4 pieces, and after four failures, it will be 1 piece. Fail again? If you fail again, you won't drop the suit, and you will only get some loose pieces of magic clothes, and. No matter how many times there are failures, the number of pieces of godly clothes that explode will decrease!

When the power of the NPC is stronger than that of Anchor, then Anchor will only drop a piece of divine clothing after death!

It is also an artifact, but can it be compared with the set in bulk? There may be no difference between one piece and two pieces, but once the set effect is assembled, it will be an absolute suppression of the parts!

The Anchor in the previous life fell after seven failures. Of course, the suit parts are gone, and there are only four loose artifacts.

But even so, the competition for the four artifacts caused a bloodbath!

It's just that there is no more fierce competition. Although artifacts have the special effect of reducing the use of mi-levels, the lowest level artifacts are at least level 230. You need to reach level 200 to use them, and you have to put them in the bank warehouse for a year or two before you can wear them. That's far from it!

And Ankers was killed after seven failures, which shows the absolute power of the Undead Witch King!

Zhang Yang remembered that at that time, the parts of the four artifacts fell into the hands of Yijian Qingcheng, Feng Xiaoman, Captain America and God's Left Hand respectively - at that time, Captain America had the inheritance of God of War!

Huh, I don't know how many times I can kill Ankers in this life!

An artifact-level suit!

Even Zhang Yang couldn't calm down anymore, and began to look forward to it.

at present. As long as there are humans, orcs, elves, and dwarves in the sphere of influence, there are undead monsters attacking cities, and even "attacking villages..." Different levels of monsters appear depending on the level of the map. Even Novice Village has old-level monsters around the map. The zone is constantly cruising. [

These undead will launch a siege every hour, led by a boss, and have different grades and levels depending on the level of the map. Like the one who led the attack on Sauron Castle! Qin level phantom boss.

But because it is not the highest-level boss on the current map, the dropped equipment does not have the special effect of reducing the use requirement by 20 levels, so it is not particularly cherished. But the mysterious spirit weapons currently produced in the dungeon are all picked up and bound. There is no way to sell them, but these "wild." bosses are different. The mysterious spirit weapon dropped by the level 140 mysterious spirit boss is the hottest equipment right now, so don't sell too well!

The new copy is only available at level 170. But even if there is a new level 160 dungeon, Zhang Yang can't fight it alone, or he won't fight it alone, because defeating it alone is just a waste of the skill points rewarded for the first pass!

He came to Baiyu City and went to the Adventurer's Guild, where the main mission of the undead invasion would be released.

The np who posted the mission was a green goblin. People really don't understand why a goblin suddenly appeared at this time to join in the fun. He looked up at Zhang Yang, and put his hands on his forehead to look around, and said, "Hey, you impolite guy, lower your head a little, my neck hurts from stretching!"

"Gulaj, I'm here to receive the task, not to listen to your complaints!" Zhang Yang found a chair and sat down. Goblins have always bullied the weak and feared the strong, and NPs have different tasks. If you are too polite to him, he will give players some unnutritious tasks. Zhang Yang suffered such a loss in his previous life!

"Okay! Okay!" Sure enough, after Zhang Yang showed his unwillingness to give way, the goblin softened his attitude and said, "Human, what kind of task do you want to take? It's just a low-difficulty task of running around. Or is it a difficult task of going deep into the enemy's army to spy on the military situation?"

Ha, there is a situation where you can choose. In the previous life, the goblin directly gave him a quest to escape!

"Of course it is a difficult task!"

"If you are not afraid of death, go to the outpost of the undead in the cloud forest to find out the reason why the undead have been so active recently!" Gulaj said.

"Ding! Gulaj has issued a mission to you: the secret of the undead, do you accept it?"

After Zhang Yang took over the task, he quickly opened the task description to check.

[Secret of the Undead] (Mission Difficulty: Level B)

Mission description: Guraj wants you to go to the undead in the cloud forest and stand quietly to find out why the undead have been active recently. After you investigate clearly, immediately go back to Guraj and report the news you have found.

Degree of Completion: Understand the Secret of the Undead 01

Task reward: 5 million experience points. Military merit 100100 military merit!

Zhang Yang smiled in satisfaction. The reason why he chose the mission was for military merit. Military merit only works in the battle of the undead invasion, and military merit can lead the np army. The higher the military merit, the more troops you can lead.

And the larger the number of troops, the more likely they will fall in the final battle against Ankers.

Regardless of the small number of 100 military merits, compared with the 1 or 2 military merits of running tu, the big difference will go to the sea.

Zhang Yang didn't invite Han Yingxue and the others to join them, because the quests related to the undead invasion could only be received at level 160. Han Yingxue and the others were all focused on leveling, hoping to reach level 160 as soon as possible and start the undead invasion quest line.

Teleported to Sauron Castle, Zhang Yang drove the phoenix pet to the cloud forest. After three or four hours of flying, he came to a place like a "mass" burial mound. He saw many psychic towers built here, and countless undead creatures were coming in and out. The dense number made it difficult to see. My scalp is numb!

Zhang Yang lowered his mount, because he didn't know how to search for clues, so he only had to knock down one psychic tower after another. If he scanned it once, he should be able to complete the task. He glides and lands on a ziggurat. Let the Phoenix pet shrink in size and summon Feiling, the powerful combination of the two and one pet rushed in aggressively and aggressively. [

The interior of this psychic building is eerie and terrifying. There are dead people's bones everywhere, in a miserable white area, and there is blood and corpse water on the ground, emitting a disgusting strange smell.

A squad of skeleton soldiers was patrolling nearby. They were all ordinary in size, and they immediately rushed forward after discovering Zhang Yang's invasion. But ordinary monsters can't be presumptuous in front of Zhang Yang, they were cleaned up in two or three strokes, and frost pattern cloth burst out all over the place.

Frostweave cloth can make level 7 frostweave bandages, which can restore 100,000 blood in 10 seconds, and Zhang Yang, with the support of the doctor's friend, has a healing effect of 200,000! It's just that his upper limit of health is too high, 200,000 blood volume can only recover what he can't get enough health. Still not enough!

After picking up all the frostweave cloth, he walked up the stairs made of bones. Some bones were too weak, and when they stepped on them, they broke into several pieces with a crisp sound, and the sound was terrible!

After coming to the second floor. The monsters and classes here have changed, from ordinary skeleton soldiers to skinny elite necromancers!

[Undead Pioneer Wizard] (Elite, Undead)

Level: 165

HP: 4.95 million Armor: 6640

Magic attack power: 24446-32446

Skill: [Shadow Arrow]: Causes shadow damage equal to 200% magic attack to the target. "Range": 30 meters. Casting time: 2 seconds.

[Necromancer pattern]: Radiate the Necromancer impact wave around, causing 40,000 shadow damage to all non-undead units, and restore 20,000 HP to all undead units except itself. (to be continued)! .

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