MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Seven hundred and twentieth chapters suits a lot

After recovering his blood volume, Zhang Yang still didn't call anyone, and he led Phoenix Pet and Fei Lingxiong to the boss.

"Fresh meat!" The jumping ghost boss yelled strangely, jumped up high from a long distance, and shot towards Zhang Yang. Bang, there was a muffled sound, fortunately Zhang Yang had already dispersed Fei Ling and Huo Fenghuang, and he was the only one suffering from the coma effect.

Fei Ling's damage in seconds was slightly better than that of Fire Phoenix, so he became the target of the boss's attack, snapping, snapping, and the sharp claws repeatedly dealt damage to the little girl's body, causing blood to fly.

Zhang Yang woke up quickly, and immediately approached the boss to use his hatred skills.

His damage per second was twice that of Fei Ling, and he had additional aggro. After only 3 seconds, he pulled the aggro back and brought the battle back on track. [

Because of the magic skill of blocking, the physical boss is at a disadvantage in front of Zhang Yang. Coupled with the impact of the armor value, the normal attack of the jumping ghost boss can only cause a pitiful 4500 points of damage per second to Zhang Yang!

On the contrary, although the death scythe takes 10 seconds to launch once, it has an average base attack power of 100,000 in a single attack, and it does 53,000 damage to Zhang Yang. The second damage is 5300, which is actually higher than the second damage of a normal attack.

Combined with 10,000 points of damage per second, it will take more than 100 seconds to blow up Zhang Yang's blood volume. Compared with the previous wizard boss... the lethality is not at the same level at all!

Faced with this boss, Zhang Yang didn't need to use the Shadow of the Void to get rid of the hatred and change tanks. He cut the boss abruptly with a tube of blood.

Like the previous wizard boss, the jumping ghost boss also produced a mysterious spirit weapon and three purple gold weapons, and the mysterious spirit weapon was actually a set part!

[Death Reaper Gauntlet] (Mysterious Spirit Weapon, Leather Armor)

Armor: 96

Stamina: 1259

Strength: 247

Agility: 580

Equip: Increases your maximum health by 2510.

Equip: Increases the damage or healing you deal by 35%.


Requires level: 170

Death Reaper Set (15): Reaper Reaper Mask, Reaper Reaper Armor, Reaper Reaper Gauntlets, Reaper Reaper Longkult, Reaper Reaper Leather Boots

3-piece set: Increases the damage or healing you do by 20%.

Five-piece suit: Every time you hit a target, there is a 10% chance to increase your agility by 10% for 10 seconds, and this effect is superimposed.

There is still a treasure trove here!

It used to be a cloth armor suit, but now it is a leather armor suit, so the last layer should be an armor suit! [

There are a total of 15 psychic towers here, if you are lucky. Each department can get two sets of suits, which is a lot of money! made money. Earn a fortune!

Zhang Yang hurriedly ran to the fourth floor. It is also the highest level of the entire psychic build.

The types of monsters here have changed again, turning into death knights riding hell horses. The whole body, including the war horse underneath, was pitch black. The big knife in his hand was three meters long, and it shone with a palpitating cold light!

[Pioneer Death Knight] (Elite, Undead)

Level: 170

HP: 5.1 million Armor: 7000

Melee attack power: 40774-60774

Skill: [Death Strike]: Deal a fatal blow to the target, causing physical damage equivalent to 100% of melee attack, and has a 50% chance to cause double damage.

[War Horse Charge]: Command the horse to charge the target, can immediately approach the target, and make the target stunned for 1 second. "Range": 3-10 meters.

I finally met a monster without control skills, but the tragedy is the extremely fierce death knight among the elite monsters. Double damage is not a joke. If you pull 10 at a time, then 5 of them will be able to cause double damage after the skill is activated. Even with a publicity defense, you have to eat 50,000 points of damage, 5 is 250,000 Injury, a quarter of the blood volume is gone!

ruthless! Too cruel!

If there is one person, there is no possibility of group killing at all! Well, if it's the left hand of God, the combination of his defense and "nanny" should have the capital to kill in groups. It's a pity that his damage can't be compared with Zhang Yang's, and the efficiency may be almost the same when it is pulled down.

But counting Feiling and Huofenghuang, Zhang Yang's title of the first player in leveling should be impossible for anyone to snatch away.

Throw out the Broken Spear, let's get to work!

brush! The death knight rushed over quickly, and it was the horse charging that caused Zhang Yang to fall into a coma for 1 second.

Take the knife!

There was a flash of cold light, and the long knife slashed across Zhang Yang's neck, causing damage as high as 53,000! The death blow deals double damage!

The character is so bad!

Zhang Yang sighed in his heart. After recovering from the coma, he immediately caught the death knight and beat him up. The second damage of any of the three firepower output points was much higher than that of the monster. It only took half a minute to kill this The big guy was chopped down from the horse, and a few pieces of frost-weave cloth burst out.

Every time three death knights were defeated, he had to sit down and eat a snack. Zhang Yang was not very satisfied with this efficiency. It would be great if Fei Ling could obtain a transformation of the healing system after he unsealed the seal next time! It doesn't need a high amount of healing, as long as it reaches the general level, his defense power is enough to become a perpetual motion machine, and he can keep brushing for a while.

Elite monsters are elite monsters after all, they cannot be "kneaded" at will!

If ordinary players knew Zhang Yang's emotion at this time, he would have to slap him to death! This kind of elite blames them for having tanks, nurses, and damage output. Only a five-man team can be balanced. Damn, you can single out three with a single blood, and you still think it’s slow, isn’t it a group ridicule? [

Fortunately, there were not many death knights in the psychic tower, and it took about half an hour for Zhang Yang to clear up almost all the death knights on this floor. Unsurprisingly, there is still a death knight captain on this floor, but this time there are no stairs to guard, but a desk with a file on it.

If Wei Yan'er was present, the little girl must be wondering why the death knight can ride a horse in the tower, why there is a desk and a case file here? It's completely unreasonable!

For Zhang Yang, the most important thing is to kill monsters, brush equipment and complete the task, and don't worry about the rest.

[Pioneer Death Knight Captain] (Xuanling-level leader, undead)

Level: 175

HP: 8.75 million Armor: 7000

Melee attack power: 40822-60822

[Death Strike]: Deal a fatal blow to the target, causing physical damage equivalent to 100% of the melee attack. And there is a 10% chance to cause triple damage, and a 40% chance to cause double damage.

[War Horse Charge]: Slightly.

Although there is almost no difference between bosses and elite monsters in normal attacks. But in terms of skills, the boss still shows its power. Has a chance to do triple damage - though only a 10% chance. There is no way, the Xuanling-level boss is the role of soy sauce on this map. Anyway, the blood volume is nearly 9 million. It can be regarded as a bit of a boss posture.

Faced with the boss of the physics department, Zhang Yang was naturally terrified, and immediately went up to the boss and started the battle.

This is a massacre without any suspense. Even the boss will occasionally deal triple damage, but only 100,000 points of damage. Zhang Yang just confessed to a shield wall, and then used the shadow of the void to break away from the hatred, and let Fei Ling share Hate. Killed the boss easily.

Sure enough, the death knight captain also produced a mysterious armor-type weapon.

[Death Conqueror xong armor] (mysterious spirit weapon, armor)

Armor: 170

Stamina: 2519

Intelligence: 1160

Spirit: 514

Equip: Increases your maximum mana by 2320.

Equip: Increases the damage or healing you deal by 35%.


Requires level: 170

Death Conqueror Set (15): Death Conqueror Helmet, Death Conqueror Xong Armor, Death Conqueror Gauntlets, Death Conqueror Armor, Death Conqueror Boots

3-piece set: Increases the damage or healing you do by 20%.

Five-Piece Set: Each successful spell cast returns 10% of the mana cost to cast the spell.

This is for the "milk" knight, and there should be armor for the physics department. It's just because the boss dropped a mysterious spirit weapon, so there is no more to say! If you brush all the other psychic towers, you should encounter the armor set of the physics department.

As soon as the boss hangs up, the file on the desk is shining with a faint light! This is to remind players to check it out.

"Ding! You picked up an order handprint, but with your poor undead language, you can't understand the meaning of it at all! Therefore, you need to collect more order handprints, take them back and let Guraj have a look, he should understand the meaning of the undead language. Very research, after all, goblins dare to do business with demons and undead in order to make money!"

After Zhang Yang picked up the case file, he immediately got a prompt from the system.

Looking at it this way, to complete this task of spying on secrets, it is necessary to collect all the files in the 15 psychic towers. That's fine, anyway, Zhang Yang will clear all 15 psychic pagodas for these suits. He has a huge amount of experience points to collect, and this suit can sell for hundreds of thousands, so it's not a loss!

Returning the same way, after exiting this psychic tower, Zhang Yang rode on the Phoenix pet and entered the second psychic tower to continue killing.

All psychic towers should be the same, the bottom layer is normal monsters, the second layer is wizards, the third layer is jumping ghosts, and the fourth layer is death knights. Clearing a tower will take more than 2 hours for Zhang Yang, 15 towers will take at least 30 hours, and the real time will be more than 8 hours.

Therefore, Zhang Yang had only cleared 11 psychic towers before it was time to get off work. At this time, he already had an extra set of cloth armor and a set of leather armor in his backpack. Difficult, except that there are four pieces for defense, there are only two pieces for "milk" and output, and many of them are repeated. It is difficult to make up a five-piece set after brushing 15 psychic towers. ! .

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