Chapter 747 - Retreat

To kill Ankers, the first thing to pay attention to is that there should be no cannon fodder! One cannon fodder can restore 230 million health points for him, this is a complete pitfall!

No wonder Ankers was so hard to kill in the last life, because if you can't rely on crowd tactics, given the current level gap between players and Ankers, how can you be the opponent of the boss, you can only rely on np as the main attacker!

But the system can't allow players to win so easily, so np has experienced seven failures before it was strengthened enough to compete with Ankers. It's a pity that when Ankers was killed at that time, only four pieces of divine attire were exposed.

At present, everyone is not prepared. There are countless players who can restore the boss's blood volume in such a "chaotic" battle. If you fight here, the boss is an immortal body. Even if there are a few more god-level bosses, it is impossible to deal with him. of! [

"Bold undead, how dare you invade the territory of my White Jade Empire!" Serena held the Star Sword in her hand, flew with her wings, and quickly approached Anchor with her feet in the air, "I call you today!" back and forth!"

"Hahaha, what a crazy little girl, how dare you yell at me like this!" Ankers smiled disdainfully, and with a stretch of his right hand, there was an extra jet-black war blade, which was aimed at Serena. The sword cut over.

"Sword of the Dead!" Serena was obviously aware of the power of Ankers, and the first move was the most powerful trick, but the damage of more than 600,000 was completely painless for the boss!


The boss's counterattack actually sent Serena flying, a bright red mark appeared on the left arm of the "queen", and the blood soon overflowed, staining her entire left arm red.

"Damn it!" Selina roared angrily, swirling the Death Star Sword and rushed towards Ankers again, "Holy Light Cross Slash!"

"Ah!" Ankers also let out a roar. He is a necromantic evil, and what he fears most is the sacred damage. Coupled with the power of the star sword artifact level, it immediately caused more than a million damage to him.

Ping pong pong, the two bosses launched a fierce confrontation!

Although Serena seems to be fighting back and forth with the boss now, Zhang Yang is not optimistic about Serena at all in his heart. The reason is naturally Ankers' abnormal recovery ability! Once the Sword of Destruction is released, it can instantly kill all players and NPCs within 500 meters. Under the effect of the combat skill, no matter how much HP is lost, it can be lifted easily!

Since the battle was chosen in Sauron Castle, it actually determined that Ankers was invincible!

But Serena is also a world-class boss at the level of a celestial sage, and she holds the artifact Star Sword in her hand. Naturally, she is not a famous pawn of a cat or a dog. Even if she can't kill Ankers, she is not so easy to defeat!

The fierce confrontation continued, and the ground was torn apart by the sword energy, and there were deep cracks on the city wall, especially Serena's sword slashed the sky, creating a dark sky. All the dark clouds pierced a hole, allowing the long-lost sunshine to pour down!

The players didn't go to besiege Ankers, the daunting blood volume and perverted skills made everyone lose their minds, they just went to bombard those mobs to earn some experience points!

Without Serena's obstruction, Zhang Yang naturally joined the battle, riding a phoenix pet to kill. It's just that when Ankers appeared, it was the moment when the undead army was about to collapse. There were not many mobs left to kill. In just half an hour, there was basically only a bare commander like Ankers left on the battlefield!

Because no player went up to die, and no player approached within 500 meters of Ankers, Ankers hadn't harvested a head for a long time, and the long tube of blood was cut off by Serena forcibly!


As expected of the "Queen" who unifies the eight kingdoms that has never appeared in the previous life, Serena, who holds the Death Star Sword, is not inferior to Ankers in terms of attack power, and is even weaker than this god-level boss The Anchor is even better!

If there are a few more powerful NPCs like Queen Serena, there is really hope to kill Ankers today! Of course, the premise is that no stupid player rushes up to replenish blood for the boss!

Do you want to change yourself? [

It's just that other than him, other people's inheritance transformation is not enough to fight the boss! Because Anchor is a world-class boss, the area damage skill of the Sword of Destruction has almost no cooldown time, and it is used interchangeably with Death Slash!

And the basic attack power of the boss reached 730,000 average damage, even if it only caused twice the damage under the level suppression, the lethality of the Sword of Destruction is also 1.46 million! The boss hits the Sword of Destruction every 2 seconds on average, and the second damage to all players will reach 730,000, and it only takes 14 seconds to blast away 10 million HP!

Even Zhang Yang's defensive power is abnormal. The boss can cause "chaotic" damage, which will not be affected by armor and magic defense. The second damage of more than 700,000 even with his 52 million HP after transformation It can't last more than 100 seconds!

So, only he, Sun Xinyu, Han Yingxue and other s-level inheritance transformation players are qualified to go up and fight twice, and then they have to withdraw immediately to fill up their blood before going up. And the attack power would be suppressed by the level of the boss, and it would have to be beaten back and forth, so what output could there be?

There is no way, with the player's current level, even the Heavenly Saint-level boss can't be defeated, let alone the even higher God-level boss!

At this time, a flying army suddenly appeared in the distance. The number of people is not large, maybe only a few thousand, but the speed is extremely fast, and it has come to the front in a short effort, but they are all players from the European area.

"Grab the boss!"

I don't know who yelled, these new European players all had hot eyes, and rushed towards Ankers in fear, as if they were afraid that someone would snatch the boss away if they were too slow.

"A bunch of idiots!" The Chinese players standing on the wall of Sauron Castle all shook their heads. A tragedy was obviously about to happen.

"Sword of Destruction!" Ankers yelled coldly, and suddenly, several bright sword lights flashed, and at least half of the players who had just rushed to the boss were instantly killed, and only a few doubled the number of people because they fired. Inheritance transformation survived!

On the other hand, the boss, because of these killings, the blood volume that was cut off was restored to full in an instant!

"Help the tyrant!" Serena's eyes turned cold, and the Death Star sword swung out, which also produced thousands of magnificent sword shadows, "The sword of the dead!"

Sigh, this "Queen" not only regards Ankers as the target of killing, because players and NPCs in different regions are in a hostile state. So they are "chicken" flying dog jumping!

Under the attack of the two big bosses, even if the inheritance transformation is turned on, not all of them have the same blood volume as Zhang Yang. After only a few efforts, the first-level inheritance players will start to fall, and then the b-level inheritance players, the first-level inheritance players, etc. player!

Fortunately, God's Left Hand, the only s-level inheritance player in Europe, is not that stupid and didn't rush up to fight the boss, otherwise there would be the first s-level inheritance transformation player who was knocked down by the boss!

"Quack quack, the breath of life is the source of my strength!" Ankers showed a satisfied expression after returning to full blood.

"In front of this palace, both undead and demons have to bow down!" Queen Serena said coldly, it was a kind of self-confidence full of ambition!

"Overestimating one's abilities!" Ankers snorted angrily, and the two bosses fought back and forth.

With the first day of junior high school, there are naturally fifteen more. After a while, another flying brigade came over, but it was players from the Indian area. But this time they were not as impulsive as the previous European players. Instead, they took a closer look at the boss's skills. After seeing the boss, they were immediately dumbfounded, and rushed forward to die without hesitation.

Afterwards, top players from North America, Australia, South America and other regions also came here one after another. Apparently, they all got the news of Ankers' appearance and rushed over to grab the boss. It's just that the boss is so powerful that it is shocking, and it is not something that players can kill at this stage.

But there are always some unwilling players who want to rush up and "touch" the boss, even if it only causes 1 point of damage, maybe there will be a chance to pick up the loot after the boss is knocked down. But their charge only became the nourishment of the boss, making Ankers' blood volume never drop to 95.

Although Serena's attack power is fierce, she doesn't have the abnormal recovery ability like Ankers. The longer the battle lasts, the lower her blood volume will be, and her decline will become more and more obvious. [

"Protect Your Majesty!"

"Come on!"

The army of the White Jade Empire saw the situation and killed Ankes one after another. It's just that they, like the players, not only couldn't help Serena, but became the "blood bottle" of the boss, killing the two bosses. The gap between is getting bigger and bigger!

30, 20, 10!

Serena's blood volume is getting lower and lower, which also makes the army of the White Jade Empire launch a more violent charge, but it is only getting more and more counterproductive!

5, 3, 1!

Just when Ankes swung his sword to kill Serena, the Death Star Sword suddenly burst into a burst of strong light, wrapping Serena in a circle, making her survived! She immediately retreated and shouted: "All soldiers and civilians of the empire, retreat immediately!"

"Want to run!" Ankers immediately chased after him.

Serena let out a soft drink, and the Xingxing Sword slashed through the void, and immediately a light "door" appeared in front of her. Ankers could only let out an earth-shattering roar.

Uh, the plot requires that the bosses of the sixty-four main cities in the eight regions can only be defeated but not killed. Otherwise, how can they be strengthened, can they be picked up from the graves and strengthened into zombies? This is not to serve the undead!


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