MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 749: Forcibly breaking into the elf territory

Atlanna, the holy land of the elves, is a level 180-210 area. The entire map is full of giant trees hundreds of meters high. And an ancient tree in the center is tens of thousands of meters high, and its spread canopy almost covers the entire map!

This is the holy tree of the elves, known as Gusitea, which means the source of life, the tree of life. Legend has it that the elves were born from this sacred tree. The origin is probably that the moon god sat on this big tree once. As for whether there are other things to do besides "sit", it is unknown up.

The level of this map is too high, Zhang Yang is only level 169, although he doesn't want to be the second person among the players, but running on this map is not a popular character, so he can only tuck his tail and hurry on his way carefully. Otherwise, if he provoked too many monsters, he would never want to leave.

It has to be said that Gusitea is indeed qualified to be called a sacred tree, because the black mist emitted by the dark sky will be absorbed by this big tree as soon as it enters here. I am afraid that this is the only pure land on all maps!

"Ang—" There was a scream, and a shadow suddenly came out from the left side, and a sharp claw grabbed Zhang Yang like an iron hook, as fast as lightning! [


Immediately, there was a not-so-low injury on the top of Zhang Yang's head, and at the same time the sneak attacker showed his true face in front of him, but it was a huge Hippogryph with wings spread out to seven meters long, and the iron claws shone coldly , like a sharp hook.

[Wandering Hippogryph] (Normal, Beast)

Level: 205

HP: 263850

Armor value: 8080

Melee attack power: 49447-69447

Skill:? ? ?

Because the level difference reached 36, Zhang Yang couldn't get a glimpse of the monster's skills. Of course, ordinary monsters wouldn't have any powerful skills to speak of. If this monster was a few levels higher, Zhang Yang wouldn't even be able to see the attack power, life value, and armor value!

He was obviously hit by a monster to suppress the damage just now, but his character is not too bad, it's just double damage.

He immediately swung his sickle to fight back, swiped, "-87333", a damage number slightly higher than the damage caused by the monster jumped from the hippogryph's head. Similarly, Zhang Yang's face is not ugly. This attack was only suppressed by 50% of the level!

This damage obviously couldn't fill up his rage gauge, but 62 points of rage was enough for him to launch a skill attack immediately!

Charge up!

God of War Strikes!


This hit hits. Even if only 30% level suppressed damage was done. But the 450,000 damage limit still killed this Hippogryph in seconds!

Charged attack is really a good thing! Combined with Ares Bash and Ares Axe, it can deal 9 times the damage of a flat attack. Even if it is used to fight level-suppressed monsters, it is awesome! certainly. It's just an ordinary monster. If you encounter elite monsters who can't use their big skills, you will have to run away!

Because of the map, the ordinary monsters here have the lethality of the Xuanling-level bosses. Coupled with level suppression, they are even more threatening to Zhang Yang than the Phantom-level bosses! And the elite monsters are even stronger, equivalent to the lethality of phantom-level bosses. After the level is suppressed, they are even more terrifying than earth-holy-level bosses. Coupled with the long blood volume, Zhang Yang has no chance of winning at all!

Anyway, take it easy when you get here. If you can't attract monsters, don't attract them. If you encounter ordinary monsters, you will fight them, and if you encounter elite monsters, you will run away! [

"Brother!" After flying for a certain distance, Fei Ling suddenly appeared automatically from the follower's space, stood on the back of Phoenix Pet, and looked at a certain direction in the distance with a dazed expression.

Although the follower and the player have an equal contract relationship and can get rid of the player at any time, but in fact they are still equivalent to a high-level servant, and generally they will not be awkward with the player. Fei Ling took the initiative to run out of the follower's space, this kind of thing is not common!

Zhang Yang's heart moved, and he said in a deep voice, "What's wrong?"

"Over there—" Fei Ling pointed to the tree of life in the distance, "I have another feeling that something is calling me there!"

Could it be that Xiao Feiling encountered another opportunity to be promoted?

Zhang Yang hurriedly said: "Then let's go there immediately!"

"En!" Fei Ling immediately transformed into a dragon eagle and flew towards the tree of life, while Zhang Yang patted the fire phoenix and followed closely behind.

"Stop!" Before flying close to the ancient tree, two elf female archers each flew up on a hippogryph mount, blocking the way of Zhang Yang and Fei Ling, all wearing light clothes The leather armor completely outlines the beautiful figure.

When the game created female np, all of them used the shape of big breasts and fat buttocks. These two elf girls are all hot, and their plump breasts are about to burst out of their clothes. The Hippogryph flapped its wings and floated in mid-air, its full chest seemed to be dancing, it was selling meat!

Zhang Yang couldn't help taking another look, and said, "My name is Zhan Yu, an adventurer from Baiyu City, please see your Priestess of the Moon, Malinda, if you have important matters!"

"Our priestess is something you can see just by saying it!" The elf female archer on the left said coldly, "This is the holy land of our clan, no one is allowed to enter without invitation, please go back!"

"Brother——" Fei Ling quickly looked over to Zhang Yang, with pleading flashes in his eyes, naturally he didn't want to back down just yet.

Not to mention inviting Ma Linda to Baiyu City as a strong man, just for Fei Ling's possible advancement, Zhang Yang must enter this holy place of the elves! He smiled lightly and said, "Why don't you two report to Ma Linda, whether or not you will see me will naturally be decided by your Priestess of the Moon!"

"Stubborn guy!" The two elf female archers were furious, drawing arrows and bows one after another, and immediately launched an attack.

Zhang Yang laughed, blasted the two elf girls into a coma at the same time, and said, "Fei Ling, let's go!"

Throwing away the two elves, Zhang Yang and Fei Ling accelerated towards the ancient tree of life. After 4 seconds, the two elf female archers woke up from the coma, and chased after Zhang Yang, but they were a few seconds late, and the Hippogryph couldn't compare to Phoenix Pet's high speed, Actually chased farther and farther.

But Zhang Yang didn't feel complacent for long. As he got closer to the Ancient Tree of Life, more and more elf soldiers flew out to stop Zhang Yang, and there were many of them at the elite level! It is really too difficult to break through!

Zhang Yang gritted his teeth and activated the Phoenix Transformation. The size of the Phoenix pet immediately became larger, and the speed increased a lot! Relying on his high blood volume, Zhang Yang still rushed forward desperately.


Sharp arrows shot one after another, causing him considerable trauma. Even with the support of the high blood volume provided by the Phoenix pet, Zhang Yang was still extremely uncomfortable. If it wasn't for the Phoenix pet's flying speed was too high, he dodged some attacks , His blood volume may have dropped by 50% at this time.

rush! rush! rush!

Zhang Yang kept rushing forward. Since the Ancient Tree of Life is the sacred place of the elves, Malinda is naturally somewhere in this ancient tree. As long as he finds her, he can naturally resolve his predicament at this time. [

Conversely, if he hadn't made such a big noise, Malinda wouldn't have known of his arrival, because the elf girls outside obviously wouldn't pass on the news for him!

So, he had to figure out a way for himself!

Fei Ling couldn't keep up with Phoenix Pet's high speed without turning on her transformation, so she turned into a human again, stood on Phoenix Pet's back, and pointed the way forward.

This ancient tree of life is really ridiculously big, because a city has actually been built on its trunk! Zhang Yang could even see elf children running around on the tree trunk with bare feet!

This is not dangerous at all, even a "tiny" fork is tens of meters wide, so there is no need to worry about falling from it. And even if it really falls, it doesn't matter, the dense leaf blades are bigger than the house, which can well offset the force of falling.

Not long after, a huge green water pool appeared on the trunk of the tree of life, as if the head of this big tree had been cut off, and then it was dug out abruptly!

Feiling's gaze became hot, and he pointed at the pool and said, "That's it!"

Zhang Yang hurriedly drove the phoenix pet and flew over, only to hear the elf warriors chasing after him screaming angrily, probably saying that the sacred place should not be profaned or something like that.

When it came to the sky above the water pool, Fei Ling suddenly transformed into a dragon eagle form, swooped out, and sank into the water with a "boom" like a torpedo, and dived in an instant. There was no sign of the little girl above.

"Intruders, you have desecrated the fountain of life, and you can only wash away your crimes with death!" The elf warriors had already surrounded them from all directions, and the overwhelming scale seemed to provoke the entire elves!

But they didn't launch an attack immediately, as if they were concerned that this was a sacred fountain of life. If the blood spattered from a battle or even the ostentatious corpse fell into the pool, it would be an even greater blasphemy.

"Hurry up and grab it!" All the elves shouted.

Not only that, there are more elves coming from afar, which definitely broke the hornet's nest and made a big fuss!

Zhang Yang couldn't help wondering, could Malinda really be able to hold back in such a big scene?

Suddenly, a group of elf women in white robes flew over on hippogryphs, and one of the elf women was riding a pure white unicorn beast. Her two snow-white wings set off her beautifully. Like a fairy in the moon palace who has fallen into the mortal world.

Malinda! New Priestess of the Moon!

As expected by Zhang Yang, she was promoted again!

[Priest of the Moon, Malinda Moon Whisperer] (Heavenly Saint-level leader, humanoid creature)

Level: 200

Health: 2 billion

Armor value: 32470

Magic attack power: 162165-242165

Skill:? ? ?

Note: The spokesperson of the moon god, the leader of the elves!

Damn, this imprisoned professional has changed his name - Moon Whisperer is a surname that can only be used by the Priestess of the Moon. Regardless of the previous surname of the previous Priestess of the Moon, as long as he inherits this position, he will be crowned with the surname of the only Moon Whisperer ! (to be continued)

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