MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 753 Sufficient preparation

The presidents of the top guilds like Xue Qianxun had done the calculations beforehand, and had seen the previous battle with Ankers in the seven districts, and knew that the current np's attack power was not enough to kill Ankers before his blood was blown out. That's why they put their hopes of knocking down Ankers on the third or even fourth counterattack.

Although the drop of god-level suits will be reduced to 4 pieces or 1 piece at that time, but for the god-level suits that will take almost a year to wear, the role that can be played at the current stage is to increase the influence of the guild. There is no difference between one piece and four pieces!

I don't believe that there will be no new version in the next year, and there will definitely be a chance to fight the god-level boss then!

Therefore, Xue Xingxun and the others did not exchange for elite soldiers today. Firstly, their military merits were insufficient, and secondly, they were not optimistic about this counterattack. And elite soldiers can't exist forever, they can only be hired to fight a battle, just like Zhang Yang's 92 soldiers, even if they don't die today, they will disappear automatically after the battle is over.

However, the addition of an unexpected Malinda brought a completely different change to the battle. Judging from the current situation, the NPC Legion is very likely to kill Ankers within 20 hours! [

Immediately, many people beat their hands and stamped their feet, so remorseful that they could vomit blood!

If you want to grab the boss's drop in the hands of np, you must cause a considerable amount of damage, instead of just "touching" the boss! And if there is no inheritance and transformation, it will die before encountering the boss, and it is impossible to get a share of the pie!

But what if the inheritance transformation is turned on, which treatment can add up to the blood loss of the sword of destruction? Maybe it will hang up after 1 minute. What kind of damage can this time cause? Even if you hit and then dodge, it's still impossible to cause enough damage. At that time, you probably won't be qualified to pick up the spoils!

The most damning thing is that although they can use the teleportation talisman back to the main city to exchange for elite soldiers, firstly, the temporary portal created by the magicians has been closed, and secondly, even if they took time to fly over, the boss opened the air during the battle. The wall, they can't get in!

This, can I just stare blankly?

Some envious players already had bad intentions. Wait for the boss' blood volume to drop to a certain level, then go up and carry out a "suicide" attack to help the boss recover blood! After all, Malinda's existence only slows down the speed of NP blood loss. It can't fully pull up the blood volume. As long as the battle time is prolonged to more than 30 hours, he will still be defeated by Ankers and flee!

Zhang Yang didn't care about other people's thoughts. The Death Scythe is brandishing. The blood volume of the boss was slashed crazily. Because the damage done by the Phoenix pet is counted on his head, the total damage done by Zhang Yang is only slightly lower than that of Serena.

It's a pity that Fei Ling can't enjoy the damage split of the elite soldiers. Although the current blood volume is much higher than Zhang Yang's, the 2.14 million blood volume is three seconds, even without the influence of level suppression, counting 6 seconds The recovered 30% of the health is just a little more damage!

Therefore, the little girl had no choice but to stay in the follower space obediently, and then enter the ancient tree of life form to increase blood when Han Yingxue and the others turned on inheritance transformation and came up to fight together. She is also equivalent to a b-level inheritance healing player. When it came out, it was a set of holy-level equipment with a growth value of 12 stars. So that the little girl can completely defeat the current inheritance transformation treatment.

God stares!


This did not disappoint Zhang Yang, after all, he is a god-level boss, and he didn't have all the holy weapons in his body. If a mere level 170 player crippled 10% of the HP of a level 230 god-level boss with one skill, that would be unfair. !

The blood volume of Ankers is slowly decreasing, about 4% in an hour, theoretically it can be killed in 25 hours. And considering that there are still a large number of players who have not turned on to participate in the battle, even if they hit and hide, it can provide a considerable amount of damage and shorten the time to knock down the boss.

But it is precisely because of the uncertain factor of the player, if someone dies in battle, as long as 4 die, the battle time can be extended by 1 hour. As long as more than 20 players die in the hands of the boss, then Encore It can in turn bring down the bosses in the main city.

Although some players died in the last wave of mob charges and could not be revived, and some players thought it was impossible to beat the boss and left early, but the number of players present was still as many as 40 million. How easy is it to ensure that there are not a few jealous people among the more than 40 million people?

There is a saying that you don’t suffer from poverty but from inequality. You are already strong enough and famous enough to kill the god-level boss and get the god-level suit? I just won't let you take it!

These people were ready to move, and quickly put into action, shouting to kill the boss, while charging towards Ankers' battle group. Listen, they are under the banner of justice, can you still blame them for their hard work?

At this time, Ankers has lost 7% of his blood volume. If the boss is to be replenished, it means that more than an hour of hard work is in vain! Zhang Yang immediately ordered the players of Desert Dust to attack, and even let Han Yingxue and the others activate the inheritance transformation!

Ordinary players couldn't possibly be Sun Xinyu's opponents, they were bombarded and killed before taking a few steps, turning into bloody corpses. [

Many people took the opportunity to make a fuss, clamoring that Desert Guyan was engaging in hegemony, wanting to monopolize the boss, and not even giving others the chance to fight the boss! These people are nothing more than Tyrant, Fei Yan, or members of the Mythical Guild, and they want to maliciously slander Da Mo Gu Yan and Zhang Yang!

And people's emotions can be easily mobilized, and many people also shouted and cursed when their heads became hot. All of a sudden, Desert Dust showed signs of becoming the target of public criticism.

However, these thin-skinned players also completely angered Serena. The queen frowned and shouted: "Imperial soldiers, keep everyone at a thousand meters away, trespassers, kill and pardon!"

Immediately, the NPC army started to move, aiming at the players with shining swords.

In fact, the number of players is definitely not less than the np army, but so many people belong to large and small guilds, and the current top guild is only level five. Even if there are three or four guilds, at most 200,000 people will support them. The sky was turned upside down, and the scattered sand naturally couldn't be the opponent of np.

The clamor soon stopped abruptly, and tens of millions of soldiers pointed their swords at them, pointed them at them with bows and arrows, and everyone would feel "hairy" in their hearts!

The battle continued. Although Ankes was a god-level boss, under the joint attack of the nine heavenly saint-level bosses, he still showed a tendency to fail, and his blood volume dropped all the way to 90%, 75%, and 60%!

At this time, many players from other regions rushed to hear the news, but they could only watch helplessly from outside the air wall.

what's the situation?

The same eight heavenly saint-level bosses are fighting Ankers, why is there such a big gap? The eight bosses in the other seven regions were disbanded by Ankers after five or six hours and continued to upgrade. Why did the Chinese region have the hope of defeating the boss because of two more people?

One is Zhan Yu, everyone recognizes his Phoenix pet. To say that the battle defense is strong, everyone agrees, but under the suppression of levels, no matter how strong it is, it is limited, and it is impossible to have the effect of turning the world around! Could it be that female player riding a unicorn... well, female np?

It's amazing, what kind of real recovery technique can restore 5% of the life value per second, no wonder the boss in the main city can last for so long, so there is such a heaven-defying level of healing spells?

Why! Why don't they have such np to help out, it's not fair!

These people are beating their chests and feet, but the battlefield is separated by an air wall, no matter how unwilling they are, they can only stare blankly, and there is nothing they can do.

Under Zhang Yang's intercession, Han Yingxue, Sun Xinyu and others were able to escape from the monitoring of the np army and join the boss battle, because they had already started the inheritance transformation, and it would be a waste if they didn't come up to fight. And Zhang Yang also summoned Fei Ling, entered the form of the ancient tree of life, and assisted Han Yingxue and Dream Sweetheart in healing. As for the other followers who had not transformed, they were of no value at all.

Malinda has shown excellent group replenishment ability. Once she loses the recovery spell, all friendly units within 50 meters of her can be added, and even the dream sweetheart with the lowest blood volume can still have the bonus of the stamina halo. Nearly ten million blood volume! Although everyone has to eat the sword of destruction from the boss almost every 2 seconds, there are more than 50 elite soldiers sharing the damage, and there are powerful healing techniques from the three of them, Feiling, Han Yingxue, and Dream Sweetheart. It can last for nearly two minutes before it dries up, and only then does it need to exit the attack range of Ankers to allow the healers in the safe area to increase the blood volume.

Even if they are suppressed by the level, it will almost offset the damage increase brought by the transformation, especially Sun Xinyu and Wei Yan'er can still deal quite high damage. But it's a pity for Baifayizhong and Fatty Han, they are only at level 165, so the red dragon and phoenix pets are still at the phantom level, which has twice the damage compared to the earth saint level!

With the addition of people like them, the blood loss speed of the boss will naturally be accelerated. Although it is not obvious, the effect will be reflected after a long time! And Han Yingxue and the others don't care about utilitarianism, they don't care about whether the damage they cause is enough to qualify for the loot, anyway, as long as they make enough publicity, it's fine!

But no one in the other guilds is fighting the boss, it's a pity to look at the teams of Desert Dust one by one!

It's just that it's useless for them to come up. Even if there is an inheritance transformation to increase the blood volume, if there are not a large number of elite np to share the damage, even 50 million blood volume will be easily crushed! And if you want to cause sabotage, firstly, you will be besieged by the np army, and secondly, you will definitely become the deadly enemy of Damo Guyan afterwards. How many guilds are there now that are capable of fighting against Damo Guyan?

Take a step back and say that defeating Ankers is good for everyone, level 2! The China region is the last one to play among the eight regions. If Ankers is not defeated in this round, then the chance of being robbed and killed by the other seven regions will be the highest!

Compared with one gain, the promotion of 2 levels is also a big profit! (to be continued)[

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