MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 778: The Purpose of the Sword of Kinros

Zhang Yang and the others gathered at the Marin Salt Fields, and then headed towards the Bavarian Castle. After traveling for about two hours, they finally arrived at the ground. The latest chapter of the Holy Church http:

Even if this is Bloth's lair, it can't change the fate of salinization everywhere. The city wall has long been corroded and mottled, full of vicissitudes of life. From the outside, it is hard to tell how many years the castle has existed.

Zhang Yang and the others were not the first batch of players to arrive. There were already many players fighting some jellyfish-like monsters in the castle. These monsters have translucent skin, eyes, mouth, nose, hands and feet, not even bones, and they move entirely by the wriggling of their bodies.

[Corrupted Beast] (Elite, Elemental Creature) [

Level: 190

HP: 9.5 million

Armor value: 12110

Melee attack power: 86871-126871


【Suck water】: Draw water from the target's body, causing the target to lose 100,000 points of health.

[Salt Crystal Spray]: Excrete salt crystals, seal the target, and make the target magically move for 3 seconds.

Note: The monsters from the void were summoned here by the ancestors of Blos. They live on water, and the salt crystals excreted can weather everything. They have turned one planet after another into dead places in the vast universe.

Zhang Yang and the others were forced to land as soon as they approached the castle. Although the riding status was not released, it was obvious that the system did not allow players to fly directly into the castle, and had to enter step by step!

No wonder those players are still entangled with mobs instead of going straight to Huanglong. It turns out that they still need to take off their underwear!

"Let's go too!" Zhang Yang said. ("Literature Network 7*

Because Boros is very likely to be a world-class big boss, all players need to fight together. As for the boss fighting and fighting together, that's a matter of the future! Therefore, the players present were very disciplined, and there was no exchange of fire. They each chose a direction to fight. Anyway, the castle is very big.

Not long after Zhang Yang and the others joined the battle, another team arrived one after another, including the top guilds such as Wrathful Beauty, Hell Family, Savage Domain, and Dark Temple. Of course, there are also some wandering players. Because the guild they belong to is not strong, or there is no guild at all, they organize themselves and form a temporary team.

There are quite a lot of players who have reached level 180. According to Zhang Yang's visual estimation, there are at least over ten thousand players. This is also normal, because Zhang Yang has already reached level 184, and Han Yingxue and the others have also reached level 182. There will be no shortage of leveling madmen in the entire eight districts.

There are many corrupted beasts in the castle, but elite monsters are only elite monsters after all. Most of these players who have reached level 180 are core members of top guilds. They are naturally very powerful in terms of combat power and can completely crush elite monsters.

But there are so many monsters that they can be replenished continuously. It took two or three hours to fight until the Corrupted Beasts stopped spawning and were devoured bit by bit before being completely wiped out.

"Stupid guy, how dare you break into my territory and act wildly!" With a loud shout, a figure flew out from a tall building in the castle, but it was a middle-aged man in a mage robe, holding a A crimson staff, his face is full of arrogance.

"Haha, don't think about going back alive once you're here!" The middle-aged man laughed loudly, and with a wave of his staff, he immediately shot out several black rays of light towards everyone.

Pop, pop, a series of damage numbers jumped up, each hit was at least 300,000 damage, mages and priests with less HP lost at least half of their HP in this blow! [

[Ambitionist Bloss] (Heavenly Saint-level leader, humanoid creature)

Level: 200

Health: 10 billion

Armor value: 32470

Magic attack power: 152165-252165


[Shadow Arrow]: Causes shadow damage equal to 200% magic attack to the target. ("Literature Network http:") Instantaneous. "Range": 1000 meters. Cooldown: 2 seconds.

[Soul Ting]: Burns the soul, causing 500,000 chaos damage to all targets within 1000 meters.

[Shadow Arrow Dance]: Causes 300,000 shadow damage to all targets within 1000 meters.

[Soul Explosion]: When the player is more than 1000 meters away from Blossom, the player will immediately detonate the soul and die. "Range": 1000 meters.

[Nourishment of Life]: Recover 1% of HP every 30 seconds, and the recovery amount will not be affected by any effects.

Note: After several years of reproduction, the Bloss family has cultivated a large number of corrupted beasts, and their ambition to compete for world hegemony can no longer be curbed.

At this time, the players found that they could go into the air. Now that the boss has come out, naturally there is no need to restrict the players. The reason for the previous ban is to prevent the players from opening the boss too early. The system has completed the collection of most players in this way.

"Soul tingling?" Zhang Yang gasped in surprise. Isn't the sword of Kinros in his bank just to restrain this skill?

"Haha, we sent it!" Everyone also thought of the item that Zhang Yang got a few days ago, and they didn't expect it to come in handy after more than a month!

"I'll go back and get the sword of Kinros, you wait first!" Zhang Yang immediately used the teleportation talisman to return to Sauron Castle, then returned to the main city in the teleportation array, went to the bank to take out the sword of Kinros, and then used the lovesickness talisman to directly past.

The whole process only took 5 minutes. It can be seen that the Acacia Talisman is quite practical, and it will not be abolished because the player's level increases.

The other teams have already stepped forward to fight the boss, so much time has also let everyone know the cooldown time of the boss's two group damage skills: soul sting 5 seconds cooldown, shadow arrow dance 6 second cooldown. In other words, the damage caused by the boss to each player has reached the level of 150,000 seconds!

Even a holy knight who is good at single-adding can't afford such a blood loss-unless the inheritance transformation is turned on! But even if the b-level inheritance is turned on, the healing amount can be almost doubled. It is okay to add a single person, but if you add a group of people, you can only stare blankly!

Under the bombardment of the boss, many players who turned on inheritance transformation still couldn't hold on, and began to fall one after another.

——Because of the existence of Soul Explosion, as soon as you enter the boss within 1000 meters, it will automatically hang up, and then you can only fight but not retreat! One step back is death!

Although there is no air wall around the castle, running corpses can be revived to a limited extent. However, this death does not have the inheritance transformation, and without the high blood volume provided by the inheritance transformation, how can it survive the violent attack of the boss? [

Not long after, the players who entered the boss battle group died in sevens and eights, but the blood volume of the boss was almost back to full value under the recovery of the life nourishment!

How to fight this?

There is no inheritance transformation, even if you are resurrected with full blood and fly from 1000 meters to the boss, it will take at least 10 seconds! That's 1.5 million blood loss. Without the support of inheritance and transformation, it will die before reaching the boss, and it can't even cause a little damage!

It should be said that bosses are piled up by people, but at least they have to be able to pile up! In the current situation, no matter how you pile it up, it will be in vain!

As expected of a Heavenly Saint-level boss, this is completely solved!

For example, when fighting Ankers, there are also Heavenly Saint-level bosses in the main city acting as meat tanks and main output, but what should we do now?

Zhang Yang didn't launch an attack immediately, he wanted to consume most of the people's inheritance and transformation, so he calmly went up to fight the boss! Because as I said before, people who don't inherit transformation can't get close to the boss at all, so no one is qualified to compete with them for the boss.

Under the crazy slaughter of the boss, almost 90% of the players died once, and when they died, they basically turned on the inheritance transformation. Can't escape!

Right now, the top guilds such as the Dark Palace, Hell Family, and Savage Domain have not yet dispatched, and have been retreating two or three kilometers away to think about countermeasures. It's a pity that no matter how they think about it, without the special effects of the Kinross sword, Bloss is definitely a solution for current players.

The quest of the Sword of Kinross is not unique, that is to say, as long as everyone does this quest, every team can have it. But the system didn't prompt in advance, who knows that after recasting these broken swords, they can actually restrain the most powerful oe skills of the boss!

One hour, two hours, three hours, many teams announced that they gave up killing the boss after several "suicide" attacks. One after another, many teams left again. From their point of view, Boros is absolutely invincible at the current stage. There must be a large number of players who gather ground counter weapons, so that they can hope to take down the boss. .

The fewer people there were, the less likely it was to kill the world-class boss. In the end, the guilds including the Hell Family and the Savage Domain all retreated one after another, and there was no point in wasting time here. Some of them are like this, it is better to open up the death mode of the secret "cave" of the undead, and it is king to gather a whole body of sacred weapons early.

After the other teams retreated one by one, Zhang Yang laughed and said, "It's our turn to perform!"

"Hey!" Everyone in the team laughed.

Zhang Yang turned on the special effects of the Sword of Kinros, and at the same time activated the inheritance transformation, except for Phoenix Pet and Fei Ling, they all activated their transformations and flew towards the boss.

Others in the team have also activated the inheritance transformation one after another. The inheritance transformation above the level can fly independently, while others ride flying mounts and quickly approach the boss.

Because all the players around the boss were dead, Blos had already left the fighting state, and now he was full of blood. Seeing Zhang Yang approaching, Blos shot a shadow arrow from a thousand meters away, followed by a soul sting after 1 second, firing several black arrows 』 light.

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