MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 781: The Power of the Chariot

As soon as the chariot system came out, it naturally triggered a climax of purchases by the major guilds. Even though many guilds are not as rich and powerful as Zhang Yang, they still have to buy one or two as a deterrent! Because the vitality of a v chariot even surpassed the s-level inheritance transformation player, it naturally became the trump card of the big guilds!

Moreover, chariots usually exist in the form of models, just like mounts are summoned by reins, and no one knows how many chariots a guild has until the last moment. ("Literature Network 7*

Even the price of a small chariot is as high as 100,000 gold coins. In just one day, I don't know how much money the system has earned! However, knowing this, everyone can only bite the bullet, there is no way, you don't have a chariot, I have a chariot, this fight is like adding another player who is equivalent to inheritance transformation, and I can't afford to hurt it !

The first thing Wei Yan'er did was to drag Zhang Yang to the quartermaster on the battlefield, and asked him to pay for 10 pieces of armor-type protective panels to equip the chariot. [

She plausibly said: "The chariot is for everyone, of course I can't let Miss Ben pay for it alone!"

Although the chariot is bound to the player who buys or picks it up, the shield is not bound and can be traded freely. But this is meaningless, because only NPs are available for sale, and this method of not binding is just to allow others to purchase it on their behalf.

In addition, once the protective plate is installed on the tank, it cannot be removed and can only be replaced with a new protective plate. However, the replaced shield is automatically destroyed and cannot be used any longer. The price of a super protective plate is as high as 2000 gold, which also limits the type of protective plate that players cannot change at will.

For example, when encountering a physical attack-type boss, use an armor-type shield, and when encountering a magic-type boss, replace it with a corresponding magic-resistance shield. The cost of exchanging in this way is too high, it is better to buy 6 chariots at one go, and put 6 different types of protective panels on them!

After the protective plate was installed, the little girl immediately felt itchy and asked everyone to run to Sauron Castle, saying that she wanted to test the power of the chariot!

A group of people were also curious, and they came to Sauron Castle to gather. The latest chapter of the Holy Church http: At the gate of the castle, Wei Yaner took out the chariot model and summoned it. After a black light surged, a chariot in the shape of an armored car appeared in front of her immediately. The top was open. Players can Feel free to jump off the top. Of course, this is mainly for the convenience of allowing players to output on it.

Everyone stood up one after another, but before getting on the bus, Wei Yan'er would automatically send a request to apply for boarding. Only after passing the request can they continue to go up, otherwise they will be turned away.

"Wow, sister Yan'er, how can you not let fat brother get in the car?" Except for Fatty Han and Xing Guangjian, everyone else got into the car, and the fat man looked at the little girl with tears streaming down his face.

"Gegege!" Wei Yan'er laughed tremblingly, and said, "You two are wretched and fat, little Xingguang, the behavior of the two of you does not conform to the norms of civilized citizens, so this train conductor refuses you to board the train!"

That's what he said, but under the flattery of Fatty Han and Xingguang, the most beautiful and gentle girl Yan'er, they were still allowed to board the car.

"Come on, let's kill monsters!" Standing at the front of the car, Wei Yan'er shouted loudly holding a sickle, as majestic as a general - the direction of the chariot is controlled by the owner, just like a mount.

Rumbling, the chariot crushed the ground, making a loud noise, which attracted many people around to stop and watch.

You must know that this chariot is not cheap, and most people can't afford it. Seeing the little girl's chariot, many people showed envious expressions.

However, the degree of movement of the chariot is really unflattering, it is only slightly faster than the player's "walking" speed, which made everyone's passion that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly turned into depression, and everyone sat down in full swing. In the chariot. The latest chapter of the Holy Church http:

Wei Yan'er smiled awkwardly, quickly put away the chariot, and everyone drove the flying mounts to Xilorya, intending to take root there and fight monsters for missions.

Because of the influence of the Sword of Kinros, everyone decided to clear the missions on the map as much as possible, maybe there are similar settings. Because the Heavenly Saint-level boss is basically not waiting for the player in a certain corner, but is spawned by the system after a certain period of time, so before the boss appears, no one knows what kind of perverted skills the boss will have.

Came to a small valley, full of wild wolf monsters, common monsters of level 190-195, there are a lot of them, but they don't get together, it's impossible to have a nest.

Because the main purpose was to test the chariot, Wei Yan'er summoned the chariot again, and after everyone got on it, they rushed towards the wolf's den in a spirited manner.

"Oh—" a wild wolf howled and rushed towards the chariot, swiped, it swung a paw and hit the armor of the chariot, a string of sparks flashed, everyone's heads jumped up One injury, the number varies from 5,000 to 2,000. [

However, Zhang Yang, who had the highest defensive power, lost the most blood, and the 5,000 damage figure jumped from him!

Because on a chariot, the defense and injury avoidance is calculated based on the chariot itself. The basic attack of the wild wolf is about 56,000. After the armor value reduction of 20,000 points by the protective plate, the actual damage caused is 36,000. The damage is divided by 10 people on the tank.

However, this is not divided by 10 to deduct 3600 per person, because it is necessary to ensure that the people on the chariot "live and die together", so the blood deduction is also based on a percentage, to ensure that everyone falls to 99%, 90%, 70%!

Because Zhang Yang has the highest remaining HP, calculated by percentage, he also took the most damage. On the chariot, the player's own defense is useless, otherwise, if the player avoids damage through double defense, most players will not suffer a little damage!

——High-end equipment has the special effect of absorbing damage. Even if Sun Xinyu and the others don’t have a shield, the value of absorbing damage has reached about 10,000. If they can double defense, that is to say, if the attack value of a single damage is 12 If it is less than 10,000, it cannot cause harm to any of them!

This is obviously impossible!

The chariot only makes the player's vitality stronger, not makes the player enemy!

Then, everyone on the chariot attacked one after another, and a round of volley blasted the wild wolf away.

However, because of the extremely slow moving speed of the chariot, it is not a good idea to use this thing for leveling! Of course, it is also possible to let ten people act separately, pull the monster near the chariot, and kill it in one go.

After a while, everyone became impatient with the slowness of the chariot and jumped down one after another.

However, the chariot still has a very big limitation, that is, like the battle mount, there are many skills on it that cannot be used. For example, stealth, disappearance, feign death, thunderbolt, etc., because in the monster's hatred list, there is only one unit, the chariot.

Therefore, chariots are only useful when fighting bosses or large-scale team battles.

Wei Yan'er was suddenly depressed, and after putting away the chariot, she pouted and sulked.

Because of the introduction of the chariot system, there have been frequent national wars, team PKs, and territorial competitions in the past two days. The side with the larger number of chariots clearly had an advantage, which also forced the major guilds to invest more in it.

The number of chariots and inheritance transformation players, these two now determine the strength of a guild!

As a result, many guilds that were originally not very strong but whose leaders were particularly rich got the chance to reshuffle their cards, but the chariots must be level 180 to use. Even if many guilds bought them, they could only put them in their backpacks. watch.

Another month later, the game ushered in a "boom" hitting level 180. More and more players crossed this level, which also caused a large-scale war to break out suddenly. Many unreconciled guilds began to explode.

The Crimson Flame Guild is not only powerful, but Zhong Xiuhua is also typical of money. When the number of level 180 players in their guild reached a certain number, he brazenly launched a territorial battle against Sauron Castle.

In this battle, the Crimson Flame Guild dispatched a total of 13 V-shaped battle tanks—it wasn’t that Zhong Xiuhua only bought so many, but that there were only more than 500 players who reached level 180, and only 13 V-shaped tanks could be filled. It's just a car.

Facing the menacing Crimson Flame Guild, Zhang Yang was naturally unafraid. They dispatched 15 V-shaped chariots (also because the number of players who reached level 180 was insufficient), and the two sides launched a fierce confrontation.

28 v-shaped chariots are equivalent to 28 s-level inheritance players who have turned on the transformation. However, just like the same s-level inheritance players, there is a difference between superiority and inferiority, and this chariot is no exception! Although the protective panels are all first-class, there is no difference, but the "blood volume" and "attack power" of the chariot are supported by the players on it!

One is at the phantom spirit level and the other is at the level of the earthly sacred weapon, then the gap will become bigger and bigger after the accumulation of 50 people! [

The chariots of the Crimson Flame Guild have an average HP of 25 million, but the chariots of Desert Dust have reached 30 million, and there is also a big gap in firepower output!

This is obvious. Desert Dust has now won the first six bosses of the Undead Secret Cave. Although not every team has such a progress, it is not a problem to reach a progress of 210 or 310!

On the other hand, the Crimson Flame Guild, even the first team has only reached 410 progress, and the strength of the core players is far inferior to that of Desert Dust. Not only is the number of land reclamation teams small, but the average progress is even slower. There are only 3 teams!

The equipment accumulation of the two sides is not at the same level at all!

In this battle, the Crimson Flame Guild was completely defeated!

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