MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Seven hundred and eighty third chapter sweeping

I don't know which team is fighting the boss!

But no matter which team it is, since Zhang Yang and the others have arrived, they will naturally have to step in! Field bosses are meant to be robbed, and there is no such thing as whoever arrives first gets theirs. In the final analysis, everything depends on strength.

Zhang Yang and the others lowered the bushes and looked forward, only to see 16 V-shaped chariots surrounding the boss at the feet of the boss, constantly throwing firepower output on the boss. In addition to these 16 chariots, there are more than a dozen players who have turned on inheritance and acted alone.

"Huh?" Zhang Yang's eyes tightened, he knew several of the players who inherited transformations - Young Master Long, Guo Shishuang, Longliqi, Death Facilitator, the main force of the Crimson Flame Guild!

However, their tactics are a bit stupid! [

Zhang Yang shook his head while sending out a message to let other people rush over, scoffing at the tactics adopted by the Feiyan Guild.

You must know that the chariot is only to make up for the disadvantage of non-inherited players in terms of blood volume, and its fundamental purpose is to increase the cost of ordinary players against inherited and transformed players! Because the chariot has an upper limit of "blood volume", once the limit number is exceeded, the chariot will be destroyed, and it can only be used after repairing it at the blacksmith in the main city.

And even for a V-shaped chariot with 50 people, based on the blood volume of 700,000 per person, there is only an upper limit of 35 million! And Sandras is obviously a world-class boss. The war base will be activated every 5 seconds on average, and the damage per second has reached 70,000. It only takes 500 seconds to detonate 35 million HP!

Players on the chariot can be healed, but the HP percentage of the chariot will not change! It is obviously impossible to blow up the boss in a little more than 8 minutes. Then, after the time is up, the chariot will collapse, and it will return to its original state.

The correct method should be to let the chariots go up in batches, and put them away directly after the blood volume percentage drops to a certain level. Make the chariot owner run away, or die, to take the chariot out of combat to restore health.

As long as 16 chariots form a trapezoidal team and go into battle in turn, the boss can be kept in a fighting state while maintaining the firepower output, and will not be wiped out by the boss group, and the blood volume will be fully restored in an instant. This is a common way to fight protracted battles. Otherwise, once the chariot breaks down, you will have to go back to the main city to find a blacksmith to repair it. Who can afford to wait all this time!

Too superstitious about the power of chariots?

No, it should be said that the chariot system has not been released for a long time, and many people are not used to the destruction rules of chariots. I always feel that it should be the same as riding a pet, as long as the person above is not dead, then the mount below will be fine!

The cemetery is far away. If you die once, you can only be resurrected weakly, and then use your mount to run over. Otherwise, if you want to run on two legs, then two or three hours is nothing!

Zhang Yang couldn't help smiling, and said, "Get ready, we'll do it when they're dead!"

"It's okay!" Wei Yan'er took out the death scythe, with a look of excitement, revealing the "nature" of a fighter.

No surprises. Eight minutes later, the 16 chariots began to collapse one after another, smashing to pieces on the ground, and the people on them were rolling and crawling and fell down. To know if there is a chariot. The damage to the player is completely different!

When being attacked, no matter how many people are on the chariot, it is counted as a single target. Therefore, in the face of the oe damage from the boss, only 50 people can take 350,000 damage, which is completely useless for healing pressure!

But now that the chariot collapses, each of the 50 people will naturally suffer 350,000 damage. An average of 70,000 damage per second is not something that any healer can do with such a basic equipment! What's more, the Crimson Flame Guild only configured three healers on each chariot, which was when the chariot was in good condition. It is easy to do 350,000 damage in 5 seconds, but now it is impossible to do 50 350,000 damage in 5 seconds!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under the boss's war, people without the protection of the chariot were bombarded and killed by the boss in a few hits. The field was cleared by the boss in an instant, leaving only Guoshishuang, Longliqi and other inheritance transformation players!

But Zhong Xiuhua didn't die either, he could actually fly in the sky by virtue of his own ability, obviously he had obtained a super inheritance to do this!

"Anemia warrior, shouldn't it be time for us to go!" Wei Yan'er said murderously.

"Wait a little longer, let them kill the boss's blood volume more, and we have to wait for other people to come!" [

"Hee hee. Anemia warrior, you are really insidious!"

"This is called ingenuity, how can it be called insidious. Change your mouth quickly!"

"Not at all!"

"Your next year's canteen will be red..."

"Wow, anemic warrior. Miss Ben suddenly discovered that you are brilliant and mighty. You are a bucket of paste for thousands of years. I am the only one who is invincible at sunrise in the east. You are simply a treasure of sunflowers!"

Only then did Zhang Yang nodded in satisfaction, and continued to watch the members of the Crimson Flame Guild fight the boss.

Their team's output firepower is about 1.5 million per second. Under the influence of the boss's elemental tenacity, the attack firepower is not as fast as the boss's recovery speed! Not to mention killing the boss within two hours, even the boss's blood recovery speed can't keep up, so I can only watch helplessly as the boss slowly recovers his blood volume!

Want to count on those who run away?

Sorry, their chariots have broken down and cannot be used without repairs. They are only used as cannon fodder when they come here. At most, they have to go back to the cemetery to report after two or three hits! Do you want to return to the main city to repair it? Isn't this a joke!

The Crimson Flame Guild currently has 15 members, but only two of them are healers. And it is simply impossible for two healers to pull up the team's blood loss of 70,000*15 per second, a total of 1.05 million! Such a healing gap can only be supported by the high blood volume after transformation!

But the damage received is more than the recovery of the treatment, no matter how much blood there is, it will always be killed! What's more, the difference is not so big, and not everyone has tens of millions of HP. If they last another 10 minutes at most, they will definitely destroy the group!

And ten minutes?

Zhang Yang thought about the location of the cemetery in his heart, and he was very sure that this time is definitely not enough to escape the corpse and come back!

Therefore, to fight this kind of big boss, the personnel should be divided into batches to form an echelon team! If there is still a chariot now, then 10 healers on the chariot can easily increase the blood volume of people like Guo Shishuang!

Of course, Zhang Yang didn't worry about the other party. Instead, he said, "Keep an eye on them. When their blood volume drops to 20%, they can almost rush out. Maybe a few good things will come out!"

"Hey hey!" Everyone laughed, only Wei Yan'er muttered, "It's not insidious!"

"Open inheritance transformation, go!"

With the boss's berserk attack power, the Crimson Flame Guild soon reached the end of its rope, and the appearance of Zhang Yang and the others sounded the doomsday bell for Zhong Xiuhua and the others in advance.

"Zhang Yang!" Zhong Xiuhua's face was ashen, staring at Zhang Yang angrily.

"Don't be ill, I don't know if your jaw still hurts or not?" Zhang Yang said casually, but the ax in his hand slashed out mercilessly, one slash after another, directly taking away 17% of the blood the arbiter of death.

"Take advantage of the fire to rob, is this the style of Desert Guyen?" Longliqi said coldly, while flying to avoid Wei Yan'er's pursuit.

"Wrong, it's just beating the dog in the water!" Fatty Han said, shooting streamer-like arrows from the longbow in his hand, causing considerable damage. Although his pk skills are not very good, but in terms of output alone, he has been trained. He can't be called top-notch, but he won't be ashamed of himself. [

You must know that the output is just a little routine, give priority to the skills with high damage, that's all, familiarity makes perfect. Unlike pk, you have to make precise judgments based on the situation on the court, and the masters will make judgments.

"Don't bully people too much!" Zhong Xiuhua calmed down quickly, and said, "How about this, the two of us join forces to fight the boss, and the spoils will be shared equally! Otherwise, we will announce the location of the boss, and you will never want to dominate the boss!"

"Your surname Zhong, are you showing weakness to me? The dignified young master Zhong will be wronged?" Zhang Yang smiled lightly, with contempt in his eyes. If Zhong Xiuhua is the prince in reality, then Zhang Yang is the emperor in the game, and no one is qualified to compete with him for a day!

"You—don't be ashamed!" Zhong Xiuhua's eyes were like fire. He had never been humiliated before. Besides, Zhang Yang beat him to the point where he lost a few teeth. If it wasn't for the old man who hadn't really come on stage, he would definitely not be suitable. If something happened at this time, he would be desperate to destroy Zhang Yang!

"Crack!" Zhang Yang snorted coldly, and cooperated with the boss to quickly kill all the dozen or so members of the Crimson Flame Guild.

"Attention everyone, the boss is refreshed at the coordinates xxxxx, yyyyy, I am Master Long, the president of the Crimson Flame Guild, I guarantee that the news is absolutely true and reliable!" Zhong Xiuhua immediately revived weakly in the cemetery as soon as he died, and then shouted in the regional channel , all players in the Chinese region near Bama Volcano can see it.

"Tch, I knew where the boss was and fought it myself, why did I say it? It must be a lie!"

"He is the president of the Crimson Flame Guild, so he shouldn't lie to others, right?"

"For the sake of the Heavenly Sacred Artifact, cheating is nothing!"

"Yeah, even if he knows where the boss is, he will definitely report a fake coordinate, so that their guild can fight the boss without competition!"

"Damn, who is this, it's too shameful!"

"Yes, that's despicable!"

There was a lot of discussion on the comprehensive channel immediately, instead of questioning Zhong Xiuhua, Zhong Xiuhua was so angry that he vomited blood! However, some players rushed towards the location reported by Zhong Xiuhua with the idea that they would rather believe it than not.



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