MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 795: Old Gambler Halkes

Although there are many tasks issued by np, most of them are not nutritious. Even if these monsters are killed, the rewards given are not painful, and none of them are related to the land deed. But there are so many tasks in the canyon, and before they are all completed, it is not known which NPC is related to the title deed task.

"Anemia warrior, I just received a big mission!" Wei Yan'er suddenly shouted in the team, and immediately posted a link to the mission.

[Hunting Silverscale Moray King] (Task Difficulty: Level)

Mission description: The old gambler Harkers bet that you can't hunt the silver-scale moray eel king! If you are brave enough, go hunt it at the Wave Sand Island Reef on the west side of the Sea of ​​Dead Mist!

Completion degree: Head of King Silverscale Moray Eel 01[

Quest Reward: Harx's Golden Tooth

Seeing the task rewards, everyone was sweating profusely. This np is worthy of being called an old gambler, and he took out all his gold teeth to gamble! It's just that this thing is useful, it's not equipment, and it can't be a quest item.

However, the super difficulty is to make everyone's eyes light up. I am afraid that this silver-scale moray eel king must at least be at the level of an earth saint to be worthy of the super difficulty!

Quests can't be shared, but because the mission rewards are useless, everyone didn't go to Halkes to pick up the mission, anyway, they also dropped it for the boss.

After they left the valley, they immediately summoned their mounts and flew towards the sea of ​​dead mist.

The Sea of ​​Dead Mist is located in the south-central part of the map. The sea area is very large, so it is not difficult to find it. There are black clouds and mists floating everywhere in the sky of this sea area, which looks ghostly, hence the name of Dead Mist Sea.

Zhang Yang and the others soon came to the west of the sea area, and found Langsha Island and Reef on the small map. Then land the mount and dive into the sea separately to search. However, apart from Zhang Yang and Han Yingxue, none of the others had underwater mounts, so the search speed couldn't be compared with the two of them.

Han Yingxue, a road idiot, would get lost on land, not to mention the three-dimensional space of the sea. After a few efforts, she turned dizzy, but unexpectedly bumped into a crack in an island reef, and saw That silver-scale moray eel king who is dozing off!

Called the people over. Everyone poured underwater breathing medicine, fearing to fight for a long time underwater.

【Silver Scale Moray King】(Earth Sacred Leader, Beast)

Level: 220

HP: 2.2 billion

Armor value: 21710

Melee attack power: 186631-246631


[Electric Shock]: Send out a strong electric current, causing 200,000 natural damage to all targets within 40 meters.

[Steel Teeth Bite]: Shred the target. Deals physical damage equal to 100% of melee attacks.

Note: The Silverscale Moray King is the overlord of this area, and no creature dares to approach its sphere of influence.

"Little earth holy boss, let's go!" [

Although there is no way to ride in the waters, the boss is only at the level of an earth saint, and a mere 2 billion blood volume is not enough to see. In less than 20 minutes, the boss whined and floated in the sea. "swing".

Although everyone has received more than 200 million experience points. But after crossing level 200, the experience value required to upgrade to a level suddenly exploded. The experience value of more than 200 million was filled in without even a splash, and it was only a slight improvement.

From the 180-210 level map, the holy level boss has been reduced to a supporting role, and the dropped equipment is neither offensive nor defensive. There is no special effect for lowering the use level, which is obviously even more so on the 210-240 level map, and everyone has no intention of looking at the attributes of the equipment.

"Hey, this equipment is actually required to reduce the use requirement by level 30!" Wei Yan'er suddenly exclaimed.

"What?" Everyone was interested this time.

[Silver Scale Snakeskin Cloak] (Earth Hallows, Cloak)

Stamina: 5134

Strength: 1235

Agility: 535

Seven-level set hole

Equip: Increases your maximum health by 10260.

Equip: Absorbs 1051 damage when attacked.

Use: Increases your Armor by 20,000. Lasts 15 seconds. Cooldown: 30 minutes.

Required level: 220

Special addition: Reduce the use requirement of level 30.

Although it is not both offensive and defensive, this is an obvious defensive cloak, but it does have a special effect that reduces the requirement for using it at level 30.

"Could it be that the system is convulsed?" Everyone was puzzled and lowered the special effect of the use level. But only the equipment dropped by the top boss on the current map will be available! And obviously, it is impossible for this earthly holy boss to be the top boss on this map.

"Probably, it's because after level 200, it's too difficult to upgrade each level, so I added such a special effect to all the equipment, otherwise, we might not be able to wear the equipment at level 220 until a year later!" Zhang Yang said. .

If it wasn't for the system convulsions, this should be the only reasonable explanation.

But that's okay, originally this piece of equipment was very weak, but once the special effect that reduces the use requirement of level 30 is added, it immediately becomes a small best-if it has both offense and defense, it is a well-deserved best, after all There are too few super-bosses, and there are too many people to grab them, it's hard to get one!

The defensive equipment naturally belonged to the tank, and it was more agile, so it was thrown to Zhang Yang, and he was asked to replace the rock wind that was still a phantom weapon. In fact, although the rock cloak is a phantom weapon, it is both offensive and defensive. After putting on the new cloak, Zhang Yang's blood volume and damage absorption effect have greatly increased, but his attack power has been slightly reduced!

However, although the equipment produced by the Silver Scale Moray King has turned around, the number has shrunk. There is only one piece of earthly sacred equipment, and only two pieces of phantom spirit equipment, both of which are used with a level reduction of 30. The required special effects, but those who already have the earthly sacred artifact will naturally not waste the basics. [

After taking the quest items, everyone returned to the Dark Canyon. Zhang Yang became interested in the NPC who released the quest, so he accompanied Wei Yan'er to hand in the quest.

"Oh my god. What did I see!" A green goblin screamed after seeing the head of the silver-scaled moray eel king, "You actually killed the silver-scaled moray eel king, it's incredible Already!"

[Old Gambler Harks] (Normal, Humanoid)

Level: 230

HP: 302670

Note: Jarques was once a rich man when he was young, but since he became "obsessed" with gambling, this particularly shrewd goblin has become poorer and poorer, if he hadn't still had a property in the Holy City of Anchor If you can collect some rent, you will already be a pauper.

Um? When you see the annotation of np. Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel moved, this old gambler owns real estate in the holy city, so the land deed is likely to fall on him!

"Old gambler, I am willing to admit defeat. Bring something!" Wei Yan'er laughed loudly.

Although Halkes has the philistinism of a goblin, his gambling is still very strong. He immediately hit his left cheek with a fist, knocking out a gold tooth that was sticky with blood. After looking at it painfully, , and threw it in front of Wei Yan'er.

Although the little girl loved money, she didn't have the courage to pick that gold tooth, so she could only look at Halkes in annoyance.

Zhang Yang smiled slightly. Said: "Goblin, do you want to make another bet and win your gold tooth back?"

As soon as he heard the word gamble, Halkes' eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "Gamble, why not bet!"

He looked at Zhang Yang and Wei Yan'er. He continued: "If you can bring back the ancient beast king's claws this time, I will pay you back these boots! This is a masterpiece made by the master dwarf master Brian Wildhammer!"

"Ding! The old gambler Harkers issued a mission to you: the claws of the ancient beast king, do you accept it?"

Although Zhang Yang did not complete the task of "hunting the silver-scaled eel king", like Wei Yan'er, he both received the prompt from the system. Probably, this should also be an np unlocking task. Because the old gambler's golden tooth has been lost, now he can only take out his boots to gamble!

[The Claw of the Ancient Desolate Beastmaster] (Task Difficulty: Level)

Mission description: The old gambler Harkers bet that you can't hunt down the ancient beast king! If you are brave enough, go to the barren rock valley to hunt it!

Degree of Completion: Claw of the Ancient Beastmaster 01

Mission Reward: Boots of the Old Gambler Harx

After the two took over the task, they immediately gathered Sun Xinyu and the others and rushed towards the barren rock valley. They didn't have much interest in the Holy Land boss before. But the Silver Scale Eel King gave them a surprise, and hoped that this Ancient Desolate Beast King would not disappoint them.

The barren stone valley is in the northeast of the map. The team flew for about three hours before reaching the ground. The terrain of this valley is extremely dangerous, and the stone pillars are hanging upside down. It is not suitable for flying mounts, so everyone can only land. Running on the ground into the valley.

"Aww—" just after entering the valley, there was only a roar of a beast, and a gigantic monster comparable to a giant elephant appeared in front of everyone. This monster is golden in color, with a monkey head, a goose neck, a tiger body, and a scorpion tail.

【Ancient Desolate Beast】(Elite, Beast)

Level: 215

Health: 107.5 million

Armor value: 13190

Melee attack power: 87665-147665


[Pounce]: Pounce on the target with great power and stun the target for 3 seconds. "Range": 3-10 meters.

[Pull]: If the hate target is in the air attacked by the ancient beast method, it will use the ancient power to pull the target down.

【Residence and Spawning Eggs】: Pierce the target's body with its tail and lay an ancient desolate beast egg. After 10 seconds, the cubs of the Ancient Desolation Beast will hatch and draw 10% of the target's HP (up to a maximum of 200,000) to help the Ancient Desolation Beast fight together.

[Bequest]: Before death, the ancient desolate beast will use its own energy to stimulate the rapid growth of the ancient desolate beast cubs (if there are cubs). This process lasts for 10 seconds and cannot be interrupted. If the ancient desolate beast cannot be killed, all the cubs will immediately grow into mature ancient desolate beasts.

Note: The ancient desolate beast is a heterogeneous creature handed down from the ancient times, with very magical power.


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