MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 811 Fire Elemental Core

Chapter 811 Fire Elemental Core

For a tank, the biggest achievement is to see all the monsters being held firmly by him, no matter how hard the output profession is, it won't be able to ot. The latest chapter of the Holy Church http:

This is the glory of the tank!

Therefore, Zhang Yang, Xingguangjian, and Shi Luoye couldn't help but started their hatred for the monster. In order to show their true strength, they didn't use taunting skills except for opening monsters. They focused on basic skills and controlling the strength of monster hatred.

If the strength is similar, then the gap in equipment will play a decisive role. Zhang Yang's output ability can crush output occupations. His hatred value is absolutely peerless, and people can surpass it. As long as he is willing, he can even pull the hatred of all eight monsters on himself. [

But he had to save some face for these two, so Zhang Yang only held back the hatred of his four monsters, but didn't get involved with the other four monsters. And because Xingguang had two divine weapons, especially a god-level weapon, his ability to create hatred completely surpassed Shi Luoye's. He drew the hatred of three monsters, leaving only one for Shi Luoye.

Of course, the best tank here is actually the Phoenix pet, which can be completely immune to monster damage, and is a range attack type, which has a unique advantage in dealing with groups of monsters.

Under the powerful firepower of the team, a flame elemental monster was quickly chopped down to less than 10% HP. At this time, a spell casting bar appeared under the monster's head, which was self-destruct!

Zhang Yang couldn't allow the monster to be released, and immediately blasted him with a demon-breaking blow. But this skill does not belong to magic, there is no way to interrupt it! He hastily delivered a savage blow, and immediately, the monster fell into a "coma" state, and the singing state naturally stopped.

After 4 seconds, this monster still wanted to play self-destruct, but it was too late. How could it finish reading the 5-second chant, and it was beaten to death in the 3rd second of singing. It raised its hands towards the sky and turned into A fiery red elemental fragment fell to the ground.

One by one, the eight flame elemental monsters were killed one by one, but one monster still exploded, causing a lot of damage to the team! Moreover, although the monsters that blew themselves up will give experience, but because the corpses are all blown up, the loot is not gained. The latest chapter of the Holy Church http:

When Wei Yan'er opened the corpse, there were a lot of worthless sundries, but he also harvested three fiery red meatballs.

[Fire Elemental Core] (Consumables)

Use: Causes 200,000 fire damage to all creatures within 10 meters, and increases the damage taken by the target when it is attacked by fire by 100% for 10 seconds. This effect is superimposed. Cooldown: 5 seconds.

Requires level: 200

"Wow, what a powerful explosion!"

"Compared to the element bomb made by Uncle Baifa, this one is more powerful!"

"It would be great if every monster could appear!"

Everyone was overjoyed. This thing only had a cooldown of 5 seconds, and because it was an item, it would not conflict with the player's skills after use. The 200,000 oe damage was quite impressive! Theoretically speaking, as long as the number is sufficient, this can increase the damage per second by 40,000, and the more monsters you encounter, the more terrifying the damage will be!

Because this is a "tool" for monsters to self-destruct, only monsters that have not successfully self-destructed can drop the fire element core. But the monster's self-destruction is not so easy to deal with. If Zhang Yang's firepower is absolutely strong enough, the only thing they can do when encountering a monster self-detonation is to run back and avoid the area where the monster self-detonation.

Originally, Zhang Yang wanted to use two phoenix pets to lure monsters into group killings, but everyone unanimously requested to collect as many fire element cores as possible for bombing, so Zhang Yang followed suit and gave up the group killing plan.

——The meaning of group killing is to kill monsters quickly, it is impossible to control monsters, so it is impossible to collect the cores of monsters, and they must explode one by one.

The mountain road here does not lead directly to the mountain peak, but climbs up the mountain in circles! You must know that this Flaming Mountain is really not small, especially at the bottom of the mountain, it is more than 20 kilometers long in a circle, so it is conceivable that there are so many monsters to clear!

But the more monsters there are, the more fire elemental cores the team will get, especially when everyone is proficient in fighting, they will naturally form a chain of control. Contribute the fire element core! [

Slowly, more and more "explosions" are in everyone's backpacks. Fortunately, everyone's backpack space has reached at least 300 to 400 grids at this time. If it is still the same as when the server was first opened, it will cry!

After three days of fighting, the team only reached one-tenth of the height of the Flame Mountain. Although the length of each turn becomes smaller as it goes up, it is estimated that it has completed one-seventh of the distance and reached It takes 21 days to reach the summit, which is 7 days of actual time. "Literature Network" http:

Even if the boss is good, it will take 28 days to finish fighting all four mountains, nearly a month.

The Fengyuan Pearl can only be kept in Zhang Yang's hands for 90 days, including the 3:1 relationship between the game and real time, it is almost enough! Therefore, Zhang Yang and the others basically couldn't do other things this month, so they had to stay here.

However, regardless of the Heavenly Saint-level bosses, the experience points given by these little monsters alone are more than that-no one is robbing monsters! Moreover, the core of the fire element is a great thing. Think about it, it can provide players with a 40,000 second damage increase. What kind of power is this?

The people who designed this place probably would not have imagined that Zhang Yang and the others would be so powerful, able to control almost 100% of the flame elements and prevent them from exploding themselves. The harvest is so great!

Because of the stimulation of the core of the fire element, everyone didn't think there were too many monsters here, and they were not afraid that they would vomit if they kept hitting these monsters. On the contrary, they wished that there would be more monsters! When they finally reached the top of the mountain, almost everyone got four or five groups - that's nearly 1000 per person!

"Finally saw the boss!"

Looking back, everyone suddenly felt that they had been spawning the same monster for a month, and they all had a feeling of wanting to vomit. If they were to fight like this for another month, they would definitely not do it!

However, the one-month high-intensity battle also allowed everyone to gain a lot of experience points. Zhang Yang has reached 78% of the 211th level, and Han Yingxue, Wei Yan'er and other main personnel have also crossed the 210th level threshold.

On the top of this mountain is a huge circular altar. The altar is not high, but its diameter is at least 500 meters! In the middle of the altar, stood a huge elemental monster, 30 meters high, covered in dark red, with molten liquid flowing down from its body, turning the area within a hundred meters around it into a dark red "color", although there is no trace of flame coming out, but thinking about it, I know that it can definitely be compared to a red-hot iron plate!

This elemental monster is shaped like a human being, with hands and feet, but it has no facial features, let alone hair, and the dark red molten paste is constantly flowing all over its body! In his right hand, he held a hammer of the same dark red color, which was bigger than the three of them combined!

[Fire Lord Gamez] (Heavenly Saint Level Leader, Elemental Creature)

Level: 240

Health: 12 billion

Armor value: 37330

Melee attack power: 370873-450873 (physical attack determination, but fire damage)


[Land of Fire]: Turn the area within 100 meters around it into a Jedi that can burn everything, causing all targets entering the area to suffer 300,000 points of fire damage every 3 seconds.

[Flame Hammer]: Bombard the target with the hammer, causing fire damage equal to 100% of the melee attack to the target and the targets around it.

[Flame Vortex]: Randomly place 10 flame vortexes, the flame vortex will form after 2 seconds, burn all targets involved in it with flames, deduct 10% of the target's HP every second, and last for 5 seconds.

[Wrath of Fire]: Every time a player dies, it will provide Gamez with a 100% damage increase. [

[Elemental Fortitude]: Recover 1% of HP every 30 seconds, and the recovery amount will not be affected by any effects.

Note: The King of Fire is derived from the fire source beads absorbing fire element particles, representing the power of fire!

"It seems that it's not difficult to fight!" Seeing the boss skills, everyone was relieved.

In terms of single-target attacks, the boss is indeed a heavenly saint-level strength, but the reason why the boss is a boss is never because of how ruthless the single target is, but the group damage! Judging from the skills of the boss, it is just a place of flames, which cannot be avoided by the team. Although the flame vortex is very ruthless, it can deduct 50% of the player's health, but as long as you hide well, you will be fine.

And the Firelands can do 300,000 points of damage in a single shot. With the high-end equipment on everyone, they can absorb at least 10,000 points, which is 290,000 points of damage in 3 seconds, plus the 50,000 points of damage in the flame halo every 3 seconds. Causes 40,000 points of damage, so the second damage to everyone is 110,000. These four treatments can definitely add up after transformation!

Therefore, the key is to avoid the flame vortex. If this skill is allowed to exert its power, it will definitely not add up!

Everyone reported the highest damage per second that can be achieved after the inheritance transformation. After calculation, the total firepower of the team has reached 6.5 million damage per second! However, because six of them have not yet reached level 210, they will be level suppressed when fighting the boss, and the actual damage per second will be greatly reduced.

However, the main output personnel are all on the 210-level line, and will not encounter level suppression, so it is not a problem for the team's damage to reach 5.5 million seconds! Of course, this counted two phoenix pets, one red dragon pet, and Feiling and Sun Xinyu's mountain-piercing beast land holy-level riding pets.

The recovery effect of the boss is 4 million per second, so the effective damage is 1.5 million, and it takes 133 minutes to knock down the boss.

Because the inheritance transformation can only last for 120 minutes, the 13-minute gap is fatal! Once everyone is out of the inheritance transformation state, the team's output ability will drop by at least half, and if the damage per second cannot exceed the line of 4 million, then the boss's blood volume will only increase more and more!

Fortunately, along the way, the team obtained countless fire element cores, which can add 40,000 seconds of damage to each person, and 20 people are 800,000 seconds of damage, which can completely make up for the 13-minute output gap.

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