Chapter 816 Change of Target

Although the player speaks through the mouth in the game, the whole person is actually virtual, so there is no such thing as vocal cords. ("Literature Network" 7* Therefore, how fast the player can speak is not limited by the speed of opening the mouth, but is all determined by the brain nerves.

Think as fast as you speak!

Wei Yan'er was inspired, her eyes widened immediately, showing surprise, and she began to try to throw away the old habits, and directly use "thinking" to control "speaking".

But this is a habit. Even if people talk to themselves in their minds, the speed will not go any faster. It takes a certain amount of practice to speed up. Coincidentally, War Rhapsody only has a 30-second cooldown, so the little girl can practice continuously. [

However, the boss will not let them be so comfortable!

"The power of darkness, pour into my body, and destroy all those who disrespect the gods!" The boss suddenly raised his head and roared, and a spell casting bar appeared under his head, which was the death of darkness!


Whether it is a long-range occupation or a melee occupation, they have all thrown away their interrupt skills.





All the interrupting skills were thrown on the boss's head, and all of them jumped up with the same Chinese characters, effect! All effect!

Damn, how do you play this? Once the boss has obtained a 100% damage increase, it will step into the attacking domain of the god-level boss!

How fast is 2 seconds, that is, the time to blink twice!

A black light flickered on the boss's body, and a buff effect appeared on his body - 100% damage increase!

This is terrible, the basic damage of Dark Waltz suddenly jumped to 600,000, which made the four healers in a hurry, but the amount of recovery couldn't keep up with the amount of blood lost, and the team's blood line suddenly chugs plummeted!

After 10 seconds, the boss used Dark Death again!

200% damage bonus, equivalent to 300% base attack power! Madagaro's damage instantly surpassed that of the former god-level boss Ankers, and the damage of Dark Waltz reached 900,000. With these two strokes, Cheng Xueyao and his ilk can be killed in seconds!

The team immediately began to downsize, but what made them even more desperate was that 10 seconds later, Madagaro released Dark Death for the third time!

300% damage bonus!

This far exceeded the limit that the team could bear, and half of the people died in an instant, but the survivors took another dark waltz and half died again!

When the boss used Dark Death for the fourth time, only Zhang Yang was still alive in the team! [


The boss slapped it with a dark claw, and Zhang Yang had only 22% of his health at this time, so he was killed immediately. ("Literature Network" http:)

The resurrection function of Revelation took effect, Zhang Yang got up on the spot, and he quickly used the shadow of the void to enter the different space, so as not to die again in vain.

But Han Yingxue, who could also be revived on the spot, was miserable. She was taken by the boss for a second just after being revived, and she was so depressed that she died twice in a row.

"Release the soul and resurrect directly in the cemetery, no need to run up the mountain, all gather in the valley!"

With Zhang Yang's order, everyone released their souls one after another, and directly chose the weak resurrection in the cemetery. Although some of them still didn't understand Zhang Yang's intentions, out of trust, they followed Zhang Yang's words without hesitation.

Zhang Yang also summoned Phoenix Pet again and ran towards the foot of the mountain, saying, "Let's talk about it, how do you fight this boss?"

"It's impossible to fight, the Dark War can't be interrupted, and the cooldown time is only 10 seconds, what a joke! Unless we can deal 100 million damage at a time, then we can kill the boss directly!" Fatty Han blamed shouted.

Although his words are rough, they are very reasonable. The Dark War cannot be interrupted. The boss is definitely at the god level, no, it is absolutely at the super god level. If there is no miracle, it is impossible for them to kill the boss. The latest chapter of the Holy Church http:

"There are absolutely impossible missions in the game, so this boss can definitely be defeated, but we haven't found the right way yet!"

"...The boss killed us without even using the dark vortex, what else can we do?"

"Little monster!" Sun Xinyu interrupted suddenly.

"Little monster? The dark ball dropped by the little monster can't work on the boss at all!"

Meng Buhui chuckled and said, "Don't forget, there is also a boss of the sacred department!"

Everyone is not stupid, and the others reacted immediately, saying: "That is to say, the dark ball is used to restrain the light boss, and the items dropped by the mobs on the Bright Mountain are used to restrain the dark boss!"

"It should be!"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Just go to Guangming Mountain and hunt down the little monsters!"

The opinions were unified, and everyone put aside the disappointment of the Madagaro battle for the time being, and headed towards the last mountain of light.

"Ding! You are affected by the sacred aura!"

After everyone entered the area of ​​Guangming Mountain, they were immediately affected by a new halo effect.

[Holy Aura]: Increases the damage received by holy attacks by 20%.

Compared to the dark halo weakening their own attack power by 10%, everyone would rather have this sacred halo. But Han Yingxue would not agree, which meant that she had to work again. Fortunately, the sacred aura does not cause damage, that is, it is not very troublesome to need a few more mouthfuls during the battle. [

The monsters on Guangming Mountain are naturally sacred elemental monsters. These monsters are like big light bulbs, releasing dazzling light.

【Holy Spreader】(Elite, Elemental Creature)

Level: 230

HP: 115 million

Armor value: 14270

Magic attack power: 66112-86112


[Holy Bombardment]: Summons holy energy to bombard the target, causing holy damage equal to 200% of magic attack. Casting time: 2 seconds.

Note: The creation of Zhuxia, the lord of light, punishes all enemies of light.

The same number of eight in a wave, these "big light bulbs" roared and rushed towards the team.

Because of the existence of the holy aura, the damage of these monsters has been considerably enhanced. Although one monster only has a 20% improvement, but if eight monsters fight together, it is equivalent to one more monster! Moreover, these monsters are all legal monsters, if you accidentally get fired by them, it will definitely be uncomfortable to shoot them in that round of volley!

Fortunately, the three tanks are absolutely powerful enough to firmly hold the hatred of all monsters, so that everyone can output as much as they want.

Within a few minutes, the eight monsters fell to the feet of the crowd one by one, bursting out a pile of sundries, including a prop that they were looking forward to.

【Holy Orb】(Consumable)

Use: Unleash the divine power, which can restrain the Darkness. "Range": 30 meters. Cooldown: 200 seconds.

Requires level: 200

"Sure enough, the things dropped by the mobs are the key to defeating the boss!"

"Well, it's just that this time the two bosses just need the things dropped by the opposing mobs to restrain them!"

"There is a cooldown of 200 seconds, but the boss's Darkness will be lost every 10 seconds, which means—"

"We must form a tight chain of interrupts. Everyone has to undertake the task of interrupting. As long as one person reacts slowly, the boss will get the effect of increasing damage!"

"Moreover, the boss also has the skill of Dark Maelstrom, which requires 5 players to block the hole for 20 seconds. Therefore, when blocking the hole, you must first check the cooling time of the sacred ball, and don't pass it if it is less than 30 seconds Already!"

"These two bosses should have similar styles of play. The dark ball is used to suppress the wrath of the light, and the holy team is used to deal with the dark war!"

Before seeing the sacred ball, everyone had only one guess, but now everyone's hearts are determined.

Because the boss battle lasts for a long, long time, and every 10 seconds, a holy ball is needed to interrupt the Dark War, 6 in a minute, the team must be fully prepared, so that the boss does not die, they It's out of stock first.

Moreover, anyway, they already have a lot of Dark Orbs, so it's better to go all the way up and kill the Lord of Light first, since this boss needs to be fought anyway. Because this is a special place, neither the boss nor the mobs will be refreshed again. Don't worry that changing to the light boss will cause the mobs on the dark mountain to refresh, leaving them with insufficient time to complete the task.

After clearing monsters all the way, after almost 20 days of game time, they came to the top of the mountain and saw the last boss.

This is an extra-large light bulb. With a height of more than 30 meters, it can almost hold the record for the largest light bulb in the world! However, this big light bulb still has hands, holding a crystal-clear magic staff, and its feet are lowered, but it floats like a balloon.

[Light Lord Zhuxia] (Heavenly Saint Level Leader, Elemental Creature)

Level: 240

Health: 12 billion

Armor value: 37330

Magic attack power: 210392-270392


[Praise of Light]: "Sing" a hymn of light, restore 1 million life points to oneself, and cause all hostile targets within 100 meters around to suffer 400,000 holy damage.

[Holy Judgment]: Bombards the target with holy energy, causing holy damage equivalent to 300% of magic attack. Cooldown: 2 seconds.

[Bright Chain Array]: Randomly add marks to 3 targets. If the distance between the three players hits the mark is not more than 40 meters, a big explosion will occur. All friendly units inflict 400,000 holy damage per second, lasting until the distance between any two players is more than 40 meters. All explosion damage restores an equal amount of health to Zhuxia.

[Wrath of Light]: Increase Zhuxia's attack power by 100%, which can be superimposed. "Singing" singing time: 2 seconds.

Note: The King of Light is derived from the light source beads absorbing the sacred element particles, representing the power of light!

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