Chapter 824

magic beads

After Starlight limited the boss, it made many guilds ready to move, sending people up to encircle and suppress the boss, and the result was naturally a tragedy and a tragedy! In fact, the boss has been spinning the whirlwind all the time, whether or not the boss is restrained, just determines whether the boss will run around!

And Zhang Yang didn't expect to finish the boss right now, but asked Starlight to pull the boss away from the area where the players were densely populated, and wait until all the mobs were killed before going back to deal with it calmly. [http:]

After countless bloody lessons, all the guilds finally settled down, acquiesced to the status quo that Starlight can only withstand the boss, and no longer go to the so-called death! Because even if the starlight limit pulls the boss far away, Jura's demon fusion can absorb the life of the monster from a long distance to restore blood to himself, and he is basically immortal! [

After paying the price of three to four million deaths, the monsters outside the city finally died cleanly, leaving only the boss, a polished commander.

Everyone turned their attention to the boss, shouting and killing Zhu La.

Although the boss has a high blood volume, and no matter how many players there are, it is impossible to fight the boss at the same time. Due to the limitation of space and range, only about a thousand people can fight at the same time. But even if each person only has 10,000 attack damage, there will be 10 million damage in this round, and the boss will die after 21 rounds of attacks!

However, even though the boss couldn't recover blood, it didn't mean that its damage was reduced. During the howling of the whirlwind, a cold light shone, and several players died tragically again, leaving corpses one after another. But the players in the rear are still rushing forward, because as long as they hit the boss, they are eligible to pick up equipment. Naturally, everyone is brave and fearless at this time.

"Hey, for a few holy artifacts, what's the matter!" The fat man said sarcastic remarks on the side.

Zhang Yang laughed, and said: "We are almost wearing heavenly artifacts now, and we really look down on earthly sacred artifacts, but in the eyes of most people, earthly sacred artifacts are equivalent to the existence of divine artifacts! Don't talk about fat people You don't want the artifact?"

"Sacred Artifact? Of course Fat Brother wants it! It's a pity we won't meet a god-level boss!" Fatty Han sighed.

"I'll meet you soon, the demon lord Kenzak, a god-level boss, but I don't know how many levels it is!"

"Heh heh heh, it doesn't matter what level he is, if he meets Miss Ben, he'll be slapped with three axes!" Wei Yan'er said brazenly.

"Ha ha!"

Everyone was laughing, and at this time the boss also fell down under the siege of several attacks, bursting out the loot all over the floor, and was immediately looted, nearly twenty items disappeared in the blink of an eye, it can be seen that every Personal quick shot!

"Boss! Boss! A good thing came out!" Xing Guangxian put on a flying mount and returned to the city wall. Taking advantage of the time, all the healing professions are now saving people outside the city, and they can save one by one.

"Oh, what happened?" Zhang Yang didn't show too much enthusiasm. At present, even the god-level bosses have appeared and turned back to soy sauce, and the addiction will die. What good things can a mere holy-level boss produce?

"Look!" Xing Guangxian stretched out his right hand, and in his palm were three white beads the size of a pill, which were slightly transparent and had a layer of luster.

"What is this?" Everyone asked.

"Hey, you're scared to death by saying it!" Xing Guangxian finally posted the item link of the white bead on the team channel.


Use: Increase the success rate of equipment synthesis by 20%, and the effects of multiple magic beads cannot be superimposed.

Requires level: 200[

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, all of them were quite shocked.

If you want to say what is the hottest right now, of course it is synthetic equipment! Compared with rune weapons, this synthetic strengthening effect is much stronger. Now who doesn't have a few pieces of equipment that strengthen 2 and 3?

But 4 and 5 are relatively rare, because 4 has only a 17% success rate (the synthetic enhancement service provided by np, 1 has only an 80% success rate, not 90% of Yuanli Rubik's Cube), and 5 has dropped to 7 %, only people with deep pockets have enough equipment to make him do this. Most people will stop when they strengthen it to 3, and if it goes any further, it's not something they can bear.

But with the low-grade magic beads, if the same 4, the success rate reached 50%, which is a full 300% higher than the original 17% chance!

Furthermore, if there are low-grade magic beads, it means that there must be middle-grade magic beads and top-grade magic beads. Even if the success rate increases by 10% for each level, if there are enough high-grade magic beads, at least when the synthesis reaches 3 , that is a 100% success rate, no need to take the slightest risk!

Now the dungeon will produce the Holy Artifact, and the top guilds may not care about wasting it, but the Heavenly Saint Artifact and Divine Artifact can only be dropped by field bosses. This number is too rare! Not to mention that 4 has only a 17% success rate, even if 1 has only a 20% failure rate, it is unlikely to try it. If the synthesis fails, it will lose two heavenly artifacts, and there is no place to cry ah!

There are also artifacts, who dares to risk 20% failure for enhanced synthesis?

"It's really a good thing!" Zhang Yang nodded, his Yuanli Rubik's Cube is 10% stronger than the synthesis effect of np at each level, and the magic beads are more valuable to him!

"It's a pity there are only three!" Wei Yan'er immediately became greedy.

Xing Guangxian smiled wryly, and said, "The boss lost three of them, and I snatched them all!"

Everyone smiled slightly. Now that everyone has fought so many big bosses, their eyesight has been trained. Most people must be aiming at the equipment dropped by the boss, and the middle-level players are aiming at the skill book, and they are the only ones who have seen more of the world. Only people who are more concerned about some weird things.

"If my test is correct, the earth saint-level boss will drop the first-grade magic beads, the heavenly-level boss will drop the middle-rank magic beads, and the god-level boss will drop the top-rank magic beads!" Zhang Yang laughed, and handed over the three low-grade magic beads from Starlight. The beads were put away.

Because his Yuanli Rubik's Cube has a 10% higher synthesis success rate than np, even if everyone has equipment to synthesize and strengthen, they will only find Zhang Yang. Besides, np also charges fees, which makes Wei Yan'er and Han Yingxue stand it!

"We have killed so many bosses of earth saints and heaven saints before, why have we never encountered them?" Wei Yan'er immediately sang the opposite tune.

"Silly girl, that's because the system for synthesizing equipment just came out!" Han Yingxue smiled, rubbed and rubbed the little girl's chest, and said with a sigh, "Small breasts are brains!"


Wei Yan'er was like a dynamite barrel that had been ignited, jumping up and down and screaming, yelling that she was going to squeeze someone's nipples when she got off the assembly line.

"Ding! The fourth wave of the demon army's attack has begun!"

Tom! Tom! Tom!

The heavy footsteps sounded like thunder, and on the horizon in the distance, black hills appeared one after another, slowly moving towards Chisun City!

Sharp-eyed people soon discovered that these black hills were actually turtles! However, the size of this tortoise is as high as a five-story building, and it is filled with naked demons holding bows and arrows and about three meters tall!

In addition, there were more monsters of this kind that failed to squeeze onto the tortoise, and followed the giant tortoise on foot. [

(Elite, Demon)

Level: 215

Health: 1 billion

Armor value: 30000

Melee attack power: 97665-137665


: Step down with giant turtle feet, causing 100,000 points of physical damage to all targets within 10x10 meters.

: Bombard the city wall with a harder tortoise (py, harmonious sound).

Seeing the skill descriptions of these demon turtles, the men all showed knowing smiles, and Fatty Han felt that the person who designed this skill was a fellow man with him, and he felt like he had met a confidant, but unfortunately It's a matter of fate!

However, the monsters on the turtle are much inferior.

(Normal, Demon)

Level: 215

HP: 277030

Long-range attack power: 52324-72324


: Start shooting after aiming at the target, the attack method is dodged, causing physical damage equivalent to 120% of the long-range attack.

"This tortoise is really tough!" Zhang Yang exclaimed, the armor value of 30,000 points is close to the strength of a heavenly-level boss, and the blood volume of 1 billion is far higher than that of an elite monster of the same level.

"Hey, didn't you read the skill description? It's not hard, how can you break that!" While patting Zhang Yang's shoulder, the fat man glanced at Sun Xinyu and Han Yingxue with his eyes, obviously meaning something.

Boom! Boom!

Sun Xinyu and Han Yingxue punched Fatty Han on the back of the chest at the same time, causing this guy to fall to the ground.

"Fortunately, there are not many of these turtles!"

"However, although the attack power of these turtles is not high, they have high blood volume and thick defense, which can cause huge damage to the city wall!"

"To prevent them from approaching the city wall!"

"Get out!"

The players in the city shouted loudly, opened the city gate and greeted the turtle team mightily.

Tom! Tom! Tom!

Although the tortoise seems to be moving slowly, its speed is not slow at all, because its size is so big that it can walk hundreds of steps like a normal person! Following the thunderous noise, nearly a thousand demon turtles quickly approached, directly crushed the defense line formed by the players, and came under the city wall, and then trampled on the players with all four feet, while using their spiky tortoises. Thorn's head hit the city wall.


Although the tortoise walked slowly, the expansion and contraction of its head was extremely fast, and it immediately produced a huge impact. With the impact of one head, a big hole was blasted out of the city wall, showing a strong damage force!

Meanwhile, the monsters on the demon turtle opened their bows and volleyed one after another, raining arrows all over the sky.

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