The most annoying thing about these monsters is not their number, nor the blood volume and attack power of the elite level, but their level!

245 levels!

At present, there are only a dozen players who have reached level 215, and all other monsters at level 245 will encounter level suppression! Originally, there were only 240,000 people, and there were tens of millions of elite monsters. This would also encounter level suppression. What else could players do besides waiting to die? [http:]

The only good news is that there is only one wave of these monsters, unlike the previous nine waves of monsters, which are continuous and take more than an hour to stop! In each player's field of vision, the system finally gave a comparison of the numbers of the two sides in the battle.

238793 vs 100000. [

boom! boom! boom!

The army of demons surrounded them from all directions, and the riddled city wall could not stop the demons from advancing at all. One by one, red-skinned demons with a height of 5 meters and heavy swords in their hands poured into Chisun City, launching the last wave of crazy attacks.

"Wait, wait!" Zhang Yang prevented the elders from uncovering the taboo scrolls. Although this taboo magic has a coverage radius of 5 kilometers, the current monster line is very long, and it is not enough to activate all of them now. The monsters are all covered.

A tide of monsters rushed into the main city frantically, and surrounded the city lord's mansion, getting closer and closer!

Summoning the demons was the first to bear the brunt, and immediately started working with these death messengers. Although the level of summoning demons is 5 levels lower, but because they are also at the level of 240, the combat power of the two sides is actually the same, but the number of attackers is relatively large, although it is impossible to give full play to the advantages of numbers. , but the situation is definitely dominant, and many summoned demons were blown up in less than 5 minutes!

"it's time!"

Zhang Yang swooped down from mid-air, nodded to Xue Qianxun and said, "Let's get started!"

He was the first to tear open the "Scroll of Taboo: Lunar Eclipse"!

This is dropped by Ma Tuwen, the heavenly level boss, because Ma Tuwen is only level 185, so this taboo scroll is relatively less powerful. Although all taboo scrolls deduct 10% of life points per second, there are upper and lower limit settings, such as this lunar eclipse, which deducts at least 50,000 life points and a maximum of 200,000 life points.

But he still has another taboo scroll: The God of Death Comes, which is dropped by the god-level boss Ankers, and the upper and lower limits of deduction of blood have reached 150,000 and 300,000! After tearing up "Eclipse", Zhang Yang immediately opened "Death Comes".

Xue Qianxun and the others also uncovered the taboo scrolls one after another, all of a sudden, ten taboo magics worked together!

Immediately, dark clouds billowed in the sky, thunder boomed, blazing lightning flashed wildly, and visions appeared frequently. The power of the moonlight, the frosty world, and the eruption of magma turned the entire Chisun City into a hell on earth!

The taboo scroll is indeed very powerful. It has a strike range of 5 kilometers, deducts 10% of the health value every second depending on the defense, and has an action time of up to 30 seconds. This is unmatched by any skill! But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, there is an upper limit to the damage value. Even the strongest taboo scroll can only deduct 300,000 HP each time, and the 30-second duration can deduct up to 9 million HP from the target. The number of elite monsters as high as 100 million is less than one-tenth!

However, although a taboo scroll can't cause heavy damage to elite monsters, if ten taboo spells come together, the damage will be terrifying!

Although the upper limit of the attack of the ten taboo axes is different, the lowest can cause 150,000 damage, and the highest is 300,000, adding up to 2.55 million damage per second!

This is a very scary number, because this is not causing 2.55 million damage per second to one monster, but 100,000! Amidst the roars of several monsters, after 30 seconds, the entire demon army plummeted by 76.5 million HP!

The demon messenger has a total of 122.5 million blood volume, and more than half of it was blown away at once. If there are five or six taboo scrolls to come again, the monsters will all fall!

It's a pity, where are there so many taboo scrolls!

And the one who got shot while lying down was the demon army summoned by Zhang Yang! [

Although they are Zhang Yang's subordinates, they can only be regarded as mercenaries. For other players, they are all yellow-named neutral monsters. Although they will not actively attack the player, they will be splashed by the player oe.

Except for the two forbidden magics released by Zhang Yang, the other eight forbidden magics all caused damage to the summoned army. Fortunately, taboo magic does not generate hatred, otherwise Zhang Yang's summoning army would come over and beat Xue Qianxun and the others to death.

Although the demon army has been severely damaged, the remaining HP of the monster must be handled by the player himself!

"Inferior race, surrender at the feet of my king!"

While slashing their battle blades, these death messengers spoke loudly, like a battle song, exuding their proud dignity and fighting spirit.


The players are also not to be outdone, and now it can be said that they have thrown all the coffins of their wives into it. If they can't hold on to this wave, it will be a loss to grandma's house! Although the number of elite monsters has reached 100,000, they have already been severely injured, and their remaining blood is only 37%, which is equivalent to only 37,000 monsters with full blood left.

At this time, it is impossible for players to keep any more reservations, and they have started inheritance transformations one after another.

Kill kill kill kill!

After the inheritance transformation, the player's blood volume and attack power soared for a while. Unfortunately, too many people did not reach the line of 215, which caused the damage caused to be much lower than the theoretical value. The damage surged.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and said: "Fatty, Baifa, we turned on the pet body! Others keep the transformation, we still have to fight the boss!"


The two phoenix pets and one red dragon pet started to transform at the same time, and immediately swelled in size. Amid the sound of the dragon's "cry" and the sound of the phoenix, three divine beasts soared up carrying Zhang Yang and the three of them, and killed the group of monsters!

These three divine pets all have oe effects on normal attacks, whether they can seal the world or not depends on the performance of these three divine pets.

call! call! call!

The three god pets breathed out the flaming dragon's breath from mid-air at the same time. After transforming, the attack range of the three god pets increased from 15 meters to 30 meters. Although they were said to be melee units, they were actually long-range strikes. But this seems safe, the monster can't reach the pet's body at all, but it also greatly reduces the attack surface of the flame dragon's breath!

Zhang Yang was the first to land and spit out the ground. This time it was powerful, causing 700,000 fire damage to all monsters within a 30-meter cone in front of him! Baifa No. 1 Middle School and Fatty Han also landed one after another, commanding the pets to attack violently, forming a crossfire.

The so-called injury to the enemy's ten fingers is worse than breaking one of them. Although these 100,000 monsters were seriously injured, as long as they did not die, their combat effectiveness would not be affected in the slightest. Therefore, the pets of the three of Zhang Yang concentrated on the monsters in one area and violently attacked them.

Behind them is the summoning army of more than 30,000 remaining, protecting them from flanking attacks.

The original HP of these three god pets has reached about 3.3 million, and with the support of physical strength aura and transformation, the HP also has more than 90 million! The three god pets stand side by side, which greatly reduces the area they are attacked by monsters. In midair, Han Yingxue, Dream Sweetheart and other healers are constantly adding blood. Although the amount of blood lost is more than the added blood, it can still last. After going up for a minute or two, you will be able to avoid monster attacks by flying into the air, fill up your blood volume and come down again, and you will be a hero again!

Only 40 seconds later, more than 200 monsters in front of Zhang Yang were sprayed to death by flames and dragon breath, but it was like scooping up a spoonful of water in a water tank, and the empty space was immediately filled by the surrounding monsters.

Zhang Yang added "Life and Death" to Baifa Yizhong, so that the opponent has the same defense as him, and can last a little longer when the monster attacks. [

After a while, Fatty Han was the first to fly up. His blood volume was running low, so he had to get rid of the attack and go to the sky to let the treatment increase.

Baifa No. 1 High School's defense ability was greatly strengthened because of the life and death together, which was much stronger than Fatty Han, and was forced to take off three minutes late. But Zhang Yang was able to restore his HP once because he still had the Light of God of War, but he lasted for a full eight minutes before he needed to lift off to get rid of the attack.

The attack power of these three god pets is amazing. On average, 5 of them can be killed per second. In theory, a total of 36,000 of them can be killed during the transformation period, but the remaining 64,000 have to be handed over to other people. up!

Fortunately, they still have a summoning army!

Although the summoning army of more than 30,000 is less than the opponent, in terms of blood volume, because it has suffered two taboo magics, it is equivalent to 15 million more health points for each. In addition, there are buildings everywhere in the main city. And they couldn't leave the range of 1,000 meters from the Demon's Gate. Although they were not under command, they naturally formed a dense formation, which could well make up for the disadvantage in numbers.

Because the vast majority of players are suppressed by level, the summoned army becomes the main output at this time, and this battle must end within two hours, otherwise, when the duration of these summoned armies expires, they will be sent back to the demon plane. Finally, the player can only raise his hand and surrender.

The battle is endless!

Although there is a summoned demon as a meat shield, but because the two sides fight in a staggered manner, the player's oe skill can easily accidentally injure the summoned demon. As a result, after killing the first hatred of the summoned demon, the accidentally injured player will be turned back by the summoned demon Shoot to death!

The death rate of the death messenger is very high, but the players die faster. Under the level suppression, they are like being crushed by the heavenly boss, and the number of people has dropped sharply!

150,000 vs 90,000!

120,000 vs 70,000!

90,000 vs 50,000!

20,000 vs 30,000!



After 2 hours, there were only 67 poor players left, and the number of casualties in the summoned army. Even those who did not die were sent back to the demon plane because the summoning time expired. Fortunately, there were only 102 death messengers left. And not much blood!

But at this moment——

"Ding! Demon Commander Isiro has joined the battle!" (To be continued)

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