MMORPG: Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

Chapter 839: The Corrupted Wind Ranger

Chapter 839: Fallen Wind Ranger

When he was in Novice Village, Zhang Yang received the main quest about the demon lord and the fallen wind ranger Corinna, but because the required quest items were too cheating, he didn’t get them all until level 100 and got the follow-up quest : To calm down the anger, you need to find Corinna and give her a "needle" to complete this task. "Literature Network" http:

This task seems simple, but is the ass of the god-level boss so easy to "touch"? Besides, I didn't even know Corinna was there before. Until now, the system released the lairs of the nine demon lords, the seven undead witch kings, and 16 god-level bosses, so that he could continue this main quest.

Corinna is on the level 240-270 map Longhana. Theoretically speaking, this boss has to wait until the player has reached level 240 to be eligible to go. Otherwise, they will encounter level suppression, and even the best equipment will be crushed by the boss Press the portion!

But Zhang Yang is different, he has a mission and doesn't need to fight the boss, as long as he can give Corinna an "injection", there is still a great hope of completing it! And if you want to fight Rogril, you must first get the Staff of Rebirth, so Zhang Yang is not in a hurry. Sun Xinyu and the others are already strong enough, and he is not required to take the lead in everything. [

Flying fast all the way, although Zhang Yang has reached level 222, the monsters on Kolonghana are at least level 240, and at least half of the monsters are above level 250. They all have level suppression and super high hatred vision for Zhang Yang. Since the beginning of this map, monsters have been flying over to trouble him.

Run if you can, and fight if you can't. Anyway, with the support of Fire Phoenix and Fei Ling, even elite monsters can win by fighting, but it will take a little more time.

Seven or eight hours later, Zhang Yang finally arrived at Corinna's lair, the Magic Mist Forest!

Elves admire nature and like to live in the forest. Although Corinna became depraved and demonized, she did not change her habits in this regard, and still chose the forest as her place of residence. It's just that she is too demonic, and the demonic energy released turns the forest into a black mist. If there is no small map to guide, players will definitely lose their way when they enter!

It is no longer suitable for flying here, and it will hit the trunk from time to time, which reduces the speed instead.

Zhang Yang patted the phoenix pet and landed, letting the fire phoenix walk on the ground. ("Literature Network")

Although the phoenix pet has its own flame lighting effect, the magic energy here is released by the god-level boss, and it cannot be dispelled by its heavenly-level riding pet, so it can only illuminate the area within 3 meters around it!

However, the phoenix pet reaches level 230 and will be promoted to a divine beast. At that time, it will not be weaker than the god-level boss in terms of rank, which is enough to bloom its most dazzling light!

"Ga! Ga! Ga!" The gloomy laughter suddenly sounded, and three black shadows appeared in front of Zhang Yang. To say that they are black shadows is really worthy of the name, because they are basically transformed by magic energy. They are dark and have no facial features, but only have the outline of a human figure!

[Magic Mist Guardian] (Elite, Demon)

Level: 250

HP: 125 million

Armor value: 15350

Melee attack power: 109064-169064


[Spear of Magic Mist]: Gather the magic energy, give the target a powerful blow, causing physical damage equivalent to 100% of melee attack.

[Atomization]: When life is dying, the Magic Mist Guardian will melt into the magic mist to absorb energy, recover 1% of HP per second, and reduce the damage by 50% when receiving damage for 10 seconds.

Note: The guardians of the magic mist are derived from the magic energy released by Corinna. They are cruel and bloodthirsty, and will kill all intruders.

As soon as the three monsters appeared, they raised their right hands one after another. Immediately, countless demonic energy condensed in their hands, and it evolved into a black spear, which flew towards Zhang Yang. [

Zhang Yang immediately stepped forward to meet him. While waving the Frost-cold battle axe, he harvested enough rage points from a monster.

As soon as he got started, he launched the most powerful attack, and the shadow of the ax flashed, causing huge damage to the monster!

After 10 heavy blows, the monster lost nearly 100 million health points, and immediately let out an angry roar, but after being hacked by Zhang Yang a few more times, it had to atomize its body and start to recover its health points. Church http:

But with the destructive blow hanging on his body, and at the same time bearing the powerful combined attack of Zhang Yang, Fei Ling, and Huo Fenghuang, this magic fog guardian died before the atomization was over!

God stares!

Zhang Yang performed another nirvana, throwing it on the second Magic Mist Guardian. After a few attacks, this elite monster was instantly swallowed by the black skull!

Only one left!

If there are other players present, they will definitely be so surprised to see this scene that their eyes will pop out!

How powerful the current elite monsters are, at least a team of five with decent equipment can deal with them! And three elite monsters go together, it's not a one plus one thing!

For example, if a person has 300 blood points and takes turns to fight three players with 100 blood points and the same attack power, the result of the fight is basically that all four of them will die. But if he hits these three people at the same time, then when he dies, none of the other three people will die!

Zhang Yang not only picked three of them one by one, but also killed two of them in less than 20 seconds. What a perverted lethality!

It's a pity that Hades Gaze has a cooldown of 1 hour, and although Sky Shattering Slash is shorter, it still has 5 minutes!

Zhang Yang thought greedily, while launching a fierce attack on the last Magic Mist Guardian.

Although the monster's attack is very strong, but Zhang Yang made up the first set effect of the god-level suit, and got 20% extra damage immunity. Now this resistance ability should not be too strong! If he uses the Aegis of War again, it is estimated that even the elite monsters will not be able to cause damage to him!

But the God of War shield needs to be used once an hour, Zhang Yang doesn't dare to waste it, just keeps using it like a rock.

As soon as this skill was activated, Zhang Yang's armor was instantly increased to 89050 points, and his passive immunity was increased to 70%. Although it was only 10 seconds, the monsters couldn't touch Zhang Yang at all within 10 seconds! Moreover, the 60-second cooldown is also very fast!

He also has the god of war recovery, and is an enemy equivalent to 10 seconds, and he also has control skills such as blocking damage, shock wave, and brutal strike. Just clean up this demon monster!

"Brother is really amazing!" Fei Ling is definitely a master of flattery, with an undisguised admiration on his face, anyone who sees it will be complacent.

Zhang Yang laughed loudly, and casually touched the monster's body, but found nothing, so he reluctantly continued to move forward.

Along the way, many monsters jumped out to trouble Zhang Yang. But although Zhang Yang was brave in the first wave, it took a long time to come to this one. Fortunately, whether it is him, Fei Ling, or Huo Fenghuang, each of them has a strong output, so it is natural to come and kill as many as possible, but not The first wave is fast.

The forest is huge, Zhang Yang just walked towards the middle position based on intuition, and it took more than ten days before he finally saw a palace made entirely of wood appear in front of him!

Corinna must be here! [

"The task of the staff of new life is also very difficult to do. I want to collect the broken body of the staff of eight sections of the staff of new life to remake it. Although I have collected six sections, they are all scattered in the hands of various guilds. It's impossible to grab it!"

Zhang Yang was thinking as he walked, but he didn't expect that the staff of new life was not complete, and players needed to collect it piece by piece before remaking it. Obviously, none of the guilds will contribute the remnants of the new wands they have obtained to others as wedding dresses. When the eighth wand remnants appear, there will be a big battle to determine the ownership of the eight wands. Or it's cooperation.

tread! tread! tread!

Stepping on the wooden board, the sound of his footsteps echoed continuously in the palace, and he could still hear the loud echo. Zhang Yang hurriedly took off his combat boots temporarily. This time, he came to give the boss a "shot" secretly, but he couldn't Let the boss find out in advance!

Although it is said that monsters decide whether to trigger the battle through the hatred vision, but the god-level boss is too high, and these slight abnormal noises may make the boss chat with a big skill that crushes "sex"! It can be seen from Rogriel's skills. Although the system has released all the god-level bosses generously, each of the skills that are 80% enemy requires the player to obtain the relevant props to go. Extended boss survival time.

Although there are monsters everywhere in the forest, this palace is empty and eerily quiet!

After another ten minutes, Zhang Yang finally came to the depths of the palace, and saw the target of his business - Corinna!

This god-level boss is still the same as Zhang Yang saw at the beginning, with a butcher's appearance and a "sexy" side. At this moment, she is sitting on a throne and sipping fine wine. Her pointed ears vibrate from time to time, which will definitely make cat ear control players feel itchy!

[Demon Lord, Fallen Wind Ranger Corinna] (God-level leader, demon)

Level: 270

life value:? ? ?

Armor Value: ? ? ?

Attack Power: ? ? ?

Skill:? ? ?

Note: Corinna used to be a great wind ranger of the elves, but because she was abandoned by the alliance in a battle, the angry Corinna was seized by the demon king to control her soul and became a murderous demon lord!

Because of the huge difference in levels, apart from Zhang Yang being able to see the level of the boss, he knows all other information! But it doesn't matter, as long as he can give the boss a shot, that's enough!

1, 2, 3!


Zhang Yang ran wildly and rushed towards Corinna quickly. He was ready to activate the jewelry enemy and the shield wall magic horse, as long as he could get close to the opponent and use the props enough time!

[Glory of the Past] (quest item)

Use: Restore Corinna to her former glory and defeat her inner demons! Must be used within 3 meters of Corinna.

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