Due to the dense crowd of players, the area near the boss was crowded. Players without flying mounts did not dodge at all. Lost 99% of the blood volume!

Because players in different regions use skills like Whirlwind will inevitably cause accidental injuries. Many people's blood volume is less than 99%. If they eat a dark tornado, they will die directly. Strange bookstore

Fortunately, the top players still don't have a flying mount, the dark tornado! Out, I saw a number of flying mounts soaring into the sky, and many players have already opened the inheritance and transformation port. Obviously, this boss will not have results if it is not marked for the first day, so at least two inheritance transformations can be used to get it. You need to save the chance of the third transformation to grab the boss's loot.

This is not difficult to figure out, but a top player like Zhang Yang still hasn't turned on the transformation. Why? The reason is very simple, because once you enter 300 meters near the boss, it is equivalent to a rectangular cage, and if you exceed this distance, you will be killed by the boss!

If you use up the inheritance transformation, what if you are besieged by others? [

People like Fengfeng Xiaomanyao and others have a magical weapon, what if someone hangs up and explodes? For other players, each player in this top guild is equivalent to the existence of a god-level boss. If you kill it, you have a chance to drop the artifact. If there is an opportunity, who will miss it?

Therefore, the inheritance transformation must be reserved for deterrence and life-saving, even if under siege, the inheritance transformation can be used to fight back.

Since ordinary players can only cause 1 point of mandatory damage, more than 95% of the output is achieved by level 230, that is, the main players of the major guilds. When they entered the inheritance transformation, the damage they caused to the boss was immediately raised to a higher level.

It's a pity that the inheritance transformation is only 2 hours.

After the inheritance and transformation of these people ended, the boss's blood volume dropped to 972%, and there was still a long, long, long time before being knocked down!

Zhang Yang's movements have been completely mechanized, that is, to continuously hit out high-damage skills one after another, and use whichever one is cooled down, there is no need to use other brains, anyway, there is no need to use any control skills, and it is a waste of time It doesn't matter the output, just make sure that the first hatred is not lost.

From the yelling and killing at the beginning, to gradually calming down, and finally to the sound of crows and sparrows, even the dead fat man and Xing Guangxian lost their minds about being talkative, and just output, output, output without saying a word!

In terms of combat difficulty, this boss is really not difficult, but considering the long battle time, Maya is definitely the most difficult one for everyone to fight so far, bar none!

Even though Zhang Yang pulled the boss, but the two branches of Dark Tornado and Chaos still killed a lot of players, and some people were sent to the cemetery, and they couldn't join the battle within the next three days. But there are too many players here. After 10 dead, 100 will stand up, but the damage is too low. Players at the level of the Holy Artifact can only cause a few thousand points of damage.

4 hours, 5 hours..., 10 hours..., 20 hours!

Zhang Yang couldn't hold it anymore, and after sending a signal to Sun Xinyu and others, he used Shadow of the Void to get out of the battle, and immediately chose to go offline.


He took off his gaming helmet and hurried to the kitchen. It's 7 o'clock in the evening, and it's time for dinner.

Ever since Luo Yurou became pregnant, a cook was invited to the villa to cook herbal meals. As a result, Wei Yan'er ate a few servings and became addicted, which made everyone change their eating habits and began to eat herbal meals. At the beginning, the cook refused to agree, and only agreed to work part-time. Zhang Yang had to use money to clear the way, and bought a villa nearby for the cook's family.

Not to mention, the medicated food they make is really delicious, and it must be a top chef if you take it to a five-star hotel, so it is not a waste of money at all. Besides, earning some money is not just to make life more nourishing, why are you picking up money, should you bring it into the coffin?

Although Luo Yurou doesn't "play" "Miracle", she spends no less time in the game than anyone else, concentrating on making her second masterpiece. Because the time in the game has tripled, and she has gained experience, the second movie is almost finished!

Zhang Yang, Wei Yan'er, etc. all made guest appearances in it. The little girl still has a lot of roles and is a very important supporting role. I just don't know if the audience will buy it and continue to create miracles at the box office.

After eating and drinking enough, Tianjia rested for a while before logging in again.

In fact, it is still very dangerous to go offline in this way, because once the boss is pulled 300 meters away when they go online, they will hang up as soon as they come up! [

Fortunately, the tank that took over the boss belongs to the top guilds such as Hell Family and Savage Domain. Everyone will face the same situation. They all need to go offline to eat and solve some personal problems. I was overwhelmed.

Therefore, although the boss will run away when the disorder skill is activated, it will soon be pulled back to the original place by the tank.

As soon as Zhang Yang went online, he immediately summoned Phoenix Pet and Fei Ling, flew towards the boss, and started a violent output. If you are not aggressive, if you are swallowed by the boss because the hatred is too low, then you will just kneel down!

He couldn't pull the hatred for a while, so he simply took off the shield to maximize the output.

In addition to the dark tornado and explosive blow, devouring is also a big killing move of the boss. It doesn't make sense to stare at anyone to death. Many top players were devoured by the boss because they didn't know the rules of selecting targets for this skill, and there was not even a bone left, so they could only choose to resurrect directly in the cemetery.

Although such a long time has passed, the boss still has up to 90% of his blood volume, and it is still early to fall.

One day, two days, three days... eight days, nine days!

All the players were resting alternately, but after the end of the ninth day, the boss's HP finally dropped to 5%!

This is definitely a tearful record. It took nine days to kill 95% of the boss's blood volume. What kind of concept is this! What's even more depressing is that Zhang Yang's Underworld Gaze has also been resisted. Otherwise, every time it takes effect, it can save a day of fighting time, which is too big a difference!

It's finally coming to an end!

Everyone's numb nerves immediately tensed up. Although 5% of the blood volume had to be marked for at least 10 hours, it was really fast!

4%, 3%, 2%, 0%!

Maya's HP has reached 101 B!

At the same time, all the top players started inheritance transformation at the same time!

Accumulate the attack, smash the sky!

minus 2! A******44! ..., one **** 20!

Zhang Yang slashed 10 heads crazily, jumped from 5 million damage, and reached the final 50 million together!

The boss's armor is useless in front of him, Zhang Yang has dealt a total of 21 B and 5 million physical damage in these 10 seconds, plus 10% additional damage from the sacred aura, the total damage directly surpasses Yin B!

Sun Xinyu, Xiaomanyao and others also used the most powerful skills one after another, and they were going to kill the boss before the boss's next devouring branch can be activated!

600 million! 500 million! 400000000! 200000000!

After these top players turned on the inheritance transformation, their damage had skyrocketed, and then they used the big skills with a long cooldown, and the instant second damage reached a terrifying level!

200000000! 100000000! 50000000! 10 million! [

The time has come to 17 seconds, obviously the boss can't delay the next devouring skill!


2 million!

1 million!

"No, no, no!!" The boss let out a terrified roar, and when the last trace was also emptied, he fell down with a bang, bursting out a lot of spoils!

Everyone's eyes turned red immediately, and they started to snatch it.

Now it is the Eight Immortals crossing the sea to show their magical powers!

Zhang Yang directly poured a high-level free automatic potion, the effect of mutation 10 can make him ignore any control for up to 20 seconds.

Shock wave!

With a wave of Zhang Yang's ax blade, a cone-shaped shock wave was shot out, immobilizing all the players on this surface. He himself seized the time to attack the spoils all over the floor.

In the same way, Sun Xinyu's charming little waist, God's Left Hand and others have also adopted the same approach. While controlling others, they counter-control as much as possible to pick up equipment on the ground. All of a sudden, the scene was very lively, and various control branches appeared frequently!

How many players are here now? There are at least tens of millions. Although it is impossible to rush over at the same time, there are quite a few players with flying mounts. It is extremely troublesome for each player to throw a control stick to get out.


Zhang Yang stretched out his hands, his speed was comparable to that of a cheating gambler, and in an instant, three pieces of equipment entered his backpack.

Although the boss's drop was gorgeous, there were so many people who couldn't stand to snatch it, and within three seconds, all the loot had already been swept away.


Those who got the items were fine, but the players who didn't get them would be willing to fight for ten days in vain, regardless of whether the people in front got the spoils or not, they took up weapons and went up.

A chaotic war inevitably broke out!

Naturally, Zhang Yang and the others would not fight such a meaningless battle, they danced into the air one after another, and after flying far away, they took out the teleportation talisman and turned back to the holy city.

Next, it is naturally a pleasant time to divide the dirty parts!

"Wahhaha, anemic warrior, I grabbed two pieces of equipment!"

"I have three pieces!" Han Yingxue hit the little girl.

As a result, they obtained a total of 14 pieces of equipment, including 7 artifacts, 5 of which were set parts, 2 of which were loose parts, and the other 7 were heavenly artifacts. In addition, there are a few top-grade magic beads and some branch energy books.

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