MMORPG: The Leveling Specialist

Volume 1: The First Show of a Legend Chapter 7: Appraisal of the Iron Ring

The Son of Grugao is a level 15 boss monster, and his speed is extremely fast. He can be called a legal professional killer. How could Xiao Ling block the blow of the Son of Grugao.

Xiao Ling chose to resurrect in the cemetery. The son of Grugao was probably devouring his own corpse. Thinking of his corpse being so ruined, he felt depressed.

Fortunately, he was lucky, only seven gold coins and a few pieces of ore exploded.

Xiao Ling had 20 reasons for deleting the account, but the expectation of the future made him stay.

Just before he died, he seemed to have dug up an iron ring. He didn't know what it was, so Xiao Ling took out the ring.

Iron Ring: Unidentified.

This was the first time he had obtained unidentified equipment, and he finally comforted his wounded heart.

Xiao Ling remembered that he hadn't even entered the gate of the appraisal club. For more than a month, the players were all wearing purple, green and blue outfits, but he had never seen unapproved equipment. It was really ironic.

Is Xiao Ling's technique worse than others? In terms of game skills, Xiao Ling is still very proud, his self-confidence is no worse than anyone else's, but it is useless for the dragon to be trapped in shallow water.

Xiao Ling walked into the appraisal club while thinking.

This is a tall minaret building with a staircase spiraling up, and the top of the tower is where the appraiser is.

Xiao Ling walked up the stairs for ten minutes before reaching the top of the tower. There is a small room on the top of the tower. From the window of the room, you can see the whole picture of Edins. What a magnificent city it is! The huge building complex stands majestically, which is amazing.

There were two people in the room, an old man in a warlock robe and a young and beautiful female apprentice.

A bad old man and a beautiful young female apprentice stay together all day long, making people involuntarily raise some vicious guesses in their hearts.

The apprentice was in charge of appraising some low-level items. Most of the players' items were appraised by him. Only the equipment above purple was appraised by the old man.

The old man was holding a glass lens in his hand, flipping through an old book, it was an advanced magic book.

"Hello, do you need to appraise the item?" The female apprentice came up to her. The white appraiser's robe on her body highlighted her exquisite figure, her face was like a flower, and her slender hands looked abnormally white because of years of bathing in the holy light. .

"Yes." Xiao Ling took out an old-fashioned ring from the package. This iron ring was old and full of mottled rust. Xiao Ling really couldn't think of anything special about this iron ring. It is estimated that the equipment level is not high, but it is good to identify the attributes to see. "Please help me identify this ring."

"Okay." The female apprentice took the iron ring from Xiao Ling's hand, held the iron ring in her hand, and a holy light lit up on her hand, and the holy light shone on the iron ring, covering the iron ring , The black awn of the iron ring burst forth, and a raging black flame burned.

"Ah." The female apprentice exclaimed, and quickly let go of the iron ring. The scorching black flame left a scorched scar on her hand, which didn't match the surrounding white skin so much.

The iron ring fell to the ground with a ding, and kept rolling on the ground. The black flame slowly disappeared, and it lay quietly on the floor of the room. At first glance, it seemed extremely ordinary.

What happened just now? Could it be that this iron ring cannot be identified?

"Are you okay?" Xiao Ling asked, he was very curious, what exactly was this iron ring, what was the black flame just now?

Hearing Xiao Ling's concerned words, the female apprentice pinched the wound with her hand and shook her head vigorously. "I'm fine, I can't identify this ring."

The movement that happened here attracted the old warlock's attention. His eyes swept over Xiao Ling and the female apprentice first, and finally fell on the iron ring in the middle of the room. That seemingly ordinary iron ring attracted the old warlock's attention .

The old warlock stood up and picked up the iron ring.

The female apprentice said quickly: "This is the item that this guest needs to identify."

The old warlock checked the iron ring, and sternly reprimanded the female apprentice: "I told you to study hard and you didn't listen. This time is a lesson. How can demonic items be appraised by holy light?"

"Yes." The female apprentice replied with some grievances, and stood aside.

The old warlock glanced at Xiao Ling, and the sudden flash of divine light made Xiao Ling's heart tremble: "Are you the one who wants to appraise this ring?"

"Yes." Xiao Han replied, Xiao Han felt that the old warlock in front of him was not simple. Just the look in his eyes just now made him feel chills in his heart.

To be precise, warlocks are a branch of mages. Mages are divided into elemental mages such as ice mages, fire mages, and thunder mages. Warlocks concentrate on studying spiritual spells. In the era of the Erasia Empire, warlocks were and The mages are as noble as the mages, but because the spiritual spells of the warlocks are too powerful, some evil warlocks even use the spiritual spells to do evil everywhere.

Every warlock is very good at spiritual spells. This old warlock looks very ordinary, Xiao Han knows that after a warlock reaches a certain level, he will restrain his cultivation and reach the state of returning to nature.

The npcs in the alchemy tower of Edins Castle and the mage's tower are indeed not simple.

The old warlock nodded, took the iron ring aside and began to study it. Through the lens in his hand, he carefully examined the iron ring, and then rummaged through the materials on the bookshelf.

Seeing the old warlock's busy appearance, Xiao Ling was a little curious, isn't it just an iron ring? As for being so cautious? Isn't this iron ring still a great thing?

The female apprentice couldn't identify it, which proved that this item should at least be a piece of equipment above purple!

Is this really the case? Xiao Ling couldn't help being a little excited, the previous depressed mood was swept away, if it was really a piece of equipment above purple, it would be a real fortune!

The price of a high-level purple outfit is at least thousands of gold coins! Even the purple outfit with the worst attributes can be sold for hundreds of gold coins.

Xiao Ling couldn't help but look forward to what the attributes of this ring would be.

The old warlock found a quaint book from the bookshelf, quickly turned to the end, and finally found a pattern of a ring in the book, which was exactly the same as the iron ring!

Could there be another name for this iron ring?

Named equipment is at least legendary and epic!

Xiao Ling's heart was restless, looking forward to the old warlock's answer.

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