The match between Team WE and Team YM came as scheduled, and the fans of the two teams directly packed the venue.

It's hard to get a ticket.

A big reason for this is because the S6YM team won the World Championship.

Many old players have returned, and more and more people are paying attention to the game.

Even many people who didn't play this game before now choose to learn about this game slowly.

Then comes the pit.

LPL has a large player base, and after winning the championship, it has brought unprecedented attention to League of Legends.

"Hello, hello everyone. On the commentary seat, the doll raised her voice: "This is the scene of the 2017 LPL Spring Regular Season, and what is about to bring us is Team WE vs. Team YM, I am the doll." "

"Hello everyone, I'm Miller. Miller also began to speak.

"Miller, which of the two teams do you think you are more optimistic about is the one that will be playing right now?" said the doll as she looked at Miller with a smile on her face.

Smile with a knife!

Doll: This is digging a hole for Miller.

Both teams have more fans now, and neither team has ever won a BO3 by either team.

So the suspense is quite full.

But if Miller takes sides, he will be a fan of the other team...

"Brother, don't mess with me. Miller knew that the doll was joking, and then responded: "It can only be said that both teams have a chance, after all, the game is a matter of who is in good shape." "

Miller is an old fritter on the commentary seat, and this pit of the doll opposite can be dealt with easily.

It also adjusts the atmosphere on the field.

"That's right, in general, it depends on the form of that team. The doll said: "Another point is whether these two teams have hidden big moves. "

Many teams, during the regular season, will hide their ultimate.

Just use some versions of strong heroes, and then wait until the playoffs to show some hole cards.

This is a rare occurrence in the spring, but in the summer, it can be a head-to-head battle for a place.

After all, sometimes a ranking is the difference between whether you can enter the world championship or not.

After the teams on both sides finished debugging the machines, BP quickly began.

Team WE is on the blue side and Team YM is on the red side.

In the first three hands, the WE team directly banned Big Tree, Ruiz and Qinggang Shadow.

Team YM directly banned Hammerstone, Female Gun, and Poodle.

"It seems that the YM team knows very well how strong the poodle hero is now. The doll said, "In the end, I gave the poodle to ban." "

After all, Li Mingyu once said that this hero is too strong. Miller said: "Now the YM team is on the red side, and it is impossible to put it. "

"Yes, but the WE team is on the blue side, and it doesn't seem to be targeting Li Mingyu's jungler position. The doll said: "It's just that I banned two letme heroes, and banned one Wei Shen's hero." "

One reason Team WE doesn't ban the jungler is because they're on the blue side.

Another reason is that the coach has given Condi a tactical guidance, no matter what jungler Li Mingyu plays on the opposite side, he has to play this game according to the established tactics.

Although Condi said yes, he didn't particularly agree with it in his heart.

Subsequently, the WE team chose to lock down the mantis directly.

Team YM directly locked down Ember and Blind Monk with a backhand.

When the blind monk came out, everyone was very surprised.

"This version, it seems that the blind monk has been cut. The doll said: "There are still so many strong junglers, and the YM team directly locked the blind monk jungler." "

"Heroes like Rexel, Spider, and so on. Miller said: "I really don't understand the choice of a blind monk. "

In this version, if the poodle is a jungler in T0, then the praying mantis will be at the top of T1, very close to the poodle.

Team WE's intention is obvious, which is not to let condi be disadvantaged.

In the voice of the YM team, PDD asked Li Mingyu: "Is the blind monk okay?"

"No problem. "

As long as the player says it's okay, PDD chooses to believe it.

Subsequently, the second and third hands of the WE team directly locked up Verus and the Enchantress.

In this version of the Assassin, Nakano playing the Assassin will put a lot of pressure on the opposite back row.

In the third hand, Team YM chose Kalmar.

Karma is the YM team's favorite hero, and can swing in the middle to put pressure on the opposing BP.

More often than not, YM will be used when you're on the red side.

In the second round of bans, Team YM banned Zyra and Grasshopper.

At present, there is no auxiliary selected on the opposite side, and the auxiliary can be directly targeted on the opposite side.

The WE team, on the other hand, chose to ban the plane and Jace.

One in one and one on the other.

In the end, Team WE locked up the top kidney and supported Bard.

Team YM picks support Tamu and top laner trolls.

After the BP ended, the coach shook hands and left the field, and the next step was the contest between the players.

"Brothers, if we can win this one, we will have a lot easier. Letme said to his teammates in a voice: "I should be able to enter the second round as the first in the group." "

"There's a second round. Ming smiled and said, "You're a little too inflated." "

WE team lineup: top laner kidney, jungler mantis, mid laner Enchantress, bottom lane combination Virus Gabad.

YM Team Lineup: Top Lane Troll, Jungler Blind Monk, Mid Lane Karma, Bottom Lane Combination Ember Gatam.

"Actually, I don't really understand the YM lineup. The doll said: "Kalmar was selected in the middle lane, something is wrong in this version, and Wei Shen was originally born to play assassins, so you can give Cassadine a try." "

"Maybe I don't want to put the early bet on Wei Shen. Miller said: "But I don't know why the blind monk was selected to fight in the jungle, obviously there are many other jungler heroes on the field." "

The barrage in the major live broadcast rooms can no longer be watched.

[Isn't this four guarantees one?]

[Have you had fun with your grandfather, and you will cringe in the civil war?]

Then Team YM got a meme: 'I'm cowering in the civil war, I'm punching hard in the outfield'.

PS: Ask for full customization, ask for all kinds of support!!

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